Doomsday Farm System

Chapter 49 Upgrade

Winter in the last days is sad.

The mutated virus has caused a series of changes since it started raging.Zombies are the most basic, and the mutation of animals and plants makes human survival worse.The soil, water flow, etc. are full of mutated viruses, destroying human plans to plant and raise plants and animals in captivity.

Then, there's the weather.

Su Shu was very lucky. The autumn that he traveled through was the most peaceful time in the whole year of the end of the world.It can also be said to be the time most similar to the weather before the end of the world.Besides, the weather in summer and winter is very extreme.One is as hot as a stove, which can burn people to death; the other is as cold as a refrigerator, which is on the other side of the freezer, and it will freeze to death if you don't pay attention.

As for spring?There is no spring at all.Yesterday I was still wrapped in a big cotton jacket, but the next day it was so hot that I only wore short sleeves.

In such weather, the supernatural beings have a better life.Especially if there are fire and water abilities in the team, the temperature can be kept a little bit in summer and winter.

Of course, for these two abilities, the consumption is also very large.If it is not easy to overdraw the ability, it is easy to damage the core of the ability and cause permanent damage.

Even people with supernatural abilities have such a difficult life, and ordinary people with little ability have a miserable life.

In the Beixuan Safety Zone, ordinary people in Districts 3 and 4 would die in droves every winter.Among them, the number of people who were silently frozen to death in their sleep was the most.Some people know that they can't survive this winter, so they take the initiative to commit suicide and leave more warm materials at home to others.

Winter is also the time when robberies and murders occur most in the safe zone.

If I don't have enough winter supplies, I will grab others'.

Before last year, Beixuan could ask for support from the surrounding safe zone at any rate, but just a few days after autumn this year, the city lord heard the news that the previous city lord of the Tianchang safe zone failed in the upgrade process and died.They replaced the new castellan.

This new Tianchang City Lord is the previous Deputy City Lord.

The Lord of Beixuan had heard of this person.Cold-blooded, love of money, these are not the most important, the most important thing is that the new city lord has always expressed disapproval of supporting other safe areas.

The new city owner of Tianchang said: "Natural selection, survival of the fittest. The weak are the weak. No matter how you save them, they are still weak. What's the use of saving so much? It's better to leave useful materials to those who need them more."

Those "people who need him more" in his mouth are people with supernatural powers.

There are not a few thoughts like this one about the usefulness of supernatural beings, and the idea that supernatural beings are superior to others. Since humans evolved supernatural powers in the last days, such remarks have never been suppressed.

It's just that Beixuan City Lord didn't expect that this person would become Tianchang's new City Lord.

That is to say, this winter, Beixuan will not be able to get supplies from the surrounding support.

During this period of time, the city lord has been feeling overwhelmed by this matter.However, apart from sending search teams out to find supplies more and more frequently, he unexpectedly thought of other ways.

Even if the news came earlier, he could have sent a team to a further safe zone to seek help.However, it has entered autumn now, and winter is not far away.With the traffic paralyzed and the roads full of dangers, it is impossible for the team sent out to come back in time before winter.

What's more, they have to pull so many supplies.

Fortunately, there is still good news.

One is the batch of grain from Yikang County, saving a little is enough for many people to eat this winter.One is Su Shu.

"Mr. Su, now only you can save the entire Beixuan people." The city lord of Beixuan looked at Su Shu, "Your vegetables, your animals, I know you have secrets, I know you can save Beixuan, you We must save these people."

Su Shu looked at the face of City Lord Beixuan, not knowing what to say.

"……let me consider it."

In the end, Su Shu didn't say anything.Press the teleporter to disappear instantly.

Su Shu stayed at the farm for five days.For five days, he didn't care about the crops in the field, or the orchard, and he didn't care about the shops that had sold out long ago.

Qiao Yulin finished watering the farm today, feeding chickens and pigs, and finally couldn't help but ran to Su Shu and asked, "Brother Shu, what's wrong with you? You've been depressed these days."

Su Shu glanced at Qiao Yulin, and suddenly asked, "Qiao Qiao, I have a question for you."

"Brother Shu, tell me."

