It is not uncommon for several nearby safe areas to form an alliance together, but except for the circle centered on the hoped safe area, the other alliances did not last long.

To be precise, it directly "died" at the proposal stage.

It is said to be a safe zone alliance, but in fact, once the alliance is formed, it is equivalent to a large-scale safe zone. Except for the original city lord's right to speak in the safe zone of the alliance center, the leadership of the other safe zones is quite So he found a boss for himself.

Anyone with some selfishness would not divide up their rights in this way.

Unless the safety zone as the center of the alliance is too good, no other safety zone can afford to fight against it.

And the Beixuan Safe Zone is exactly like this.

The establishment of the alliance was not brought up by Beixuan, but by the surrounding safety zone.It is said that they thought about this issue privately after the spring trade fair, and when the Tianchang Safe Zone incident happened, they completely made up their minds.

Although Beixuan didn't take the initiative to mention this matter, but when the matter fell on him, he was not stupid here. After confirming that the safety zones were sincere, he agreed to the matter.

Of course, Duan Kangcheng also knew that it was not due to him, the city lord, who made the surrounding safe areas reach this level, but everyone came here for Su Shu.

Duan Kangcheng naturally sought Su Shu's opinion.

Su Shu was holding the plan in his hand and worrying about not having enough manpower. When he heard about it, he was naturally happy.

"Anyway, if you want to build roads, let's do it all at once." Su Shu took the simple maps of the safety zones that he had asked Zhang Chuang to expand the scope of his planning directly.

No one would refute Mr. Su's proposal.

Therefore, the first task of the newly established alliance, which has not even been fully decided on its name, is to build roads.

In fact, it is said that it is building roads, not starting from the most basic.

The places occupied by each safe zone are mostly populated areas before the end of the world, and there will naturally be no roads around them.It's just that after the end of the world, there is no special personnel to maintain it, coupled with the extreme cold and sun exposure in winter and summer, it has become dilapidated by now.

It's good enough to let the car drive past.

But even so, the foundation of the road is still there, and it's much better to maintain and repair it than to resurface it from beginning to end.

In addition to this, the problem of obstacles on the road also needs to be dealt with emphatically.

Most of these obstacles are the Yuan Xun ǚ Xian Fei series sodium cars in the period when the end of the world just came.Today, these cars have already become piles of broken copper and iron, and some of them can still see the frame in the wind and sun, but most of them have become a pile of rusty, moldy, shapeless garbage.

Clearing these car obstacles is easy to deal with. Most of the metal objects can even be dragged back for recycling by the supernatural beings who are used to collecting materials.

In addition to obstacles like cars, there are also things on the road that are not easy to deal with.

Mutated plants and zombies.

Most of the mutated plants that can grow on the roadside are grasses, shrubs, and vines, and they are not particularly dangerous.

But this "not particularly big" is for most supernatural beings.For ordinary people, and even some weak supernatural beings, as long as it is a mutated thing, there is a certain degree of danger.

If ordinary people can cross the road with peace of mind, these things have to be dealt with.

There are also zombies who are always wandering around. This kind of danger source with long legs needs to be investigated carefully.

If the zombies are conscious, this summer, they will probably collectively complain about whether these humans have eaten some chicken blood, and why they have started a big sweep out of nowhere!

With enough normal food as a solid logistical support, the process of expelling the zombies went extremely smoothly.Centering on the safe areas of the alliance, along the planned road, the zombies along the way were driven out of the safe area little by little.

The point of only expulsion without killing them all makes the operation of this matter much less difficult.

In the past, after expelling the zombies, they had to worry that there was no way to ensure that they would return. Now this problem was also solved by Su Shu.

Su Shu sought a solution from the plants near the small farm.

Even the boss, Menggui, made it clear with actions that "this human is covered by me". The other plants liked Su Shu, and now they actively help.

Thus, a mutated Mistral Grass was pushed in front of Su Shu.

The Misty Grass knows what it means just by its name, and it can make human beings lose their way and walk into a trap by themselves.Generally, it grows into a large area. Although a single plant is not very dangerous and ranks outside the top [-] on the list of alien plants, it is still a mutant plant that people with supernatural powers hate and are easy to recruit.

And this mutated Misty Grass had been squeezed out by the Misty Grass group before Su Shu made this request.

No way, why does this grass not confuse human beings like other lost traces, but the breath it emits can keep zombies away.

Most of the zombies and mutated plants have no intersection, and they are not on each other's recipes, so it doesn't matter whether they are far or not.

Now this mutated Misty Grass has become a treasure. It was originally a single plant, which was fed by Su Shu with various crystal core energies and delicious water and soil fertilizers. Coupled with the experience imparted by other plants, it is now growing rapidly. completed the evolution.

