The people in Yuanchuan were still anxiously waiting for Su Shu's answer. When they heard that Su Shu not only nodded in agreement, but also wanted to go with them, they were so surprised that they didn't know what to do.

No need for Su Shu to say anything, several people guessed from Su Shu's action of packing the cabbage the main purpose of going to the safe area, and immediately stepped forward to help pack the cabbage together.

If the big brother wants to go out, the four of Yuanchuan are really relieved, otherwise when they pass through the alien planting area outside, they will not be able to think of a way.

Potatoes don't need to be cleaned up, just wash off the soil on the surface, and then they can be packed.Chinese cabbage is not difficult, just cut it off from the root.Only the beans are more troublesome, needing to be peeled from the pod.

Yuan Chuan and Hou Haochu squatted down and peeled the beans alone. Lei Yang dug the potatoes, and even handed over the processing of the potatoes to him.The remaining Jiang Luo was assigned to cut the cabbage roots.

Jiang Luo held the sickle that Su Shu gave him, like a little daughter-in-law who had never held a knife.

God, is this going to be hacked?Do you really want to cut it?What if the Chinese cabbage that is juicy is chopped up?If he accidentally chops too much... cuts crookedly... shakes his hands...

Suffered, the more I think about it, the more nervous I get.

"Sir, this root is actually edible after being washed, or why don't you chop it up?" Jiang Luo couldn't stop, and looked at Su Shu with a mournful face.

Su Shu: "?"

Can the root be eaten too?He has never seen cabbage root when he went to the supermarket to buy vegetables before?

Seeing the boss's expression was playful, Jiang Luo immediately patted his chest and promised: "You can eat, you can eat, hehe, I just took a bite secretly, except for the mud that was not washed, everything else is very delicious! It's tender and chewy Energetic!"

The other four members of the dot team squinted.

Good guy, you are so quiet, how dare you steal something from the boss? !Brave enough!

Jiang Luo also thought of this, and quickly explained: "Sir, I didn't covet your food, I ate the small piece of soil that you don't want, even if I have a hundred guts, I wouldn't dare to steal your food!"

Su Shu looked into the pits in the ground, and sure enough, he saw that each root had more or less torn cabbage whiskers.

He really didn't plan to clean them out again, they were all meant to be thrown away anyway.

This is what Jiang Luo ate.

Su Shu had never seen anyone eat cabbage roots, so he was not at ease giving these roots to others.He doesn't have a live pig or anything at hand now, so he can't do anything if he wants to try a poison.Seeing that not only Jiang Luo, but also Yuanchuan Hou Haochu and Lei Yang were looking at him expectantly, as if these roots were very important to them, Su Shu softened his heart and nodded.


"Thank you so much! Thank you, sir!" Jiang Luo immediately bowed again and again, put the sickle in his hand away immediately, and carried the Chinese cabbage to the pond to clean it like a golden baby.

This is a normal ingredient without the slightest mutated virus!If they leave one more beard, they can eat one more bite, even if this bite is not for their polka-dot team, it is good for other survivors who are struggling on the edge of mutation.

They even ate the mutated plants, so were they afraid that the roots of normal plants couldn't be eaten?

Jiang Luo planned to clean the cabbages on hand, and then go to the cabbage pit to carefully dig out the broken roots. Maybe it would be another handful.

The people in Yuanchuan also had the same idea. When they thought of adding another bite to the food, they all became more energetic when doing things.

Handing over the task of taking care of the vegetables to the dot team, Su Shu also has his own things to do.

He wanted to plant the next wave of land before leaving here for safety.

The seeds of the novice gift package are all planted. Su Shu has no other seeds on hand now, and there is no place to replenish the seeds after searching the system. To plant the next wave, only the harvested vegetables are on hand.

All ten cabbage plants were uprooted by Su Shu, and none were left for seedlings. Only after seeing the system's way to obtain seeds and getting new cabbage seeds can we continue to grow Chinese cabbage.

It is much easier to plant soybeans, and the beans peeled from the pods are directly its seeds.It is said that sowing three liang of beans yields three catties. The original ten seeds have now been peeled into a big bag, and there are still pods that have not been peeled.

Soybeans can do a lot.Squeeze oil, make tofu, or even eat directly, whatever.

This time, Su Shu planned to grow some soybeans.

And potatoes.The yield of potatoes is also very impressive. When one plant is dug out, a large piece of potato lumps will emerge from the bottom. The big ones are half the size of a head, and the small ones are at least half the size of a fist.

Potatoes are rich in starch. Before he got the staple food seeds of rice and wheat, potatoes can be used as a staple food.

Although the farm system now distributes three meals a day on time and on time, Su Shu guessed that such a good thing could not continue like this forever.

Since it is a farm system, he must be actively farming. If he has been able to afford food and housing, why would he still be farming? It is enough to just wait for the meal on time.

It is not difficult to guess that this benefit of three meals a day will disappear at some point.

According to Su Shu's thinking, he thinks that the most likely thing is that when the "novice" period ends, this benefit will also end at the same time.

Su Shu didn't know how long the novice period of the system was, so he had to solve his food problem before then.