"When you were in that county with your brother before, were you happy? Then when you were alone, were you happy? Do you like to be more lively? Or do you think you can live well by yourself?"

Qiao Yulin thought for a long time, and looked at Su Shu seriously: "Brother Shu, I don't know what happened to you. I have thought about this problem, and I have thought about it more than once."

"When I first stayed in the county town with my brother, I was of course happy. I was very free, no one controlled me, no one stopped me from doing anything, and I was able to protect myself and my brother wherever I wanted to go. .But it didn't take long for me to be unhappy."

"My brother has become a zombie and can't speak. I can only understand some simple languages. I need people to communicate with. I want to feel popular. Even if I don't usually talk to them, I hope that when I want to talk to them, I can find them. People talk. Just with my brother, I can't do this, and I don't dare to do it."

"Later, my brother was gone. For a moment, I was happy. It wasn't because I was happy because I lost my brother, but I felt that I was no different from other human beings now, and they wouldn't be afraid of me. Of course, this kind of emotion is very short-lived. It's very short, and it disappears in an instant."

"But it made me understand that human beings live in groups, and no one can live alone forever."

"Brother Shu, did my answer help you?" Qiao Yulin asked.

Su Shu smiled.

It was he himself who had run into a dead end.It is indeed impossible for him to live alone. The so-called one-person life before time travel is also based on other people playing games with him, having other people deliver what he wants to his door, having food delivery, chatting with people and using the Internet, etc. The convenient conditions made him feel that he didn't need to go out, he was fine by himself.

But behind these things, aren't there all kinds of people?

Su Shu believes that if there is really no food delivery network, he really can't live a leisurely and comfortable life at home alone.

So what is he hesitating about now?As for whether I can take on this responsibility, it's not time yet!Even if he failed to save the entire Beixuan safe zone, it was still better than doing nothing.

"Helpful." Su Shu was no longer confused. He patted Qiao Yulin's head and thanked him, "In short, let's do it first."

Su Shu was about to go to the safe area to reply to the city lord, when he heard the system ding-dong.

[The tenth crop is mature, congratulations on being promoted to "Small Farmer". 】【The building function is turned on. 】

[The detection function is turned on. 】

[The consultation function is activated. 】

[The system backpack is expanded to twenty grids. 】

[The number of recruited employees has increased to ten. 】

[The primary cabin is upgraded to a first-level cabin. 】

[The iron hoe is upgraded to a copper hoe. 】

[The iron ax is upgraded to a copper axe. 】


Ding ding dong dong, the system rang for a long time before it finally stopped.

Su Shu was stunned for a moment.

Why did you suddenly get promoted to the second level?

He looked at Qiao Yulin: "What crops have matured these days?"

Qiao Yulin didn't know why Su Shu asked this suddenly. He counted with his fingers: "There is a sweet potato that ripens very quickly. Brother Shu asked me to dig it out and use it as a seed, and replanted it. There are also two rapeseed plants. It was ripe yesterday. Oh, by the way, the garlic sprouted two days ago when Brother Shu put it on my window sill. I split them in half and replanted them, and they grew taller in the past two days. It should be mature. of."

"Then, it's gone?"


This is not right. There are three types of soybean cabbage and potatoes that have matured before, and this time there are five types of rapeseed and sweet potatoes.In addition, there are only six types of garlic. Where did the ten types come from?

Qiao Yulin thought about it again, and suddenly turned around and pointed to the tallest one among the ten wheat plants planted first in the sample field: "That wheat looks a little different from other wheat, is it also mature?"

Su Shu went over to take a look, hey, this guy has hung up a lot of ears of wheat at some point, and he is bulging, and he is mature at first glance.He just didn't know why the wheat was still green and not as golden as he had imagined, and the ears of wheat were blocked by the leaves, so he didn't notice it.

Then count this strain of wheat, and there are only seven varieties.

What about three more?

Su Shu looked around the farm.

Suddenly looked at the lotus leaves in the pond.

"Jojo, can you swim?"

"No." Qiao Yulin shook his head, followed Su Shu's line of sight to look at the pond, and asked, "Does Brother Shu want to go down into the pond? You can let the two zombies go down."

Qiao Yulin pointed to the zombie robot standing in the corner after watering.

