Doomsday Farm System

Chapter 73 Ducks

The most important thing in the production of greenhouses is to have thermal insulation plastic film, or glass is also acceptable, but such things as plastic film cannot be made by Su Shu, even in the Beixuan safe zone, there are not many, even if you see plastic film occasionally The shadow of the shadow, a little pinch, that thing is also brittle.

Over the years, any plastic film has weathered.

But for things like glass, Su Shu barely knows how to make them.If I remember correctly, it should have been burnt out of the sand.

However, Su Shu looked at his surroundings.

There is no sand, and if you want to burn it, you need to build a kiln. The temperature of burning glass is also super high. It is not possible to burn wood, and you need a better fuel such as coal.

He also has no coal.

Could it be that his greenhouse plan has not yet come to fruition?

No, I wanted to fork it myself.

Su Shu slapped his head and realized that his current world is not the world of his previous life. There is no such thing as coal, but he has fire-type abilities.

Su Shu had seen fire-type supernatural beings attack, and that temperature could be used to burn sand.

Thinking of this, Su Shu couldn't help but sighed while looking at the bullpen.

Aren't there just a few zombies buried there?Xiaohuo and Xiaohong from Team Rainbow are both fire-type zombies, and this kind of fire-burning machine is much easier to use than fire-type superhumans.It's just that they are so weak that they just crashed like this.

I don't know if it can be recovered after digging it out and putting it in a heating room.

Even though he thought so, Su Shu didn't intend to really dig out a few zombies.Because there is a high probability that digging out will not have any good results.Didn't the cowshed have heating in the first place? These zombies just ran into the snow to suffer from the cold. Even if Su Shu dug them out, if one of them didn't catch them, they would crash again.

This kind of thing feels troublesome when you think about it, Su Shu thinks it's better to forget it.

I remember that Jiang Luo in the dot team has a fire ability, and he can come to the small farm for a few days.

Speaking of which, except for Qiao Yulin who lives in the staff dormitory, none of the others have lived in the staff dormitory, especially Zuo Zian, Han Qu, and Duan Kangcheng. At least the Dot Squad has been to the small farm. I don't even know what a small farm looks like.

Being my own boss is a bit unqualified.

Su Shu thought, let's see when they are free, and invite everyone to have a dinner together at the small farm.

Just in time, it's winter, and the best thing to eat is hot pot.

Su Shu's invitation quickly spread to several people.

The dot team was pleasantly surprised and looking forward to it. It happened that they had just completed a mission. In this mission, the four of them worked together to solve a mutant third-level spiritual zombie and obtained a third-level crystal nucleus. rare.

It should be slightly more than enough to be used as a gift for Mr. Su.

None of the four members of the dot team were dissatisfied with this proposal, and even Hou Haochu was worried that it would be too shabby for four people to give such a crystal nucleus: "Why don't you go to the trading market to find something? You have to make a big deal anyway. Box, this little one doesn't look pretty at all."

Others thought it was right.

The dot team who went to the trading market to find goods met Han Qu and Zuo Zian here.

"Why are you here? The shop is not open today? Oh, it's already three o'clock in the afternoon, and it's already sold out." Hou Haochu greeted people.

"Well, it's sold out before two o'clock, and my husband doesn't let me sell more every day, and I set a fixed amount." Zuo Zian smiled, "Isn't this an invitation from my husband to see if there is any suitable gift?" Yes, you can’t come to the door empty-handed.”

"Exactly, we are too, together." Yuan Chuan invited.

Zuo Zian didn't refuse, and took Han Qu to join the team of Dot Squad.

As for Han Qu, he hardly spoke, just listened to Zuo Zian.

Zuo Zian and Han Qu heard from Chuan Shengluo that Su Shu invited them to come to the small farm for dinner with the Polka Dot team tomorrow.Zuo Zian was terrified, thinking how could he let Mr. Su treat him to dinner.

However, Zuo Zian couldn't refuse, and he couldn't bear to refuse any orders from his husband from the bottom of his heart, so he finally agreed.

After agreeing, he spent almost the whole day discussing with Han Qu what to do.

