The East Fourth District Patrol Team learned that many people were suspected of being injured in the vegetable market, and they happened to walk nearby, so they came very quickly.

They thought that it might be caused by an escalation of bargaining between vegetable vendors and customers, that it might be caused by desperate people trying to snatch food, or that it might be caused by people who ate too many mutated plants suddenly turning into zombies. of.

Of course, I also wondered if it might be caused by that Young Master You from the third district showing off again, but I didn't expect that the ones who were injured were his lackeys including Young Master You!

Seeing You Yuande's miserable appearance rolling on the ground, the Dongsi Patrol Team hurried forward to send him to the hospital even if they cried "he deserves it" in their hearts.

This man can't go wrong here.

As for making You Yuande into such a person, the patrol team has to take him away to show it.

However, how come so many people came out to stop them?

The members of the patrol team were blocked by the crowd, and they suddenly looked confused.

What's the matter with these people?Don't you usually run faster than a rabbit when you encounter something?Did I take the wrong medicine today or was it controlled by someone?

Bai Xingming, the patrol captain who is already a third-level supernatural user, saw this scene and decided to bring back the person who caused all this.

He must be a dangerous person who can easily incite so many ordinary people to fight against the supernatural and official patrol team!

Bai Xingming glanced across the crowd, locking on to the slender young man behind him.

Among a group of people in the four districts who were running around to survive, only that person's clothes were very clean and fresh, and they were very different from the clothes that other people mended and washed.

And his hair, although it looks a little messy, slightly longer than ordinary short hair, as if it hasn't been trimmed for a long time, but judging from his third-level ability user's sense of smell, this person definitely washed his hair two days ago. I also used a shampoo that was already hard to find.

Even the messy feeling was not caused by careless care, it was more like...a specially made look.

While Bai Xingming was observing Su Shu, Su Shu was also looking at Bai Xingming.

The two looked at each other across the crowd.

This person is a little dangerous.

Su Shu and Bai Xingming thought at the same time.

Su Shu looked at the patrol captain, who had no expression on his face, his eyes were calm, and his aura was very steady.Such a person, in anime or games, looks like a capable person.

No wonder people are so afraid of patrols.

Su Shu felt that no matter how many customers he blocked, he was no match for the patrol captain, and the latter would definitely have to deal with it every minute.

Su Shu didn't intend to let these customers suffer unnecessary harm for helping him. He vaguely felt that the patrol captain would not do anything to him.

Sure enough, Bai Xingming was stopped by the crowd a few times, seeing that they would not let go easily, he suddenly let go of his momentum, the chill of the third-level ice-type supernatural being spread rapidly around himself, and the ground began to freeze, snow-white covered the Everyone's feet spread unceremoniously to their bodies.

Anyone who was touched by Bai Bing was unable to move as if frozen.

Bai Xingming controlled it very well, stopping everyone's movement, but it didn't hurt them at all, at most it only made them feel cold.

Without the obstruction of the crowd, Bai Xingming looked at Su Shu: "Take it away."

The patrol team responded and walked towards Su Shu.

Just when they were about to meet Su Shu, two shouts came from afar.

"and many more!"


It was Zuo Zian who was the first to do the grocery shopping, and Yuan Chuan who came here after finishing his business.

The two arrived at the same time.

The patrol team was a little impatient.

Don't they just want to take someone back to ask a question so that they can explain to the patrol chief of the third district, why are there always so many people in the way?

Represented by Bai Xingming, the patrol team looked at the person who made the noise.

Seeing this, they were dumbfounded.

Zuo Zian didn't come back alone. He was followed by a tall and gloomy young man. Those iconic black gloves reminded them of someone instantly.

Isn't this the mutated water system power user in the third district?The one who is covered in poison and no one dares to get close to him, and he hardly ever goes out!

How did he get here?

On the other hand, the dot team in the second district is famous for being among the top [-] in the team ranking with just five people. As the captain, Yuan Chuan is very good at getting along with people. Many official and strong team members have relationships with him. Everything is fine, why did he run to the East Fourth District?

The most important thing is, the person I want to arrest, why are these two people who are not easy to provoke have anything to do with the person I want to arrest?How can they arrest people!

Zuo Zian didn't recognize Yuan Chuan, and Yuan Chuan had some impressions of the youth brought by Zuo Zian, but now was not the time to talk, and the two ran to Su Shu's side one after another.

"Are you all right?"

"Sorry sir, I'm late."

Zuo Zian and Yuan Chuan spoke together again.

In the office room of the patrol team in the East Fourth District, all other patrol members have gone out according to the patrol route. Only Bai Xingming, Su Shuzuozi An Yuanchuan and his party are left here.

The vegetable market was quickly finished. Those who should be taken to the hospital should be taken to the hospital, those who should be unsealed should be unsealed, and those who should continue to buy vegetables should continue to buy vegetables. As the center of the incident, Su Shu, under the condition that Bai Xingming promised not to do anything , and brought it to the patrol team.

