Doomsday Farm System

Chapter 66 Gale

"Brother Shu, it's windy!"

When Su Shu was woken up by the voice outside the window, he just heard Qiao Yulin say this.

The wind outside the window was crackling, loud and loud, like a villain throwing things around in a fit of temper.

The wooden house issued by the system doesn't look very good, but there is nothing to say in terms of stability. It is as stable as Mount Tai in this strong wind, and not even a little corner is blown up.

This also made Su Shu miscalculate the wind outside.As soon as he pushed the door open, a gust of wind swept over his face and almost knocked him over.

"What's the situation?" Su Shu looked at the scene in front of him and seriously suspected that he had slept for a month instead of a day.

On the open space of the farm, the ground is full of dead branches and leaves in a mess, the lotus pods cut off yesterday are also scattered everywhere, and the lotus pods that have been peeled off and have not been processed are rolling all over the ground, all of which are blown everywhere by the wind yes.

Some of the light ones haven't hit the ground yet, and they're churning in mid-air, wrapped in the wind.

Many of the sounds that Su Shu heard in the bedroom were the collision of these debris in mid-air with the wooden house.There is also the sound of them hitting the ground and being blown by the wind.

Looking at the garbage all over the floor, Su Shu felt that the gust of wind might have blown all the dead branches and rotten leaves in the nearby forest to him.

On the edge of the small farm, those mutated plants were also blown to one side or another by the strong wind. The thicker trees were still stable, but the limp vines were miserable, swinging wildly in the wind like a rope. , Su Shu was very worried that they would be blown off in the next moment.

Just when Su Shu wanted to help save these plants, he heard the cry of "咱咚咚", which came from the mutated wheat that always likes to pull its roots out of the ground and wander around casually.

At this moment, the mutated wheat also pulled out its root system, its limp body was blown by the strong wind, and the whole thing floated into the air, only one leaf grew so that it could curl up on the branches of other mutated plants around. Carried too far by the wind.

As for the buzzing sound, Su Shu could hear pleasure from it.

Yes, Mutated Wheat was not only not afraid of being blown into the sky by the wind, but even cried happily.It's like the sound of fear and excitement when a person rides a roller coaster in an amusement park.

Su Shu: "..."

All right, he is the one who killed the plants by himself.It seems that the mutated plants around are not only not uncomfortable, but also feel that this is just a fun game.

Su Shu didn't try to save the vines that were swaying in the wind anymore. It was impossible to break them. He used his rope as a rope to tie the knots and they didn't break. The wind in this area kept blowing them.

Now I have to quickly see if my farm has been affected by the wind.

While Su Shu checked the situation in the chicken coop and the pigsty, he heard Qiao Yulin tell him about the wind.

"I slept in a daze, and felt that the zombies were not in the right state. When I got up and looked, I saw such a strong wind." Qiao Yulin didn't know what was going on, "I almost thought it was a typhoon or a tornado It's over."

Seeing this situation, Qiao Yulin immediately called Su Shu.

"Are the zombies all right?" Su Shu asked.

"It's okay, it's just that I was scraped from a standing position to a lying down."

"That's good." These zombies are now the labor force of the farm, and the cowshed will be given over to them first. It's better if there is no loss or no loss. "You go to the fruit forest to see the situation first."

Su Shu told Qiao Yulin.

Qiao Yulin nodded, and a teleportation disappeared.

Su Shu checked the chicken coop and pigsty carefully against the wind, and found that there were no major problems.Including the cowshed where the zombies live, they are all buildings in the system, so the stability is naturally good. Even the thatch in the chicken coop was not blown away by the wind, but such a big movement still scared the animals inside. .

Xiao Huang and Xiao Hua didn't plan to leave the chicken coop for a stroll outside today, they just nestled in the duck egg nest obediently, leaning against each other to incubate the eggs.If you are thirsty or hungry, there is also water and food in the chicken coop.

Xiao Hei in the pigsty is getting bigger and bigger now, and he is not afraid of this wind at all. On the contrary, the new Er Hei was startled by the wind, and his temper was a little irritable. Hit Xiaohei several times.

Then he was suppressed impatiently by Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei sat down on Er Hei's body, and Er Hei, who was carrying such a big mountain on his back suddenly, couldn't move his hoof no matter what, and finally he could only calm down honestly.

Being so calmed down, Er Hei also got used to the movement of the wind, and leaned next to Xiao Hei. When Xiao Hei got up, he got up, when Xiao Hei ate, he ate, and when Xiao Hei drank water, he purred. Gulu drinks water.

Seeing such two pigs, Su Shu was also relieved.

The little green next to the pigsty was not affected by the gust of wind, but Su Shu could tell that little green was in a good mood when he saw its leaves swaying in the wind.

In this case, Su Shu was no longer so worried about the situation in Guolin.

