Su Shu lined up to enter the Beixuan safe zone, and everything went smoothly, no different from others.

After entering the safe zone, Yuan Chuan and the others have a lot of things to do, and they have to hurry to get the crystal core, for fear that the boss's food will be sold out if they are late!Several people pointed Su Shu to the nearest vegetable market and left in a hurry.

When the people walked away, Yuan Chuan and the others slapped their heads, annoyed: "Oh! I forgot to ask Mr. what price the dishes are going to set! How many crystal cores do we want to bring?"

"Do you need to ask? It's not like you haven't eaten Mr.'s dishes. Vegetables with no virus content at all, no matter what price they sell, people will rush to buy them. The price will definitely be high. We will take all the crystal nuclei. , I don’t know if it’s enough.”

A few people think about it, that's right.

Thinking that there might be a crowd of people in front of Mr.'s stall, the steps of the few people became faster and faster.

Su Shu, who followed the directions and found the vegetable market in East Fourth District, looked at the densely packed stalls on both sides of the road, as well as people coming and going, all kinds of loud yelling and bargaining, all of which got into his ears, and he flinched a little.

There are too many people!Is he going to sell vegetables in a place with so many people?Want to learn how to yell?Do you want to bargain with people?

God!wanna die.

In the end, Su Shu still couldn't overcome the fear, and the good position with a lot of traffic was already taken up by the stall owners who came earlier. He walked directly to the side road where there were no people, chose a clean place, and took out the stalls he had prepared in advance. Lay the ground spread on the ground.

Just as he carried a Chinese cabbage out of the system backpack with his back to the person, Su Shu heard someone talking to him behind him.

Su Shu was almost startled!

Su Shubaicai didn't put it down either, and turned around to look.

He was a tall and thin young man, his clothes were washed white, his trousers were a little short, and his overall humanities were weak.

The young man reminded him kindly, and Su Shu nodded, as if he had heard it.

When it was over, he turned around and placed the cabbage in his arms, without any intention of changing positions.

Su Shu thought that the young man would leave soon, after all, he obviously didn't pay much attention to him.However, Su Shu didn't hear it, and the young man not only didn't leave, but even asked him how to sell his cabbage.

"You, how do you sell this dish?" Zuo Zian gritted his teeth, but still couldn't help asking.

This Chinese cabbage grows really well, and it smells very attractive. It is full of fragrance, and there is no smell of sour, bitter, salty, and various strange smells of mutated plants!

Zuo Zian had never smelled such normal ingredients!

The virus content level of this Chinese cabbage is definitely at the B level of 30.00% to 40.00%!It may even be the rarer A-level!

Zuo Zian knew that such ingredients must be very expensive, and he didn't know if he could buy one or two of the hundred crystal nuclei on hand, but he also knew how rare it was for such a high-grade ingredient to appear in East Fourth District Opportunity!

Zuo Zian can be determined not to buy D-grade ingredients, but he can't resist the temptation of B-grade or even A-grade ingredients.

If, if he could buy it back and give it to his parents once, even if it was only a little bit, would it relieve some of their pain?

Zuo Zian began to think in his heart that although he was not strong in force, he was still a supernatural being, and he could go without eating for a few days, so as to get through this period of heavy expenses.

Nervously waiting for the boss's quotation, Zuo Zian was afraid that he would not look like a rich man and the boss would ignore him.

Fortunately, the boss answered.

Su Shu still remembered the system's suggestion, and when he heard the asking price, he quoted it directly according to the system's suggestion: "Twenty gold, crystal nucleus."

Almost said to show his mouth, said to be a gold coin.

After the price was reported, Su Shu began to worry about what to do if this person wanted to bargain, he would not bargain.It doesn't matter if you let him pay half a day's price between you and me in his heart, he can give you a textbook-level dialogue.But as soon as he was asked to speak, he uncontrollably turned into a cold personality, and he didn't say a word except for the quotation.

Will this attitude drive away customers directly, and no one will buy his food?

Su Shu waited for the youth's feedback.


Turn around and run.

Su Shu: "..."

what's the situation?If he could throw out the emoji now, Su Shu would definitely be full of black question marks.

Why did this person run away?Is it because I look too cold?Or is the quoted price too expensive?

Maybe it's a question of price.After all, one catty needs twenty crystal nuclei!Before he beat zombies on average, he only got one crystal nucleus, and he worked hard to beat twenty zombies before he got ten crystal nuclei. Even when he was making plant ash fertilizer, he was short of five, which was given by Yuanchuan and the others.

Su Shu still remembered that the price of cabbage in his previous life was only one or two yuan a catty. Even if this world is the end of the world, there will not be such a shortage of food... right?

Su Shu, who was skeptical about the price, looked at the young man who ran back in a hurry, and his mind was filled with more and more question marks.

Didn't you leave?Why are you back again?something dropped?

There are other people who are not good for themselves, so take things out of the system backpack.

While Su Shu was puzzled, he saw Zuo Zi'an pouring out a large pile of crystal nuclei from the top with a clatter, in various colors, filling up a small mountain bun at his feet.

This, this is? !

Su Shu's head was full of question marks.

I'm afraid there is something wrong with this person, right?

