[HP] Snake

Chapter 41

A clear chirp broke the silence of the room.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Severus's bright black eyes, full of longing, crashed into the bottom of his eyes, which made people feel a little hotter.

He propped himself up slightly, and glanced sharply at the mid-air beside him, where there was a big golden-red bird hovering continuously, from its long and shining golden tail feathers, it could be seen that it was a fire phoenix.

When we noticed it, it lowered slowly, resting a piece of parchment on Severus's outstretched palm, then turned and flew away.

Just as I was about to stand up, I realized that Severus' arms around my waist were still tightly clasped, and I was lying on my back on the wool carpet in front of the fireplace in the living room with my shirt half open.

And Severus was scanning the parchment with one hand, clutching my waist tightly with the other, covering the whole body on top of me, kneeling with his legs tightly clamped on the outside of my thighs.

The parchment was quickly thrown away, and Severus held the back of my neck with his free hand, and the delicate pecks kept falling on the corners of my lips and the side of my neck, and the hot air sprayed on the sensitive neck , let me tremble uncontrollably.

"Harry..." The man's deep and hoarse voice suddenly rang in my ears, which made my heart feel warm, and then I felt that his earlobe was sucked into his mouth, and he sucked and bit.

"Hmm...ha..." The young body is surprisingly sensitive, but just a little stimulation can make me tremble and soften my body, letting him take whatever he wants.

Suddenly, Severus released his hold on me and rolled over on his back beside me.

I fell limply on the spot, slowly calmed down my breathing, and it took a while to barely stop the trembling of my body, and turned slightly sideways to look at Severus next to me.



He spoke suddenly and interrupted me.But even if he doesn't speak, I really don't know what to say.


Severus' eyes were foggy, not the kind of emptiness that Occlumency used, but real confusion, and the tone of saying my name sounded like there was no special meaning, just opening my mouth Just come out.

"I'm here."


"I'm here, Severus, I'm here."


"I'm here, Severus, right here," I raised my still limp body, put my arms around Severus' neck, looked straight into his bewildered eyes, "in your arms."

"Harry..." Severus wrapped his arms around me, pressing me tightly in his arms, his chest pressed against his chest, and he could clearly feel the pulse of the other person's heart, "My...Harry..."

"Sev...you...you agreed! You accepted my feelings! Right?! Is that what you mean?! Sev—" I could clearly feel the strong possessiveness in the sudden words, and my heart The violent burst of excitement and joy made me laugh out loud, and my words became even more incoherent.

"Harry, you'll always be by my side, won't you?" Severus sat up with his arms around me tightly, pressed me into his arms, and lightly pecked the corner of my mouth.

"I will, Sev." Knowing his past, I clearly understood where his uneasiness came from, so I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, looked straight into his eyes full of complex emotions, and replied firmly.

"Harry, this isn't a prank, and it's not your momentary fascination, right?" His eyes softened a little, and he continued to ask.

"Sev, I love you, only the end of life can take me away from your side."

"Harry..." said my name again in a deep, sighing voice, Severus held my arm tighter, his dark eyes were bright, full of joy, full of joy satisfy.

"Severus, what about you? Do you love me?" Without waiting for the words I expected in my heart, I suddenly felt a little uneasy in my heart, tightly clutching the collar of Severus's neck, and hung my head in disbelief. Dare to look into his eyes, and asked a little nervously.

Silence, I can clearly feel his whole body stiffen, bursts of sourness and bitterness spread in the bottom of my heart, I almost couldn't control my tears.

Damn it, when did I become so vulnerable...

It's just a sentence, it's just three words, why bother him to say it...

However, my heart was terribly sour, my nose was even more sore, and tears fell down suddenly.

"Damn it, why are you crying all of a sudden?"

A drop of tear fell on the side of his neck that was exposed in the air. His whole body shook, and he stretched out his hand to pinch my chin, forcing me to raise my head, and clearly saw my messed up face. Although the words that came out were vicious, But there is a hint of pity.


"Little idiot," a big pale and somewhat icy hand stroked my cheek, gently wiped away the tears falling from the corners of my eyes, and the exchanging of intimacy sweetened my heart, "You have to tell me what you do about this kind of thing. ..."

"Sev...I'm sorry...I..." Gently rubbed his cheek against the palm of his hand, and smiled happily at the little blush on the tip of his ear.

"Little idiot, listen up, I'll just say it this time," he withdrew his hand, pressed it on the top of my head, and rubbed it vigorously, his tone sounded very fierce, and I could feel a little bit of embarrassment in it , "Harry, I love you."

My heart was beating wildly, a strong sense of happiness exploded in my heart, my mind went blank, my whole body was as light as if I was on a cloud, and my whole body even trembled uncontrollably because of this great joy.

"Harry! Harry! What's the matter with you?!" Severus' worried and anxious voice sounded above his head, and the arms around me kept shaking my body.

"Don't...don't shake it! I'm not... all right!" After finally calming down, he put his hand on his arm softly, "I'm just a little too happy."