Sure enough, when Su Shu also came to the fruit forest, the fruit trees here were in a good mood. The leaves and branches swayed with the wind, and the sound of rattling had a certain melody. It was like a large singing and dancing concert with the sound of the wind.

"Brother Shu, you are here." Qiao Yulin was leaning against an orange tree, peeling oranges to eat, and greeted Su Shu after seeing him.

Su Shu asked, "How's the situation here?"

In fact, Qiao Yulin didn't need to answer anymore, and Su Shu guessed about the same.

Sure enough, Qiao Yulin shrugged: "Everything is fine. These plants are not afraid of the wind at all, and the grandson orange tree also said that it likes the wind when it is the most. Brother Shu, don't worry."

"En." Su Shu responded, "Where are Xiaocang and the apple tree?"

"Xiao Cang was not frightened, but its small body could not withstand such a strong wind, and it had already hid in the hamster's nest in the apple tree. The apple tree also likes windy days, and it is showing its shape with the surrounding orange trees. The trees beat together."

Qiao Yulin also likes to be lively. If he didn't understand the rhythm of these fruit trees, he would have joined in and sang indiscriminately.

"But the old orange tree didn't show much, and even lost a few leaves." Qiao Yulin observed carefully.

He also knows that he can get these mutated plants to be treated normally, and most of them are thanks to Brother Shu, like the old orange tree, and those mutated plants that have lived for a long time or have a high level. If it is not necessary, they will not bother. his.

Qiao Yulin didn't always go up to them to get in their way, so as not to annoy the tree.

After hearing the report, Su Shu came to the old orange tree to check.

The old orange tree really didn't like or dislike the wind, and didn't sway with the other trees. When Su Shu asked if it was cold, he said that he still wanted to wear clothes if he could.

Secretary Su recalled that he planned to put a layer of thatch on these fruit trees, and immediately asked Qiao Yulin to bring the thatch from the granary.

Before Qiao Yulin went, he took Xiao Cang out of the apple tree and took it with him.

It can't hold much by itself. Of course, it's much more convenient to bring the hamster card space.

Most of Xiaocang's cheek pouches were filled with fruit, and it took two trips to fill the remaining space before transporting all the thatch in the granary to the fruit forest.

After completing the task, Xiao Cang hid in his den again, and quickly ate a few mouthfuls of his own stock to suppress his shock.

Su Shu cooperated with Qiao Yulin to tie thatch to the old orange tree.Both of them are people who have never done this kind of thing, and they are in a hurry.In addition, the strong wind kept blowing, and the few thatch that had finally been tied to the tree trunk seemed to be blown away by the wind again.

It was the old orange tree that stretched out a branch to help press it down, so that the thatch was not blown away.

Afterwards, the two of them cooperated with each other. Su Shu took out the thatch from his backpack and spread it on the old orange tree. The old orange tree was responsible for holding it down with lower branches. Knot.

Finally, it took a long time to put on the thatched clothes.

"Is it warm?" Su Shu asked.

The old orange tree nodded in satisfaction.

As for other orange trees?Forget it, seeing them dancing so happily in the strong wind, they should not be afraid of the cold.

Su Shu then looked at the chestnut tree again. Chestnuts don't need thatch, and apple trees don't need this layer of clothing.As far as the lemon tree is concerned, it is a little bit cold.

So Su Shu and Qiao Yulin began to wrap the lemon tree with thatch again.

With the experience of the previous one, this time Su Shu directly asked the lemon tree to stretch out the branches to help with the operation, but he wrapped the thatch quickly.

After the end, Su Shu also learned from the fruit trees that this gust of wind may last for two or three days, and after the wind is over, the fruits on their trees will change.

For the fruit trees, the fruits that do not have the mutated virus to be eaten by humans like Su Shu belong to the "useless" batch. After this gust of wind, the "useless" fruits will all start to fall , and then absorbed by the roots of the trees, and re-absorbed back into the energy of the mutated fruit trees, otherwise it would be a waste to expose it to the outside.

There are also fruits that are "useful", such as those that are intended to produce the next generation, or those that are used as weapons.

These "useful" fruits cannot be eaten by humans and will not fall. They will spend the winter with the fruit trees and grow on the branches and leaves.When spring comes, the ones that should grow small trees will fall to the ground, and the ones that are weapons still stay on the branches and leaves.

After knowing this rule, Su Shu immediately knew what he was going to do.

He has to prepare enough manpower during the windy days to ensure that those "useless" fruits can be picked in time.This is also the purpose of the fruit trees telling him this.

As for the hands picking the fruit?And what could be more fitting than a little hamster kin?

Su Shu went directly from the fruit forest to the safe zone.

The safe zone also became lively early today.This gust of wind did much more damage to Beixuan than Su Shu's farm.

