Clear it, it's not the sleepwalking that Little Sig said. "Although he doesn't know what sleepwalking is, it's okay to understand it literally, and he doesn't want to frighten little Sig.

Abu's words made Signus let go of his worries, and the serious words made Signus' doubts even more severe. He blinked and searched carefully for the expression on Abu's face. There was nothing else, and at this moment, Signus couldn't help but not believe it, and lowered his head in frustration. So, did he actually have this kind of confusion when he just woke up?

"Uncle Abu, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you so much just now!"

"It's okay, since Little Sig is awake, I'll leave the rest to Little Sig, and Uncle Abu will go first." Said this with a gentle face, put Signus in his arms on the ground, and swiped his fingers Abu couldn't help admiring the delicate touch of the naked body: Little Sig's skin is so good, it's smooth and tender, so comfortable to the touch!

Not feeling that his tender tofu was eaten at all, Signus was in a trance, "Okay, good night, Uncle Abu."

Sending Abu away with a depressed mood, Signus got into the quilt after taking a shower and swore that he would never see anyone when he just woke up, especially at night!So, Signus, you still trust Abu's personality too much. As for the serious expression, don't you know that Abu, the man who looks like a peacock and is closer to a fox in the inside, can definitely tell big lies without changing his face? Are you serious?

"Signus, let's go to the training room with Lucius today." When Signus woke up early in the morning, what he got was the words from Aunt Anna who had been watching him terrified, and then he said He was pushed into the training room that he had never entered before, "Signas is not in good health, so he will stay with Lucius on the side, the two should cultivate their relationship well~~"

After saying this, Anna left the training room. Cygnas, who was forced into the training room, looked at the closed door thoughtfully, and Lucius, who came one step earlier than him, shook his hand, " What's wrong?"

"Lucius." Signus came back to his senses, slightly frowning with a little worry in his brows, "Did something happen to the manor today?" Although Aunt Anna's words and tone were exactly the same as before , but he could still hear the solemnity mixed with it, and even if he and Lucius had a good relationship, generally speaking, the family's training room would not casually let anyone with a foreign surname step in.

Holding Signus's hand tightly, Lucius' words expressed unwavering trust in his parents, "It's okay, Mom and Dad will take care of it."

"Yeah." Signus loosened his eyebrows. Yes, although Uncle Abu often teased him, he still believed in Uncle Abu's ability to handle affairs, and now the Malfoy family is being used by the Dark Lord the most. He is the number one nobleman in the Dark Lord's forces. Besides the Dark Lord himself, who else can embarrass the head of the Malfoy family?

Signus, who was relieved, didn't know that it was none other than the Dark Lord himself who was embarrassing Patriarch Malfoy at this moment.In the closed study room, Abu knelt on the ground, deliberated and spoke to the former apprentice and current master, trying to persuade the Dark Lord's obviously inappropriate decision.

"Lord, there is too little information on Horcruxes, it's better to be cautious."

"Abraxas, it's my trust in you to tell you about the Horcrux, not to let you stop my great immortal plan!"

Although Voldemort's voice sounded calm, Abu could clearly capture the rage in it. The substantive cold anger streaked across Abu's skin, and the heavy pressure made Abu hold his breath and dare not speak again.

second meeting

The Dark Lord is too obsessed with Horcruxes. He made them without any experiments. He was too impatient. Immortality is great, but since making Horcruxes, the Dark Lord’s temper has become more and more irritable, and his hostility has gradually increased. , made him slowly begin to doubt whether this Horcrux was really the path to eternal life and not a trap set by Dumbledore. He also warned several times, but the Dark Lord didn't take it seriously at all, just like this time.

"Abraxas, you just need to complete the task I gave you to find the way to open the Slytherin locket and the ring. When I succeed, the Malfoy family will gain supreme glory!"

"Yes, MyLord!" Knowing that it's useless to talk too much, Abu no longer persuaded about the Horcrux, but just, "Lord, according to the investigation results, Slytherin's locket and ring have always been like this, and there is no difference." place."

