On the day when the strange big fish was born, Wan Na notified Su Shu.

When Su Shu arrived at the Institute of Zoology, small fish fry had already been born. Despite the size of this big fish, the small fish that were born were not even one centimeter in size.At this moment, a large group of black and white fishes are swimming around in a space the size of a football under the belly of the fish, looking no different from normal fish.

"How many fry do you want, sir?" Wanna was already ready to divide the fry.

"If the animal research institute doesn't use so much, give me half of it." In fact, Su Shu didn't know if he could raise so many fish, but with the farm system, he thought he could give it a try.

Wanna nodded, manipulating his water system ability to divide the area containing the fish fry into two through such a large piece of ice, and then slowly controlled one part of it to move outward until it completely came out of the ice and fell to the ground. into the container in his hand.

After handing over the fry to Su Shu, Wan Na said, "If you have any new progress, sir, can you also let us know?"

Su Shu nodded in agreement.

Returning to the small farm with the newly acquired fry, Su Shu immediately put them into the water tank that had been prepared earlier.

This water tank was specially made in the past two days. Several sides are made of glass plates. There is no special way to join the joints. We can only let the ice bamboo use ice to freeze the gaps, which can barely fix the glass in all directions. It can prevent the water inside from flowing out.The only downside is that this water tank cannot be put into the wooden house, and the heating inside will melt the ice in the gap.

Originally, Su Shu planned to put this water tank in the living room of the wooden house, as a disguise for an ornamental aquarium, and it would be convenient for him to observe the growth of the fish inside.After all, the ponds in this winter are all frozen, so the survival rate of the small fry just like this is probably not high.

But it doesn’t matter if they don’t fit in the wooden house. These fish were originally born in the icy and snowy environment. Su Shu thought that they should not be afraid of the cold weather, let alone with the Ice Bamboo, control it and let the water There is no problem keeping the temperature in the non-freezing range.

"You usually pay a little attention to your cat." Qiao Yulin helped put stones and sand into the water tank, pretending to be a slightly more natural environment, and said to Gong Liangbai, "Don't let Sansan eat up all the fish in it gone."

"Sansan is very good." Gong Liangbai said, "It won't steal fish. Brother Qiao, don't worry."

While the two were talking, Su Shu had already placed the last stone, and the sand that had been sprinkled before had settled to the bottom of the water tank, and the water tank had become clear.Originally, Su Shu wanted to put some aquatic plants in it, but he couldn't find any in this winter, let alone real aquatic plants, and he couldn't even find fake green decorative plants, so he simply didn't put anything in the fish tank.

So in addition to the gray stones and brown sediment in this tank, there are only black fry that will be added.All are dark.

Su Shu poured all the fry into it.

He thought for a while, worried that these fish fry would also appear in the same situation as the black pigs and ducks in the Institute of Zoology, so he simply bought 10 small fish fry in the system trading interface.These small fry were unlocked by Su Shu when he owned this batch of fry.The name is also simple and easy to understand, it is called stickleback fish.

Su Shu thought that there were systematic fish fry, so he should be able to lead these wild fish fry a little bit.As soon as the fry entered the water, they swam happily, and the ones that were crowded together also dispersed, filling the entire water tank in an instant.

It looks like a blob of ink dripped into the water and gets diluted all over the tank.

"It seems that these guys don't like to act in groups?" Qiao Yulin raised his eyebrows when he saw this phenomenon.

Su Shu also feels that this situation is not conducive to their fish pond breeding: "When feeding, pay attention to see if the fry are killing each other. If so, we have to separate them."

Su Shu naturally hoped that there would be no such thing.

Both Qiao Yulin and Gong Liangbai nodded in agreement.

It is definitely impossible for the fish fry to be kept in the water tank all the time, but now the pond is full of ice, and the holes that were opened for fishing before are gradually covered with ice. Su Shu has thought about keeping the fish fry They are raised in a pond, and that will have to wait until he has chipped away all the ice on the pond.

And it can't just be put into free-range breeding like this, just now Su Shu can find a few species of creatures caught from the pond, whether it's light fish, freshwater shrimp, or only one crab that has appeared so far, it's all Will eat this kind of small fry with bigger beans.

At least a net has to be made to demarcate a special living area for sticklebacks.Su Shu didn't know of any nets that could stop them with the current size of the stickleback fish. He had to wait until these small fish fry grew up, at least until they couldn't get through the fishing net before putting them into the pond.

The most important thing is that Su Shu hasn't found anything suitable for fishing nets so far.

"Sir, I only found these ropes." According to Su Shu's request, Gong Liangbai dug out all the ropes that could be found in the small farm, but there was only a small handful.