Anyway, the two of them don't need to breathe, are not afraid of water, and have eyes to see, so they are suitable for going down.

How do you get up after this?This Qiao Yulin can't control it anymore, let them climb slowly.

Looking at the two zombies, Su Shu also thought it was a good idea.

Soon, the two zombies that had been reprogrammed by Qiao Yulin fell straight into the water with a plop. Not long after, a white and fat lotus root was thrown out of the water.

It just landed at Su Shu's feet.


Su Shu picked up the lotus root and was very pleasantly surprised.

It seems that the system regards this lotus as a crop grown by itself, so now that it grows edible lotus root, it is considered mature.

Actually, that's right, although it wasn't planted from small seedlings or seeds, but this lotus was also brought to the farm pond by himself, of course it was planted by him.

Thinking of this, Su Shu turned his gaze to the pigsty.

In the mountain forest behind the pigsty, there is a piece of pigweed growing vigorously.Xiaolu, the manager of the pigsty, has another task of controlling the growth range of pigweed and cutting pigweed to feed Xiaohei.

Speaking of which, this piece of pigweed was planted by Su Shu himself from the seed-like core, and it has grown to the current level of luxuriance. It should be regarded as a mature one planted by himself.

Although pigweed is not a type of food that humans can eat, it is edible for pigs. When pigs grow up, they can be eaten by humans. It is also a kind of food, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Adding lotus and hogweed, there are nine mature crops.

What about another?

For the rest, no matter how Su Shu and Qiao Yulin searched, they almost searched all the plants in the farm, but they couldn't find what it was.

Just when Su Shu thought it was a bug in the system, he suddenly saw the orange peel that he put in front of the window to dry.

"I see!" Su Shu immediately pressed the transmitter, and he disappeared from the farm and appeared in the fruit forest.

Anyway, the space zombie is not dead, even if it is still soaked in the water and has not come up, it will not affect the use of the teleporter.

As soon as he arrived at the fruit forest, Su Shu walked to the place where he had eaten oranges.

Sure enough, there is an extra mature orange tree here.The location is exactly where the seeds I spit out from the oranges I ate before fell, and this is also counted as planting by myself.

After all ten kinds of mature plants were found, Su Shu did not breathe a sigh of relief.

He looked at the new orange tree in front of him, which looked no different from the surrounding orange trees, and his eyes sank silently.

Press the transmitter, go back to the farm, take the ax and hoe, press the transmitter again, and go back to the fruit forest.

Su Shu stood in front of the new orange tree, without saying a word, he swung his ax and chopped it down!

With a bang, the ax that had been upgraded from an iron ax to a copper ax cut a big gap in the orange tree with just one click.

The orange tree didn't move.

Su Shu sneered in his heart, and with two more strokes, the orange tree was cut down in the middle and fell to the ground with a crash.

Su Shu didn't intend to stop. He picked up the hoe that had been upgraded to a copper hoe and started digging from the roots of the orange tree. The power of the copper hoe was much stronger than that of the iron hoe. After a few times of use, new trees with huge root systems had grown. The roots of the orange trees were all dug out.

Su Shu changed the ax again, and split the roots and trunk into pieces of wood, not even the branches on the trunk. After finishing everything, he put it into his system backpack, and pressed the transmitter back to the farm.

Qiao Yulin came up to meet him: "Brother Shu, what are you doing? Why didn't you ask me to help?"

Su Shu put down the ax and hoe, and then told Qiao Yulin: "Go to the orchard in the past two days to have a look. If all the trees that suddenly grow up are cut down, you must not be soft-hearted. You must also pay attention to safety."

Qiao Yulin wondered: "What happened?"

"There are orange trees in our orchard that have mutated." Su Shu showed Qiao Yulin the wood he cut, "The orange seeds I spit out a few days ago have grown into a mature orange tree today. It’s impossible to grow so fast after being watered with Jinkela, right? So it must be a mutant plant.”

"Most mutated plants are very dangerous. If you don't understand them, you should act first. Anyway, we have so many orange trees in the orchard. It doesn't matter if there are more or less. And if the mutated plants bully the orchard What about the other trees? You can compete with them for nutrients and squeeze out living space, and you must never keep them.”