This is my husband's invitation to them, and let them go to my husband's small farm.The existence of that small farm that grows normal plants and raises normal animals is extremely mysterious in Zuo Zian's heart!

Now that he was about to go, how could he not be excited and nervous!

Even Han Qu became nervous after receiving the invitation. He was also very curious about the legendary small farm of his husband.

So it was rare that Han Qu was dragged by Zuo Zian to the crowded trading market, and together they would choose a suitable visiting gift for tomorrow.

Not only Zuo Zian and Han Qu, but almost everyone in Beixuan Safety Zone was very curious about Mr. Su's small farm.In their hearts, the small farm is as mysterious as a fairyland.Zuo Zian even heard the customers who came to buy vegetables gossip, they speculated whether Mr. Su's small farm was a piece of fairyland that fell from the sky, otherwise how could it be so magical.

The seeds there are the seeds of hope planted by the gods, so that normal vegetables without the slightest virus content can grow in this apocalyptic world.And the animals in the small farm must have been sent by the gods to save the world.

Otherwise you see.

Black piglets, wasn't it because they were raised in Mr. Su's small farm that they finally succeeded in raising them in the safe zone?Although the piglets did not know whether they were successful until they were completely slaughtered, but now the piglets have been raised for almost two months, which is longer than the previous domestic record!

I heard that the piglets in the Institute of Zoology are not as irritable as before. If things go on like this, the time when Beixuan can raise pigs as a whole is probably just around the corner.

I heard that Mr. Su's small farm is incubating duck eggs. After the ducks hatch, the small farm will have ducklings. Presumably the safe zone will be able to successfully raise ducks soon!

And hamsters.A hamster was adopted in the small farm, and their Beixuan safe zone soon had a group of hamster space partners. Not only did these hamsters not scream and kill humans when they saw humans, they even slept in their pockets. Delicious.Gently stroking with a finger can make a comfortable gurgling sound.

Now, just a few days after the group of snow dogs were taken in by the small farm, lo and behold, there will be a new mode of transportation in the safe zone.The sleigh carts pulled by snow dogs are many times easier to use than cars!Although those dogs are sometimes too much toss, but they are good-looking and capable, who wouldn't like such a snow dog.

The changes in the Beixuan Safe Zone can be seen with the naked eye. All of this has something to do with Mr. Su's small farm.

Of course, Zuo Zian and the others are not so stupid as to tell everyone that they are going to visit Mr.’s small farm. They have visited the trading market in the entire safety zone, except that the fourth district is still hurrying to build a shelter from the cold, and Except for the trading market, the trading markets in the other districts have all been visited.

They did not find a gift to their liking.

"I heard that there is a place outside the safe zone that emits a strange light every night during this period, and there may be something suitable for Mr. Zuo Zian." Zuo Zian said suddenly, "It's about an hour's journey from the north gate. , not too far away. If all goes well, we can make it back in time."

Zuo Zian looked at the Polka Dot team and Han Qu: "How about it, do you want to go and have a look?"

Several other people have heard what Zuo Zian said.It was discovered by the supernatural beings patrolling to the north. They only appear at night, twinkling like fireflies, but it is absolutely impossible for fireflies to appear in such a cold winter, even if they are mutated, they will not be so many.

And these colors are colorful and very nice.It was nothing like the mutated fireflies they had seen.

If this phenomenon did not appear in winter, it would have been clearly explored as early as the day after it was discovered.But this is winter, and everyone in the last days understands the danger of staying in the wild on winter nights.In addition, the light didn't seem to have the slightest tendency to spread to the safe zone, and it didn't hurt anyone, so it was temporarily put on hold.

So, are you going by yourself?

Everyone in the dot team glanced at each other and laughed together: "Then let's go."

No matter whether the light is a plant or an animal, or what kind of object it is, even if it has other magical functions, just emitting such a beautiful light is enough for them to fight for it.

Send this beautiful light to Mr., to make Mr.'s night better, presumably Mr. will like it, right?

Han Qu also hummed lightly, expressing his participation.

So, the group set their goals and began to prepare for the night's action.

The temperature at night in winter is colder than that during the day. If you have a temperature measuring instrument, you can even find that the temperature at night is several times lower than that during the day.And there is no place to block the wind and snow outside, once it is wrapped in the wind and snow at night, it is easy to be frozen into an ice sculpture directly.