Of course, Zuo Zian and Yuan Chuan also followed.

It was only at this time that Su Shu realized that after Zuo Zian went back after buying the vegetables, he quickly realized what kind of sensation Su Shu's dishes would cause in this place, and it was easy to cause trouble.He thought of a friend of his.

It was that gloomy young man, Han Qu.

Han Qu is a third-level ability user, and its ability is the water-type mutant poison system.Poison-type abilities are very lethal, and they are also very rare.But in the first two levels of this ability, the probability of losing control is also very high.

When Han Qu hadn't been promoted to the third-level ability user, none of the living things around him were not implicated.The milder ones are injuries, and the more serious ones are loss of life. He couldn't control it no matter what he tried.Gradually, no one dared to approach him anymore, and he was full of fear and rejection.

The gloomy character was formed at that time.

Now, Han Qu has reached the third level and has been able to control his abilities very well. Moreover, due to the nature of the abilities, he is stronger than ordinary third-level abilities. As a lone ranger, his combat power is not weak at all. .

However, he has developed the habit of staying far away from other people, only Zuo Zian, who has never rejected him, is the only person he is willing to go out for.

This time, Han Qu was also pulled by Zuo Zi'an to support Su Shu.

Zuo Zian never felt that there was anything scary about his friends, but he also knew the reputation of his friends in other people's hearts. If there were friends of his own who were on the sidelines, even if there were people who coveted the little boss's food, they would probably hesitate How much.

Zuo Zian didn't expect to find someone by himself, and what he was worried about had already happened.

Fortunately, I didn't come too late, at least I didn't let the little boss be taken away by the patrol alone.

Who in the East Fourth District doesn't know that You Yuande's father is the top manager of the patrol team in the East Third District?The patrol team in the East Fourth District must also be under their control.Which subordinate would dare not help his boss' son, but help others?

I don't know how the little boss will be treated if he is taken away like this.

So, there is this scene.

As for Yuan Chuan, it is easier to explain. He was wondering if there would be any help from the husband. He originally planned to come over as soon as he handed in the task that should be handed in. Halfway he thought of another thing. , took the people back.

When the matter was settled, Yuan Chuan was afraid of the delay for so long, so he asked his teammates to lead the people to take it slowly, and he took a step first.

When he arrived at the place, Yuan Chuan was extremely glad that he had come first, otherwise he would not have let the husband be wronged?

Under the pressure of the eyes of Han Qu, the lone ranger with great combat prowess, and Captain Yuan Chuan, the dot captain who has many friends and can't afford to offend, even Bai Xingming had to sigh.

"We've already figured out what happened. It's really not Mr. Su's fault. You've been tired for making this trip." Bai Xingming apologized to Su Shu, "You can leave now, I'm really sorry."

That's more or less.

Zuo Zian and Yuan Chuan both thought so in their hearts.

Seeing that the little boss was fine, Zuo Zian also said goodbye to Su Shu and prepared to go back.

Su Shu stopped him.

"Food for you." Su Shu took out a cabbage, more than a dozen potatoes, and a handful of soybeans from the system backpack, "Thank you."

"Ah, this, Boss Su, I can't have..." Zuo Zi'an waved his hands again and again.The level of this dish is so high, how can I take it for nothing, besides, he didn't help with anything, if he really helped, he would still have the cheek to accept it.

Su Shu was too lazy to argue, and stuffed it into Zuo Zian's hand.

"Here. Thanks."

This thank you was also addressed to Han Qu.

Or nod your head as a response.

When the eyes of the two social fears met, they already knew what the other wanted to say without words, and felt very relaxed immediately.

Su Shu didn't care about Zuo Zian and Han Qu, and left with Yuan Chuan who was waiting.

Zuo Zian, who still wanted to return the precious dishes, was stopped by Han Qu: "Take it, he's not bad at all, there are still people in your family who need to take care of them, and I will repay you when I have a chance."

What else can Zuo Zian do, he can only accept it gratefully.

"It just so happens that Han Qu is here, let's go, let's go to my house for dinner today. You should have a share in these dishes. Let me show you. I haven't eaten such good quality dishes for a long time."


On Su Shu's side, after coming out of the patrol team, he was still thinking about whether to find another place to sell the leftover vegetables, but they had already arrived anyway.

Before he could bring it up, Yuan Chuan asked hesitantly, "Sir, what's your plan next?"

Su Shu looked at him and said, "Huh?"

Judging by Yuan Chuan's expression, he should have something to say.

Sure enough, Yuan Chuan proposed: "It is such a gentleman, your vegetables are of super high quality, which is something that everyone can't ask for in this last world, so I thought, would you like to cooperate with others?"

"It's from the official side."

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