Shibazaki Yuansheng woke up with fright.

Before the smoke dissipated, I don't know if it was the side effect of the rocket launcher ten years later. His mind was heavy and heavy as if he had been filled with several tanks of water. In short, he was in a very confused state.

Geno Shibasaki struggled to stand firm on the ground, and was about to shake his head to wake himself up, when Osamu Dazai's words rang in his ears unexpectedly.

To be honest, the sober effect brought by this sentence is very good, all the previous dizziness is swept away, and it is more effective than any specific medicine for dizziness.

But on the other hand, Shibazaki Yuansheng wondered if things must go against each other, which caused him to have auditory hallucinations for a while.

Shibasaki Yuansheng glanced around from the corner of his eye, and confirmed that there was no second person in the room at the moment, which meant that Dazai Osamu was indeed speaking to himself.

To be more precise, Geno Shibazaki corrected rigorously in his heart, it should be about himself ten years ago.

Based on his understanding of Dazai Osamu's nature, Shibazaki Yuansheng naturally would not think that this is really a touching confession-it is almost frightening, in fact, Shibazaki Yuansheng's only feeling is that he is worthy of being Dazai Osamu, always Refreshing his understanding of him all the time.

It's also really lucky that Mr. Dazai can say such words in front of a child who may not be half his height.

After the initial surprise, the feeling of exhaustion surged up again. Geno Shibazaki was really not in the mood to play word games with Osamu Dazai. He just wanted to go home and lie down for a while.

Shibazaki Yuansheng replied in a perfunctory tone: "Okay, I understand."

This is obviously not what should be done in response to a confession, but more like the hopelessness of life when a social animal is approaching the deadline of a mission.

Of course it wasn't the expression that Osamu Dazai wanted to see.

"It's very rude to put on that face when someone is confessing."

"I'm very sorry," Shibazaki Gensheng bowed to him very carelessly, still the same set of etiquette that subordinates face their superiors, "Then can I go now?"

Osamu Dazai: " don't believe it at all."

Isn't this a matter of course?Shibazaki Yuansheng said, don't you think you didn't know when you said such a thing?

But Osamu Dazai continued to question him as if he really didn't know the reason.He elongated his tone exaggeratedly, "Huh? Why don't you believe me? Am I not sincere enough?"

Saying something is not enough... When will the word "sincerity" have anything to do with you.Geno Shibazaki took a deep breath tiredly, and decided to quickly end this meaningless topic.

Shibazaki Yuansheng: "Mr. Dazai, do you remember how many people you have invited to die in love?"

"This is..."

Of course it is impossible to remember.

Dazai Osamu's words changed instantly, "Shibazaki-kun, are you jealous?"

"Mr. Dazai," Shibasaki Geno said in a flat voice, as if he had expected him to say this, "please don't try to change the subject, you know that's not what I'm asking."

"All in all," Shibasaki Geno rubbed his temples, "that's why I don't trust you, Dazai-san. If there are no other questions, please allow me to leave."

He didn't know how Mafia had handled his disappearance in the past month, nor what he had done ten years ago.These are all questions that Shibazaki Geno needs to clarify at the moment. Although these can be asked to Dazai Osamu, considering the shock that Dazai Osamu brought to him just now, Shibazaki Geno feels that it is better not to talk to him for the time being.

As for Dazai Osamu's character who likes suicide and occasionally finds someone to die with him, is his confession a confession?

That's a death notice.

Osamu Dazai did not raise any objection to his words, and Geno Shibazaki took him as acquiescence, but when he walked to the door, Osamu Dazai suddenly spoke again.

"Didn't you believe me for even a second?" Osamu Dazai asked.

Shibazaki Yuansheng stopped, turned around and asked calmly:

"Then Mr. Dazai, when you said those words just now, were you serious for even a second?"


"Congratulations." Ango Sakaguchi took the glass handed over by the owner of the tavern, with a calm expression, "BE is very thorough."

"I said, Ango."

Osamu Dazai turned his body sideways and said to him, "Shouldn't you comfort me when I'm lost?"

Ango Sakaguchi retorted unceremoniously: "But why do you look lost now? After all, didn't you purposely say that kind of misleading words just to tease him in the first place?"

Now why are you acting as if you were really in love again? Sakaguchi Ango pressed the bridge of his nose tiredly, and began to think about when this inexplicable topic would end.

