No one knows why huskies and Samoyeds mutated together after the end of the world. At first, everyone was not sure what kind of snow dog it was. Later, some people were bored and finally caught one and shaved it off. , just discovered this.

This discovery is useless if the snow dogs and humans are enemies, but what if they become allies?

As soon as City Master Beixuan thought that such a big husky would enter the safe zone, if the house were to be demolished...

I am a little worried about the future of the Beixuan Safe Zone.

Su Shu also didn't expect that it was a hybrid of Husky and Samoyed.It doesn't look like it at all.Oh no, it's not completely different, the white hair still looks like a Samoyed, and the shadow of a husky can be seen just now when it jumped on the car and jumped on the ground.

Especially when the door is opened, there is that smell.

This makes people desperate, okay!

Su Shu couldn't help but support his forehead.

He used to help a friend raise Erha for a period of time. During those two weeks, he only felt that his nerves were beating every day. Every morning when he opened his eyes, he wanted to eat roast dog meat. The head of the demolition team of his family took him back.

Looking at this group now, it is really a question of whether to support them or not.

Seeing the time he was talking to Duan Kangcheng, this group of snowballs with the inner Samoyed appearance of huskies were about to start to move, Su Shu hurriedly added: "Sit down and don't move."

The snowballs sat upright again.

So let's just say, these huskies are very good when they are good.

Su Shu asked them: "Are you looking for me to follow me?"

The Snowballs let out a "Wow".

Okay, since I was defected by a group of huskies.Su Shu thought for a while, and asked them to go back to the small farm first. At least the small farm has so many mutated plants, so it shouldn't be damaged too much by these guys.

Hearing that Su Shu wanted to take them back to the small farm, City Master Beixuan thought about it and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then just ask if there is anything you need, sir. If they eat too much, we can send meat over regularly. And if you want..." City Master Beixuan made a gesture of cutting his throat, "We can also help."

After all, Su Shu took in this group of snow dogs to help the Beixuan Safety Zone resolve the crisis, so Duan Kangcheng naturally wouldn't just let it go.

Su Shu nodded, understanding.

It was still at the east gate to replace the car driven by the Polka Dot team. The Snowballs chased the car all the way without feeling any effort. Handy with such speed.

The window of the car where Su Shu was sitting was always open, just to let the snow dogs know that he was still there.

Through the car window, Su Shu watched the snow dogs having fun in the snow, and suddenly thought of the sled he was making.

Isn't a ready-made car pulling tool right in front of you?His snowmobiles are numerous.

Su Shuxing was very powerful. As soon as he returned to the small farm, he took the group of snow dogs to shoot in front of the wooden house.Then put ropes around their necks one by one.

"You don't come to me for free, you all have to work, you know?" Su Shu patted the snow dogs on the head, "From today on, you are my coachmen. There is no car yet. Do it well, first put on the rope to get used to it, if anyone loses the rope, one meal of ration will be deducted once it is dropped."

The snowballs jumped happily one by two.It seemed that he didn't take Su Shu's words to heart at all.

Su Shu didn't mind, anyway, they would know when they were eating.

In order to better distinguish this group of snowballs, Su Shu named each of their dogs.It is still his style, but this time the junior characters are not very easy to use. Su Shu thought about it, let them sort by status, and then named them "one ball", "two balls", "three balls"... until " Eleven balls".

I also found scissors to redesign the snowballs.

The eyes, nose and mouth should be exposed, and there should be a dividing line around the neck.As for the limbs, forget it, the craftsmanship is too sloppy to cut them out.

The last eleven big snowballs have all become a combination of big snowballs and small snowballs. If you stand upright, add a hat and scarf, insert two branches, and attach buttons, you can cosplay a snowman.

The dogs with patterns painted on them were also washed by Su Shu, and then their codes and names were written on each dog.

Then, Su Shu released the group of demolition dogs.

Anyway, the forest will not be demolished by them.

After all the snowballs disappeared into the forest, Qiao Yulin walked over curiously: "Brother Shu, are they going to live here in the future?"

"Well." Su Shu nodded, "They can help us pull the cart in the future, and they are suitable for activities in the snow. Do you see any suitable places for them to live?"

Su Shuyou saw the dog house in the building in the system, and after the group of snowballs arrived, the icon of the dog house also lit up.That's right, there are several dogs on a farm, housekeepers, sheep shepherds, and dog houses are also normal.

It's just that I don't know if the system's dog house is big enough to accommodate so many dogs of this size.

In the end, Su Shu and Qiao Yulin always felt that they should settle next to the wasteland opposite the pond.There is nothing to grow there in winter, and the snow is not shoveled, which is just suitable for these dogs to have fun by themselves.

Anyway, their small farm doesn't need dogs to guard the house.