Then it was found in the snowdrift the next day. If you were lucky, you might still be able to breathe.

It's just that most of the time people don't have such good luck.

Temperature and wind and snow are just one aspect. On winter nights, strange creatures will appear.They are very convenient to hide themselves in the dark, and the deep snow bottom is also a good place to hide for sneak attacks.

After learning that the Polka Dot Squad and others were going out at night, City Master Beixuan came directly to the door.

However, even if the city lord came, the Polka Dot Squad and Zuo Zian Han Qu did not change their minds.

"Isn't the city lord also planning to find someone to check out that strange light? It just so happens that there is no need to bother. Let's go and check it out. Not only can we bring good-looking gifts to the husband, but we can also solve the problems in the safe area." Danger and hidden danger, the best of both worlds, isn't it?"

Looking at their firm expressions, Duan Kangcheng knew that he couldn't persuade them, so he didn't try to persuade them any more: "The logistics department still has some useful equipment, you can go with me to pick them out, and bring them if you like."

Yuan Chuan said with a smile: "Okay, this is also your contribution to the city lord, and you will also be counted as a part of the city lord after you get this gift."

"It doesn't matter if it's mine or not, you guys come back safely." Duan Kangcheng looked at them seriously, "If Mister knows that you have hurt yourself or even... in order to give him a gift, anyway, with Mister's temper, you won't be happy. "

Of course Zuo Zian and the others knew this, so they didn't intend to tell Mr.

Anyway, my husband has been in the small farm all this time, since the strange light appeared, he has never been to the safe zone, and he doesn't know about it at all.

Several people picked out special thick silk antifreeze combat uniforms and night vision goggles from the logistics department, and each of them took a nutrient solution.

Since there are more normal crops in the safe zone, the nutrient solution is no longer so rare.Sometimes the ability teams who go out to do missions will also buy one, which will be much more convenient.

Of course, they are well-prepared for the crystal nucleus that restores the ability.

The few people who were fully prepared watched the sun gradually sink and stepped out of the gate of the safe zone.

When he woke up, Su Shu remembered that today was the day to invite his employees to a dinner, and it was time to prepare the hot pot.

"Brother Shu, what do you want me to do?" Qiao Yulin wakes up much earlier than Su Shu every day, and at this moment, he is already busy walking by himself.Seeing Su Shu get up, he immediately leaned over.

Anyway, he can't stay idle, and he hopes to help Brother Shu.

Su Shu pointed to the granary: "Wash out all the vegetables we have. The portion is up to you. If you want to eat enough for today, it doesn't matter if you have more."

Qiao Yulin went happily.

Su Shu is going to prepare the meat and vegetables first.

When passing by the chicken coop, Su Shu suddenly heard something different.

In addition to the familiar voice of Xiaohua and Xiaohuang, since there is a smaller one, I kind of think...a duck?

Su Shu was taken aback, and hurriedly lifted the warm curtain on the chicken coop door to poke his head.

"Chi!" Then Xiaohua pecked at him.

There was a red mark on Su Shu's forehead instantly.

With the protection of the farm system, all existences on the farm will not cause him too much harm.

"Okay, okay, I'll just take a look and put it down." Su Shu looked at this little flower who was so cold that he wanted to peck him, and couldn't help but sigh that Xiao Huang was more obedient.

After a hasty and perfunctory sentence, regardless of whether Xiao Hua listened or not, Su Shu looked in the direction of the duck egg.

Really broken shell!

Su Shu's eyes lit up when he saw that a few duck egg shells had cracked and were scattered on the edge of the thatch.

His movements became more and more careful, and he began to search for the sound of quacking ducks.

The duckling must have just broken its shell, and its voice was extremely small. Su Shu was afraid that he might crush the duckling if he didn't pay attention, so he finally found one behind Xiao Huang.

The pale yellow duckling is twice the size of Xiao Huang when he was young, and it really hasn't been long since its shell was broken. Now it is swaying behind Xiao Huang, and it can't even stand firmly, its legs should still be soft.

