Doomsday Farm System

Chapter 89 Sickness

What, what?

Gong Liangbai was dumbfounded.

"Teach them to swim?" Gong Liangbai thought for a moment that his eyes were dazzled. He pointed to the animals inside and asked, "Ducks?"

It was the first time Gong Liangbai heard that he wanted to teach ducks how to swim.

Qiao Yulin was also very helpless.

It is also the first time he has found someone to teach ducks to swim!God knows why these ducks can't swim.Qiao Yulin has been observing the living conditions of the ducklings and their adaptation to the environment for the past two days. As he was observing, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Why do these little ducks love the water basin so much, but one or two only stretch their beak shells into the water basin, and even if they occasionally jump in with their flapping wings, they will quickly jump out?He didn't see a duck floating and swimming on the water.

At first, Qiao Yulin thought that the temperature of the water inside was not suitable, or the depth was not suitable, but no matter how many times he changed it, none of the ducks floated on the water.

Qiao Yulin began to wonder.He caught some ducks and put them in the water.Then he saw a picture that subverted his three views.

These little ducks either escaped from the water quickly, or rolled over to the water with their heads down, like a capsized boat, with only the duck paws standing straight on the water.

These little ducks can't swim?

This stumped Qiao Yulin.

Qiao Yulin still remembered that Brother Shu thought that when the ice on the pond melted, these ducklings would be released to the pond.If they couldn't even swim, wouldn't this completely ruin Brother Shu's plan!

Qiao Yulin will never allow Brother Shu to fail to do what he wants to do!

Qiao Yulin suspects that these duck eggs may come from chickens, or that the mutated duck eggs are different from ordinary duck eggs. In short, these ducklings can't swim now, so he has to teach them to swim.

Originally, Qiao Yulin was still worrying about how to teach ducks to swim. After all, he is not a duck, but now he is fine, and a newcomer has come to take up this task.

Qiao Yulin patted Gong Liangbai's shoulder: "I believe in you, come on!"

Gong Liangbai: "..."

The first day when I came to Mr. Su's side, the task was arduous.

Su Shu didn't know what kind of confusion his new employee had encountered. He was already sitting in a sleigh, being pulled by a ball to the safe zone.

Just when Qiao Yulin took Gong Liangbai into the staff dormitory to watch, Su Shu received a call from Zuo Zian.

"Sir, I heard that you are back. Director Wanna of the Institute of Zoology asked me to tell you that there were some problems with the ducks that were hatched and the wild boars that were caught some time ago. You may need to come and have a look. "

Su Shu didn't hesitate: "Okay, I'll come right away and let him prepare the food that the ducks and wild boars have eaten during this time in advance."

After hanging up the phone, Su Shu left a message to Qiao Yulin, and left by himself.

Of course, before he left, he didn't forget to let Han Bingzhu's second and third child stay in the small farm, and of course the ginseng essence also stayed. The message to Qiao Yulin was conveyed by the ginseng essence.

In addition to explaining his whereabouts in the message, Su Shu also told Qiao Yulin to remember to give Han Bingzhu the nutrition for the past few days when he was out.

Although I didn't use Frost Bamboo to go out this time, no one thought that the search team had already been dug out by others, anyway, there must be a lot of people who should be given to Frost Bamboo.Su Shu was unwilling to wrong these lovely plants who were willing to help him.

Originally, Su Shu planned to keep all the [-]nd to [-]th balls. After all, these dogs have not eaten well after running around with him these days, but they all want to run with Su Shu. If he really likes such activities and feels happy, Su Shu will follow them.

One person and eleven dogs came to the safe zone, and the guards of the city gate saw this posture and opened the gate from a distance.

Su Shu went all the way unimpeded and went directly to the Institute of Zoology in the Central District.

He also doesn't plan to go to the city advocates to create them. At this moment, as long as he thinks about it, he can guess that they must be solving the problem of the wandering base Qingyun team.

Wanna has been waiting at the entrance of the research institute, and when he saw Su Shu coming, he immediately greeted him: "Mr. Su, you are finally back, hurry up and help find out what's going on here?"

Su Shu didn't say much, and immediately asked Wanna to lead the way.

The pigsty was closer than the duck house, and Su Shu soon arrived at the pigsty.