"Mr. Odasaku, please say something." Ango Sakaguchi asked the young man beside him for help, "Anything is fine, let him end this endless topic quickly."

Oda Sakunosuke had been sitting quietly on the side before, and after hearing Ango Sakaguchi's words, he showed a bit embarrassed expression, and then he thought for a while and said, "I'm not very good at topics like love, so I really can't offer any good advice. "

Ango Sakaguchi: "I didn't ask you to follow Dazai-kun's words...ah forget it, I should have expected it."

So the topic continued.

"So," Sakaguchi Ango gave up struggling, anyway, it's not a loss to hear Dazai Osamu's gossip, "How did you answer Shibazaki's last question?"

——When you said those words, did you mean it even for a second?

"I didn't answer." Osamu Dazai shook the ice cube. "To be precise, Shibazaki-kun didn't want to hear it, so he left after asking."

Shibasaki Geno didn't care about his answer from beginning to end.

It was that person's style. Ango Sakaguchi was not too surprised, but Sakunosuke Oda suddenly asked, "Then what do you think, Dazai?"

"Me?" Osamu Dazai said, with a usual nonchalant smile on his face, "Of course the answer is no, because I knew from the beginning that Shibazaki-kun would respond to me like this. If he really agreed or followed If I continue, I will start to doubt whether the person who came back is genuine or a fake."

Shibasaki Geno didn't believe his words for even a second.

Osamu Dazai did not take it seriously from the beginning.

Ango Sakaguchi felt that his stomach was about to hurt for these two people.

"...Then what's the point of you complaining to us?"

Don't you know everything about everything? !

"Because what I said was just a joke," Osamu Dazai replied without feeling anything wrong, "but I still want to see him respond to me a little more seriously. In the end, he was so perfunctory, although I also guessed that he That's probably the reaction."

"... Dazai-kun, although I think someone must have said it, but I still want to say, you are really twisted."

What I said was a joke, but I hope that others can respond to me seriously, but if the other party really responds, I have to suspect that the other person is fake... Sakaguchi Ango shook his head.

"Twisted." Osamu Dazai didn't refute, just smiled.

The wine glasses of the three of them were more than half empty at this time, and while they were waiting for the drinks to be mixed, this topic seemed to be so lightly lifted.

After that, they chatted about some miscellaneous topics as usual. When the drinking party was about to end, Ango Sakaguchi mentioned that he would go on a business trip soon, and the atmosphere sank for a while.

The topic of social animals always seems particularly heavy.

Oda Sakunosuke wanted to talk about other topics to change the atmosphere, but they were not very successful. In the end, Dazai Osamu came forward to temporarily end the heavy topic of social animals.

"Speaking of which," he said, "a good thing happened to me recently."

Both Ango Sakaguchi and Sakunosuke Oda cheered up and looked at Osamu Dazai: "What is it?"

Osamu Dazai narrowed his eyes, lowered his voice, and looked mysterious.

"I suspect... Shibazaki-kun may have fallen in love with me."

Sakaguchi Ango: "..."

Ango Sakaguchi: "Why did you come back to this topic again?!"

Osamu Dazai: "Because Ango, you don't want to talk about work."

Ango Sakaguchi: "This is not as good as the topic of work! And speaking of it, it was still in the state of BE [-] minutes ago, why did it become the title of a romance movie so quickly?!"

This progress is taking the space-time shuttle, right? !

"Because you didn't ask just now," Dazai Osamu said naturally, "so I only said the first half."

"Then it's too fast, it's not even two days since Shibazaki-kun came back."

"Actually, it was the next day," Osamu Dazai recalled. "Shibazaki-kun has been very strange since that day. For example, when he saw me in the corridor recently, he would avoid me and go away."

"Dazai," even Oda Sakunosuke, who never complained, felt something was wrong, "He is avoiding you?"

Ango Sakaguchi picked up on Sakunosuke Oda's unspoken complaint, "What kind of heartbeat is this, aren't you completely hated?"

"But under normal circumstances, Shibazaki-kun will not avoid me no matter what happens. Although he seems to find me annoying, it is probably because he is too lazy to care about these things, so he will not do such a deliberate move."

Ango Sakaguchi was silent for a while and then said: "...Although it's a bit off topic, you know he finds you annoying."

"The point is not that," Osamu Dazai pointed his finger at the table, "The point is that Shibazaki-kun has been acting weird recently."

