"What are you doing here?" Seeing Su Shu walking towards him, Gong Liangbai was immediately full of vigilance.

Su Shu paused, not knowing what to say.Just say "I'm interested in your cats and dogs and want to seduce them"?I'm afraid I will be beaten to death.

Su Shu hasn't spoken yet, so he quit with a ball next to Su Shu.

Although it doesn't want to smell that human beings cast their eyes on other dogs, it's one thing not to want to, and another thing to not want to be human!Hurry up and hand over the dog!

And that cat, don't think we won't be able to see you because it's twinkling and transparent, your cat smell is almost choking my nose.

With one ball and one big mouth, he was about to go towards Gong Liangbai.It intends to hold the person, the cat, and the dog in its mouth, then spit the humans aside, and spit the cats and dogs in front of the smelly humans.

Su Shu saw the familiar movement of one ball, and quickly stopped it: "One ball and so on."

"Woo?" Do you want them?

Su Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You will scare them, one ball."

"Wow~" I was super gentle and didn't bite them.

"Anyway, no need, thank you for the ball." Su Shu didn't care about the organizational language at this time, he was afraid that if he hesitated a little longer, he would see the great skill of a ball.

Injuries don't hurt, but Su Shu felt that the cats and dogs who had been sucked by dogs and spit them out probably didn't want to touch them anymore.

"Can I play with them for a while?" Su Shu said bluntly to Gong Liangbai.

Gong Liangbai was frightened by Yiqiu's mouth that opened suddenly just now, but at this moment he still hasn't recovered.

Hearing Su Shu's words, Gong Liangbai glanced at him, pursed his lips and said "No", then turned and left.

The three-tailed cat and corgi dog are his own life, how could Gong Liangbai just give them away to play so casually.Even if the man seems to be nice to the animals, he is not at ease.Not to mention that the animal next to this person is such a tall snow dog. If he did something to his cat or dog during the play, or lost his sense of proportion, or hurt somewhere, he would have no time to cry.

However, Gong Liangbai never expected that as soon as he turned around, before he turned around completely, he would feel his trousers being bitten by something.

Looking down, it was his corgi dog.

"Muke, what are you doing?" Gong Liangbai was puzzled.

The corgi dog named Mu Ke bit his master's trouser leg with his teeth, looked at Su Shu on the opposite side, his ears were raised high, and only a small ball of tail moved fast, with a chubby butt Trembling and trembling.The short legs are still moving towards Su Shu.

One look at this posture, anyone who is familiar with Gouzi will know what it wants to do.

Corgi Gouzi obviously understood Su Shu's words, and he also wanted to play with Su Shu for a while.

Gong Liangbai looked at the three-tailed cat on his shoulder again.

Sure enough, the three-tailed cat was also looking at the person opposite.

Gong Liangbai's eyes were filled with jealousy.

What's so good about this guy?Why do animals like it so much?Don't you two guys see those big snow dogs next to him?Weight alone could crush the two of you into patties.

Especially Sanwei, you are a cat, and you still want to play with so many dogs, so you are not afraid that you will not be able to beat them alone?What kind of charm is it that makes you not care about playing with the dog anymore?

No matter how unwilling Gong Liangbai was, he couldn't let himself just ignore the thoughts of cats and dogs.These cats and dogs have accompanied him for so many years, they are the most important things in his life, it is rare to see them show affection, Gong Liangbai will be satisfied no matter what.

So, Gong Liangbai turned back again: "I can play with you, but I have to watch from the side."

Of course Su Shu agreed.

If his own cats and dogs go to play with other people, unless they are trusted by him, Su Shu will also follow him.

At most, it's as if he can't see this person.

As soon as Gong Liangbai let go, the three-tailed cat and the corgi dog immediately let go, one jumped off their shoulders, and they all walked towards Su Shu.

Su Shu squatted down and stretched out his hand: "Good boy~"

I got it!

Petting the cat's head with one hand and the dog's head with the other, Su Shu suddenly felt extremely happy.

The three-tailed cat has medium-long hair. After the end of the world, the environment is not very good, and its hair looks a bit dull and sparse.But still very smooth and no knots.It seems that Gong Liangbai combs and grooms it from time to time.

Corgi's fur is short and feels like satin.I don't know if it's a physical problem or what, especially the fat butt, which feels great when pinched.

