Doomsday Farm System

Chapter 1 Crossing

"Ding dong."

The computer issued a notification that the software download was complete, which woke up the young man nestled on the sofa.

"It's finally installed." The young man pushed forward a little, skillfully moved the chair to the table, and began to install the game that took him more than half an hour.

The young man's name is Su Shu, a professional illustrator who stays at home all day. Apart from drawing, he spends most of his time playing various games.The game I am installing now was just recommended by a friend. The other party said it was very fun, and I could spend a whole day without knowing it.

Su Shu was worrying about what to do when he was bored. Hearing this, he asked the other party to send the game without hesitation.

It doesn't take much time to install the game, and soon, the game will be installed.

Su Shu opened it expectantly.


This game... didn't start right?

Su Shu watched as the game character he controlled received a novice gift package, a farm, and a wooden house.

And so-called weapons.

Hoes, axes, pickaxes, and a kettle.

This is the weapon?

This is called a weapon? !

A novice task pops up on the computer screen: Please perform the first seeding.

The word sowing in the prompt box was deliberately changed to red, for fear that people would not see it.

Su Shu: "..."

Finding out the boy who recommended the game to him, Su Shu crackled and knocked him out: "What game did you recommend to me? Farming, farming!"

"Yeah, it's just a farming game." Koukou's crazy Amway said, "Farming is very fun and a sense of accomplishment. Look, this is the cabbage I planted. It grows so well! This is the radish I planted. Ah, this is the chili pepper I planted, you can always pick it when it is ripe. And... blah blah blah..."

Su Shu: "..."

"What kind of farming game does a big man play, he should play the thrilling zombie battle!" After typing the keyboard, Su Shu held the mouse and clicked to uninstall.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning exploded outside the window!

The last image in Su Shu's eyes was his computer exploding into an orange flame!

...Ah, there are still some small movies in the computer that I haven't backed up in time, what a pity.

With such a thought flashing through his mind, he was completely plunged into darkness.

Su Shu was woken up by the sour smell that kept drilling into his nose.

As soon as the consciousness returned, the senses all over the body competed for the sense of existence like a mutiny.

It was cold and hard under his body, and the fabric of his clothes made Su Shu tremble.

His nose smelled the smell that woke him up. It was sour and smelly and very unpleasant, like garbage that had been piled up for dozens of days, very pungent!

There seems to be some multi-legged creature crawling around, creepy.

Only the ears did not pick up any sound except for the slight wind.

A silence.

No human voice or car sound.

Besides, what Su Shu couldn't ignore the most was the tingling pain and itching from his head to toe!

The eyelids seemed to be hung with lead, and they couldn't be lifted at all.

What exactly is going on? !

Could it be that his computer has exploded and no one has come to rescue him?This is impossible. Although the location where he lives is not a top rich area, security and other equipment are in place. It is impossible that such a big accident happened to the residents and there is no rescue!

But I don't feel like I'm in a hospital now.

Which hospital has beds that are as hard as the floor?Which hospital has such poor sanitation and such an unpleasant smell?A hospital in a dump?

The pain in the body and the strange environment all put great pressure on Su Shu.

He tried his best to control the eyelids to lift up, higher and higher, higher and higher...

at last.

Su Shu opened his eyes!


Ha ha ha ha.

Is this so fake?

It must be a dream, it must be the wrong way for me to open my eyes, start over, start over again!

However, no matter how many times Su Shu closed and opened his eyes, the picture in front of him still remained unchanged.

This is a desolate street, with dilapidated buildings on both sides, crooked doors and windows, and many even have no doors and windows at a glance.Abandoned cars can be seen everywhere on the side of the road, parked in a mess, and there are many buildings that have directly crashed into the buildings on both sides of the road, without any trace of treatment.

The place that should have been a green belt is now only dry branches, and the few patches of green are shivering in the cold wind, and it is not known whether it is dead or alive.

Whether it is on the street, in a building, or on the roof of a car, there are piles of garbage, dust, and dead leaves everywhere.

Su Shu himself was lying on the side of such a road at the moment.

These are not the point.

The point is, the puddles of dry dark red blood within sight.

As well as broken and inhuman corpses!

that's a corpse

Su Shu has seen all kinds of corpses, but they are either in the game, or pictures or videos found on the Internet for drawing illustrations, but in reality, he has never seen them once.

Not to mention so many!

Su Shu stared at the one closest to him. It was in a car with the windows open. The upper half of the body was outside and the lower half was inside the car.What made Su Shu unbearable the most was that the half outside the car had its head exploded...

White, red, dark gray...

