Returning the pearl, the natural dumb is a cute thing

Chapter 25. The one who bestowed the marriage? Nostril Jun was married...

The next day, Fourth Master got up earlier than Xiaodai. After washing, Fourth Master leaned over and kissed Xiaodai who was still asleep, and then walked out of the room. Today he wanted to ask Hongzhou about the mad woman Niaoniao. What is it.

"Crazy woman Niao Niao? Xiaodai, what kind of strange name is this, I really haven't heard of it before." Hearing fourth master ask who "Crazy woman Niao Niao" is, and the prince couldn't react for a moment, he still It's the first time I hear this name.

So, fourth master basically told the story of Xiao Dai and Sai Ya going out to play together yesterday.After listening to it, Prince He burst out laughing, and replied: "So that's it, Huihuang Ama, this crazy woman Niao Niao is probably the little Swallow Huan Zhu Ge Ge who bullied the king before. Xiao Dai This 'crazy woman bird' is really apt."

Hearing the name Huanzhugege, Fourth Master's face darkened suddenly - why is this scourge still alive, and he even got entangled with Fifth Elder Brother!

"Huang Ama, I also received news that the bird was hidden in Mao'er Alley by the fifth elder brother Jinwu." The very lively Prince He heard Duolong laughing and reporting to the fifth elder brother yesterday. After Brother's "moving" love confession, he immediately sent people to follow them, only to find out that Brother Wu had been placing Little Swallow in Mao'er Alley.

"Nonsense!" Fourth Master slammed down the table angrily, and the teacup jumped up on the spot, "Does Hongli know about this?"

"I'm not sure about this. I only found out about it yesterday. Who knew that she would dare to pester Yongqi when she spared the bird. There were too many things to deal with at the time, so I forgot to send someone to watch over the bird." It’s just a bird, let Yongqi take advantage of it. If it wasn’t for the scene in the street yesterday, Erchen thought that their sons were all born and we wouldn’t know.”

The fourth master became more and more angry, ordered Xiaohua and Zheying to take good care of Xiaodai, and hurried into the palace in a carriage. He asked that boy Hongli to explain how to deal with this.He would never allow a street gangster to conceive her with the blood of the Aixinjueluo family.

After waking up and not seeing fourth master, Xiaodai lost his temper for a while, and was coaxed to be obedient by Xiaohua with the new cakes.

"Davis!!" Sai Ya's excited voice came into the yard.Sai Ya is about to leave the capital, so she came here to say goodbye to Xiao Dai.

Hearing Sai Ya's voice, Xiao Dai, who was feeling bored, his eyes lit up, he smiled sweetly and pushed the pastry on the table, sharing the delicacy with Sai Ya.

"Davis, I gave that crazy woman a good lesson yesterday!" When Saya talked about her masterpiece, another chill came out from the bottom of her heart, and she really felt refreshed.

"You're not good, you have to be taught a lesson!" Xiao Dai nodded in agreement.

"Actually, I'm here today to bid farewell to you, Davis. I'm going back to Tibet in a few days." Sai Ya said the words of farewell, feeling sad for a while, but he regarded Xiaodai as a friend and younger brother .After getting along for such a short period of time, we have to part ways, and we don't know when we will meet next time.

Hearing this, Xiao Dai became anxious, grabbed Sai Ya's sleeve, and kept saying "no return, no return".

Seeing that Xiao Dai was about to cry, Sai Ya hurriedly comforted her, "Davis, we will definitely see you again. If you come to Tibet in the future, Sai Ya will definitely entertain you well and take you to see the grasslands." Magnificent scenery, please eat our special pastries!"

Hearing that we will meet again, Xiaodai's mood slowly calmed down. This kind of sad emotion is not suitable for Xiaodai.

"Davis, this whip is for you. It was made for me by my father on my birthday last year. I hope you can keep it well. When you see the whip, you will think of your good friend Sai Ya!" While talking about Sai Ya, he handed the whip wrapped around his waist to Xiao Dai.

Xiaodai took the whip, nodded heavily, and ran back to the room with a bang.After a while, Xiaodai came running back again, holding a crystal ball in his hand.

Xiao Dai handed the crystal ball to Sai Ya and said, "For Sai Ya!"

Girls like shiny things, and Sai Ya has never seen this exquisite crystal ball.Sai Ya happily took it and asked, "Davis, did you bring this back from England?"

Xiao Dai nodded, stretched out a finger and said: "One!" It means that he brought one.

What is rare is that Sai Ya understood Xiaodai's meaning, put the crystal ball away more cherishedly by the maid, and then invited Xiaodai to attend the farewell banquet held by the Qing emperor for their father and daughter the day after tomorrow.

