"Do you want to go to Nanlu with me?" Ah Man, who had been silent all this time, looked at the bird eggs in front of him, hesitated for a while, and then made his own suggestion.

"Nanlu?" Song Wen actually had this plan, but after all, Nanlu is too far away from here. Originally, Song Wen just wanted to find a warm island before winter came so that he and Yi could survive this winter. After all, don't forget that the two of them are still cubs that have been hatched for less than a year.

But now that there are snakes and turtles, the problem of the island has been solved, but with their current strength, can they cross the dangerous barrier between the two places?Song Wen turned his head to look at Yi next to him. The matter of going to Nanlu was at least after Yi could really fly.

"The temperature there is more suitable for the survival of the orcs." Ah Man explained: "Although you belong to the emperor penguin family, you are also the orcs. Living in the North Sea will be more difficult than those wild emperor penguins."

Ah Man is right, the cubs hatch in spring, and they have never experienced the really difficult winter. Except for emperor penguins, no one would want to experience the ability to freeze most of the ice surface into solid ice low temperature block.

Even Ah Man dared not step on the ice sheet until spring came, but he still couldn't escape the storm, and finally almost trapped himself to death in the emperor penguin breeding ground.Speaking of it, he was lucky, and he also met the only orc species of emperor penguin.

"Are you in a hurry to go back to Nanlu?" Song Wen looked at the cub that Ah Man was carefully guarding, and asked without answering.

Ah Man was stunned, his expression was a little lonely, he shook his head, "I'm not in a hurry to go back, everyone in the clan knows about my coming to Beihai." Ah Man paused, his voice became softer, and he sighed Tone, "I guess they all thought I died outside long ago."

"With our current strength, it is still a bit difficult to go to the southern land? Can the territory of the waterspout be rushed over with the size of a small island? Will it be swept away?"

Snake Turtle saw Song Wen looking at him, and replied: "Don't look at my size, but if I encounter a waterspout, I will be easily swept up into the sky by them."

The snake turtle raised its head, and a huge stream of water dripped down its pitted skin, making a loud noise. It tapped its shell with its chin, and the mud and rocks that were originally covered on the shell disappeared. Finally revealed its true colors.

The snake turtle deliberately submerged itself in the water so that everyone could see the situation on the turtle shell clearly. They saw that there was a huge pothole sunken on the top of the huge turtle shell mountain in the middle, and there were many cracks around the pothole. At first, Song Wen thought it was a natural pattern on the turtle shell, but now that he looked closely, he found that it was more like an acquired laceration, but over time, it had grown into another piece, and only these patterns remained.

However, the pothole in the middle is too deep, and there seems to be no trace of growing up again.

"My tortoise shell was ignorant when I was young. I wanted to go to Nanlu to have a look, but I encountered a waterspout and was swept up into the sky. When I woke up again, it became like this." Said The snake tortoise is a little bit lucky when it comes to this matter, "But fortunately, it only smashed a hole. I heard that there was a snake tortoise in the clan before, and it was smashed into two halves after being swept up into the sky by a waterspout."

"I used to block the holes in the turtle's shell with mud, so that no one would be able to see it." The snake turtle laughed happily twice, as if proud of its wit, and filled it with mud and Behind the reef, the height of the entire turtle shell seems to be much higher than the original one, which makes the whole snake turtle look taller at first glance. Unfortunately, the mud and rocks collected with great difficulty were all covered by barnacles. Let's get swept away together.

But now the top is filled with clear seawater instead of mud. The snake turtle seems to dislike the seawater in the pothole. After all, the seawater will leave white salt stains after evaporation, and these things will damage its shell. It's still very big, and the turtle's shell will feel itchy after a long time. The thick limbs of the snake turtle can't scratch the back, so since the shell was injured, the snake turtle doesn't like the whole turtle to dive into the water for activities up.

"Then how did you go to Nanlu before?" Yi pushed away Ah Man who was occupying the space, and sat beside Song Wen.

Speaking of this incident, the Snake Turtle had to seriously recall it. After all, it had been a long time ago to go to the Southland. "I remember that the power of the waterspout will be relatively weak for a period of time in winter."

"So that's how I came here with the flamingoes. Before approaching the waterspout, they stayed on an island for a long time. It should be waiting for the power of the waterspout to weaken." Ah Man remembered what happened when he came here. At that time, he wondered why the flamingo was only a little faster than him, but it was not affected by the waterspout. Now he suddenly understood after listening to the snake turtle's explanation.

"Then if we pass through their territory when the waterspouts are weakening, wouldn't it be much safer?" Song Wen asked the snake turtle, "Do you remember the exact time? Did all the waterspouts weaken at the same time or Is it only partially weakening the power?"

