Dealing with such people is the most difficult.

Watching the opponent's body began to arch slightly irresistibly, even the backs of his feet arched, Xiao Ze quickened the movements of his hands, following the touch of dripping on the back of his hands, Xiao Ze watched Jia Zhu's whole body tremble After a while, the still swollen little Jia Zhu still had "beads of sweat" on her forehead, and spots were left on her white belly and chest.

Xiao Ze couldn't help but leaned down, stretched out the tip of his tongue and rubbed against Jia Zhu's chest bit by bit, and slid all the way to his waist and abdomen. Then he straightened up reluctantly, and looked at his little girl who was already ready to go, mockingly. Guy, Xiao Ze couldn't help shaking Jia Zhu's hand.

Uh, I just served him once, and now it's his turn to help me solve the problem, it's not too much, it's called reciprocity, right?

Xiao Ze, who had learned how to be at ease, once again carried out his thoughts with peace of mind. When the hand of the person Xiao had thought about for a long time held his little guy, Xiao Ze almost lost his armor at the first moment .

No, you have to be patient, Xiao Ze told himself, now he is like a child who has been hungry for a long time, after seeing a delicious snack, he resists the desire to swallow it in one bite, slowly savoring the feeling of this taste.

More and more Yu Wang clamored in his heart, all the muscles of Xiao Ze's arm holding Jia Zhu were tense in one place, when the feeling of the extreme moment came to his heart, Xiao Ze felt his scalp go numb for a while , blurted out Jia Zhu's name, and leaned on the edge of the bed as if exhausted.

After resting for a while, to let the trembling feeling subside slowly, Xiao Ze looked at Jia Zhu who was still sleeping, smiled wryly, and couldn't help muttering: "If I can hear you say I like you in my lifetime, I will die." And no regrets."

Sighing after saying this, Xiao Ze stood up and went to the basin to clean himself. At this time, Xiao Ze, whose back was facing the bed, did not notice that Jia Zhu on the bed slowly opened his eyes, which were full of complicated emotions. Then slowly closed his eyes.

In the past and present, no one has ever treated him as well as Xiao Ze, even the relatives around him have been compared by Xiao Ze.

Xiao Ze has paid him well, and what he wants in return Jia Zhu is clear at this moment, but he doesn't know how to judge Xiao Ze's thoughts. If he only wants him, it is only the power of Xiao Ze's words. Enough to get him what he wants.

But he was holding back, even when he was able to make such a move just now, thinking of the movement of the opponent's slender fingers on his body, thinking of the touch brought by the gentle tip of the tongue sliding, he exhausted all his strength to stop himself from uttering An annoying voice, and then he heard the other party's undisguised voice, the pain and joy revealed in it, but any man can feel it.

Such forbearance is just to get his heart, and then, will this heart be trampled into the dust?Jia Zhu didn't know, but the various scenes that flashed in his mind like a revolving lantern made his heart swell uncontrollably. If he could really hold his hand for a lifetime, he would die without regret in this life; if he was still reduced to dust in the end— —Jia Zhu laughed at himself in his heart—it was just an unexplainable forbidden relationship, there are far more important things in his life than this, isn’t there?

He can guarantee that his grandmother will enjoy happiness in his life, and in his father's generation, everything will be safe with his uncle and aunt, and in his own generation, he can teach his younger brothers that he claims to be competent.

Open your eyes a little more, isn't Ma Jun's ideal also his ideal, and he is worried about his people if he lives in the temple. He can do too many things, so Jia Zhu persuaded himself to go crazy this time, okay? Well, he didn't know if there would be someone in his not too long life who could treat him as well as Xiao Ze did.

With a decision in his heart, the corners of Jia Zhu's mouth curled up slightly. At this moment, Xiao Ze, who turned around and came back, saw the arc and was stunned.

After a while, Xiao Ze stretched out his hand to hold Jia Zhu's hand, with a smile on his face: "I know you're awake, open your eyes, otherwise I'll always be uneasy."

"I want to drink water." Jia Zhu opened her eyes, and said something very unpleasant in a hoarse voice.