Qianlong in the Hall of Mental Cultivation broke out in cold sweat and told the fourth master what happened last night, and then patted his chest to ensure that as soon as the bird was found, it would never fly again.Finally, Qianlong sent the fourth master away after being severely warned.

Huh... Qianlong slumped on the dragon chair, lamenting that his Royal Ama's aura is getting stronger and stronger, and he must work hard to not lose to Huang Ama!Hongli, you have to struggle, you have to work hard!make a fist! ! !

Not long after seeing fourth master off, the Tibetan chieftain came in with a beer belly.The two exchanged a few polite words first, and then the Tibetan chieftain explained his intentions.

"Your Majesty, I am here this time to seek an imperial decree for my daughter Sai Ya."

Qianlong understood, "But which young talent does Princess Saiya take a fancy to?"

The Tibetan chieftain laughed loudly, flattering Qianlong and praising Qianlong for his skillful planning, "My wayward daughter, but I fell in love with Vulkang who was last on stage that day!"

Qianlong raised his eyebrows, as expected.Compared with other young and promising Eight Banners disciples, although this Fu Erkang is good-looking and capable, Qianlong is not very optimistic about him. Since Princess Saiya has taken a fancy to him, the marriage is left to this man. Vulcan, who likes the show too.

Qianlong smiled and agreed to the marriage, and said that later an imperial decree would be issued to make Fu Erkang the son of a son and marry Princess Saiya.After getting a satisfactory answer, the Tibetan chieftain patted his stomach and left happily.

Qianlong thought about it, but he still had to tell Lafayette about the marriage, so he set up the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

When Qianlong came to the Palace of Compassion and Ning, Lafayette was pulling the queen to gossip.Now the empress, who has a child and everything to do, has become more peaceful, her smile is more amiable, coupled with her already beautiful face, she actually looked at Qianlong, an old pervert for a while.

The sharp-eyed Lafayette certainly saw his son's embarrassment, so he coughed a few times, so that his son's stupidity would be seen by the servants.However, if the relationship between the emperor and empress can go further, that would be a great joy.

Hearing Lafayette's light cough, Qianlong came back to his senses in embarrassment, "I have seen the emperor's mother." The queen and others also stood up and saluted.

Qianlong went straight to the point and told Lafayette about the marriage between Princess Saiya and Fulkang.Lafayette pondered for a moment, thinking that Concubine Ling is pregnant now. Although I don’t know if it is a man or a woman, Vulkang can be regarded as a great help to Concubine Ling. Now that he is "married" to Tibet, Concubine Ling has one less helper , this marriage is not bad.

Thinking of this, Lafayette said with a smile: "Aijia thinks this marriage is good. Although this Vulkan's status is a bit low, it's fine if you raise the flag with him, the emperor." Lafayette can explain, as long as Raise the flag for Vulkan alone.

Qing'er, who had been standing behind Lafayette and waiting for her, heard the news that Qianlong was going to give Fu Erkang and Princess Saiya a marriage, her whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and her mind went blank for a moment.It wasn't until she heard Lafayette's words that she woke up.

"Lafayette..." Qing'er cried and threw herself to the center of the hall and knelt down, begging: "Please take back the fate of Lafayette and the emperor."

Seeing Qing'er's disrespectful behavior, Lafayette was both dissatisfied and puzzled, and said sharply: "Qing'er, what's going on with you?"

"Lafayette, Qing'er and Fu Erkang had a life-and-death promise long ago, Qing'er will not marry unless you are a king, please let Lafayette do it..." After finishing speaking, she knelt deeply on the ground.

"You bastard! What a promise of life and death, don't marry if you don't marry me! Nanny Gui, help Qing Gege back to her room. Qing Gege is not feeling well, so she was talking nonsense just now." Lafayette quickly ordered. So confused, it must be those slave Yangzi who are chewing their tongues in front of Qing'er.

Qing'er persisted in yelling, "Seek perfection", but in the end she lost to the strength of the nuns and was dragged back to her room to guard her.

Looking at Lafayette's ashen face, Qianlong was not good at trying to persuade him, so he could only wink at the queen.

After receiving Qianlong's gaze, the queen, who originally didn't want to go into this muddy water, had no choice but to try to persuade her, "Lafayette, don't get angry, Qinggege is still young, and it is easy to be misled by others."

After hearing the Queen's words, Lafayette agreed in his heart that Qing'er taught by her would be a good one.Lafayette narrowed his eyes, showing his naked body seriously——Concubine Ling, your hands are so long that you actually extended them on Qing'er from Ai's family? !

"Emperor, this imperial decree must be issued quickly." It was inevitable that the night would be full of dreams, and this harmful Vulkan should be sent to Tibet immediately.