As Su Shu expected, the system's dog house can't accommodate eleven dogs.But the dog house is not small, one dog house can accommodate two snowballs, Su Shu built a whole row, a total of six dog houses.As the snow dog boss of Yiqiu, he monopolizes a kennel, and the other dogs live in pairs.

It cost him a total of twelve thousand gold coins and six hundred [lumber].

Su Shu has already planned in his mind how to use the labor force of Xueqiu to create wealth.

At least the twelve thousand gold coins must be earned back for him!

The Snowballs adapted very well to such a cold winter. There was no need to turn on the heating in the dog house, and the setting at the door could be adjusted. Su Shu turned off the heating option when they placed them.

"Qiao Qiao, you should watch it a little bit, and don't let them fight with the plants." After the dog house was settled, Su Shu was still a little worried in the end.

The hibernation of plants is not as deadly as some animals hibernate. They are more like being lost in thought, or lying in bed in the morning, obviously awake, but the whole body just doesn't want to move.

Plants at this time know everything about the outside world, and they will still respond when they should respond.It's just that I don't bother to respond more often.Otherwise, humans would have almost wiped out the plants while they were hibernating.

And some varieties do not hibernate, such as the Ice Bamboo summoned by Su Shu.

If the dogs are too annoying and annoy the plants, it's really a matter of minutes to fight.

Qiao Yulin snorted and looked in the direction where the dogs left.

The dogs were so big, and they didn't hide it at all. The traces of walking on the snow were so obvious that they could be seen at a glance.

The dogs were handed over to Qiao Yulin to take care of them, while Su Shu seized the time to make sleds and snowboards.

Before the snowballs came, Su Shu was more inclined to make the skis first, but since the dogs pulling the cart had already arrived, he naturally planned to make the sled.

How nice is the sleigh, where people don't need to move, and they can carry things.

Su Shu naturally didn't know how to make the sledge, so he dug out the drawing of the sleigh from the production function, and spent [-] gold coins to unlock it.Followed by the system guidance step by step operation.

A one-man sleigh took him two days to make.

In the past two days, the one and two balls have gotten a lot more familiar with the surroundings of the small farm, and they no longer rob the dog house or simply can’t find which one they are. The things they like most are eating and relaxing time every day.

Every time Su Shu would feed the snowballs before he and Qiao Yulin ate, and once he ate them himself before feeding them. When he was eating, God knows why these big fools were making a fuss. How unmanageable.

Even the wooden house door produced by the system was almost overturned by them.

Later, Su Shu also learned to be good, so he fed the dogs first.Although after feeding them, they will be watched by the dogs when they eat by themselves, but at least they don't move so much.

There was still a lot of black pork left over from the Institute of Zoology. Qiao Yulin and Su Shu were used to eating normal food and didn't have that desire for mutated meat. This time, they mixed it with vegetables for the dogs.

The vegetables are naturally the normal vegetables produced in Su Shu's farm, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, and some rice. Every time, a big pot is specially made for the dogs.

Originally, Su Shu was afraid that the dogs would only eat meat, and if they were too picky eaters, he would not be able to feed them.It turned out that they were picky eaters, but they were picky eaters.Almost every dog ​​dislikes mutated pork, but is very keen on virus-free vegetables, and can eat a big pot in one go.

After eating, I want to snatch other dogs, and then there is a big battle.

Anyway, every time the dogs ate in a mess, Su Shu was pissed off.

After eating these virus-free vegetables, the dogs will slowly eat the black pork.The disgusted little eyes made Su Shu laugh several times.

This also makes the dogs whimper pitifully when they find out that the punishment for falling off the rope is not to let them eat. Gouzi, lying on the ground, shrank himself into a ball vigorously, as if showing a very pitiful look.

From time to time, I looked and looked into other dogs' basins.

Su Shu almost couldn't stand the soft heart and let them go.

Fortunately, Su Shu held back in the end: "It's agreed that the rope can't be removed. This is the only job for you to eat and live here."

Basically every dog ​​has received such a punishment.That is to say, as the boss, he still has some face, and he can get food every time.

In less than two days, no dog dared to have fun regardless of the rope on his body.

Su Shu was very satisfied with the result.He didn't want to wait for the dogs to pull the cart, and they were so excited that they overturned with the dog, the cart, and the cargo.

As for venting?

Su Shu said that huskies are worthy of being huskies, and they are extremely energetic every day.I obviously didn't lock these guys up, almost the whole day is their own time to relax, but every time they are still very keen to go out to play.

He also especially likes to let Su Shu go out with him.

Su Shu said that he didn't want to go out with them to blow the cold wind.The wind blew on his face like a knife was cutting, it was super cold.

And the sleigh wasn't even finished yet.

Now the sleigh is finally done.Su Shu looked at the car in front of him and was very satisfied.