Xiao Ze's heart that was looking forward to seeing "the shy eyes, the uneasy blushing, and the embarrassing turning of the head" was instantly broken.

"You burned for two days and one night." Xiao Ze handed over the water glass.

"No wonder I'm so hungry, I want to eat." After drinking the water, Jia Zhu put the empty glass back in Xiao Ze's hand.

Xiao Ze was stunned, what is this, the understatement of the tone, as if nothing happened at all, as if he just saw that the corner of the mouth raised was an illusion, is this considered to be rejecting him calmly? ?

"I'm calling someone, what do you want to eat." Xiao Ze tried his best to calm his voice.

"As it is now, even if you want to eat, you can't eat anything. Let the cook cook two bowls of white porridge. One bowl will be boiled a bit more rotten, and the other bowl will be fine." After Jia Zhu finished speaking, Xiao Ze couldn't help but look at Jia. Bead eyes.


"I burned for two days, and you took care of me for two days. Do you know that you are also a sick person?" Jia Zhu's wide-eyed eyes were full of reproach, but also a touch of touch and distress. Xiao Ze, who always only troubled others, kept changing his face to be funny.

Unexpectedly, the prince would also be uneasy and anxious. Jia Zhu had never noticed before that no matter how high the prince is, he actually has all kinds of emotions like ordinary people.

"So, were you punishing me just now, you, hey!" Seeing Jia Zhu's unmistakable emotions, Xiao Ze felt unspeakable joy in his heart, and hugged Jia Zhu in his arms, feeling the other's hands Wrapping his arms around his back, Xiao Ze gave a rare smirk—it's a pity that Jia Zhu couldn't see it.

It took a long time to let go, Xiao Ze, a picky person who has been tossing countless times over a cup of tea, is now very fond of the hot but tasteless white porridge. After many years, the cook of the palace can't figure it out , Why did white porridge top the prince's favorite food list after the southern tour?

Jia Zhu's health is getting better day by day, Xiao Ze can't wait to be by Jia Zhu's side every day, but since the typhoid fever alert was lifted, the courtyard is no longer blocked, the emperor and the queen mother both sent people to visit the sick, Xiao Yuan, Kang Zhen Yuan, Deng Bin, Jia Zi and others even came to visit in person, and other people who could not enter, such as Xue's family and Wang's family, also posted greetings. For a while, Jia Zhu's place was very lively, making Xiao Ze regret why he didn't Let Zhang Youshi lie about his illness for two days, and they can stay in peace for a few days.

When Jia Zhu recovered from her illness and Sheng Jia was about to leave, although she was reluctant to part with her aunt and cousin, she thought that she would be able to meet Uncle Lin's family when she arrived in Hangzhou, especially the lovely little Moxuan, Jia Zhu's The sadness has been diluted a lot.

When bidding farewell to the eldest aunt, after a trace of sadness flashed across Jia Zi's face, he smiled and said to Jia Zhu: "I just received a letter from my mother from the capital, Zhu Er, take a look."

"This..." Jia Zhu hesitated for a moment. Didn't he read the family letter from his grandmother to the eldest aunt?

"If you want to see it, you can see it. There is nothing you can't see." Jia Zi laughed.

After receiving the letter, apart from what Jia Zhu could have guessed, another thing that was both expected and unexpected came into view. My mother is pregnant again, which means that my brother Baoyu is about to be born.

Looking at the date of the letter, it was already two months ago when I wrote the letter, and it was mentioned in the letter that it has been three months, so it is already five months now, so I must not be in time to go back before Baoyu was born. Is the younger brother still born with jade in his mouth, and he can't go to the Zhou ceremony by himself. I don't know if he will catch Rouge in this life and be reprimanded by his father as a licentious person.

No.60 Seven visits to my aunt, troubles and worries, talking about the right and wrong of textiles

Sheng Jia set off from Jinling, all the way to Hangzhou Mansion, and Sheng Jia stayed in the palace.

