Doomsday Farm System

Chapter 93 Incorporation

For Qiao Yulin and Gong Liangbai to work so hard to teach them by themselves and make toys, Su Shu would be surprised if the ducklings can't swim yet.

Seeing that the two were so happy to share with him, Su Shu also smiled: "That's great, why don't you celebrate with something delicious today?"

"Okay, okay." Qiao Yulin was the first to agree, "What would Brother Shu want to eat?"

Gong Liangbai also said that he would listen to Su Shu's opinion.

Su Shu: "I kind of want to eat roast duck."

Qiao Yulin: "!"

Gong Liangbai: "!"

Just, utterly terrified.

Su Shu couldn't help laughing: "Okay, just kidding. Qiao Qiao can do it, I can eat anything."

Only then did Qiao Yulin and Gong Liangbai heave a sigh of relief.

It's not that they don't allow these ducks to be eaten. After all, these ducks are raised for food. They just taught them how to swim, and they are about to catch one to eat. Even they didn't realize it all at once. .

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Huang laid an egg this morning!" Qiao Yulin suddenly remembered, "Let's make a steamed egg today."

"Xiao Huang laid an egg?" This really surprised Su Shu, he didn't even know it yet.

Qiao Yulin nodded: "Yes, Xiaobai found out this morning when Xiaobai was adding food to Xiaohuang. At first I thought it was because the previous duck eggs were not finished, but later I found that the eggs were still warm, and they were several circles smaller than duck eggs. Well. Now that egg is in the kitchen, if Brother Shu wants to see it, I will take it out for you."

"At that time, my husband was thinking about the glass, so we didn't have time to tell you." Gong Liangbai added from the side.

"It's okay, I don't watch it either." Su Shu wasn't curious about eggs, he just didn't expect Xiao Huang to lay eggs so soon.But that's right, it's been almost five months since Xiao Huang first came to the farm, and it's time for a fast-growing hen to lay eggs.

Su Shu took a look into the chicken coop, and Xiao Huang could not be described as "small" anymore. He was chubby and heavy, and he was already a beautiful hen.

The size of Xiaohua is also a bit bigger than before, but it hasn't changed much.

Su Shu remembered that the little flower was a male, and he didn't know if there would be something wrong with the male and the female. If the chicks of the two could be hatched, would it be considered a little flower that looked like a pheasant, or would it look like a chicken? What about the little yellow of the chicken?

"Let Xiao Huang try to hug a litter when spring begins." Su Shu decided.

Now the weather is too cold in winter, it is not particularly suitable for hatching chickens, let's eat eggs first.

"Okay, I'll remember." Qiao Yulin also felt that he could hatch a brood.

Qiao Yulin was going to make lunch. Seeing that Gong Liangbai had nothing to do, Su Shu asked him to build a greenhouse with him.

The area of ​​the greenhouse must be larger than the igloo that was built randomly before. It is naturally inappropriate to build it on the open space in front of the wooden house, and it also looks cramped in front of the wooden house. Su Shu plans to build the greenhouse across the pond.

The opposite side of the pond was originally a wasteland opened by the zombies, and now there is no need to re-open one side. After selecting a suitable area, Su Shu and Gong Liangbai began to build the framework.

Neither of them are gold-type superpowers, and Su Shu doesn't really want to use metal as the frame. Metal is prone to problems whether it is winter or hot weather, and it is not easy to fix metal and glass without careful tools. However, how to frame the pieces of glass on the metal frame is still a big problem.

Su Shu thought of another suitable frame.

"Little ginseng, help me translate." Su Shu shook the ginseng essence sleeping in the cowshed to wake up, and handed it a structural drawing of the greenhouse, "Grow according to this."

The object that needs the translation of ginseng essence is ice bamboo.

What could be better than using bamboo as a support?Su Shu knew that Frost Bamboo could control the growth of some puppet bamboos. This seemed to be a skill that all plants possessed. Just like orange trees, some plants had only a similar appearance, but actually had no thinking at all.

What Su Shu played was exactly the idea of ​​these puppet plants.

Under the translation of ginseng essence, Su Shu let Han Bingzhu control the puppet bamboo to grow according to the frame on his blueprint.

If you don't cut it down, you can let Ice Bamboo modify any dissatisfaction in the future. If you cut it down, you can put the whole greenhouse into Su Shu's system backpack, no matter which one Su Shu chooses.

Of course, Su Shu didn't forget the positions where the glass needs to be inlaid. In these places, Su Shu re-drawn the details.The bamboo that grows under the control of the ice bamboo will use the forked branches as buckles, which perfectly lock each piece of glass tightly, without loosening or falling off, and without gaps, and the insulation effect is extremely good.

Once the frame of the entire vegetable greenhouse was completed, the happiest thing was not Su Shu, but Gong Liangbai's three-tailed cat Sansan.

Sansan doesn't know how long it's been since he played with a cat climbing frame. Now that such a big frame is placed in front of him, it's rare that it's not a mutant plant. He was so excited that he jumped on every frame, it's just that thick The bamboo of my son, such a big cat fell on it lightly, and the whole frame didn't even shake.

