On the vegetable field surrounded by wooden fences, the green shoots that have just emerged are neat and tidy, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Su Shu also liked this neat arrangement, and while he was admiring it, a strange feeling came to his heart.

——I always feel that there is something discordant in the vegetable field in front of me.

After walking around the vegetable field twice, Su Shu's eyes fell on a row of raised plots.

The height and curvature of these land plots were all exactly the same, which was dug out by Su Shu himself with a systematic approach. At that time, he also sighed at the pleasant order.

But now, these arcs have changed.

Su Shu walked a few steps and saw that the soil in several plots was different from the surrounding plots.Either the uplift was too high, or the spread area was larger, and the soil of several others was tighter in comparison.

These differences are very subtle, if it weren't for Su Shu's mild obsessive-compulsive disorder from time to time, he might not have discovered it.

Most of the plots that have changed are near the edge of the fence. Su Shu checked a few times and found no strange traces.He wondered if the vegetables growing in the field changed the field, and it was not impossible.

If no clear reason could be found, it was not a big deal, so Su Shu put the matter aside.

As for the changed plots, Su Shu took a hoe and lightly tidied them up, and soon the plots became neat and tidy again, which was pleasing to the eye.

On this day, Su Shu's life was really leisurely.

The reclining chairs I bought have been cleaned up and placed under the shade of a tree that can provide enough protection from the wind and rain. I took a fully charged game console and played happily all day.

Today's watering has already been completed.

It wasn't until night that Su Shu fell asleep to the sound of the pattering rain.

When I woke up the next morning, the fragrance of the rain was still in the air.

Su Shu looked at the vegetable field, and there was no problem with the vegetables due to the rain. On the contrary, he didn't need to water them today, and he had a lot of free time.

Su Shu turned around and saw bamboos that were faintly visible not far away.

Things like bamboo shoots should grow a lot after it rains, right?

It's okay anyway, Su Shu decided to find bamboo shoots.He also likes to eat something.Passing by the place where the tools were kept, Su Shu thought about it, stuffed the ax and the hoe into the system backpack and took them with him.

Bamboo shoots can't be pulled out by pulling them out alone, so you still have to bring a hoe.As for the axe, Su Shu thought that he could also chop a few bamboos and get rid of them to make some baskets for things.

Before entering the bamboo forest, Su Shu specially tied up the cuffs, trousers and other places.He didn't want to wait until he came back to find that a mess of bugs had crawled into his body unknowingly.

The bamboo forest is not far from the wooden house, and Su Shu arrived there in less than 5 minutes.

As soon as he stepped into the bamboo forest, he felt a chill hit him.

"Hiss, it's so cold." Su Shu was a little annoyed that he didn't wear enough clothes.I didn't expect the temperature in the bamboo forest to be so much colder than the outside. Seeing the sunlight still shining in, it didn't help at all.

Su Shu shivered twice, but didn't care after adapting to the sudden temperature difference.

Anyway, isn't it normal that the temperature in these densely planted places is somewhat different?

Su Shu doesn't remember where he read it before. He said that bamboo shoots can grow when they grow to more than ten knots. The bamboos in this bamboo forest are quite tall, so you shouldn't worry about bamboo shoots... right?

After wandering around in the bamboo forest for half a circle, Su Shu doubted his eyes even if he didn't see a sharp bamboo shoot.

what happened?Why didn't he see a single bamboo shoot?He even swept away the bamboo leaves piled up on the ground, but he didn't see anything that looked like bamboo shoots.

Su Shu tried his best to recall the information related to bamboo shoots in his mind.After a long while, I finally found some impressions from the corner of my memory.

The growing season of bamboo shoots is spring and autumn, and they can be dug out and eaten in summer and winter.Su Shu looked up at the sky. It is now September, which happens to be the summer and autumn season. The last wave of edible bamboo shoots has grown into bamboo, and the next wave of edible bamboo shoots has not yet emerged from the ground.


Su Shu sighed.

If there are no bamboo shoots, we can only chop some bamboo and go back.

Su Shu's eyes fell on the tall and straight bamboos around him, looking at what to chop.Bamboo that is slightly older will be more resilient when made into bamboo strips, and it will not be easy to break if you bend it at will.

Su Shu soon found out that there was a suitable bamboo, and he took out his ax and fell it within a few strokes.The fallen bamboo feels cold and cool to the touch, and it feels good to the touch.

After chopping several of them in a row, Su Shu resigned after guessing that it was almost done.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that when he chopped bamboo, the other bamboos shook a little bit.

Could it be that I used too much force, and the vibration was transmitted to other bamboos?

Fortunately, after stopping, the surrounding bamboos stopped shaking, and Su Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise he would start worrying about an earthquake.

This is the end of the world, and a world like this in the novel is prone to various natural disasters.

Putting the bamboo into the system backpack, Su Shu looked around, picked a direction and continued walking.

It was a rare trip to the woods, he didn't want to just go back.

As soon as Su Shu came out of the bamboo grove, he didn't take a few steps when his eyes lit up.

look what he sawA bunch of mushrooms!

Su Shu ran over a few steps and looked it over carefully, confirming that it was a very common oyster mushroom that could be used.

correct!After the rain, there are not only bamboo shoots, but also mushrooms!