The next day, Qianlong issued a decree in the court to confer Fu Erkang as his son and marry him to Princess Saiya of Tibet, and he will follow the Tibetan chieftain back to Tibet to get married soon.

Fu Lun, who married his son, didn't get the flag raised by the whole family as he thought in his heart, and he had to face congratulations from other ministers who were congratulatory and mocking, which made his smirk almost unbearable.This is the so-called loss of the son and nothing.

After returning home, Fujin heard that Erkang was married to Princess Saiya, and happily asked his servants to prepare a sumptuous meal, then turned to Fulun and asked, "Master, what kind of flag are we being carried into?"

Fu Lun said with a cold face: "There's nothing to raise the flag, the emperor has named Erkang as his son, and Erkang is going back to Tibet with Princess Saiya!"

"What?!" Fujin obviously didn't know that it was not Princess Sai Ya who married into his family, but his son.Thinking that the eldest son he raised with all his heart will now belong to someone else, and he doesn't know if he will have a chance to meet him in the future, Fujin, who was originally happy, suddenly became tearful, and his handkerchief was soaked.

The gloom of the Fu family completely broke out after Fu Erkang returned home.

"Ama, I don't want to go to Tibet! I don't want to be a son-in-law of Tibet! Qing'er, by the way, I still have Qing'er, and I want to marry Qing'er!" Fu Erkang's eyes popped out of his eyes in excitement, if it wasn't for Fu Lun's desperate pull Seeing him, he impulsively ran into the palace and asked Qianlong to take back his order.

"Confused! The imperial decree has been issued, do you want to resist it?!" Fu Lun was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

Forte, who just came back, looked at Fulkan making a scene, and for some reason felt a chill in his heart.He is the second son in the mansion. If something good happens to Amai Niang, her elder brother must be the first thing she thinks of, just like the fifth elder brother's job as a companion. himself.

Therefore, seeing that his brother who is usually high-spirited and vigorous is now looking crazy, Forte unkindly added a little more fuel.Forte's originally calm face suddenly became tense, "Brother, I just found out from outside that there is polyandry in Tibet!"

This bang of thunder really made Fulkan so scorched, he continued to yell, if Fulun hadn't called a few servants in to force him, he might have rushed out of the house to look for him. people theory.

Forte looked with satisfaction at the insane appearance of Fulkan, who was neither human nor ghost, and gloated in his heart - if you hadn't taken the stage before me in order to grab the limelight, you would have been caught by Princess Seiya?Since you already have Qing Gege, why did you show courteousness there when you were shopping with Princess Saiya? You planted all of this yourself, and you have no one to blame.

In the end, Fu Lun reluctantly ordered Fu Erkang to be knocked unconscious and carried back to the room.Fu Lun slumped on the chair, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden, and Fu Jin was still crying there.Forte stood there without saying a word, but he blamed his parents in his heart—why do you still ignore me, the second son?Is it possible that there is only brother in your heart?

"Master, what can I do... Erkang, my poor Erkang..." Fujin said while wiping away his tears.

"Alas..." Fu Lun sighed, "Erkang will go to Tibet in a few days. Tomorrow, you hand in the sign and enter the palace to see what the concubine Ling can do." Although he said so, Fu Lun still didn't hold back Too much hope, after all, the imperial decree has already been issued in the court, so there is no joke.

Hearing this, Fujin felt as if a drowning man had found a piece of duckweed, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Yes, the imperial concubine has such a way, she will definitely be able to save Erkang!"

Of course the concubine Ling in the palace received the news that Fulkang had been given a marriage to Princess Saiya, and she cursed inwardly, how could a Tibetan princess compare to Qing Gege.Concubine Ling is not reconciled to the end of her deployment for so long.Concubine Ling didn't want to let the benefits of Qing Gege go away in vain.

Therefore, when Fujin entered the palace haggardly the next day to ask for help, Concubine Ling kindly comforted him and said, "Cousin, Erkang is my nephew, so of course I don't want him to go to a place as far away as Tibet to suffer." But now the emperor doesn't come to Yanxi Palace very often, so I can't do anything about this imperial decree."

Hearing that the only duckweed had no choice, Fujin broke down and cried like a tearful man.

"Okay cousin, I'll give it a try, you go back home first." Hearing Fujin's crying like a pig, Ling Fei's eyes flashed a trace of impatience, she quickly agreed perfunctorily and then issued the order to send the guests away.

The author has something to say: Today’s chapter is fatter~~~ Tomorrow I’m going on a two-day and one-night graduation trip~~~ So tomorrow’s article will depend on the author~~~

Spoiler alert, in the next chapter, poor little Dai will be brainwashed by Qinger, and then become an important part of Qinger's elopement plan with Mr. Nose


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