Doomsday Farm System

Chapter 61 Ice Bamboo

When Su Shu woke up one afternoon, Qiao Yulin had already gone to the fruit forest.

Ever since the plants around the farm exploded, Qiao Yulin was the happiest. Since he was Su Shu's younger brother, the mutated plants wouldn't do anything to him, and they would listen to his wild thoughts.Like the orange tree, especially the grandson orange tree, and Qiao Yulin are planning to get a very, very big orange out.

Su Shu didn't bother to care about them, as long as his farm was progressing normally, he wasn't worried at all.

A new melon field has been created, also across the pond.Su Shu vacated the land where potatoes, cabbage, and soybeans were originally planted, and he did not plan to plant these again in the future.Anyway, there is so much arable land in the safe zone that can be planted.In his small farm, he just planted some fresh and rare things.

However, those melon seeds have not been planted in the ground by Su Shu now. He calculated that there is still one month before winter, and he does not know how cold the temperature will be in winter, so he just planted the seeds rashly. If it goes down, I'm afraid it won't even sprout.Or they freeze to death as soon as they sprout.

That's not a waste.

Su Shu planned to wait for the winter to pass, or build a greenhouse before planting new seeds.

The apple tree and the little hamster are living well in the fruit forest, and the new little black pig and little black are already acquainted, and the two pigs that were brought to the Institute of Zoology for Wanna's teasing two days ago are still alive. He was holding a grudge and didn't want to talk to Su Shu at all.

Su Shu didn't care too much, seeing that the two of them were adapting well, he threw them to Xiaolu to take care of them.

Xiao Huang's hen has grown quite big, and it should be able to lay eggs after this winter.In the past, Xiao Hua was taken by Xiao Huang forcibly, but now Xiao Hua doesn't need Xiao Huang to take the initiative, and Xiao Hua always follows beside her.

Seeing such a little flower, Su Shu, who couldn't tell the male and female pheasants, understood now that the little flower is a male.

But, why do you always feel that something is different?

Having just woken up, his head was still a little dazed, Su Shu looked around, and finally found out what was wrong.

It turned out that Xiao Huang didn't try to follow behind Mai today!

Ever since the wheat was found to be mutated and came out of the wooden fence in the sample field, Xiao Huang had been following the heavy wheat ears on its head.No matter where the wheat went, Xiao Huang always tried to peck it twice. Su Shu saw Xiao Huang's fluttering wings wanting to fly higher more than once, just to taste the taste of the ears of the mutated wheat.

Then stopped by the leaves of wheat.

One wheat and one chicken run around, and they can be seen on the farm many times.

But why is it so quiet now?

"Xiao Huang, where did the wheat go?" Su Shu tried to ask the passing hen.Get Xiao Huang jiji twice.

Su Shu couldn't understand.

In the end, Qiao Yulin told Su Shu: "Didn't Brother Shu worry that the wheat in the safe zone wouldn't grow well before winter? So I let him go to the safe zone to release his ability in the wheat field."

Su Shu sighed: "Then you came back by yourself?"

Qiao Yulin: "That's right, there is such a large wheat field in the safety zone. I don't know when the wheat is released. I will pick it up then."

Su Shu: "..."

This is not a question of whether Xiaomai recognizes the road or not, but a question of whether the mutated plant of Xiaomai has not crossed the road in the safe zone.

Su Shu quickly pressed the transmitter, hoping that Mai Mai would not be discovered and that nothing would happen.

However, when Su Shu came over, he saw so many people gathered here at a glance, even the city lord and those from other security trading teams had come, so he knew he was late.

It's not like nothing happened.

Standing in the corner and listening to a few words quietly, Su Shu quickly figured out what happened.Taking advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on the thief in front, Su Shu was about to take back the wheat, but he was easily spotted by the city lord Beixuan because he couldn't hide his figure.

The latter shouted so loudly that it was difficult not to be noticed.

Su Shu lowered the brim of his hat, not wanting to see so many people in front of him.

Even if Su Shu only showed the lower half of his face, in the eyes of everyone in the Beixuan Safety Zone, he would naturally be able to recognize him at a glance, and immediately the respectful "Mr. Su" rang out.

The patrol team shouted even more nervously: "Mr. Su, hurry up and stay away from that mutated plant. It hit people very fast just now, so it must be not weak!"

Duan Kangcheng was also terribly worried. In the face of Su Shu's safety, any plans to hide from other people in the safe zone were all forgotten.