Su Shu fumbled for a while, then remembered that there were still fish in his system backpack: "Let's go, find a cleaner place, and get you some food."

With that said, Su Shu left with a cat and a dog.

He completely forgot about Gong Liangbai.

Gong Liangbai silently followed behind, watching his three-tailed cat and Corgi follow behind others, if it wasn't for them, they would still remember to turn their heads to see if their master was following. Liangbai wanted to scold these two little heartless guys.

But even if he was still reluctant to scold, Gong Liangbai didn't know what the sourness was like.

Why don't you like animals like this man?If I had this kind of ability, maybe the cat I saw not long ago would agree to let me raise it?

For some reason, Gong Liangbai had the appearance of that cat in his mind.

The cat probably saw it when autumn just started. At that time, Gong Liangbai found a clear stream to catch fish for his three-tailed cat, but now all the mutated fish in the river either have electricity or are extremely fast. Hurry up, or grow a mouthful of sharp fangs that can eat people, but the meat cannot be eaten by people. Gong Liangbai spent half a day by the river without catching one.

Just when he was thinking about changing places, the cat appeared.

It was a snow-white cat with silver-gray tips.Long hair, the fluffy hair from head to tail is like a soft spread on the body, especially the hair on the tail, which is thick and fluffy, trembling when walking, elegant and fairy-like, blue and With some golden cat eyes, he just glanced at Gong Liangbai casually, and walked straight to the river as if nothing happened.

Gong Liangbai could see that it wanted to catch fish to eat. In Gong Liangbai's eyes, it was not easy for this normal-sized cat to catch fish from the river, especially with its fur. Knowing how long it takes to clean and dry completely can make the cat sick.

"I'll help..." Gong Liangbai knew that most of the mutated animals could understand human language, and was about to say that he would help catch it, and also wanted to see if he could please the cat and make it follow him.

However, Gong Liangbai didn't finish his sentence, and saw the cat lightly patted the river surface with its front paws, without even splashing a drop of water, and only made two circles of ripples like a dragonfly touching the water.

But it was just this superficial slap, a fish bigger than the whole cat suddenly jumped out of the river, passed the cat straight, and landed on the river bank behind him.

The big fish swayed a few times randomly, exuding a posture of letting a cat slaughter it.

The cat seemed to have been familiar with this behavior thousands of times, retracted its paw that had patted the water, and licked it gracefully twice.Then he left with such a big fish in his mouth.

Gong Liangbai was dumbfounded by the shock, he didn't know whether to marvel at the power of the cat's claws or such a small cat can hold such a big fish.

All in all, this cat is awesome.

Later, Gong Liangbai recalled this scene, and felt that he hadn't seen it clearly before.This cat's fluffy hair is shiny and soft, and it looks like it has been well groomed.The whole cat is also round and round, with flesh and flesh, and muscle and muscle. A cat that can live such a good life will not be incompetent, let alone ask itself to help.

But even so, Gong Liangbai believes that next time he sees it, he will still want to raise it.

But that cat is so cold and cold, it will definitely not be easily kept by humans, right?

Gong Liangbai looked at the man surrounded by so many dogs and his own three-tailed cat and corgi, thinking that if it was him, would the cold cat get close to him?

Gong Liangbai couldn't guarantee it.

The fish in Su Shu’s system backpack was caught before, and when collecting the fish skin, I also collected a whole fish. I didn’t know what to think at the time, but I did it suddenly. Now that I think about it, could it be that I have a premonition that I will meet a cat this time? ?

But now the surrounding snow dogs are surrounded, and Corgi is also surrounded. It is too partial to just give this fish to the cat.

Especially the snow dogs, when Su Shu touched Corgi, they wished to stick their heads over, and they all squeezed under Su Shu's hands. Looking at their posture, they could squeeze Corgi into a corner in minutes.

If Su Shu talks about them, one or two will show you pitifully sobbing.

How could Su Shu be able to bear it? The dogs were already jealous. If he only fed other people's cats, they might roll all over the floor.

These big snowballs probably weigh more than two hundred catties. If they roll over on the ground, it will be terrible.

Thinking of this scene, Su Shu wanted to touch his forehead.

In the end, Su Shu decided to make a good meal for cats and dogs. It doesn't matter if there is only one fish. He also has mutated black pork and other vegetables in his system backpack.