I also saw Sansan's excrement shoveler beside him trembling with fear, for fear that it would fall and fall.

Mu Ke, the short-legged corgi, doesn't care if his companion is in danger or not, he runs back and forth, left, right, left, and right in the shed on his own, playing vigorously without touching the glass.

Su Shu couldn't help but said: "When you have time, make some toys for Sansan. The farm is full of dogs, and there are no cats to play with it."

Speaking of which, I can also make a few toys for the snow dogs, such as chewing gum, frisbee, and I can't let them go to the woods. Whoever loses the fight wins.

Gong Liangbai smiled: "Okay."

After the frame of the greenhouse is completed, the only thing left is the glass.

Waiting for the metallurgical bugs to make glass, Su Shu finally started to process the melon seeds he got in autumn.

The melon seeds that the zombies took out from the pig poop had been washed by Qiao Yulin early on, and now they were kept fresh in Su Shu's system backpack, without any change when they were taken out.

A watermelon seed had germinated when it was dug out, and Su Shu put it back into the system backpack.This can only be taken out and planted after the greenhouse has been completely built.

As for the other seeds, Su Shu had to raise seedlings for them first.

Pumpkin seeds are easy to identify, about [-] or so. Winter melon seeds look somewhat similar to pumpkin seeds. Su Shu uses the system backpack to distinguish them. Anyway, put them in one by one, and the seeds will be divided into the same pile. .There are not as many winter melon seeds as there are pumpkin seeds, only less than twenty.

Cantaloupe seeds are the least, only five, and cucumber and zucchini seeds are all about ten.

Looking at these seeds, Su Shu suddenly wanted to wait for Kaichun to lead people to follow the group of black pigs to see where they went to eat these melons. Why are there so many melon seeds?Seems like a lot of species.

But this is all for later. Now Su Shu sorts the seeds, sprays them with water, covers them with a layer of cotton cloth, and then puts them in a heated room. After that, he only needs to spray some water regularly to keep the seeds moist. Just wait for it to germinate.

Fearing that these wild seeds would not germinate, Su Shu also bought some from the system store, put them together with these seeds, and followed the same method of raising seedlings.

More than 2000 metallurgical bugs ate sand and made glass together. In less than five days, Su Shu got a glass block that could cover the entire greenhouse.

Calling Qiao Yulin and Gong Liangbai to help, it took the three of them a whole day to install all the glass.

The temperature inside the newly built greenhouse is not much higher than outside, and Su Shu is not in a hurry. To really build the greenhouse, there is still the last step, heating.

The greenhouse does not generate temperature by itself in a shed. The function of the shed is to keep warm and maintain the added temperature. This temperature needs to be raised by various heating methods such as fire, hot water, and steam. go up.

In Su Shu's previous life, there was no such cold winter that required artificial heating, let alone this colder end of the world.

Su Shu didn't have to worry about this, he turned on the system construction function and built a new cowshed.

Then, Su Shu started to dismantle the heating system in the new cowshed and installed it in the greenhouse.

And what about the unheated cowshed?

"For your robot." Su Shu threw the new cowshed to Qiao Yulin.

Zombie robots don't need heating anyway, so giving them an unheated cowshed is just fine.

Qiao Yulin: "..."

With the heating, the temperature of the greenhouse was rising faster and faster, and soon Su Shu saw that the snow inside had melted into water, and all of it had melted into the soil.

You can start trying to grow things!

Su Shu immediately called all the laborers on the farm, plus twelve dogs including Corgi, a three-tailed cat, a ginseng essence, and three people, all entered the greenhouse and began to plow the ground.

After more than a month of freezing in winter, the land has been frozen hard. Even if it has been thawed now, the hardness and firmness of the soil are not enough to directly plant things.

Fortunately, except for Su Shu, an ordinary person present, no matter whether it was a dog, a cat or a monster, including those two supernatural beings, they were not afraid of the task of digging the ground.

As for Su Shu, with the help of a systematic hoe, he is not the one who is holding back.

Even if the land that has been reclaimed before is turned over again, it is much easier than the first time. In less than half a day, the whole land has been turned soft and soft, and it looks no different from that in autumn.

All the melon seeds that are growing seedlings have sprouted emerald green shoots, each one is short and fat, and it looks like the kind with strong vitality.

Su Shu planted the seedlings in the ground, and installed automatic waterers at intervals.Su Shu had already put away those automatic watering devices after the fields were harvested in autumn, and they were just in use now.

After all the melon seeds are planted, there is still more than half of the space in the greenhouse.

Su Shu planted a wave of beets.

He didn't want to grow rice and wheat any more. The ones grown in the Beixuan Safe Zone were enough for him to eat. Su Shu remembered that sugar beets should be able to make sugar.

Su Shu's own wooden house kitchen is equipped with sugar for seasoning, but there are no sugar products in the Beixuan safe zone.

For things like sugar, even people who don't like sweets will miss it if they can't eat sugar.Su Shu doesn't know how to make sugar from beets at present, but it doesn't prevent him from planting a wave first.

