[HP] Snake

Chapter 67

Time passed bit by bit in Severus' research on this nightmare potion and Draco's Quidditch training...

In the meantime, there were several Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

As usual, I dismissed that seemingly gentle werewolf, but it made him quite troubled.

Soon, the first Hogsmeade week of the third year will arrive.

Hogsmeade Village is a village near Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is also the only village in the entire UK that is completely free of Muggles. It is a [-]% magical village.According to the regulations of Hogwarts, only students in the third grade or above can go there during the break, and they must have the guardian's signature permission.

For this reason, during the summer vacation, I went to the Dursleys' house and asked Aunt Petunia to sign for me.

I clicked on the guardian's consent form on the table. In the column signed by the guardian, it said Petunia Evans Dursley, and every stroke trembled slightly.

It seems that when I first came back, the deterrence I gave them was quite effective.

With a sneer, he picked up the piece of paper and folded it one by one until only the name could be seen.

"Harry, that's..."

Severus, who obviously stayed in the laboratory all night, opened the door of the laboratory at this moment, rubbed the wrinkled bridge of the nose with a tired face, looked at me with some doubts of paper.

"Hogsmeade Consent Form, dear Sev, don't you forget, today is the first day I go to Hogsmeade."

I gave him a hard look. I mentioned to him before that it is best for him to be present at today's meeting.

"Oh, Merlin, I completely forgot, my experiment still..."

He touched the tip of his nose somewhat embarrassingly, and kept looking at the laboratory door behind him.

"Sev, even if you want to study the compatibility between the nightmare potion and most of the potions you can concoct at this stage, please consider the reality, can you? The potions you can concoct at this stage are absolutely There are no less than a thousand kinds, which will obviously take you a lot of time. And you know, there is a necessary and key material in the nightmare potion, the rhizome of black beard grass. I think, you will not know that after a long time of contact with black beard grass Rhizome, what consequences will it cause?"

Black beard rhizome, as the name suggests, is the rhizome of a grass with black whiskers.

However, black beard grass is not like normal grass.

The rhizome of ordinary grass is whisker-like, but there is no whisker on the rhizome of black beard grass, it is a straight or curved trunk covered with small brown "pimples" for absorbing soil nutrition and moisture.

The appearance of black beard grass is quite easy to recognize, it is the grass with countless black beards growing on the grass blades, which is almost completely reversed from ordinary grass.

The role of black beard grass in potions is usually used in the field of black magic. The main reason is because of its influence on people.Prolonged exposure to black beard grass can have unimaginable consequences on a person's spirit.In the past, many people collapsed or even died due to exposure to black beard grass for too long.And this is also one of the most important reasons why the black beard root is used in the nightmare potion.

He kept staring at the man who was obviously lacking in energy, and made up his mind that he couldn't go back to that damn lab again.

"Harry, I'm going to clean up, you..."

Severus touched the tip of his nose again, and walked towards the bedroom in an almost fleeing gesture.

"Sev, what you need now is to go to bed and have a good rest. Don't worry, I will take care of today's matter."

Seeing him like this, I am a little dumbfounded.

His current awkward appearance is too different from his usual appearance, and I obviously can't accept it.

Sure enough, I don't know enough about Severus.

The usual Severus was so strong that it was almost abnormal, and it was almost impossible for anyone to see the fragility and anxiety in his heart.

But now, he is affected by the black beard root, and his spirit is not enough to completely control his state, so I can see how much he attaches importance to me and our relationship.

He will be shy and nervous because of my concern, and will be uneasy because of my complaints.

I couldn't help laughing, this realization obviously made me quite happy.


Severus responded vaguely, and rushed into his own bedroom as if fleeing, banging the door loudly.

Standing there looking at the trembling door, the smile on his face could not stop...


In the Slytherin common room, Draco was sitting on the sofa not far from the door, chatting with Pansy and Bryce.His two squires, Crabbe and Goyle, were sitting on the other side, clattering away from packets of snacks.

"Good morning, Draco, Pansy, Bryce."

He greeted Draco and the others, and then sat next to Draco.

"Good morning, Harry."

When Draco saw me coming, he looked a little imperceptibly cramped, but Pansy and the others didn't see anything.It seems that Lucius should have mentioned something to him.

"Good morning, Harry, although you've kept us waiting for almost twenty minutes."