As a result, other people in the wandering base who were packing their things gradually smelled a thick and attractive fragrance, with some sweetness. Just smelling this smell makes people want to swallow.

But where did this smell come from?Didn't you just make breakfast?

People who were closer could smell the fragrance even stronger, and finally couldn't help but put down the things in their hands and came over.

Then, they saw the familiar snowball.

The big snowballs are surrounded by a group, and it is impossible to see what is in the middle.This posture reminded the people at the wandering base of this morning's nightmare.

Even if they were curious about this fragrance, no one dared to approach it rashly.

A sharp-eyed person saw Gong Liangbai standing like a pillar beside the snowball pile, his eyes lit up immediately, and they all called out softly: "Gong Liangbai, Gong brother, Liangbai big brother~"

Gong Liangbai swears that since he came from the end of the world, he has never heard someone call him so intimately.It was so numb that goose bumps all over my body.

Gong Liangbai walked over: "What's the matter?"

"What are these snow dogs doing? What is this scent? I saw your muke is in it. Is someone cooking delicious food in it?"

"I guarantee that I smell the smell of a mutated black pig." One person said confidently, "Someone is definitely cooking something to eat."

"These snow dogs belong to that person Beixuan, could it be him?"

"Didn't Beixuan eat it just now? What is this cooking?"

"Brother Gong, why don't you help us ask if we can buy some?"

"Buy? What do you use to buy it? Let me see and ask if I can take a look."

"Yes, yes, just take a look, I just want to see what is so fragrant."

Everyone spoke to each other, and finally remembered that Gong Liangbai hadn't spoken yet, so they stopped and cast expectant gazes on Gong Liangbai.

Gong Liangbai: "That person is cooking. He doesn't sell it, and he won't show it to you."

Even if Gong Liangbai doesn't ask this question, he can still answer it.

Judging from the man's attitude towards him, Gong Liangbai guessed that he didn't want to pay attention to people like himself, let alone show such a delicious thing to these people.I'm afraid that for him, other people's curiosity is not worth the barking of those animals around him.

Isn't Gong Liangbai himself like this?

After answering these questions, Gong Liangbai ignored them and returned to his previous position.It is not far or near to my cats and dogs, and I can see it. If something happens, I can protect it in time, and it will not hinder them from playing.

Su Shu, who was surrounded by snow dogs, didn't know that there was another group of people watching outside. People outside couldn't see him, so naturally he couldn't see people outside.

At this moment, the water in the portable boiler taken out from the system backpack has boiled away, and the potatoes and sweet potatoes that have been put in it are getting more and more cooked. While cooking, the fish was the first to be cooked. The bones had been removed and crushed into minced fish.

Seeing that the meat and vegetables in the pot were cooked, Su Shu added some cabbage leaves into it.

When he was making dog food on a small farm before, he found that the snow dogs liked to eat cabbage leaves, and he did not forget this time.

The cabbage leaves are cooked very quickly, and they soften in a few seconds, and they are already cooked.

Remove from heat and remove.Mince everything, and press everything that should be made into a paste.Su Shu couldn't handle this process alone, so he called Yiqiu to help with its claws.

It's not the first time that Yiqiu has been called to do this kind of thing. He skillfully pressed all the ingredients such as potatoes and sweet potatoes into a fine and smooth shape, without getting dirty at all, and his claws didn't stick to the ingredients at all.

Its claws were much stronger than Su Shu's. It didn't take much time to press all the ingredients needed for eleven snow dogs, one guest dog and one guest cat.

When a ball was pressing these things, Su Shu had already chopped the meat and cabbage finely enough.

After that, it is very simple, mix all the ingredients together, pour some oil into the pan and fry for a while, fry and stir fry, and fry the excess water, without adding any seasoning, you can put it on the plate.

Some dogs like to burn a bit burnt, Su Shu also left some in the pot to deal with it, and some dogs like to cook without frying or frying, so the water is more, Su Shu also remembers.

As for the two guests, dogs and cats, Su Shu took out ginseng essence and asked it to translate, "Which flavor do you like to eat?"

Neither cats nor dogs are picky, and they eat all tastes.

After the ginseng essence was translated, he was not interested in the bland food made by Su Shu, so he asked the latter to put it back in the system backpack and continue to sleep.