The palace in the south of the Yangtze River looks very delicate and exquisite. Jia Zhu walked all the way, and it can be seen that this palace was originally an elegant house, but on this basis, it also spent a lot of money on repairs and renovations. It is very big. handwriting.

Since there is no pick-up family in Hangzhou, I don’t know how to pay for the pick-up fee. Jia Zhu doesn’t know if Lin Ruhai has paid for it, but this is just a thought. Jia Zhu has never underestimated the family property of the Lin family.

I went to visit Jia Min and Xiao Moxuan first, now Lin Moxuan is five years old, first enlightened by Jia Min, and then taught by Mr. Zheng Hangzheng, he looks like a little Lin Ruhai, with extraordinary demeanor; With such a son, Jia Zhu looked at his little aunt Jia Min's complexion and spirit, but he became better and better.

"Now that Uncle Lin is getting promoted step by step, Auntie is afraid that it will take even more effort." Jia Zhu said tactfully.

Jia Min smiled, and there was obvious kindness in his eyes: "I know you love Auntie, I know it, but I was too stubborn in the past two years, and I had to do everything by myself and refused to be handled by fake people. Now that I think about it, I really want to leave." Seeing how your eldest aunt manages such a big family but is in perfect order, I just came back to my senses."

After hearing this, the stone in Jia Zhu's heart fell completely, and the smile on his face became much more relaxed: "That's right, we Mo Xuan are so lonely, Auntie, you should spend less time on everything. It still rings in my ears, right now it is most important to give Mo Xuan a younger brother or sister."

Jia Min glared at Jia Zhu: "Who did you learn this from? You actually joked with your aunt and me. Back then, I was a child who avoided mentioning these words, and now I'm going to marry a wife!"

Jia Zhu's smile froze slightly, Jia Min just regarded him as shy and didn't think much about it. Seeing his expression, she didn't continue this topic, but turned to greeting the members of Jia's family and so on.

The topic was diverted, but it still remained in Jia Zhu's heart. On the way back to the palace, Jia Zhu couldn't help recovering from the sweetness and joy of these days. She was about to get married soon.

If there is a time when I am most grateful that I married Princess Naren Tuoya of Haidong instead of the wife of the previous life, Gongcai, it is undoubtedly this time.If it was a palace judge, in his previous life he would have felt sorry for their mother and son, leaving them behind and leaving the house first, and then faced with their sadness and being helpless; in this life, he did not want to let this tragedy happen again to the palace judge in another form.

As for Naren Tuoya, she is different from the court official. She was the princess of Haidong first, then the princess Dingbei of the imperial court, and finally Jia Zhu's wife.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to this woman, but now he became serious. What kind of purpose did this woman insist on coming to the Central Plains from Northern Xinjiang?Is it just kept as a hostage to reassure the court?If not, is she a spy?

All kinds of questions shuttled in his heart. Jia Zhu couldn't come to a conclusion for the time being, but he had an idea. This matter must be investigated, and it must be investigated thoroughly.

At the same time, another idea slowly formed a final result, that is, no matter what purpose this Narentoya had, he couldn't let her give birth to his heir.After all, even if she didn't have any other purpose and was just a simple hostage, a child with half the blood of Northern Xinjiang, regardless of gender, would have a very rough future, and he couldn't take the risk.And if she really has a problem, then the child will bear even greater pain.

After figuring this out, Jia Zhu breathed a sigh of relief. Regarding the child, Jia Zhu's eyes flashed a self-mockery, he is only 16 years old, he is still very young, how long can Xiao Ze's love for him last?After that, look slowly, take your time, left and right, Baoyu's younger brother is already in mother's arms, and their family will not end in the end.

Returning to the palace, he opened the door, only to see Xiao Ze sitting in his room with a smile, facing the undisguised heat in Feng Fang's eyes, all Jia Zhu's worries were thrown away at this moment.

"Let me guess where you went, it's Mrs. Lin's family." Xiao Ze said in an affirmative tone.

Jia Zhu nodded and said, "That's right, I haven't seen my little aunt and Mo Xuan since that year when Uncle Lin and his family returned to Beijing to report on their duties. Seeing them now makes me feel much relieved."