Qiao Yulin went to the safe zone trading market to search around, and even returned empty-handed.

"The materials needed to make ropes are getting less and less. Most people don't have extra ropes on their hands. This kind of thing usually seems useless, but it is still indispensable. There is no rope sold in the trading market." Qiao Yulin shook his head.

The logistics department of the safety zone also has no fishing nets. After the creatures in the river have mutated, these fishing nets before the end of the world are no longer useful. They are either damaged when dealing with mutated creatures, or they are cut and used as ropes when there is a shortage of ropes. There are very few left until now.

Unable to find a complete fishing net, Su Shu decided to find a rope to make it himself.But looking at the current situation, they couldn't even find much rope.

Before they could make fishing nets, they had to figure out how to make rope.

Su Shu didn't know how to make nylon ropes, but he knew that ordinary ropes were made of cotton or hemp.There is no surplus of cotton products at present, and there is no way to find new cotton-producing plants or animals, so the only way to start is hemp.

"Is there hemp in the mountains?" Su Shu asked Qiao Yulin who was always running around in the mountains.

Qiao Yulin shook his head: "I don't know if there is any. I have only used ready-made hemp rope. Before this kind of thing becomes hemp rope, I don't know what it looks like when it grows on the ground. Even if the hemp rope is in front of me, I will I can't recognize it."

Su Shu thought, yes.

But it's not a problem, Su Shu found a pen and paper, and quickly drew a lifelike ramie on the paper with his own painter.This is what he deliberately learned when he needed to paint a certain time, otherwise he would not be able to paint such an image.

Although there is not only this type of hemp plant, it is the most common one that grows in the wild.Su Shu has noticed that most of the plants near the small farm have wide leaves, so he chose to paint ramie.

In fact, it is not impossible for mutated silk to be used to weave ropes as fishing nets, but in addition to its toughness, mutated silk is also a good tool for keeping warm. It is not enough to have people in the safe zone. If Su Shu thinks that using this thing to weave fishing nets I'm afraid it's a bit of a waste.

Even if Qiao Yulin and Gong Liangbai didn't know what to say, he felt sorry for himself.

What is the use of a bull's knife to kill a chicken?

After drawing five or six pictures of ramie at one time, Su Shu distributed the pictures to Qiao Yulin and Gong Liangbai.He also gave a piece of ginseng essence and dogs, and even the boss of Frost Bamboo gave a piece.

"Look around for any plants similar to it."

Su Shu also took action by himself, drilling around in the mountains and forests when he had nothing to do.

Heavy snow covered most of the plants. Su Shu knew that the ramie he was looking for was about waist high, so he didn't look at those particularly tall ones. Whenever he saw something similar, he would sweep the snow off it before looking.

The result was unsatisfactory. The plants that were particularly easy to find in Su Shu's impression hadn't seen any shadows after searching for a few days.

"Could it be that there is no hemp in this world?" Su Shu was a little worried.

Just when he felt that this road would not work, Gong Liangbai brought good news to Su Shu.

"Sir, do you think this is what you're looking for?" What Gong Liangbai held in his hand was a bare plant that had been uprooted. Thick, about the width of two fingers, feels a little harsh to the touch, as if with soft bristles.

When he just looked at it with his eyes, Su Shu didn't recognize what it was. The moment he took it from Gong Liangbai's hand, Su Shu immediately confirmed from the feeling that this was the Ramie he was looking for!

"Where did you find it?" Su Shu suddenly became happy.

Gong Liangbai pointed in a direction: "At the foot of the mountain, I originally thought that maybe there is no such thing in this mountain forest, and I want people in the safe zone to see if they have seen it anywhere. But I yelled at a bunch of plants, and when I walked over to have a look, I found that they looked very similar to Mr.'s paintings except that they had no leaves."

"There's a patch over there that grows, but it's all withered." Speaking of this, Gong Liangbai also felt a pity, "It should have not survived the wave of mutations in the last days."

The normal plants that had not mutated had all withered, but although they withered, they still maintained their withered appearance, and they did not rot and weather due to the long time. I don't know what kind of magical phenomenon this is.

Anyway, since the end of the world, this world has been completely unscientific.

"Go and have a look." Su Shu immediately made a decision to let Qiao Yulin stay in the small farm to look after the house, Gong Liangbai led the way, and he brought ginseng essence.

Of course, the dogs have to be brought along, even if Su Shu doesn't want to take them, these guys will follow up on their own, and they can't be driven away.

With dogs acting as coachmen, Gong Liangbai and Su Shu soon arrived at their destination.