As long as it wants, this mutated Mistral Grass can grow and reproduce at an extremely fast speed, and produce many plants with the same function.

This is completely evolving in the direction Su Shu hoped for.

Su Shu is very grateful.Soon, this mutated Misty Grass was put into use and became the most common sight on the roads extending in all directions.

Although this is also a mutated plant, after knowing its function, human beings not only have no fear, but also regard it as a treasure that needs to be cared for.There is no need for Su Shu to arrange special people. Anyone who uses these roads will water them and occasionally buy some fertilizer to feed them.When encountering that mother plant, those who have extra crystal nuclei on hand will stuff a crystal nucleus in there.

But I was so moved by this mutated trailing grass that has been squeezed out by the ethnic group, and there is no need to plant it artificially. Wherever they build roads, the grass will grow by itself, which is very cute.

But things are not all going well.

"City Master, Team No. [-] is on fire. No one was injured or injured in the rescue. One vehicle is completely damaged, one can be repaired if it is half-destroyed, and one-third of the supplies are left."

The person who reported honestly conveyed the news.

Duan Kangcheng sighed slightly: "Can the eighth point still be used?"

"The temperature is too high, let's take it easy!

"Then withdraw the people first and let them take a good rest. Let people pay attention to the nearby No. [-] and No. [-] points, and evacuate as soon as the temperature reaches the critical value."

"Good city lord."

The person who reported the news went down to convey the order, and only Duan Kangcheng was left to continue to read the news from other safe areas.

Like Beixuan, the construction sites outside the alliance's other safe zones also encountered the same problem.

As the summer passed day by day, the temperature in the air was getting higher and higher, and the argon flower, wood tuo, and pepper ([-]) spontaneously ignited.

This spontaneous combustion includes flammable materials such as wood, paper, and cloth, as well as people, and buildings that are difficult to ignite.

It can be said that as long as it is exposed to a long-term temperature, there is nothing impossible to burn.

Now there are people with ice water abilities in the major safety zones who are responsible for cooling down places where the temperature is too high.

But points outside the safe zone are difficult to be scrupled.

People with supernatural powers can still act at such a temperature, as long as they avoid the two hottest hot spots at noon, they will not be too hot. enough.

Up to now, spontaneous combustion at the working point has occurred every few days, and there will be casualties due to this at the beginning. Fortunately, everyone has experience after two or three times, and people are fine.

But this overheating situation really delayed the progress of the alliance's construction!

Su Shu didn't mind the slow progress, but the people in each safe zone wanted to complete the first task assigned by the leader quickly and well.

This is not the case today!

Yes, Su Shu became the leader of this alliance.

The establishment of the alliance was originally just a commotion in Su Shu's eyes, but he never thought that he would be unanimously approved to become the leader of the alliance!

How can I be this ally?

Su Shu wanted to push it down, but Duan Kangcheng, who had already guessed this, found Su Shu first and chatted with him for a long time.

Duan Kangcheng said that it was expected that Su Shu would be the leader of the alliance, and only in this way can everyone be convinced.The reason why other safety zones proposed this alliance was originally developed to this point because of Su Shu.

Duan Kangcheng knew that Su Shu didn't like these things, and said that after he became the lord, he would still live as he wanted, and all the city lords in the safe zone would become his staff, and they would help him deal with anything that Su Shu didn't like to deal with. Have a proper post.

"Actually, I have long wanted to give you the position of Beixuan, the main city lord, and always let you stay in the position of deputy city lord. The city lords in other safe zones are afraid that they will beat me to death hahahahahaha."

Duan Kangcheng shook his head helplessly.

He has been hinted more than once that if he dares to exclude Mr. Su, or deliberately seize power because Mr. Su doesn't care about things, he will definitely help Mr. Su get justice.

Even so, Su Shu had no intention of accepting the position of leader at the beginning.

It was Duan Kangcheng who mentioned the issue of land.

"If you want to grow normal food, isn't your ability limited?" Duan Kangcheng said, "Anyway, the lands in other safe zones will be under your name. Isn't the position of leader justified?"

Not only to grow normal plants, but also to open up pastures for breeding, which must be included in the management scope of the farm system by Su Shu.

This is the case with Westwood Plain, which was put under the name of Su Shu without any objection. Now in the farm system, the name of Westwood Plain is appended with the word "Ranch".

Only then did Su Shu agree.

The moment Su Shu put his name on the contract signed by the city owners of the safe zones in the alliance, the coverage of the farm system instantly expanded, bringing the entire alliance range into Su Shu's operational range!

Su Shu didn't know that at this moment, all the animals and plants within the scope of the farm system were refreshed.

They are more sensitive than humans, and they clearly feel this change.

The taste of the soil has turned sweet.

More moisture and refreshing.

Also, there is always a pleasant temptation faintly coming from one direction.


Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Longmo;

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