"There is one more thing I want to tell you right now." Seeing that Jia Zhu was in a good mood, Xiao Ze continued with a smile.

"Oh?" Jia Zhu had several thoughts in his mind, but he couldn't guess which one it was, so he asked, "But the brothers from Shandong..."

Xiao Ze shook his head: "It has nothing to do with them. Even if we want to use their relationship, it will be after we return to Beijing and the emperor starts to act. What I want to talk about is the immediate thing."

Seeing that Jia Zhu frowned for a while and then shook his head, Xiao Ze didn't hold back anymore, but said, "Do you know what this palace was used for before?"

"Look, this mansion is quite elegant, and it looks like it has some ideas. I don't know who the previous owner is, but I think it must be very rich, otherwise it would not be possible to build such a mansion that costs money, but at the same time it is very elegant. , otherwise this mansion will be vulgar." Jia Zhu paused at this point, "Why, the happy event you want to talk about has something to do with the original owner of this palace?"

"It is, and it is not." Xiao Ze smiled and said: "The previous dynasty set up three manufacturing bureaus in the south of the Yangtze River, among which the mansion of Hangzhou Weaving Li Mingcai was the predecessor of this palace."

Jia Zhu was taken aback for a moment, thinking about it carefully, and said: "It's no wonder, even if the part of this mansion is removed for renovation, its original appearance is far from ordinary. Only the Li family in the bureau has the financial resources and heritage to build such an expensive and impressive mansion."

Jia Zhu read through the history book of the previous dynasty revised by the Imperial Academy at the first time, and used a lot of pen and ink to deal with the weaving bureau of the previous dynasty. At first, Jia Zhu wondered about the Jinling weaving bureau of the three major weaving bureaus in the south of the Yangtze River. Now the imperial court has not set up a weaving bureau in the south of the Yangtze River. Now after listening to Xiao Ze's words, Jia Zhu is sure that the emperor is preparing to prepare a weaving bureau.

"What does the emperor mean, do you want to re-establish Jinling, Hangzhou and Suzhou weaving, or only re-establish the weaving bureau in Hangzhou?" Jia Zhu asked after pondering for a while.

Xiao Ze nodded in praise and said: "I still think I can show off a little more, but you can see through it. That's right, Brother Huang really wants to rebuild the weaving bureau. Now that Jinling and Hangzhou have been confirmed, Suzhou is still under consideration."

"Since this step has been considered, the emperor must be very clear about the shortcomings of this weaving bureau." This weaving position is different from other official positions. Other officials are elected every three years, and rarely serve more than two consecutive terms. The same is true for big officials, but weaving is family-oriented. Not only the father's generation is in office for life, but it will even be passed on to the sons and grandchildren. The wealth accumulated in it is self-evident, and the weaving All the funds of the bureau are all allocated by the imperial court, which also formed a huge burden in the later period of the previous dynasty. The lessons learned from the previous dynasty are still in front of us. The weaving bureau was abolished precisely because of the above reasons, but now it has to be rebuilt. Could it be said that the advantages of rebuilding at this time outweigh the disadvantages?

"What is written in the book is true, but it is not deep enough. Don't underestimate this weaving bureau..." Xiao Ze's next words made Jia Zhu feel turbulent.

It turned out that on the surface it was the Weaving Bureau that provided weaving products for the imperial court, but it was a secret agency in operation, and its main task was to supervise officials.

The emperor already has a place to listen to the sky, but now he still wants to rebuild the weaving bureau, what does this mean?

"I have the guts to ask something that shouldn't be asked." Jia Zhu stared into Xiao Ze's eyes with a very solemn expression, "According to my guess, you are in charge of that mysterious Heaven Listening Office, right?"

Xiao Ze pursed his lips, didn't speak, just nodded.

Jia Zhu then asked: "So, once the Weaving Bureau is rebuilt, what will the Tianting Department do? Is the Weaving Bureau established on the basis of the Tianting Department, or is the Tianting Department a branch of the Weaving Bureau, or is the Tianting Department It is independent from the Weaving Bureau, two-phase check and balance?"