The foot of the mountain is barren as far as the naked eye can see, most of the plants are withered and yellow, and the ramie that Gong Liangbai found is one of them.

Indeed, as Gong Liangbai said, this area of ​​ramie is quite large, and Su Shu guessed that it might be specially planted by someone before the end of the world.Although there are many plants like hemp in the wild, they are useful plants after all, and as long as they are useful, they will be planted specially.

Su Shu knew a little bit about how to deal with ramie. He took out the sickle from the system backpack and cut off a withered ramie, and peeled it with unskilled movements.

Although it looks dry-stirred and withered, the peeled ramie skin is still soft and tough. Except that the color is not green, it is no different from normal ramie.

That said, these ramies will work.

"Qi Gen cut them back." After confirming that the ramie can be used, Su Shu immediately rushed to Gong Liangbai.

The latter took out his sickle and began to cut from where he stood.

Gong Liangbai bought his sickle from the residents of Beixuan Safe Zone. After all, he has already signed a contract with Su Shu as a farm employee, and basically many things he will do in the future will be related to the farm. After confirming this, Gong Liangbai made various preparations early on.Not only is it a change in thinking and mentality, but he also prepared a handful of farm tools for himself.

Su Shu didn't worry about it.

Hearing Su Shu's order, not only Gong Liangbai started to cut the ramie, but also his natal three-tailed cat also skillfully helped.Sansan couldn't hold the sickle with the cat's claws, but its own claws were very sharp and could be used as a sickle.

So where one person and one cat passed by, the ramie poles fell into one piece.

In this kind of matter, the dogs couldn't help much, and they all squatted aside obediently and watched.After cutting enough ramie, let them be used as a means of transportation.

Su Shu and Ginseng Jing did not participate in the ramie cutting activities. They shuttled among the ramie swarms, trying to find if there were any living plants, not to mention formed plants, even a small seedling, or even a small seed.

Only those who are alive can unlock the seeds in the Su Shu system.

As a plant-type fairy, Ginseng Essence has a strong sense of this aspect. It took Su Shu to drill left and right in the pile of ramie, and it really found a little bit of green.

At the bottom of a ramie stalk that seems to have completely withered, where it is blocked by layers of ramie, there is a leaf that has not completely fallen off, with a crescent-shaped green near the stem.This leaf is only the size of a fingernail, and it looks new at first glance, but even so, its green color is pitiful, and it is still a large area of ​​withered yellow from the tip of the leaf.

Depending on the situation, if Su Shu and Ginseng Essence find it in a day or two, this small leaf will wither completely.

Seeing this situation, Su Shu hurriedly asked Ginseng to find out the root system of this ramie, and he took out a hoe to try to dig it out without damaging the ramie root.

I don't know how long this barely alive ramie root system can last outside. Su Shu was afraid that it would die just like that, so he immediately asked Yiqiu to take him back to the small farm.

Gong Liangbai would stay there and cut more ramie stalks.

As soon as he stepped into the range of the small farm, [Ramie Seed] was unlocked and lit up on the trading page of the system.

Seeing this result, Su Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qiao Qiao, where's the flowerpot where you planted garlic?" Su Shu called out.

"Here!" Qiao Yulin found the flowerpot and handed it to Su Shu without hesitation, watching the latter carefully plant this strange plant in it.

"Brother Shu, is it still alive?" The first thing Qiao Yulin saw was the bare and flat ramie stalk. The taupe was completely withered, which made him very strange.

While Su Shu carefully planted the ramie into the flower pot, he showed Qiao Yulin the little leaf.

After Qiao Yulin saw it, his heart was suddenly touched, and he murmured: "Are you going to survive after struggling so much?"

Qiao Yulin's voice was so small that Su Shu couldn't hear it clearly, so he said "Huh?"

"It's okay." Qiao Yulin shook his head. He just sighed suddenly for some reason, "Brother Shu, can it survive in such a small pot?"

Su Shu didn't intend to use such a small flower pot.But how can there be suitable land for planting in this world of ice and snow?His greenhouse is already full of things, and there is no room for this little ramie, so he can only use a small flower pot to make do with it.

Su Shu thought, this little leaf can last for so long, so it shouldn't mind the little flowerpot, right?

The little ramie really doesn't mind the small flower pot, the root system is completely buried by the soil, and after watering, this little leaf looks much more energetic.

The author has something to say: update.

After thinking about the situation of adding changes mentioned yesterday, I finally decided to add a thousand words to ten rhaemes. [Cover your face.jpg] There is no way, after all, it is already [-] times a day, if there are too many, I will really die from the liver...

Oh, there are still today.



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