Anyway, winter is still long, so he can read information on how to make sugar in the study.

Qiao Yulin and Gong Liangbai didn't refute any of Su Shu's decisions. After the greenhouse was built, they had another task of managing the greenhouse in their daily life.

The workers on the river are still mining the sand, and Su Shu doesn't plan to stop until they have nothing else to do.After waiting for a few days to observe that there is no problem with the greenhouse on his small farm, the Beixuan Safety Zone will also start building greenhouses. At that time, there will be only more glass and no less sand.

After Duan Kangcheng knew that the greenhouse on the side of the small farm had been built, he would call a sound-transmitting conch every day to inquire about the situation.

After observing for a few days, Su Shu confirmed that the crops planted in the greenhouse were growing in good condition, and the greenhouse did not show any signs of collapse. He gave Duan Kangcheng an accurate answer: "We are ready to start work."

City Lord Beixuan has been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

The situation in the Beixuan safe zone is somewhat different from Su Shu's small farm. At least the safe zone can't use bamboo as the frame of the greenhouse, and they all use metal to make it.

All gold-type superpowers in the safe zone were drawn out. According to the blueprint given by Su Shu, one person was in charge of a part, and finally one person was in charge of the connection.

The large frame is quite smooth to make. The slightly troublesome thing is the buckles used to fix the glass. Not every supernatural person can control it so well. There are always some people who make it that does not meet the specifications. He changed to a position that didn't require precision, or did it all over again.

Fortunately, the production of glass is not so fast, and there is time for these supernatural beings to grind slowly.

As the Beixuan safety zone transferred some manpower to build greenhouses, the number of people in the safety zone became less and less.

Duan Kangcheng discussed with Su Shu: "Sir, what do you think of those people in the wandering base?"

Su Shu knew what Duan Kangcheng meant: "The work is serious, there is no big problem, you can consider it."

Yes, whether it is Duan Kangcheng or Su Shu, they have thought about this issue when they agreed to live in the wandering base near the Beixuan safe zone.It's just that neither of them brought it up so quickly, and each had their own concerns.

Su Shu's concern was that he had never managed people in such a large city before, and he was afraid that there would be hidden dangers if he rashly proposed to recruit other people. He felt that if there was a shortage of people, Duan Kangcheng and the others would consider it, so he didn't mention it so early.

Duan Kangcheng and others were concerned about Su Shu.

It's not that Su Shu disagrees, but they all know that the Beixuan Safe Zone has undergone such a big change, and the core is naturally Su Shu.Now the people in the safe zone all watched Mr. Su lead them step by step. Naturally, there is no need to say much respect for Mr. Su, and they also understand the importance of Mr. Su to the entire safe zone.

As long as everyone wants to live a good life, no one is so stupid as to do things that are not good for Mr. Su.

But others are different.

Duan Kangcheng and the others were afraid that they would recruit so many people rashly. If some of them had bad intentions and had bad thoughts, the harm to Mr. Su would not be worth the loss.Even if it didn't cause harm to Mr. Su, it would easily make Mr. Su unhappy if he did something disgusting.

So Duan Kangcheng and the others plan to investigate these people first, and only after they feel suitable will they be recruited.

Now is the right time.

After Duan Kangcheng and Su Shu had no problem with the inclusion, the inclusion was put on the agenda.

It didn't take much effort to recruit the people in the wandering base.It was even said that after Zhang Chuang went to propose that he could obtain permanent residency and residency rights in the Beixuan Safety Zone, except for the core members of the Qingyun team, everyone else was extremely excited.

Zhang Chuang was immediately surrounded by these people, asking what the conditions were, how to get the right of residence and residency, whether he could bring his family and so on.

Zhang Chuang explained to them one by one.

In fact, it is not complicated. After passing the most basic assessment, they only need to register in the safe zone, and then pay some supplies in exchange for a house in the safe zone, and then they can become a member of Beixuan.

If there are no supplies, points or crystal nuclei can also be used.

The people in the wandering base have already accumulated a certain amount of points during this period of work, and everyone has enough points in exchange for this qualification.

This was confirmed, and everyone was overjoyed.

Zhang Chuang did not rush everyone into the safe zone to register, he also read the rules of the Beixuan safe zone to these people.

Most of the rules are the same as in all safe areas, and no crimes such as stealing chickens and dogs are allowed. Among them, the top one is "respect Mr. Su Shu, and no one should do anything harmful to Mr. Su".

Everyone in the wandering base accepted this rule well.

Even if there is no such rule, everyone will respect Mr. Su who is willing to work for him.When trading supplies with the people in Beixuan's safe zone, they had already discovered that the entire Beixuan people respected Mr. Su, and they naturally understood his position in Beixuan.No one would take the risk of offending the entire safety zone to do something against Mr. Su.

As a result, the recruitment work of the wandering base was successfully completed.

The core members of the Qingyun team looked at each other in blank dismay.

"How about we ask if we can join in?"


Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Mu Ziqi 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 29 bottles of Mu Ziqi; 10 bottles of Youshang in the setting sun; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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