"Oh." Qiao Yulin wrote it down seriously, "What about Little Green?"

Su Shu glanced at Xiaolu, who was concentrating on cleaning the pigsty: "Little green is different from other mutated plants, it doesn't intend to attack us, and it helped us repair the pigsty last time, it is a good mutated plant , you can stay."

Mutant plants such as lotus and hogweed, which are harmless and useful to the farm, can also be kept. Su Shu feels that he is a rational person who will not be killed with a single stick.

Qiao Yulin nodded seriously: "Brother Shu, are you still going to the safe zone? It may be raining soon, why don't you go tomorrow?"

Su Shu was taken aback: "Is it going to rain?"

He looked up at the sky, there were no dark clouds?

Qiao Yulin pointed to the surrounding trees and showed Su Shu: "Yes, Brother Shu, you can see that the plants around are shaking. It should be a sudden wind. Maybe it will rain soon."

Su Shu looked, and sure enough, the surrounding plants were more or less trembling, and some even the trunks were shaking. It seemed that the wind was quite strong, although he couldn't feel any wind now, maybe it was because of the location.In short, I won't go today, anyway, he has been in the house for five days, and he doesn't care about it for a long time.

Wait until the next time you go to the safe zone to find an umbrella, or find someone who can make an umbrella.

There is no need to rush to the safe zone, Su Shu will have time to slowly study the changes in his upgraded farm.

The most obvious is his wooden house. From the initial wooden house to the current first-class wooden house, the expansion of the area is inevitable. Although there is no change from the outside, when stepping into the wooden house door, the space inside is instantly spacious, and the decoration style is also different. Much more refined.

Compared with the original, it is the gap between the simple one-bedroom and one living room and the hardcover large flat.

Since the wooden house is exclusively owned by the farmer Su Shu, even if the area is enlarged now, there is only the original bedroom inside.The current bedroom area is exactly as large as the entire wooden house before, and the bed has also been upgraded from the usual 1.5 meters to [-] meters. There are carpets, wardrobes, bay windows, and even a monitor that is easy to read while lying on the bed.

Su Shu looked at it. Not only can he watch TV, but it is more suitable for him to connect a game console to play games on a large screen.

The system is really sweet.

Su Shu said happily.

In addition to the changes in the bedroom, other places have also undergone major changes.First of all, two new rooms have been added, one is a study room and the other is an entertainment room.The layout of the study is relatively simple, with bookshelves all over the wall and a low desk that suits Su Shu's preferences.The one that matches the low desk is a lazy sofa, the kind that one person can lie on. There is also a carpet underneath, and there is a floor lamp beside it.


Su Shu casually opened a book on the shelf.

"On the Planting and Cultivation of Rice?" Su Shu reluctantly put the book back as it was.

What's the use of arranging the desk so emotionally?As long as you hold a copy of "Postpartum Care of Sows", no matter what position you are in, you will have no atmosphere.

The newly opened consultation function of the system is connected with this study.The books on the bookshelf are all such books. If Su Shu asks any question in the system, it will help you find the relevant pages of the book you need.

Then see for yourself.

[Tong, you are not as flexible as other systems at all. ] Su Shu completely forgot that he just praised the system.

The entertainment room is no different from what Su Shu imagined.A projector on the entire wall and a motion-sensing chair dedicated to playing games are simply a good place to play wantonly.

In addition to the extra two rooms, the living room and dining room are also separated in this upgrade.The layout of the living room is still the same, a coffee table, a row of sofas, and a TV.There are two more pots of ornamental green plants in the corner. Su Shu has touched them, and they are fake.

The toilet has become larger, and the original shower has become a bathtub that can be used for both showering and bathing.

Naturally, the kitchen has also changed a lot.All the necessary microwave ovens and dishwashers are fully equipped, and the stove has changed from one to two.Pressure cooker pan wok pan milk pot casserole is also readily available.

Seeing such a well-equipped kitchen, Su Shu retreated silently.

Don't want to cook, don't want to cook, don't want to cook.

Ah, by the way, the three meals a day of the novice benefits will not be issued after the upgrade!

Thinking of this, Su Shu shrank instantly.