Xiao Ze was silent for a while, and finally showed a helpless wry smile: "Now I regret it, if you are not so sharp, it would be better if you were stupid."

Jia Zhu's heart sank: "So, it's the last one."

At this time, Jia Zhu and Xiao Ze couldn't say any more, but both of them knew in their hearts that the development was only controlled by the Emperor's Weaving Bureau and Xiao Ze's Tianting Division, which already showed that the Emperor at this time , and began to no longer trust his only younger brother Xiao Ze so much. Although it can't be said to be cunning, suspicion and suspicion are unavoidable facts.

After being relatively speechless for a while, Jia Zhu stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Ze's hand: "Stop laughing, it's not pretty."

Xiao Ze exerted force on his hand, Jia Zhu didn't struggle and was embraced by him, feeling Xiao Ze's chin pressed against his back, the only thing Jia Zhu could do was to hug Xiao Ze tightly, even now No matter how hot it was, Jia Zhu could still feel the threatening chill in the opponent's chest. He hoped to help the opponent bear part of it, and even more hoped that he could use his own chest to help him recover the original warmth.

"What I used to be able to say with full confidence has now become a joke. The Tian family has no family affection. In fact, I should have understood it when my father was still alive."

In Jia Zhu's memory, Xiao Ze has never spoken with such a tone and voice. Sometimes he is cold and frightening, sometimes he is wise and sinister, and sometimes he makes trouble for no reason.

He is real right now, but Jia Zhu would rather never have seen the real side of Xiao Ze, Xiao Ze was feeling chilled, but Jia Zhu felt the heartache for the first time.

I thought I was trying to love someone, but I didn't expect this feeling to come so urgently, to sink so deep and so fast, so fast that Jia Zhu was caught off guard.

Maybe, there is no way to control feelings, and the feelings that can be controlled are not pure, for example, conditional family affection.

"There is no kinship in the heavenly family, and the kinship in ordinary families may not be so beautiful." Jia Zhu's words were not trying to comfort Xiao Ze, but what he said was his own sincerity.

"Stop, stop, I was going to talk about that just now, why did we both talk about something else with a sad face, it's not right." Xiao Ze let go of his arms first, but he didn't let go of the two of them holding each other hand.

This weaving bureau brings only heaviness, and Jia Zhu can't imagine what joy it can bring, could it be...

"Is it related to Uncle Lin?" Since this weaving bureau is of great significance, it must be a person who is trusted by the emperor to be able to hold this position. There is no doubt that Lin Ruhai is now a royal family member.

"No, but this person has some connections with you. I'm afraid you haven't found time to meet Chen's mother and daughter when you come to Hangzhou this time." Xiao Ze shook his head and said.

Jia Zhu was startled: "You mean...that's impossible, the Weaving Bureau is an official position, the Chen mother and daughter are women, and the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, how could the emperor make such a decision!"

"You haven't come to Hangzhou in person in the past few years. I'm afraid you don't know about some things. That Chen Xueying is extraordinary at such a young age. Over the years, Ruijinfang has not only gained a firm foothold with her support, but also this Under her pressure, the cloth workshops and satin shops in the south of the Yangtze River can no longer be compared with the past. In addition, she has also dabbled in other businesses, not to mention dyes to ready-made clothes. She even prepared a bank. You say, so Is this woman scary?" After Xiao Ze finished speaking, Jia Zhu was stunned.

For so many years, the dividends received from Ruijinfang have indeed increased year by year, and he has read the account books every year. He knows that the business of Ruijinfang is booming, but he really has nothing about Chen Xueying's other things. Know.

"Chen Xueying is now married but has not yet engaged. It is rumored that she is going to recruit a wife. This is an opportunity. A woman can't be seen in the open, but her husband can. The little girl you rescued back then has such ability now. , if everything goes well, her marriage can be settled before we leave Hangzhou." After Xiao Ze finished speaking, he looked at Jia Zhu.