They had already been discovered, so Su Shu simply walked towards Mutated Wheat. Wheat, who had just had a good time beating someone, also noticed the arrival of his own humans, so he came over to Su Shu.

It only took two or three steps longer and faster than Su Shu's to reach Su Shu's side, and two green wheat leaves stretched forward to Su Shu's hand.

The people around screamed nervously.

The patrols gritted their teeth and stared intently. If they were not afraid of hurting Mr. Su, they would have rushed up!

Just when everyone was extremely nervous, Su Shu stretched out his hand.

Pulled the leaves of the mutated wheat.

"It's too big to hold, don't hold." Su Shu refused without hesitation.

In exchange for the wheat's coquettish sound, the mutated wheat that was just too big just now became the size of a normal wheat in an instant, hugged the leaf that was holding Su Shu, and wrapped itself around Su Shu on the arm.

The head against the ear of wheat still rubbed left and right.

Su Shu walked in front of Beixuan City Lord in such a posture.

City Lord Beixuan didn't move, he was already so shocked by this development that he didn't know what expression to make.

The people around were even more dumbfounded, and the mouth that couldn't control the expression was opened wide.

"My boy, is this wheat from Mr. Su's family?"

"... Does it still act like a baby?"

"Clingier than my daughter."

"Mr. Su is amazing!"

Everyone in the Tianchang trading team counted as one, and none of them thought that things would turn out to be such a development situation, especially Luo Baizhen and those two Linglong team members. What they just said just now is still in their minds. Forgot, this mutated wheat plant actually belonged to Beixuan's own people, what the hell!

Luo Baizhen's face was very ugly: "Master Beixuan, did you do this on purpose?"

Luo Baizhen absolutely didn't believe that the dignified city lord of Beixuan didn't know that this mutated plant belonged to his own people. It must have been designed by them to damage Tianchang's reputation.

Unfortunately, Beixuan City Lord really didn't do it on purpose.Although he did want to design it, who knows it hasn't been implemented yet.

But now that there is such a thing, his plan does not need to be implemented.

The city lord of Beixuan gave way to Su Shu, while refuting Luo Baizhen: "Captain Luo, what are you talking about? Although I am the city lord, it is impossible for everyone in the safe zone to report all their abilities Ah, how do I know that this wheat plant belongs to me."

Su Shu also said truthfully: "I sent the wheat to protect the wheat field. It said it saw someone doing damage in the wheat field, so it hit people."

At this moment, the faces of the two members of the Spirit Dragon Team turned pale in an instant.

"Stealing food is a felony, let alone such precious normal food. These two people will be punished accordingly in my safe zone. I don't think Captain Luo will cover them up?"

Naturally, Luo Baizhen couldn't say anything to cover up in public, so he could only watch the two being dragged away by Beixuan's people.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, An Hai and members of the Beverly Trading Team, who didn't spend money to watch the lively scene, immediately brought the topic to Su Shu.

"City Lord, this one looks extraordinary, why didn't you introduce him to us?" They had long been curious about this Mr. Su, they didn't expect to meet him like this, how could they let this opportunity go.

Although the members of the Tianchang trading team were still unhappy with what happened just now, they also knew that this Mr. Su was more important, so they immediately cast their gazes over.

Duan Kangcheng looked at Su Shu inquiringly, not sure what he thought and whether he would like to be introduced to these people.

Su Shu nodded.

Although the trade goods have been obtained, but the other party has not left, the transaction has not been completely stable, and the winter supplies are the most important thing.

Anyway, he was introducing himself to others, not asking himself to introduce himself to others. Su Shu just pretended that these people did not exist, and there was no hindrance.

After being affirmed, City Lord Beixuan led everyone back the same way: "I made everyone laugh, the banquet is not over yet, everyone hurry back and sit down, how can you blow the cold wind outside?"

"As for this one, he is the special advisor of our Beixuan Research Institute, Mr. Su Shusu."

Su Shu also went to the banquet for dinner, and it happened that he hadn't had dinner yet.

During a banquet, Su Shu could feel that everyone's eyes were on him, but he only focused on eating, and occasionally raised his head just to pick up dishes that were farther away. ignore it.

With the support of the entire Beixuan, Su Shu didn't have to worry about these people not getting angry.

Indeed, no matter what the other members of the trading team thought, at least there was no trace of anger on their faces.They even laughed at each other and praised Mr. Su for his personality.

Satisfied with wine and food, Su Shu proposed to go back.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the whole banquet instantly became a little strange.