Many researchers from the Assassin Animal Research Institute were already waiting anxiously nearby. They were heartbroken to see the black pigs that had been carefully raised suddenly get sick or even die one by one in the past few days.

This is an animal they raised with great difficulty. They usually eat, drink, and take good care of it. It is also the first time that an animal has survived under human breeding for such a long time. Everyone is full of hope for the future.

But who would have thought that at this moment, the pigs had a problem.Could it be that humans will eventually not be able to raise animals?

Many people have such worries in their hearts.

Fortunately, they still remembered Mr. Su, and did not lose all hope.

"Mr. Su, these little black pigs just started to have a poor appetite. Everyone thought they were tired of eating, or they hadn't digested the last meal. The pigs are not allowed to rub their stomachs, or add a little digestive potion to their food."

Wanna told Su Shu about the situation.

"But no one thought that things would become more and more serious. Some little black pigs began to turn red and even purple. Because their skin was too dark, we only saw it after observing for a long time. Besides, The joints of these black pigs started to swell again, and they couldn’t even stand up. They were also accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, and loose stool.”

"We know that the black pig is sick, but all the previous knowledge about raising pigs is gone, and we can't find a corresponding policy at all. The habits of the mutated black pig we know are completely incompatible. We really don't know what to do."

"Now we are just isolating the pigs that show signs of disease, and at least we can keep some of them. It's just that even if they are isolated, they can't be completely controlled, and there will be normal pigs that start to get sick from time to time."

"Mr. Su, can you take a look?"

At this moment, the black pig in front of Su Shu had already reached the middle and late stage of the disease, his legs could not stand up, and his skin was red in large areas.Why does this phenomenon look familiar?

Su Shu remembered seeing similar pictures in his study in his free time.He immediately turned on the system query function, sure enough.

"It's swine fever." Su Shu was very sure.

"Mutated black pigs don't get swine fever, they have a mutated virus, which is already the most powerful virus, so you can't observe this phenomenon. But our pigs are different, most of their food is non-mutated plants , the meat of the body also has no mutated virus, so compared to the fully mutated black pig, the immunity of this half-mutated black pig is much weaker."

"Then what should we do now?" Wanna had also heard of swine fever.Even before the end of the world, pig farmers absolutely do not want their pigs to get swine fever. Once they get it, it will be a very troublesome thing.Not to mention that all kinds of medicines for treating swine fever in this post-apocalyptic world have long since disappeared.

After all, the search team didn't think they had enough medicines for humans, so how could they have the energy to find medicines for pigs?Anyway, there was no way for humans to raise any animals in the past.

Without medicine, Wanna and others don't know how to treat swine fever.

Su Shu really has a way.

The study room provided by the farm system is very complete, and also considering that many things in the world he lives in have disappeared, when introducing swine fever, the treatment plan was given in accordance with the old methods in ancient times.

It even incorporates the reality of the last days.

Su Shu has praised the farm system more than once for being so considerate.

"First change the food for all the pigs, and add a lot of radish leaves to their current food. The radish leaves are all chopped up, no need to cook. Add some pigweed, the mutated pigweed planted before, also chopped up , mix it with radish leaves and feed them. Then cut the sick pig’s tail with a knife to release all the poisonous blood. After that, we can only wait.”

Although this method is very simple, it does not take a few days for pigs with strong resistance to recover.Su Shu believed that the resistance of these mutated black pigs would not disappoint him.

It's just that Wanna hesitated: "The logistics department doesn't have fresh radish leaves."

In fact, whether it is fresh or not, the logistics department does not have radish leaves.

It was only then that Su Shu realized that he had added radishes to the hot pot with his employees before. He didn't realize that white radishes were only grown from ginseng essence in a small farm, and they hadn't had time to spread to the Beixuan safe zone.

Moreover, the previous batch of white radishes were planted before the ginseng essence came to the small farm. According to its own preferences, these white radishes did not grow leaves.So much so that he doesn't have radish leaves now.

It seems that only the leaves of white radish planted with ginseng essence are left. Although they are a little smaller and less, it is better than nothing.

But these are not enough.

"Mutated radish leaves are also available. Do you know where there are such mutated plants?" Su Shu found a substitute, "It's just that if you want to use mutated radish leaves, you need to add less mutated pigweed. If mutated radish leaves The virus content is very high, and there is no need to add mutated hogweed later.”