Jia Zhu sighed: "At the beginning, I was just a little effort, and I still had my own selfishness in it. Now she can get to where she is today, all thanks to her own ability, which is really not easy."

Thinking this way in her heart, she said the same thing in her mouth, but thinking of that stubborn and innocent little girl back then, Jia Zhu still felt a bit of bitterness spread in her heart.

"I'll tell you first, because I'm afraid you'll feel even more sad if you find out later." Xiao Ze's hand caressed Jia Zhu's unconsciously stiff face, and the warmth of Xiao Ze's palm made Jia Zhu's cheeks slowly fade away.

"Rest early, the two of us will leave for the West Lake early in the morning, and it will be a waste of time to visit the West Lake if we arrive in Hangzhou." Xiao Ze leaned over, pecked Jia Zhu's lips lightly, and said regretfully Looking at Jia Zhu, who is no longer blushing and heart beating, he misses him who was always flushed in the beginning.

However, after Xiao Ze left Jia Zhu's room, he showed a satisfied smile. Originally, he thought Chen Xueying was a rival. According to the information he got, this little girl has a lot of affection for Jia Zhu. Jia Zhu is her The first man who was tempted, who knows if Jia Zhu was tempted by this "pretty pretty" little girl back then?

Heroes save the beauty is a hotbed of feelings that is extremely vulgar but not to be underestimated. Every time Xiao Ze thinks of this, Xiao Ze feels very upset. Unexpectedly, Chen Xueying put herself in an impossible position.

Really, God help me too.

Xiao Ze narrowed his eyes, his eyes were full of smiles.He still thinks about it, the formation of the West Lake tour tomorrow, the night tour of the Qinhuai River will eventually become a drowned rat, this time the West Lake tour must be sure to be foolproof!

First of all, make sure that no disturbing people or things appear; second, how to arrange this route?Broken Bridge, although it used to be the place where the legend of the White Snake made love, but the ending of the lovers is not very good, it is not auspicious, so they can not go if they can; Leifeng Pagoda is the same; other things, the Lingyin Temple must be I want to go, it is said that it is very effective there, and...

Xiao Ze thought all the way, feeling extremely happy.

No.60 eight times

Xiao Ze's plan went very smoothly on the second day. First, he went boating on the West Lake with Jia Zhu early in the morning. Compared with the picturesque boats on the Qinhuai River, the West Lake in the early morning is quite beautiful. A flat boat with a leaf really has a somewhat detached taste.

"I know that you are like a little old man, and you like this tune." Xiao Ze and Jia Zhu were sitting on the bow of the boat fishing together, looking at the person sitting next to him who seemed to be integrated with the whole Jiang Tian, ​​Xiao Ze couldn't feel it. He turned his head and kept staring at Jia Zhu.

Anyone who is stared at by this kind of eyes will feel uncomfortable, Jia Zhu helplessly stretched out a hand and pulled Xiao Ze's head back: "Look again, the fish are scared away by you."

"How come, even if there are no fish, I didn't scare them away!" Xiao Ze raised his eyebrows, "Have you heard the story about Xi Shi washing yarn in the West Lake?"

"Don't tell me, you're a 'sinking fish' too!" Jia Zhu stroked his forehead helplessly.

As he was talking, he saw a black-covered boat slowly approaching and parked on the opposite side of the boat.

"Long time no see, Big Brother Zhu." A woman walked out of the cabin and looked straight at Jia Zhu.

Jia Zhu recognized at a glance, this familiar yet unfamiliar woman, who else could it be if not Chen Xueying?

Just yesterday, Jia Zhu was thinking of visiting his little aunt in Hangzhou first, and then going to Mrs. Chen's side, but after hearing Xiao Ze's words, Jia Zhu from the Chen's mother and daughter's side has decided to send someone to deliver some Tu Yi was in the past, and if he showed up again, it would only cause embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, in the huge West Lake, we bumped into one place. Hearing the same address from the other party, Jia Zhu recalled the little girl who would call him "Master" at the beginning, and couldn't help but feel even more sad.