Ango Sakaguchi: "No, I don't think it's that weird at all."

"More than that, he also told me that he dreamed of me."

Dreaming is a bit like that, but Ango Sakaguchi still feels that he can't draw conclusions so quickly, "So, what did he say exactly?"

Osamu Dazai leaned back, leaned his back on the soft chair back, and easily remembered the scene at that time. The young man's usually calm face showed an expression of obvious distress, which was very rare, and then said a word Say to yourself in one sentence:

"'Please, Mr. Dazai, please don't dangle in front of me recently. Please don't say anything that is unclear like before. After I went back that day, I dreamed of you, Mr. Dazai, which caused me to feel very complicated when I saw you now. , if I stay with you any longer, I'm afraid I won't be able to control you... Anyway, I'm very sorry.'"

Osamu Dazai imitated Shibasaki Gensui's tone for nearly ten times, and Ango Sakaguchi couldn't help but wonder if he had written down what Shibasaki Gensei said at that time verbatim.

There is also this passage, although Ango Sakaguchi feels that it is far from Dazai Osamu's so-called heartbeat (plus Dazai Osamu always likes to exaggerate), but after thinking about it, there is indeed something wrong.

Shibazaki Gensei's character, to put it bluntly, is polite to everyone, and he almost never cares about it, but in fact, in essence, he is exactly the same heartless and heartless as Dazai Osamu, but in a different form of expression That's all.

It's strange for him to say these words to Osamu Dazai, let alone dream about it.

"In that case," Sakaguchi Ango glanced at Osamu Dazai and said flatly, "Then I wish you all the best."

Even though he said that, Ango Sakaguchi didn't really believe what Osamu Dazai said, because the other party would always say some specious things, and probably only he himself knew whether those words were true or not.So in the same way, he didn't think Osamu Dazai would really fall in love.

Even if they were still discussing the topic of romance just now, Osamu Dazai often finds someone to die in love, but those are just the appearances he is willing to show to others. No one knows what is going on inside him.

It's hard for Ango Sakaguchi to imagine Osamu Dazai falling in love in a real sense.

If there is such a day——

Ango Sakaguchi tried hard to imagine the scene: "..."

Well, catastrophe.


"So," Zhong Yuanzhong also struggled for a long time, and finally asked, "Did you really dream about him?"

Chuya Nakahara has recently been annoyed by the ubiquitous Osamu Dazai.This guy has found a new way of torturing people these days. He basically said "Shibazaki-kun likes me the most" without saying a few words. Hearing Nakahara Chuya's temples hurt, he really wanted to kick him Kick it—and he did.

All in all, this sentence is amazingly lethal, but at first Nakahara just felt that this person was talking in his sleep again, until Osamu Dazai gave him the so-called evidence.

It just so happened that Gensei Shibazaki came to deliver materials for Kimura today, and Nakahara Nakaya couldn't hold back his curiosity (and the hellish desire to win with Osamu Dazai), so he stopped him and asked directly.

Shibazaki Gensheng was stunned for a moment, probably because he didn't expect Nakahara Chu to ask him this question, and he nodded after a while.

"It's not just a dream," Shibazaki Gensheng sighed, "it's also three or four dreams in one night."

Chuya Zhongyuan: "Three or four?!"

In the end, what Osamu Dazai said was actually true?

"Yes," Shibazaki Gensei nodded again with a heavy expression, "I dreamed that Mr. Dazai forcibly pulled me to experience the joy of suicide with him, and the way of death was different in each dream, which made me feel very uncomfortable that night. Immediately fell asleep."

When he first returned to this era, he was dizzy, and the first sentence he heard when he came back was Dazai Osamu's question speech, which directly caused irreversible damage to Shibazaki's sleep that night.

One of the dreams was the clearest, probably Osamu Dazai became a zombie after his death, and then ran after him with blood on his face, trying to pull him to die for love again.Shibasaki Gensei was not afraid of the so-called zombies, but if the zombie was named Osamu Dazai, it would be a different matter.

Because the memory is too deep, Shibazaki Gensheng couldn't control his instinct to do something when he saw Osamu Dazai's face recently.

Attacking cadres is absolutely not allowed in the port of Mafia. Recently, Shibasaki Geno had to try to avoid Dazai Osamu as much as possible, lest he would "instinctively defend himself" at that time.

Nakahara Chuya: "..." A nightmare.

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