Su Shu retched.

Under such stimulation, Su Shu found that his body could finally move!

He got up immediately.

At this moment, a burst of dizziness hit his forehead.

Su Shu swayed, he didn't care about anything, and grabbed an abandoned car beside him.

A strange memory appeared in his mind.

At this time, a guess in Su Shu's heart was finally confirmed.

He, Su Shu, caught up with a car that was no longer trendy and traveled across.

The body Su Shu is using now is not his original one, and the owner of the body is also named Su Shu. From his memory, this person looks exactly like Su Shu.To be more precise, the original owner Su Shu and Su Shu are the same person in different worlds.

It's just that the original owner and Su Shu have completely different life experiences apart from the same appearance and name.

Before Su Shu traveled, he could have lived a life that most people would envy.His parents divorced, lived separately, and then both died unexpectedly. Su Shu inherited a large amount of inheritance from both parties. He has a car, a house, and savings. Apart from not liking to go out and not being able to get along with other people, it can be said that he has no regrets. .

Su Shu, the original owner of this world, is just the opposite.

The original owner also died of his parents early, but in this world, his parents did not leave him anything useful, and the only crystal nucleus deposits were only enough for the original owner to protect his right of residence.

It was a small villa with five bedrooms and three living rooms, with a total area of ​​[-] square meters. It had always belonged to the original owner's grandfather, but now it was in Su Shu's hands.

However, how many people are greedy for a villa of such a size.

The original owner's personality is weak and kind, and his force value is not high, at most it is at an average level.It is absolutely unrealistic to go out alone to fight zombies to find supplies or crystal nuclei.

here!Here comes the point!

God knows how complicated and desperate Su Shu felt after seeing this from his memory.

This world actually belongs to the last days!

Su Shu finally knew why he opened his eyes and saw such a scene.

Except for the developed safe zone, many other towns have been deserted, and most of them have been taken over by zombies.The materials inside were robbed and moved, and everything that could be taken away has been taken away.

It's no wonder that Su Shu felt that the street was deadly silent.

Isn't it dead?

Of the corpses lying on the ground, those with incomplete heads should have been headshot after turning into zombies.The incomplete body may have been gnawed into that appearance by zombies.

Su Shu took a deep breath.

Be calm, be calm.

It's all here, and it's impossible to die back.


But I'm not sure, Su Shu is afraid of death, and he doesn't want to die.

After the silent scream, he could only recognize reality.

The original owner's ability is weak, and it is impossible for one person to go out and come back upright, so he has to find someone to go out with a team.

After going out with random wild teams a few times, the original owner joined a fixed team.

This team was also the chief culprit for the death of the original owner!

At the beginning, this task was just a simple daily task of cleaning up zombies. The original owner followed the team all the way to the edge of the abandoned town.

People in the last days have a common sense. If you are not strong enough or well prepared, it is best not to enter the town easily.The current town is full of zombies, and it is not known what level will be produced in it.

The original owner thought that the team was about to return, but someone in the team had the audacity to chase a mutated zombie in.

It's just because the crystal nuclei of mutant zombies are very rare, and they can be sold at a price several times higher than ordinary crystal nuclei in a safe area.

Things didn't go as expected.

As soon as this fighting team of only ten people entered the town, it quickly became very embarrassing.

However, the more embarrassed they were, the more unwilling they were to give up like this.

Eventually, someone in the team came up with a plan.

Use one person as bait to lure the mutated zombie out. As long as you get the mutated zombie's crystal nucleus, it will be a good trip.

The one who was used as bait was none other than the original owner, Su Shu.

The original owner disagreed, but in the end he couldn't stand the pleas of his teammates and agreed.

Teammates repeatedly assured that they would save him in time.


However, no.

The mutated zombies came, and the teammates all went to grab the output, just because the ones with more output would get more points after the crystal cores were sold.

No one remembered that there was another "bait" tied up.

The original owner struggled hard, but the voice of calling others for help did not call his teammates, but instead attracted the zombies.

The original owner was bitten by a zombie.

The teammates finally exploded the mutant zombie's head, took the crystal nucleus, and happily got into the car.


The original owner was abandoned.

They said: "If it weren't for the sake of letting you join the team and staying in your villa, do you think you can go on missions with us? You should have died."

They said: "Just right, for the sake of helping us get this mutated crystal nucleus, we will help you live in your house. Don't worry, we will take good care of it. I have long liked the master bedroom with the big balcony." .”

They said, "We're going to be teammates anyway. If you turn into a zombie, we won't blow your head off. We'll make your death look better."

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