"How can it be impossible to make a Horcrux without a different place? Or, do you think I am not qualified to inherit the Slytherin inheritance?" Slightly narrowing his eyes, Voldemort's blood-red eyes stared coldly at Abu who was kneeling on the ground, like a poisonous snake It was so cold that Abu broke out in a cold sweat.

"Subordinates dare not." This was also one of the obvious changes after the Dark Lord made the Horcrux, and he became suspicious by nature.He said he trusted him, but he didn't know if the current Dark Lord still had the feeling of trust. Maybe there was, but he gave it to himself. The current Dark Lord trusted only himself.

"Don't you dare? I don't think you dare! Cruciate—"

Severe pain gushed out from his body, Abu tensed his body and waited for the unbearable pain to pass, his back was already wet with sweat, sticky and made him feel uncomfortable, but now he didn't take this little thing into consideration at all, He could only use the utmost self-control to maintain the pride that the Malfoy family should have.

Looking down at Abu from a high position, Voldemort's tone was as cold as the hiss of a poisonous snake, and the deep and melodious voice passed by, leaving only the deepest tremors, "Remember this little lesson, and if you dare to question the Dark Lord's decision in the future, just It will not be such a simple punishment."

"Yes, MyLord!" Abu said in a calm voice.

Satisfied with Abramovich's obedience, Voldemort's tone calmed down, faintly, still containing arrogance, "I heard that the heir of the Black family is with you."

The questioning words ended in the affirmative. With the Dark Lord’s information, it is impossible not to know about this kind of thing, and Abu never thought of hiding this kind of thing. Even about the Knockturn Alley, if the Dark Lord wanted to know, he would definitely I know it clearly, but Abu is not sure why the Dark Lord mentioned Signus at this moment. Although he has doubts and faint worries in his heart, there is no strangeness on Abu's face, and he maintains the same as before. Some replied to Voldemort's words respectfully without appearing humble.

"Yes, MyLord!"

"Let him come to see me."

"...Yes, My Lord!"

Calling out the house-elf, Abu asked him to find Signus. His tone was calm and his expression was as usual. No one could detect the worries under the calm. He didn't understand why the Dark Lord wanted to find a six-year-old child. Hopefully this call isn't a disaster for Signus.

Signus, who was found suddenly, came to the door of the owner's study in a daze. Although he didn't know what happened in Malfoy Manor today, Aunt Anna asked him to stay in the training room and expressed his intention to stay in the training room. If you want him to stay out of the matter, why would Uncle Abu find him now?

Maintaining this slight doubt, Signus knocked lightly on the door three times before turning the handle and entering. He thought Abu was the only one in the study, but when he entered, he met the pair of The blood-red eyes seemed to be colder and more terrifying than in memory, like the stickiness of blood, a cohesive evil.

Just the gaze that fell on him made Signus feel so stiff that he couldn't move. He didn't expect that the second time he saw this man would be at Malfoy Manor, just like the powerless paleness in his memory, The lack of temperature made him want to escape, and only deep fear remained in his blank mind. Yes, he was afraid of this man.

Suppressing the desire to turn around and run away, Signus lowered his eyelids to cover the eyes that exposed his fear, knelt down with a small body, respectful and obedient, "Signus has seen Lord Dark Lord "He has not been branded yet, and he is not considered Voldemort's subordinate, but before, there was the unhesitating push of his parents, and later, Voldemort's promise back then, so it is not wrong for Signus to call Voldemort the Dark Lord .

Seeing that Signus was only a little pale in front of him and didn't look like he was cowering, Voldemort was satisfied, "Have you ever been hit by the Cruciatus Curse?"

"Yes." After simply answering Voldemort's question, Signus never said a word, always keeping in mind the principle that disaster comes from the mouth.

After getting the answer he wanted, Voldemort nodded in satisfaction with a haughty look on his face, and ordered to Signus, "Show me your current magic power!"

"Yes." Signus adhered to the principle of one command and one action, and after Voldemort's words, he untied a delicate necklace hanging around his neck, which was an alchemy product for suppressing magic power.

As the therapist said, Signus's current body can't bear the sudden surge of magic power. After undoing the suppressor, the magic power in his body is a little out of control, and there are bursts of shock waves coming from his body that has not fully recovered. Protesting, pain in limbs, Signus's

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