There is a large cluster of mushrooms in front of him. Su Shu carefully picks them one by one and puts them into the system backpack. These mushrooms are all of the same species, and they only occupy one space in the system backpack. Su Shu is not worried about not being able to load them.

After picking almost all the mushrooms in front of me, the number of mushrooms in the backpack has stacked up to more than 100.In addition to the most common oyster mushrooms, Su Shu also saw boletus not far away covered by dead leaves.

This mushroom is also edible.

Su Shu happily picked all the mushrooms he could see.

Perhaps it is because there are many rotting leaves on this piece of ground, and the top of the head is covered with dense leaves. The sun does not shine directly on the ground. Even if there is no rain, the humidity in this piece of land is very heavy. This kind of environment is especially suitable for the growth of fungi.

After a while, Su Shu harvested a large piece.

After finding no other mushrooms around, Su Shu walked forward with more enthusiasm.

I don't know if there is a pond here. Because of the sufficient water source, the plants on these nearby hills are growing very well.Su Shu didn't quite know what these plants were, but most of them looked familiar.

Su Shu walked deeper and deeper, and suddenly found that he hadn't seen any animals along the way.


Thinking of animals, Su Shu looked around, and walked in in no hurry, planning to make a trap in this place.

When he was strolling online, Su Shu was very interested in making a trap in the mountains and catching a pheasant or a rabbit the next day, but he didn't have many chances to try it before. Tried it, but to no avail.

As for the fact that he didn't see any animals here, isn't it normal?After all, he was a big living person walking in the woods, and he couldn't hold back his movements. Those animals who had sharp ears and eyes might have been scared away long ago.

Su Shu would not judge the range of animals' activities by whether there were animal footprints or feces on the ground, nor would he observe the size and state of animals based on the posture of plants. He didn't even think about catching anything.I just found a place that looked good, and started digging with a hoe.

This is not farming and digging the soil. The hoe did not turn over the land with one hoe, but Su Shu still clearly felt that he didn't put much effort in digging the soil.

Soon, a hole one and a half meters deep was dug.

Su Shu didn't plan to catch a big prey, and he didn't even mind if he could catch him. He stepped on it and tried it. He felt that the height should be okay, so he began to think about how to disguise it.

He didn't plan to insert some sharp objects into the pit.Su Shu had no shortage of food, and he didn't intend to just eat things caught in the wild. He was just interested in the process of setting traps to catch animals.

But if he could catch something, Su Shu didn't plan to let it go.

As for how to deal with it, we will talk about it when we can really catch it.

Su Shu looked at the empty pit, and was a little worried that if he didn't release anything, it would be easy to escape if he caught anything.After thinking about it, Su Shu found some branches and inserted them into a net at the bottom of the pit.

The meshes are not very large, and if any animal does fall, the feet will get caught in these meshes and it will not be easy to pull them out.

After paving the bottom of the pit, Su Shu carefully covered the pit surface.He also found some twigs to spread on, this time he specially looked for dry and fragile ones, and randomly spread some fallen leaves on the top, covering them exactly like the surrounding ones.

Su Shu wiped off the dirt from his hands in satisfaction, looked at his masterpiece, thought for a while, and found a recognizable branch to stick next to it, in case he couldn't find it next time.

After finishing all this, Su Shu didn't plan to go any further. The system has already scanned out today's lunch, so he can eat after he goes back and cleans up.

Su Shu returned the same way.

Back at his own site, Su Shu was about to enter the house, when he glanced at the vegetable field from the corner of his eye, he was startled.

The vegetable field showed signs of being overturned by something again!

Su Shu's face turned cold instantly.

Now, he can no longer be as indifferent as yesterday.

Su Shu stood beside the vegetable field, his gaze swept over the overturned field.

Just like yesterday, some of these plots were bulged from the ground, and some were lowered from the top.There were no animal paw prints or other traces left. Su Shu frowned and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see at all what had caused his vegetable field to suffer.

Moreover, these things don't know what they are doing in the vegetable field, and the growing vegetables are still healthy and straight, without being damaged.Not to mention being eaten and plucked, not even a single leaf was broken.

If it's not for the vegetables, then what is it for?

Su Shu couldn't find the reason.

Except for the vegetable field, there is no sign of being disturbed anywhere else, and the same is true around his wooden house.But Su Shu is still worried, if these things invade the wooden house before he finds out...

Thinking of this, Su Shu opened the system trading interface, spent all the remaining [-] gold coins, and bought a defensive crystal with a large area of ​​effect and an upgrade.

Just as he was about to log out of the system, Su Shu suddenly noticed something flashing in the [Seed] column of the trading interface.

Click in and see [Wheat Seeds].

[Find wild wheat seeds, which can be unlocked. 】

Su Shu followed the system prompts and found several seeds under the fence of the vegetable field.

The author has something to say: Thank you little angels for your support!There is a red envelope drop on Thursday, love you all!

After v, at least Saturday every day, 12:[-] noon and [-]:[-] pm are generally the update time.Maybe there will be [-]D updates, I will try my best to get thicker and thicker and thicker and longer. 【Fist.jpg】Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,the little angel who hasn't run out of nutrient solution, don't let it go to waste, you know? 【Crazy Hint】


Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 78 bottles of Shanshan; 14 bottles of dislike; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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