"Little bastard, you scared me to death." The whole person was pinned into his chest, his chin rested on the side of his neck, and a deep voice with a little fear rang in my ears, and he even touched my earlobe in retaliation Take a bite.

"I love you too, Sev, I love you so much...well...I always feel like if you don't want me, I will die." Trying to ignore the steaming bite on the sensitive earlobe, softly comforting he.

"Harry...my Harry..."


The letter was from Dumbledore, inviting me to tea in the Headmaster's office after lunch, the written reason being my sudden absence last night and my absence from school this morning.

I briefly mentioned that it was because of my health, and I left the principal's office perfunctorily. As for what Dumbledore thinks, that's not something I need to consider.

After dealing with Dumbledore, it was almost the afternoon Defense Against the Dark Arts class, so I went straight to the classroom.

Suddenly, an eager gaze fell on me, I stretched out my hand to massage the throbbing forehead, and turned my head to look over.It was a very small boy with gray hair, he was staring at me like a maniac, and he was holding something in his hand, which seemed to be a Muggle camera.When he realized I was looking at him, his face turned red all of a sudden.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

"Hello, Harry, I... My name is Colin Creevey." His breathing was a little short, he took a step towards me timidly, and raised his camera expectantly, "I ...Can I...take a picture of you?"

"Mr. Creevey, I think, I didn't allow you to call me by my Christian name, did I?" He reached out and pressed his forehead again, damn it, didn't those Gryffindors mention me to him, How can there be such boring messianic worshipers? !

"I...I'm sorry...I...I mean...S...Sly...Mr. Even more powerful.

"Very well, Mr. Creevey. However, I regret having to dismiss your request. Taking pictures of so-called admirers like a fool is definitely not something a Slytherin might do. Please Put away your ridiculous thoughts."

"What's the matter, what's the matter? Take a picture? Oh, Harry, you want to take a picture of your admirers?!" Gilderoy Lockhart strode over here, wearing a symbol of Slytherin green robe.

"Shut up! I remember, I warned you that you are not qualified to call me by my Christian name. If you dare to call me wrong again, I will curse you! You'd better remember my warning!"

"Oh, don't be so serious—"

He reached out and wanted to put my shoulder on my shoulder, but I dodged and cast him a petrification spell.

"Gideroy Lockhart, this is just a small warning, I hope, you are not really stupid enough to annoy me." Turning around and walking towards the classroom, before turning around the corridor, he waved his hand to de-petrify him .

When we arrived in the classroom, the Slytherins were already there, and the Gryffindors were also sitting in a group in twos and threes. Draco, sitting in the front row, waved to me, and I sat down without paying much attention.

Lockhart also arrived shortly thereafter, gave me a flustered look, and then gave a silly smile to all the students who were already seated.

"I," he said, pointing to a picture of himself blinking in a textbook, blinking his blue eyes too, "Gilderoy Lockhart, [-]rd Class of the Order of Merlin, League Against the Dark Arts Honorary member, five-time Witcher Weekly Award for Most Charming Smile - but I never talk about that, after all I didn't smile to exorcise Bandung's banshee!"

There were a few indistinct sneers from the audience, and the Gryffindor girls applauded with blushing cheeks while glaring at the boys who sneered.

"I see you've all bought my complete books, which is great. I thought we'd do a little quiz today, don't be afraid, I just want to see how you're reading and how much you've grasped..." He After handing out the papers, I returned to the podium, "I'll give you three 10 minutes, start now!"

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

2. What was Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

3. What do you consider Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?



54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday?What's his ideal birthday present?

"Professor Lockhart, I think this so-called test paper is just a joke at the beginning of the course, isn't it?" Gently pinching the paper in his hand, watching it burn to ashes little by little, then looked up A sneer appeared on Lockhart's lips as he stood frozen on the podium.

"Ah...uh...yes...yes...of course...it's just...a...a joke...a joke..." He smiled stiffly and said tremblingly, "Okay...we ...we have class..."

The author has something to say:

———————————— A small theater that continues to convulse—————————

Xiaoha [recites deeply]: My lord of love, your virtues have strengthened my vassal’s support for you. Now I am sending you this poem as an envoy to report to you, not to show off your talents.The responsibility is so heavy, and I am poor at speaking, it is inevitable that I will appear naked when I meet her, but I hope that your wonderful thoughts will not think it too vulgar, and cover up its nakedness in your soul; so no matter what stars Guided my future, they all showed me a pleasant smile, and gave me beautiful clothes to my humble love, so that I could be worthy of your lingering grace.Only then did I dare to show off my love to you, otherwise I would always hide because I was afraid that you would test me.

Professor [circling arms and smirking]: Harry, I don't need your plagiarized confessions. I want you to lie on the bed obediently and do what you should do now.

XX: Now tell the time, one thirty-five in the morning.Pierce, professor, is becoming more and more straightforward...

Professor: Arvada...

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