The reason for adding mutated hogweed is to increase the degree of variation in the physical strength of the black pigs a little bit, well, to enhance their tenacious vitality, and at the same time use the mutated virus and swine fever virus to fight the virus.

But adding too much will not work. If there are too many mutated plants in the stomach, the black pigs that will eventually come out will also be biased towards mutated black pigs, and there will be mutated virus content in the meat quality.Even in terms of strength, appearance, and temper, it will be the same as the wild mutant black pig. It is impossible to control it as long as the research institute has a pigsty.

When the time comes, it's a trivial matter to rush out and destroy the pigsty, but it's not good to hurt people.

Xiao Hei and Er Hei in the small farm didn't have any problems, and they were all under the control of the farm system. Su Shu only needed to raise them casually, and it didn't take much effort.Don't worry about getting sick and so on.But the Beixuan Safety Zone is different. These pigs are the property of the Safety Zone, and Su Shu's farm system cannot control them.It can only be so broken and slowly groping.

After hearing Su Shu's suggestion, the members of the Institute of Zoology breathed a sigh of relief.

In short, it’s good to have a way now. Mutated radish leaves are still easy to find. Before the end of the world, radishes were grown in many places, and after the end of the world, there are quite a few mutated ones. You don’t even need to send someone to hunt them. In the trading market, what is collected may be enough for these black pigs to eat for several days.

"I'm just going to release the acquisition task." A researcher immediately moved.

"I'm going to find a basin to pick up the pig's blood."

"I'm going to see how the pigweed is growing."

"I'm going to find some more knives."

With a goal, everyone got busy and suddenly got motivated.

After the matter on the pig side was settled, Wanna took Su Shu to the duck house again.

Su Shu thought that the ducks were also sick because of the black pigs, but after he got here to see the situation clearly, he realized that he really couldn't think of a good solution to this problem for a while.

The ducklings in the duck house huddled together in groups, did not stand up to move around, and were not even interested in food. The whole duck was listless.

It didn't take long for Su Shu to find out that it was mainly a temperature problem.

Naturally, the duck house built by the Institute of Zoology cannot have such black technology as the farm system, so there is no good way to adjust the temperature and humidity at all.However, the temperature of the newly hatched ducklings is not as adaptable as the big ducks. At this moment, the temperature in the duck house is at most above zero, and it doesn't even exceed 10 degrees above zero.

In such an environment, how could the ducklings be spirited?

So far, the low mortality rate is due to the fact that these duck eggs came from mutated ducks. If ordinary duck eggs hatched, they would have been frozen to death long ago.

"Find a way to increase the temperature of the duck house to about [-] degrees." Su Shu said, "It doesn't matter if it is higher. You can't just increase the temperature. You must also pay attention to the humidity in the room. If it is too dry, the ducks will adapt to it." No. There is also their food, if possible, try to feed some river fresh products, such as fish and shrimp. Similarly, it doesn’t matter if there is a little mutant meat.”

Wanner sighed.

It's just a matter of temperature. In such a big duck house, it's impossible for people with fire abilities to stay inside and use fireballs to control the temperature, right?Even if the fire-type abilities are willing, their fireballs cannot be kept forever, there will always be a time when the abilities are exhausted.

Moreover, the combat power in the safe zone is not enough. If the fire-type supernatural powers are used in such a place, Wanner knows it is not suitable, needless to say.

"It seems that we have to continue to search for supplies." Wanner began to recall whether he had seen a working temperature adjustment device somewhere.

Although there is no energy to supply that kind of thing back, but in case, it is not heard that the hope safe zone is studying how to use crystal nucleus energy to replace water, electricity, gas and other energy.

Su Shu patted Wanna on the shoulder to comfort him.

Unless he finds a temperature adjustment device, Su Shu has no good solution.At least he has nothing to do now.

Wanna looked at the ducklings: "Anyway, I'll borrow two fire-type supernatural beings to raise the temperature a bit, and live as long as I can."

Su Shu suddenly said: "Do you know that some people from the wandering base have come? They should have a fire department in them, maybe they can be hired."

Wanner's eyes lit up, yes!

Su Shu was also reminded by his own words.

Aren't I worrying that there is no manpower to find sand? Isn't this a ready-made manpower?

The author has something to say: the greenhouse is under construction.


Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of lele; 1 bottle of nine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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