Su Shu reclaimed half of the vegetable field surrounded by the fence. In order to facilitate watering, he opened a row and left a row of roads. With the help of a hoe, the soil was turned over in half an hour.

Fifteen pits in a row, a total of ten rows, no more, no less.

After Su Shu dug the last one, he straightened up and hammered his waist.

Alas, although the automatic hoe is very useful, it is a bit sore even after digging more than 100 waists.

The farmer uncle worked hard.

Potatoes can't just be planted in this way, even Su Shu, who doesn't understand farming, has read it in various novels. Potatoes need to be cut into pieces and then buried in the soil.

For a period of time, Su Shu read time-travel novels and read them crazy, and genuinely worried about what he would do if he time-traveled. For example, after time-traveling, he used potatoes and sweet potatoes and other large-yield crops to gain status, power and respect. He even thought about it carefully.

I also checked online what the leaves of potatoes and sweet potatoes look like, where they can be found, and how to grow them better.

Although after that effort, he himself felt that he was laughing himself to death, but at least he used it now, didn't he?

Potato cubes have to be covered with plant ash before they can grow and rot in the soil.It happened that he also planted soybeans, and the dried soybeans are good raw materials for firewood.

It was said that the four of Yuanchuan left after the vegetables were harvested. Su Shu got busy, and they had to postpone their departure time.

On the same day, Su Shu put potatoes for four people into the pot.Boil part of it as the staple food, then stir-fry a large plate of shredded potatoes, a large plate of fried cabbage, and add the boiled fish given to Su Shu by the system, and a fairly hearty meal for five is freshly baked.

Su Shu still needs a few people to help him with the work, so he has to give him a meal anyway, right?

On the open space outside, the soybeans that had been cleaned up were piled up together, and Jiang Luo fell on it with a fireball, and it began to crackle and burn.

Su Shu also enthusiastically stuffed a few potatoes into it, wanting to try how it tasted when baked.

None of the four people in Yuanchuan dared to sit on the sofa with the boss, and they all sat on small stools made of wooden piles, feeling extremely excited!

One is that the table of food in front of them was grown out of the ground by their own eyes, and they even participated in it. It was all normal food without any mutant viruses, and they were allowed to eat it freely.

The second is that this is their first time eating at the same table with the boss!

The people in Yuanchuan have long discovered that the boss likes to be alone. The experience of being picked up by the boss for so many days is enough to surprise them, but they never thought that the boss would condescend to eat at the same table with them .

Does this mean that they are still good in the hearts of the boss?

The four of Yuanchuan ate a meal very piously. Whether it was a bite of potatoes or a bite of cabbage, it was like tasting a peerless delicacy.After watching Su Shu, he even doubted that his cooking skills have improved after a time travel?

But he didn't taste particularly delicious by himself, did he?Only salt and monosodium glutamate are added, and there is no other flavor.

If you don't understand it, you don't get to the bottom of it. Su Shu eats his own food.

In fact, he felt extremely uncomfortable at the dinner table, and he was not as calm and composed as his face.

After eating, Su Shu's bowls and chopsticks still disappeared automatically.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Chuan and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then calmed down in a moment.

These are the big boss's secrets, as long as the big boss doesn't tell them, they shouldn't ask more.It is enough to do their own thing.

Yuan Chuan took Hou Haochu and Lei Yang back to the kitchen to clean their dishes, and Jiang Luo followed Su Shu out to see how the fire was burning.

The pile of soybean stalks that needed to be burned had already been burned, leaving only a pile of black gray ashes on the spot.

[Ding, self-made "primary fertilizer · plant ash", generate production blueprints. 】【Congratulations on getting the blueprint: Grass Ash Fertilizer】

Yo, there is a surprise!

Su Shu clicked on the blueprint, and the production steps shown in it, besides burning the grass and trees once, also added crystal nuclei to it.

A pile of ten servings of fertilizer needs to add one crystal nucleus.

The primary fertilizer provided by the system before is not only fertilized with various manure, rotten leaves, and kitchen waste, but also needs to add crystal nuclei.

The explanation given in the drawing is that the plant ash fertilizer with crystal nucleus added according to the system production page is better than the plant ash fertilizer directly burned by him, and it can also directly affect crops, regulated by the system, and will not cause too much or too much fertilization. Infrequent, uneven plant growth.

There will be no burning plants.

This Su Shu must have heard of it.If too much fertilizer is added and the fertility is not controlled well, the plants will be over-nourished and burn directly to death.

The crystal nuclei needed for fertilizer have no attribute requirements. Su Shu took out the burnt potatoes from the ashes with a wooden stick, and then directly added fifteen crystal nuclei to it.

Soon, 150 portions of plant ash fertilizer were placed in front of Su Shu.

That afternoon, Su Shu led Yuan Chuan and the others to wrap fifty sliced ​​potato pieces in plant ash, put them in the field, cover them with soil, and sprinkle the remaining fertilizer on top.

A hundred soybeans are also pitted one by one, and finally sprinkled with fertilizer.

In fact, it's okay to put the fertilizer first, then put the seeds and cover the soil at the end. Su Shu was worried that he wouldn't remember which ones were fertile and which ones weren't, so he simply sprinkled them all on the surface.

Anyway, anything is fine.

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