Su Shu didn't seem to feel anything, rejected Duan Kangcheng's suggestion to send him off, and walked out with Mai Mai.

As for why there is no teleporter?

Su Shu, who was blocked just after turning the corner, said that this was the reason.

"Mr. Su, please stay." Luo Baizhen led people to surround Su Shu.

Su Shu also stopped obediently: "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Su, on behalf of the Tianchang Safety Zone, I want to make a deal with you." Luo Baizhen said while crushing the space crystal nucleus, "Looking at the appearance of Mr., he must not be good at fighting, and we don't want to hurt you." Sir, I hope to have a pleasant cooperation with you.”

What Luo Baizhen said was not a lie.Whether it was the first impression in the wheat field or the contact at the banquet, the Tianchang trading team, including Luo Baizhen, all felt that this Mr. Su should be a person who is very good at farming and plant research. ?I'm afraid I won't be able to come a few times.

Not only the Tianchang trading team thought so, but also the Anhai and Fukang trading team.

This made Su Shu feel funny.

Sure enough, judging people by their appearance is inevitable no matter where they are.

"What if I don't cooperate?" Su Shu asked knowingly.

As soon as these words came out, how could the people in Tianchang not understand what he meant?Immediately, he was surrounded and surrounded Su Shu.

"Are you going to do it here?" Su Shu pointed to the main building not far from them, "My support came very quickly."

"So what we prefer is that Mr. Su can cooperate happily with us." Luo Baizhen persuaded again, "This space has been blocked by us, unless we take the initiative to remove it, here is another space, and we can't see it from the outside. If you don’t come in, you can’t get out.”

"I heard that you have the ability of the space system, but you can't use it here."

It seems to be fully prepared.

Su Shu was curious: "Then you don't know that I have plant-type abilities?"

Although he really didn't have it, in the eyes of others, he really did.

Luo Bai is really not afraid that Su Shu's talking so much is to delay time: "Of course we know. You have a ghost-handed phoenix tree and this mutated wheat plant, but don't worry, we are fully prepared."

They have discussed the strategy against the ghost-handed phoenix tree many times. As for the mutated wheat, judging from the fighting situation in the wheat field today, that is, the attack speed of the leaves needs to be paid attention to, and there are no other weird attacks.

Hearing this, Su Shu didn't bother to talk to them anymore.

The people in Tianchang are determined to do something wrong, so he doesn't have to show mercy.

The [Absolute Defense] protective cover bought from the system was opened first, and Su Shu said lightly: "Come on, let's make a quick decision."

The non-volatile tone instantly made everyone in Tianchang feel angry.

Is this looking down on them?Do you think they can't beat him alone?

"Then you'll offend me!" Luo Bai was really arrogant. Being ignored like this, he didn't say anything more, and with a wave of his hand, he was the first to charge forward, and he still didn't forget to order, "Don't beat people to death!" .”

Kill me?Su Shu evoked a smile, he still didn't know who killed whom.

[The Blessing of the Farm] Give me some strength, it’s best not to let yourself spend money on props. Although there is a lot of money, you should save some money. Saving is a virtue.

Twenty figures rushed in front of Su Shu in the blink of an eye, the heat of the fire attribute power seemed to have scorched the latter's eyelashes!

Su Shu didn't make any moves yet.

Just when the joy of victory of everyone in Tianchang just emerged from the bottom of their hearts, a biting chill rose in the air.


The person closest to Su Shu started from his arm and instantly turned into a blue ice sculpture.Even the fireball in mid-air was frozen, and the swaying flames instantly turned into ice seedlings, vividly imaged.

With a snap, the fireball lost its support and fell to the ground, shattering all over the ground.

With Su Shu as the center on the ground, biting ice spread rapidly.

"It's the Ice Bamboo!"

Tianchang's people shouted instantly!

How could it be the Ice Bamboo? !How could such a thing appear here?Could it be this Su Shu's supernatural plant?No no no, how is this possible!He already has the ghost hand sycamore, and each plant power user can only have one plant with particularly strong combat power. If there are too many plants, they will mutually repel each other.

At least, the two plants are gone, and at worst, the plants will eat back at the person with the ability, or lose the ability, or lose life directly!

That's why they only studied the fighting method of Ghost Hand Wutong, and didn't think about other things. How could there be a seventh-ranked Frost Bamboo now!This unscientific!

All kinds of thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, but they couldn't do anything anymore.

The extreme cold covered them in an instant. Except for those third-level supernatural beings who were still stubbornly resisting, the others could not even move their eyeballs.

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