This is equivalent to letting a person who is used to ordering takeaways no longer be able to order takeaways, but can only cook by himself every day, and the ingredients are not complete. What kind of tragic news is this.

The number of employees that can be recruited by the farm has increased, let's recruit a chef this time.

Su Shu silently made a decision.

Just as Su Shu came out of the cabin, Qiao Yulin also came out of the staff cabin next door.

"Brother Shu, my house has grown bigger."

The staff dormitory has not changed much, only from a small single allocation of [-] square meters to a large single allocation of [-] square meters.

After reading these, Su Shu opened the farm system and clicked on the building interface.

He has been looking forward to this function for a long time, Xiao Huang Xiaohua has grown up a lot, if there is no serious chicken coop, two chickens will almost not be able to live in it.There is also Xiaohei's pigsty. Since winter is coming, it can't just let the wind through like this, and we still have to take good measures to keep warm.

There are several pages on the building interface, and only the chicken coop and pigsty icons are lit up at the moment.

Huan, no.

Turning back to the second page, why is the bullpen lit up?

It took a while for Su Shu to figure out that the two hardworking zombie robots were planned by the system to be in the "cow".

Looking at the blinking icon of the bullpen, Su Shu felt the system's entanglement inexplicably.

You say that these two zombie robots are human beings, and you should attribute them to the employees. It is obvious that there is no human reason and thinking, only instinct.If they are not human beings, what kind of animals are they?

In the end, it seems that only "cow" is more suitable.After all, it's all about working hard and working hard to open up wasteland.

Su Shu looked at the illuminated cowshed, and then at the two zombies standing there dumbfounded.

All right, let’s build another cowshed. These two zombies are already ugly enough. What if they are exposed to wind, sun, and rain again, making their flesh rotten and ugly? ?Now these two are very easy to use, it is a pity to throw them away if they are broken like this.

Speaking of zombie robots, Su Shu suddenly thought of what he had told Qiao Yulin earlier.

"Jojo, how is the rainbow team I asked you to pick up?"

Yes, the seven rainbow-haired people who went to the book and vegetable store to make trouble turned into zombies without any accident that night. When Su Shu was overwhelmed by the news of "entrusting the safe zone", he still didn't forget to ask Qiao Yulin to get rid of them. Several new labors were brought back.

Of course, it was quietly, the kind that no one noticed.

"Ah, Brother Shu said about them, they are training at the iron tree. They are so stupid. After inputting the program, they are so mechanical that they are not as flexible as Xiaokongxiaohuo. I plan to let them chop at the iron tree for a few more days. Wait until you are flexible and then get them to work on the farm. Otherwise, they are afraid that they will damage the things that have been planted with great difficulty."

Qiao Yulin pouted when he mentioned the new zombies, especially after knowing that these few still coveted Brother Shu's things, he didn't like how they looked at them.

"They have been chopping down the iron trees for so many days, and they haven't even cut off a single bark. It's useless. Brother Shu, let's throw them away?"

"It's such a pity to throw it away, keep it for now, and let them do the work of picking lotus roots in the pond, picking manure and fertilizing, and let your little space and fire take good care of it."

"Okay." Qiao Yulin nodded.

"Come on, give me a helping hand, and tear down this chicken coop." Su Shu didn't care about the enemies who had already been dealt with, and now he wanted to tear down the original chicken coop and install a new chicken coop here.

The new chicken coop also has levels. The first-level chicken coop can house five chickens, and if it is upgraded later, it can naturally house more chickens.Now it takes [-] gold coins to repair a chicken coop, plus [-] [lumber].

Su Shu’s business is booming now, and he doesn’t even bother to calculate his daily sales. Anyway, there is no need to worry about gold coins for the time being, and the raw material wood is still available. There is not enough to make fences for the fruit forest, so he went to the iron tree to cut some , plus the mutated orange tree just cut down, one hundred is enough.

Like An Muwu, Su Shu quickly installed a new chicken coop where the original chicken coop was.

Little Huang and Xiaolu, who were strolling nearby, ran over and walked curiously around the suddenly changed residence several times.

The author has something to say: here we come.Don't worry, [-] words a day is enough to eat.

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