The area of ​​the sled car made according to the drawings given by the system is not small, and the front can be pulled by two horsepower at the same time, making it easier to move the sled car.There is also a windshield in front of the car. Su Shu naturally couldn't make the glass in two days. This is the semi-finished product he made of the whole car, and then handed over to the system's production station to produce the finished product.

"Qiao Qiao, help me call two balls back." Su Shu couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to try the function of the sled.

Soon, the snowballs came back.

Not only did the two that Su Shu asked for come back, but all eleven came back together.They all heard that the human being they liked was calling them, and they ran back erratically.

Then one or two curiously circled the sleigh car.

I don't know if the instinct of the sled dogs is still there. When the dogs understood that Su Shu was going to choose two to pull this strange wheelless car, one or two of them were so excited that they all wanted Su Shu to choose themselves.

Su Shu looked at it and chose the more stable one and two balls.

Take the ropes from the necks of the first ball and the second ball, and replace them with the sledge ropes.Su Shu got into the sled.

This first time was just an experiment. Su Shu didn't put anything in it, and he was very careful to make sure that the protective cover was open, and then pointed in a direction to let one ball and two balls run.

Before the word "run" was finished, he rushed forward with one goal and two goals in an instant!

Su Shu leaned back heavily!If it weren't for the soft cushions in the sleigh, he might have hurt his waist by this blow.

"Slow down." Su Shu had to shout.

After roaring several times, the two balls slowed down.

Su Shu couldn't help regretting that one pull was enough for the first time, so why did he use two.The two of them were clearly compared just now.This is still a relatively stable one goal and two goals. If this is replaced by the next few goals, his waist will be lost.

When Su Shu slowed down, Su Shu had the energy to look aside.

Seeing this, his head was instantly covered in black lines.

Good guy, all eleven snowballs have come out, and now they are all around the sleigh cart, and I want to try pulling the cart just by looking at it.

Su Shu didn't plan to change the driver again, otherwise he would have to suffer again at the speed just now.

After watching the dogs who joined in the fun, Su Shu also found the strangeness of the surrounding environment.

"...Where did you run off to?" Su Shu sighed.

Sure enough, Gouzi couldn't give all the right to choose. After such a short time, he didn't know where he was being dragged.But it shouldn't have run too far, the surrounding plants are still green, and it should still be in the mountain forest where the mutated plants are.

Fortunately, the dogs knew the way to the small farm, so Su Shu wasn't so worried.

Even if they don't know, isn't there a system mini-map?

"Keep at this speed and walk slowly." Now that the speed of the sled was a little more normal, Su Shu finally had the mind to feel the excitement of the sled.

Sure enough, the products produced by the system must be high-quality goods. Even though the dogs ran so fast just now, Su Shu didn't feel the slightest wind.

Oh, the wind is still there, but the wind is relatively small and soft, and it is not as cold as he felt when he went out by himself before.

Su Shu was very happy.

Then he praised the two dogs pulling the car: "One goal and two goals are super great."

Now, which one of the dogs present is not jealous?As soon as they heard that this human being praised other dogs, even if one of the dogs was their leader, the dogs felt that it was embarrassing.

I also want to be praised.

Is it possible to be praised for helping humans pull carts?

Then let it out quickly!

Before Su Shu could react, the surrounding dogs started a big scuffle for the sled.

One ball and two balls kept the rope firmly on their bodies, and the surrounding dogs tried their best to get into the rope, and their huge bodies squeezed, squeezed, squeezed between the sled and the rope.

Su Shu's face changed instantly: "Wait, the car wants to..."


Oh shit.The sleigh overturned.

Su Shu was lying on his side with the car, and when he touched the cold snow on the ground, his face was as cold as the snow.

There was silence all around.

Afterwards, the dogs who knew that they were in trouble worked together to straighten the car back.

Then one or two lowered their heads and quietly raised their eyes to glance at the human face.There was also a flattering whining sound from his mouth.

"It's useless, this encounter is useless to me." Su Shu said with a cold face, "Come on, you choose, do you not eat for a meal, or do you not let the wind go for a day?"

"Woo~" The dogs became more and more pitiful.

"Pulling carts is your job. If you don't work hard, you still want to have food? How can such a good thing come from?" Su Shu was determined.

Sure enough, if you want to train huskies, you have to have a strong heart.He should have expected this outcome long ago.

The Snowballs lowered their bodies even more, and rubbed softly on Su Shu's body.Inheriting the appearance of Samoyed and cooperating with this trick is simply irresistible.

Su Shu almost let go.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a snowball moved aside and started digging.He instantly became angry again.

Okay, I didn't even pay attention when I admitted my mistake!

Su Shu was about to give that distracted Nine Ball a good reprimand when he saw Nine Ball screaming excitedly.

It dug out something from the hole it dug, and graciously sent it to Su Shu to curry favor.

When Su Shu saw it, he was stunned.

This turned out to be a piece of carrot?


Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 7 bottles of Qilingxiang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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