Panxi looked at me with some complaints, put away the fan in her hand, and slapped me in my direction.

"I'm sorry, I just had a few words with Professor Snape, but it took me so long."

Thinking of what Severus looked like before, he almost couldn't help laughing again.However, my expression of holding back a smile seems to be a little distorted, but it makes them feel that I am sad, and there is some sympathy and pity in my eyes.

"Oh, poor Harry, to share a room with Professor Snape."

Bryce said exaggeratedly, and his voice was also exaggerated, causing many people in the common room to look at me with sympathetic expressions.

I couldn't say anything about Severus in public, so I reluctantly accepted their sympathy. I couldn't help feeling that the ordinary image of Severus was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which made me enter into it now. Can't and can't retreat.

Fortunately, it will soon be time to go to Hogsmeade.

The two prefects checked each student's consent form signature, and then led everyone who qualified into the hall.

At the door of the hall, Filch was holding a long piece of parchment, staring at every student in the hall with a sharp expression full of suspicion, followed by the cat that was petrified last year.

There was a lot of noise in the hall, especially from the Gryffindor lions.The third graders, huddled together, clamored to try Honeydukes.

Ravenclaw's eaglets gathered together in twos and threes, discussing in low voices about the so-called "strange owner of Hogsmeade N's Unbelievable Pig's Head Bar", all of them were determined not to stop until they found something. look like.

The little Hufflepuff badgers were also very excited, discussing various gossips about Hogsmeade, all with rosy faces and bright eyes.

On the other hand, among the Slytherin snakes, the senior ones who went there naturally kept their expressions on their faces, while the younger ones didn't dare to forget their manners even though they were excited, and they all looked reserved and proud, but they were really different from the other three. The academy is out of place.

"Bryce, I've heard Zonko's Joke Shop is good stuff, and the Three Broomsticks' butterbeer is good too, but Mom never lets me try it and always says I'll have to wait until today."

Pan Xi kept a proud and elegant smile on his face, but the words he said were full of complaints.

"Oh, dear Pansy, I'm afraid that's the case with every one of us. It's just another 'tradition,' I suppose."

Bryce raised an eyebrow, and said with a helpless expression, quite deliberately accentuating the pronunciation of the "traditional".


I turned to Draco and asked with some doubts.

"Yes, tradition, I thought you knew," Draco raised his chin, and said, "First of all, every year when new students enter school, the road from the station to Hogwarts via the Black Lake is quite rough, It is a tradition. Secondly, no freshmen are allowed to know about the sorting matters before the start of school, so that the freshmen are unprepared to accept the devastation of the sorting hat. And this one, it is probably the same."

I couldn't help but want to laugh, Draco and the others looked a little uneasy, and the nearby Slytherins who heard our conversation also looked a little resentful, it looked very funny.

However, I can't really laugh, otherwise, these little snakes would have to show their teeth and pounce on me and bite me.

I tried my best to hold back my laughter, when I suddenly heard Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff on the other side start arguing.

Those Slytherins who were sullen were also distracted and looked over there.

After listening for a while, I understood what they were arguing about—the "haunting" of the Shrieking Shack.

The little Hufflepuff badgers firmly believe that there are ghosts there, and there will be terrifying ghost screams every night.The Ravenclaw's eaglets, aiming at the situation of the ghosts in Hogwarts, think that there must be some other creatures there.Some people have even researched and found that the screaming of some kind of creature can only be heard from the screaming shed in the middle of the night when the moon is full, and it has not appeared again for more than ten years.The man even asserted that there was once a werewolf who lived there.

Full moon, werewolf, more than ten years...

snort!It's you again, Remus Lupine!

The author has something to say:

———————————— A small theater that continues to convulse—————————

New Year's greetings in Xixi ([-])

X: Old D~~~Happy New Year~~~ Do you have any new year wishes? ? ?Do you want Naijia GG to come out and meet you? ? ?

Old D: Who are you? !How did you know about my relationship with Gellert? !

Mouxi: Guess, guess, guess~~~

Old D: Legilimency! ! !

Moxie: Hey~~~It’s useless~~~ Before we came here, we specially asked Father L to find us a defense necklace~~~

Old D: Forget everything! ! !

A certain was hit, and forgot everything about HP, so this article ended unexpectedly...


Cough cough... the above is just a joke... good night everyone... waving claws... waving claws...]

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