Su Shu's small farm is surrounded by tall trees, and it is in the mountains. The only few buildings are all from the system, and they are very stable. When the wind blows like this, there is nothing but a lot of garbage on the branches and leaves. What a loss.

But the safe area is different. There is no plant in the entire mountain forest willing to protect them from the wind.The building also does not have the black technology of the farm system to ensure its stability in the strong wind. Therefore, when Su Shu came over, the safe area he saw was in a mess, and some of the roof covers were overturned.

At this point, the sky has not yet fully lit up. If it weren't for the strong wind, Su Shu should have continued to wander in the dreamland.He thought he was already early, but the people in the safety zone were even earlier than him.

The alarm in the safe zone has sounded once since the beginning of the gust of wind.Now that the gust of wind showed signs of weakening a little, people tied heavy objects to their bodies in groups of three and four, and came out to clean up the things that were blown everywhere.

Tables, benches, quilts, pots and pans, not to mention lighter clothes, are everywhere.

However, although it was the first time for Su Shu to encounter this kind of wind, for the people in Beixuan Safe Zone, this kind of wind would come once a year.So most of their things are marked, and some particularly important things have long been hidden in places where they can't be blown away. As long as the things don't float outside the walls of the safe zone, they are still easy to find.

Even if they can't find it by themselves, when the strong wind passes, someone will gather all the uncollected things together, and those who are missing will go to that place to claim them.

The main building of the city is still relatively strong, except for the strong wind blowing into the house and blowing things up, fortunately nothing flew outside.When Su Shu came, they were sorting out the materials that had been blown up in the room.

"Sir, why are you here so early?" City Master Beixuan was a little surprised when he saw Su Shu.

Anyone who has been with him for a while already knows that Mr. Su likes to sleep late.Not to mention that Duan Kangcheng still remembered that after becoming a contracted employee of Mr. Su, there was a rule of "do not disturb the sleep of the farmer".

Of course, for Mr. Su's behavior of sleeping late, no one would say that he was wrong.That's Mr. Su, he is so powerful, he has the right to sleep late, so what right do others have to say about him.

Su Shu also didn't think there was anything wrong with so many people knowing about his love for sleeping. He wished everyone knew so that no one would bother him for no reason.

Su Shu asked Duan Kangcheng: "Where are those hamsters placed? I need to ask them for help."

"It's in the office room on the far right on the first floor." City Lord Beixuan replied, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"Need not."

Su Shu went to the negative floor to find it by himself.

The hamsters' office rooms are easy to find. For the convenience of others, a simple hamster head is specially drawn on the wall, with the paw pointing to the far right.The offices that already belonged to the hamsters have also been remodeled. At the bottom in the middle of the gate, there is a small door that is very convenient for the hamsters to open and close.

When Su Shu came over, he happened to see a hamster opening the small door with a gap, exposing half of its head and looking out.

He should have heard the vibration of Su Shu approaching.

"Hello." Su Shu greeted them, "I have something to ask you, can I come in?"

Su Shu's design is afraid that this thing is only aimed at humans of the same species as him, and there will be no psychological barriers at all when talking to a group of hamsters.

When the hamsters at the door saw the human being who attracted them, they immediately waved their paws, beckoning him to come in.

With a click, Su Shuyou heard that the big door was unlocked, and he moved the handle to open it.

The sensitivity of the hamsters is not known to be higher than that of humans. Even if the basement floor where they are located is not affected by the strong wind, these hamsters are all awake and gather together.

The door that Su Shu saw just now was the mouse that was selected and was going to go out to see the situation.

After opening the door for Su Shu, the mouse didn't go out anymore. It squeezed into the group of companions with its small paws, and moved in front of Su Shu together, trying to get closer to this nice-smelling human being.

It would be even better if I could meet this human sucking.

"Squeak." The hamster leader jumped onto the table, pointed to the stool and asked Su Shu to sit down.

Su Shu was also polite. After sitting down, he took out a bunch of peeled chestnuts from the system backpack and handed them to the hamsters, explaining his purpose: "I want to hire some mice to help me pick fruits. There are more oranges, and a few chestnut trees .”

As for the lemon tree, since hamsters don't like the taste of lemons, Su Shu plans to keep it for himself and Qiao Yulin.The apple tree is naturally in charge of Xiao Cang.

"Squeak?" How many rats do you want?The hamster leader gestured and asked.

"As much as you want, come to anyone who is free." Su Shu has no limit on the number of rats, and the faster the fruit can be harvested, the faster it will be. If he guessed correctly, when the gust of wind passes, winter will come .

Su Shu did not guess wrong.

The strong wind blew for two full days. Two days later, Su Shu led a group of hamsters into the fruit forest and started picking fruits against the clock.It didn't end until twelve o'clock in the evening.

Immediately afterwards, snow began to fall in the dark night.

The author has something to say: the severe winter test is coming.


Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 1 for two lynxes;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: quietly 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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