However, the little duck didn't have weak legs for a long time. After trying a few times, he quickly stood up steadily.

The duckling followed Xiao Huang for two steps, and with this movement, Su Shu also saw several other ducklings.

This time, a total of three ducklings were hatched, all light yellow. Seeing how they followed Xiao Huang closely, Su Shu believed that this little duck had already regarded Xiao Huang as a mother duck.

It's okay, okay, Xiao Huang is so good, if he recognizes Xiao Huang as his mother, when these ducklings grow up, they will be as good as Xiao Huang.

Fortunately, Xiao Hua was not recognized as the mother duck.

When he woke up, there were suddenly two ducklings who looked a little bit like him, Xiao Huang was still a little dazed at the moment.Its bean-big eyes looked at Su Shu with aggrieved eyes, and then at the little duck that had been following behind its buttocks, and called "chirp" twice.

Su Shu smiled and comforted the great hero: "Little Huang, you see they like you so much, you hatched them anyway, so just help take care of them. Treat them all as your little brothers, just like Xiaohua, I believe You, no problem."

Xiao Huang: "..."

Just, very problematic.

Su Shu checked the other duck eggs in the nest. He didn't know when these eggs would break their shells, so he didn't dare to move them around.After leaving the chicken coop, Su Shu specially prepared finer food for the ducklings.

When putting it in, he specifically told Xiao Hua: "This is the duckling's, don't snatch it. If you snatch it, I will give you a separate room."

Su Shu checked the system just now. After a few more ducks came, there was an option of [Duck House] in the building function of the system.The shape of the duck coop is similar to that of the chicken coop, except that there is a big basin inside, and two-thirds of the water is put in the basin.

It should be a small pool for ducks.

But now it is obvious that the ducklings cannot live alone in the duck house, so Su Shu is not in a hurry to build the duck house.

But if Xiaohua is not good, it is also a good choice to build a duck house for Xiaohua to live separately.

After all, the cowshed can live in zombies, why can't the duck coop live in pheasants?

When Qiao Yulin passed by with a carrot, he also knew that there were a few more ducklings on the farm, so he poked his head into the chicken coop to look in surprise.

Not surprisingly, he was also pecked on the forehead by Xiaohua who was once again cold.

Qiao Yulin was a little worse than Su Shu. His forehead was no longer just a red mark, but a little bit of skin.

This is Xiaohua's restrained strength.

This wound was not taken seriously by Qiao Yulin. He rubbed the duckling against the wound. When he came out, he sighed that the duck's down was so soft, and the strength of the struggle was so small. He was afraid that he would use too much force if he was not careful. As if crushing them to death.

Then thinking about the fact that the huge group of ducks in the upper reaches of the river were raised by such small duck cubs, Qiao Yulin found it inconceivable.

"Ducks can't blow the air just after they are born, so don't open the door too often." Su Shu ordered, "The others should be coming soon, hurry up and prepare the dishes."

These words not only reminded Qiao Yulin, Su Shu also reminded himself.

He hasn't made any of the meat dishes he promised, and he's busy making food for the ducklings.

The meat and vegetables used to heat the hot pot do not need to be cooked. Take out the previously frozen pork and cut it into thin slices. The fat and thin ones are the best. If it is pure lean meat, it needs to be coated with a thin layer of sweet potato flour.

In this way, the lean meat will not be accidentally overcooked when it is put into the hot pot.

In addition to the hot sliced ​​meat, Su Shu also planned to make crispy meat, smooth meat is also fine, and it is also delicious in a hot pot.

Anyway, he not only has meat, but also plenty of sweet potato flour.

Su Shu was busy in the kitchen, and the movements in his hands were very skillful. As soon as a plate of fragrant and tender crispy meat came out of the pan, the barking of a dog came from outside.

Not from one ball, but from the other ones.

Su Shu knew that someone else should have arrived.

Su Shu came out of the kitchen with an apron and saw that it was the other dogs who dragged Beixuan City Master, Dot Squad, Zuo Zian and Han Qu into the small farm.

As soon as the sleigh stopped, the dogs shook off the rope skillfully, and happily rushed towards Su Shu.


Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Weiliang; 1 bottle of I am a lone wolf; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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