The snake turtle shook his head, "I only know that in the coldest winter, only some waterspouts will weaken their power. It should be said that there will be a passage that can connect to the sea on the southern land side. If you want to go safely Nanlu, it's best to go there at that time."

Song Wen thought for a while, and already had an idea in his mind. "Aman, can you wait until winter? If the time is right, we can go to the Southland together when the waterspout is at its weakest. In addition, you still have a baby egg on you, and you can forcefully take the baby egg through the water dragon." Tape isn't safe either, is it?"

Ah Man was not in a hurry to go back. Hearing Song Wen’s invitation to go with him now, he nodded and agreed without thinking, “As long as you can go to the Southern Continent, it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or next year, I’m But enough of the lonely journey with only myself along the way, let me go with you, and when I arrive in the southern land, I can still introduce my clansmen to you."

Ah Man is very happy. The harpies live in groups. They will not have their own clansmen living alone like other races. When Ah Man decided to come to Beihai, the clan did not understand. After all, the Harpies used to be There have been incidents of death by being alone for too long. Even if Ah Man will not encounter dangerous birds and beasts, it is very dangerous to travel alone for too long.

Several people discussed for a long time, and finally even the two dolphins decided to go with them. For the dolphins to join, the happiest thing is the snake turtle. After all, they are creatures that live in the sea. The snake turtle has a special role for the dolphins Natural intimacy.

After discussing the details, the first thing Song Wen wanted to do was to remove the seawater from the huge pit on the Snake Turtle Shell Hill and turn it into a freshwater lake, so that they would have plenty of water even at sea up.

However, even if the speed of the snake turtle in the water is not weak, it is affected by its size, and its other movements are relatively clumsy. It has no way to dump the seawater on the turtle shell by itself, so it can only rely on Song Wen and others to do it. The area is equivalent to Song heard that they were going to manually clear a lake of water.

With limited tools, Song Wen made a few ice buckets out of bone knives and bone spurs. Fortunately, none of them were too afraid of the cold. They relied on the ice bucket to scoop out the seawater on the turtle shell, although it would take a lot of money. time, but not impossible.

"Sorry." The snake turtle was a little embarrassed. If it hadn't stayed in the water to recuperate its injuries before, its shell wouldn't be filled with undrinkable seawater.

After clearing the seawater, Song Wen also made some brushes with the feathers of the seabirds that Ah Man hunted back, and cleaned the shell of the snake turtle inside and out. This is a huge project, just cleaning the turtle The shell took a few people a week.

The snake tortoise had never been served like this since it was born, and the whole tortoise was so comfortable that it felt blissful. Of course, Song Wen and the others were directly exhausted, feeling that their arms were not their own.But looking at the brand-new Turtle Shell Mountain, Song Wen still had a lot of sense of accomplishment.

"It's okay. Your tortoise shell will store the fresh water we need to drink in the future. It will be good for us to clean it up." Song Wen patted the hard tortoise shell. , is simply the perfect water storage tool.

It is too high from the foot of the mountain, and they will not be able to climb to the top of the mountain every day to fetch water, and the turtle shell looks rough and easy to climb, but in fact it is not easy to settle.

When they have the materials in the future, it will be easier for them to get a water truck or something to transport the water down, but these ideas can only be thought about now. Song Wen misses the growth of the island when he first set foot on the island. of plants.

He looked around at the bare rocky land at the foot of the mountain. To make the island grow plants again, they had to find suitable soil to cover the entire island. This was a bigger project than cleaning the turtle shell. It's the rhythm of wanting to back off just thinking about Song Wen.

The only consolation is that the ground around the foot of the mountain is fairly flat and the area is large enough, even if a small forest is planted, it is more than enough.

Except for a few icebergs that have not yet melted, the rest of the ground has long been turned into ice floes. In some places, even the floes have melted. Song Wen wanted to get fresh water from here, but he had to hit ice cubes on the top of the mountain. The idea is that most of the ice on the top of the mountain is accumulated by snow in winter, and it will not be salty like the bottom because it is contaminated with sea water.

Because there are flamingos active nearby, everyone does not want to conflict with flamingos. They sleep and rest during the day, and then start working at night. By the time they pile up ice on the turtle shell mountain, it will be more than half a month later. up.

The day of travel is a beautiful night, the sky is full of stars against the gorgeous aurora, illuminating the direction of the road ahead for everyone.

Yi squatted on the snake turtle's head, Song Wen stood beside him, two dolphins swam beside the snake turtle's head, one left and one right, and Ah Man flapped his wings and circled in mid-air.

Compared to Song Wen, the huge turtle's head was like a wide flat land. He looked away at the emperor penguin breeding ground. This time they were really going to leave.

Maybe I will come back when I have a chance in the future, maybe after this time, it will be a permanent parting.

But for a group of people of different races, they are even more looking forward to the things they may encounter during this trip.

"Let's go."


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