"It's true that we haven't seen each other for many years. What a coincidence, Ms. Chen is also swimming in the lake?" Jia Zhu clasped his hands, and sometimes there was another kind of alienation in his politeness.

Chen Xueying naturally recognized this attitude, the smile on her face became a little forced, and she responded with the word "um", and the atmosphere on both sides was a little silent for a while.

On the small boat here, Xiao Ze had already recovered his appearance in front of outsiders, but his heart was completely turned.What a coincidence?There are so many coincidences in this world, he doesn't believe that the West Lake is so big, how could they just meet each other, what exactly does this Chen Xueying want to do.

"Then don't disturb Miss Chen's lake tour." Having reached the point where she had nothing to say, Jia Zhu didn't want to have nothing to say and cause trouble.

"Big Brother Zhu probably doesn't know about one thing. My mother has already made an appointment for me." Chen Xueying raised her head, her eyes and tone were extremely serious, she paused every word, and then projected a strange expectation in her eyes.

Jia Zhu was stunned: "Then congratulations, Miss Chen."

The brilliance in Chen Xueying's eyes completely dimmed, only a crumbling smile remained on her face: "Brother Zhu, take care."

"Treasure." Jia Zhu watched as Chen Xueying bent into the cabin, and then the black-covered boat quickly left in the direction it came from.

And Chen Xueying, who stepped into the cabin, shed tears uncontrollably for her mother, Mrs. Chen, who was sitting in the middle of the cabin.

"Silly boy, why are you bothering?" Mrs. Chen sighed lovingly and distressedly.

"If I don't confirm it myself, I always have a little fluke and fantasy, thinking that he has me in his heart." Chen Xueying's tone was sour, and when she wiped away her tears for a long time, there was determination in her eyes: "Mother, I figured it out."

"I hope you really figured it out." Thinking of the series of decisions her daughter made in recent days, the worry in Chen's eyes continued to increase.

"I think it is clear enough." Chen Xueying nodded solemnly, looking at Ye Xiaozhou who was no longer visible, thinking of what the emperor said to herself, and thinking of the prince who was more beautiful than a woman on Xiaozhou just now, her heart tossed and turned, she didn't know What is it like.

At the same time, Jia Zhu was also within the sight of the black awning boat before she retracted her gaze, turned her head, and met Xiao Ze's eyes full of smiles, "Your boy is really charming, that little girl is full of love for you." affection."

Jia Zhu was taken aback for a moment, he is not blind, nor is he a stunned young man with a completely different understanding of love affairs, Chen Xueying's expression of understanding just now, if he can't see it, he is really stupid, but in his heart, the other party just stays in the In terms of the role of the younger sister, he has no feelings for her, let alone the current situation.

However, Jia Zhu was surprised that Xiao Ze was worried that he would be unhappy, but unexpectedly he smiled happily.

"Do you think I'm the kind of fool who eats the little girl's vinegar?" Xiao Ze broke Jia Zhu's mind with one word, completely forgetting who was really worried last night.

After all, Xiao Ze looked at Jia Zhu seriously, and continued: "Because compared to her, maybe what I should worry about is your beautiful wife and concubine in the future. I am very possessive, and when I think of you, I will touch you." For other women, I wish you could never touch a woman for the rest of your life—of course, this is just an angry word, and I won’t do that, because I’m not willing to hurt you at all, and I’d rather not be happy myself.”

Xiao Ze said something creepy with a calm tone and sincere eyes, and Jia Zhu was stunned for a long time when he heard it in Jia Zhu's ears, and then his eyes were full of gratified brilliance.

My own thoughts are already heavy, and the prince is even more so. When two people like this are together, no amount of affection can withstand you guessing my thoughts all day long, and I try to figure out your intentions. If you guess right and you guess wrong, you will hurt each other.

"If you are not happy, I will not be happy. I can't guarantee my wife. After all, she is a marriage gift from the emperor and the princess of Haidong, but I can guarantee that as long as we are still together, I will never take a concubine." Take over the house." Jia Zhu also made his promise seriously.