Su Shu put some of each flavor on the plates of Three-tailed Cat and Corgi.

He has not forgotten that the owner of these two animals is not himself, so he called Gong Liangbai: "Do they have any taboo food?"

Gong Liangbai saw all of Su Shu's cooking movements, but because of the occlusion of the snow dogs, he didn't see the process of ginseng translation, but he heard Su Shu ask the three-tailed cat and Corgi questions, Facing Su Shu now, he just felt complicated.

This person is not only willing to give animals such good things, but also considers their tastes so carefully, and even asks them if they have any taboos. Even some animal trainers don't have such a person for animals, okay?

Gong Liangbai suddenly understood why these animals liked this human being.

If he himself were an animal, he might not be able to reject such a person.

"There is no taboo, eat everything." Gong Liangbai replied.

Su Shu looked at Gong Liangbai, not knowing what he was thinking, after thinking about it, he brought the food prepared for the Three-tailed Cat and Corgi to the latter: "Would you like to see if there is anything I shouldn't have left?" thing?"

Like poisoning or something.

Gong Liangbai shook his head: "No need."

He noticed that when this person was cooking this pot of food, all the ingredients were processed together. The food was not only for the three-tailed cat and corgi, but also for the snow dogs.Even if he really poisoned them, he couldn't possibly poison all these snow dogs.

not worth it.

After there was no problem, Su Shu began to share the food under the happy eyes of the animals.

The snow dogs ate one by two, eating happily.The three-tailed cat and Corgi seldom eat such food, especially those vegetables without the slightest mutated virus. Even if they don't like vegetables, they can't refuse the taste at all.

For a moment, the two almost wanted to betray the master.

But this was just a momentary thought, one cat and one dog ate more than half of it on their own, and then took a big bite in their mouths at the same time, instead of swallowing it, they walked to Gong Liangbai's side, Carefully spit out the food in his mouth into his palm.

He even raised his head to signal Gong Liangbai to eat it into his mouth.

At that moment, Gong Liangbai's eyes turned red.

He seems to have returned to the time when he had not left the original base. The supernatural beings in the base wanted to eat his animals. He tried his best to hide, but he was still caught. A dog was eaten by those people in front of him. , Gong Liangbai almost went crazy.

Then, Gong Liangbai hid in the base, lacking in ability, could not survive if he escaped from the base, so he could only linger in the base.At that time, he couldn't steal food, but the three-tailed cat and corgi stole the food and vomited it to himself one by one, so that he survived.

Gong Liangbai didn't say anything, just took a bite and ate the food.

This scene was also noticed by Su Shu. He filled another bowl, sprinkled some salt and stirred it in, and brought it to Gong Liangbai: "Eat."

Gong Liangbai was stunned: "I don't..."

"If you don't eat, they will feed you." Su Shu pointed to the three-tailed cat and Corgi, and the latter was ready to take another bite. "I don't want them to eat badly."

Gong Liangbai said nothing, took the bowl.

Sure enough, seeing that human beings had something to eat, one cat and one dog were relieved, and began to bury their faces in the plate with big mouthfuls to eat deliciously.

Su Shu silently dismissed the idea of ​​abducting other people's cats and dogs.

Gong Liangbai finished eating the food in his hand, and made a silent decision in his heart. He walked up to Su Shu, returned the bowl to the latter, and said, "I have something to do. Let them take care of you for a while, okay?" ?”

How could Su Shu not agree: "Okay."

Gong Liangbai also went to the cats and dogs to let them play here first, and he would come back soon.

Afterwards, Gong Liangbai looked for where Lin Yu was.

Lin Yu and the others were in the room arranging the next itinerary of the Qinglong team. Until Gong Liangbai used to not care about such things, it was a little strange to see him suddenly: "Liangbai, why are you here?"

Gong Liangbai pursed his lips: "I want to leave the team."

"What?" Lin Yu and the others were immediately surprised.

"I'm here to leave the team." Gong Liangbai said again, "San San and Mu Ke like that person, I want them to be happy."

Gong Liangbai didn't say Su Shu's name, but none of the people present knew who he was referring to.Who else can attract animals so much, except for the person with a large group of snow dogs around him?

Lin Yu frowned: "Liangbai, have you thought it through? We treat their companion like this, and you plan to sneak attack him, will he accept you?"

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