Zuo Zi'an didn't know that he was suspected of having brain problems. At this moment, he was full of excitement: "Buy! I, I want to buy vegetables, 20 crystal cores and one tael of cabbage, right? Look at how many crystal cores I have here, buy them all! "

God!Is this price real?Such a good cabbage only needs 20 crystal nuclei and one or two. If it is not that the vegetable seller does not know the price, it is because he sells it so cheaply for charity.

Zuo Zian has heard that some rich people have done this kind of thing.

If that's the case, it's no wonder he chose to set up a stall in such a remote place, he must want to engage in "the one who is destined to get it".

That's what the guys above love.

No matter what kind of situation the boss in front of Zuo Zian is in, he only knows that he got a big deal this time!Don't take advantage of the bastard, and I am not a rich family. When people are poor, how can they have so many kind hearts?

As soon as he heard the boss's quotation, he hurried back and brought out all the crystal nuclei at home, maybe he could buy enough for a meal.

Zuo Zian looked at the boss anxiously, for fear that the latter would suddenly say that he would not sell it.

Su Shu was stunned for a moment before realizing that the person in front of him wanted to buy something.

No matter how weird his behavior is, he is a customer who is willing to buy something.

Su Shu was a little happy, but said: "No."

Zuo Zian was stunned.

He looked at the pile of crystal nuclei under his feet and smiled wryly.

Yes, how can there be such a cheap thing?Even if such a good thing happened, how could it happen to him?

Zuo Zian was dejectedly about to gather the crystal nucleus when he heard the next sentence from his head.

"20, a catty." Su Shu corrected the customer's mistake.

He was worried about whether the price would be expensive at 20 a catty, and what kind of expensive cabbage was 20 one tael.

Zuo Zian raised his head mechanically.

What, what?Did you hear me right?

"You mean, 20 crystal nuclei, buy a catty of cabbage?"

Su Shu nodded.

Zuo Zian's face was instantly full of surprises!

The crystal nucleus in his hand pushed Su Shu forward like a hot potato.

"I, I want to buy. I can buy as much as I can!"

Su Shu nodded.

I was about to weigh the customer, but suddenly found that I didn't have any tools for weighing.

What to do now?

Su Shu was debating whether to sell a cabbage together, and the pause was noticed by Zuo Zian.The latter was afraid that he would suddenly regret not selling it, so he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Shu pointed to the cabbage: "No name."

"Wait a minute, I'll find it for you right away!" As soon as he finished speaking, Zuo Zi'an had already run away.

Not even the pile of crystal nuclei on the ground was collected.

Su Shu: "..."

Could this be the people of the last days?

Su Shu just took advantage of this time to take out some of the items in his backpack that he wanted to sell.

The cabbages are all big, and taking out four of them already occupied more than half of the positions, Su Shu only took out four, and continued to put the rest in the backpack.

The soybeans are small, and there is no bag or box in them. Su Shu actually doesn’t want to take them. He is afraid that the soybeans he has placed well will roll around on the stall. It is an eyesore.

Su Shu thought for a while, then took out a handful and stuffed it in his pocket.In this way, if someone asks, he can take it out and show it to him, and he doesn't have to worry about the soybeans running around.

Leftover potatoes are even better.

Su Shu directly placed a pile of potatoes, and cabbage on each side of the booth cloth.He also deliberately arranged the potatoes neatly and arranged them in rows from big to small.

It looks really comfortable.

After placing his products, Su Shu's eyes fell on the crystal nucleus next to him.

Sighing, Su Shu still helped to gather the crystal nucleus.

At this time, there were no other strangers around him, and the discomfort when not getting along with others affected him, and Su Shu quickly discovered that something was wrong.

Perhaps in this last days, the things he sells are not as common as he imagined.

Su Shu recalled the performance of the four people in Yuanchuan in the past few days, and thought about the performance of this customer just now.One fact is obvious!

Before Su Shu could figure out whether he would continue to sell these things according to the system's pricing, or raise the price a bit more, Zuo Zian came back with a reputation.

Walking in front of Su Shu, Zuo Zian's footsteps froze.

He was shocked by the sudden appearance of so many dishes in front of him!

Not only the number suddenly increased so much!The quality of every cabbage and every potato is the same as what he just saw!This pile is all B-grade or even A-grade ingredients!God, who the hell did he meet selling vegetables? !

Zuo Zian handed the scale to Su Shu: "...the scale you want."

Zuo Zian was a little uneasy.

Su Shu took it and nodded his thanks.Then began to weigh the first customer.

Regardless of whether he decides to increase the price in the end, the price has already been quoted to the first person, and he doesn't bother to change it, so let's treat it as a special discount for the first order.

Zuo Zian brought 135 crystal nuclei, which can buy six catties of cabbage.Su Shu weighed it. A cabbage was exactly six catties, and he still had fifteen crystal nuclei left.

"Six catties, 120." Su Shu showed Zuo Zian the number on the scale, picked up the cabbage and handed it out, and waited for someone to pay for the crystal nucleus.

Zuo Zian didn't expect that he could buy such a big whole cabbage, he was overjoyed!

However, looking at the huge cabbage in front of him and the expressionless face of the young vegetable buyer, Zuo Zian finally couldn't help it.

"It's a blood loss for your vegetables to sell at this price."

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