A stream of light flashed in Xiao Ze's eyes, which was more dazzling than the sparkling waves reflected by the sun on the lake. He was born noble, and he never knew how to keep his figure down—no matter how he pretended, he didn't look like it, but instead became a different kind of person. It’s better to be like this, what’s on your mind, he’ll say it out, of course, making the other person anxious once in a while is a good way to enhance your relationship, but he chooses to be outspoken when it comes to this kind of thing that absolutely confuses him , In many cases, being outspoken is even more valuable, and it is also another form of mutual respect.

And what makes Xiao Ze more happy is naturally Jia Zhu's sympathy. Xiao Ze doesn't know whether it's a sympathy or not, but Xiao Ze seems to be flying countless butterflies in his heart at this time, making his heart itch. very.

Leaning his head to kiss Jia Zhu's lips, from the initial light drink to the entanglement with each other, Xiao Ze pushed Jia Zhu down with all his strength, and the moment his back touched the boat, the sudden force made the boat sway from side to side.

Jia Zhu froze and pushed Xiao Ze away: "You are crazy, you don't know how to swim and dare to mess around."

Xiao Ze raised his eyebrows, propped himself up and looked at Jia Zhu under him: "I thought, you would say that I'm prostitution in the daytime, it's not proper'."

"Decent, does that make sense to you? I'm already in the same boat!" Jia Zhu had helplessness in her eyes, and even a hint of imperceptible connivance.

However, Xiao Ze saw an extra anxiety in it. It was because he was worried that this relationship would not last long, so he wanted to seize all the joyful things when the love was strong. Looking at Jia Zhu like this, Xiao Ze took this Bitterness pressed into his heart, he knew that he wanted Jia Zhu to fall in love with him, he did it, he wanted Jia Zhu to believe that he would be with him for the rest of his life, now Jia Zhu doesn't believe it, but it doesn't matter, time will prove everything, he won't In a hurry, really not in a hurry.

The only thing he can do now is to kiss this person fiercely and use up all his love.

At the end of the kiss, both of them couldn't help feeling a little emotional, and they both set up small tents for each other. At this time, Xiao Ze was even more resentful, why did he choose such a small broken fishing boat in order to take into account the alternative atmosphere, instead of being able to accommodate the two of them steadily? Rolling ship!

If it was metaphorically sweet for him to take advantage of Jia Zhu's illness and secretly let each other solve it with his hands, now it's a sad reminder of bitterness!

When the two decided to abandon the boat and go ashore, they found out that they were at the foot of Lingyin Temple. Xiao Ze didn't feel anything this time, but Jia Zhu had black hair. What he did in the boat just now was enough to make people blush That's right, Jia Zhu just felt even more embarrassed when he came to the pure place of Buddhism.

The child does not speak strange powers and gods-Jia Zhu, who has been a ghost for so many years after his death in the previous life, will never believe it. Therefore, Jia Zhu is still full of reverence for gods and Buddhas.

Xu Shi thought so in his heart, and unconsciously showed a certain expression on his face. Xiao Ze, who was watching beside him, felt his heart twitch. Returned in.

But now that we have reached the mountain gate, it would be a pity not to go in. Xiao Ze observed quietly along the way, and found that Jia Zhu did not show that expression again, so he was a little relieved.

Asking for peace talismans, Jia Zhu and Xiao Ze asked each other for one, and then Jia Zhu asked for a few more, wrapped them up separately, and then went down the mountain.

"I begged four for Mrs. Lin, and I can figure out three of them. Who is the fourth one for?" Xiao Ze hesitated for a moment, before asking. Lin Ruhai and his wife plus Lin Moxuan are three people. Ze originally thought that Mrs. Tuolin would give the other one to Chen Xueying, but according to Jia Zhu's temper, if it was given to Chen Xueying, it would be impossible for Chen Xueying to have no part in it, so this idea was basically rejected by him.But, still very puzzled.

Jia Zhu smiled: "Of course it's for my unborn cousin or cousin."

Counting the days, when my younger brother Baoyu is born, my little aunt will also be pregnant with cousin Lin. In the previous life, cousin Lin's body was not good when she was young.

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