He said that Ren Xiaopeng has been the second-in-command for almost 100 years. Even if he has no place to use his strength, he is always fine. But as time goes on, there will inevitably be resentment.No, Ren Xiaopeng did not come to participate in this negotiation; the most important thing is that he felt that no matter how this matter develops, Feng Yutian will be exhausted in the end, no matter how old Feng Yutian is, it will be difficult to walk. I can't afford to be tired, I really feel sorry for myself.

But Long Qingyi never thought that this farce would lead to the worst outcome.Not to mention Feng Yutian, now even he himself feels that these juniors are really worrying.

Hu Baiyang blushed and said as if missing the manuscript, "Ododo and I are in love with each other, and now that the war has been settled, we are willing to turn our wars into treasures, contribute our part to a more stable relationship, and increase production to serve the country..."

"Ahem, cough, what is he talking about?! It's rotten." Long Zixuan choked on the smoke in his throat.

Ma Chichi grabbed his sleeves and wiped his forehead, sighed, "Hey, she's been pregnant for three years, I think Hong Sui should just do logistics."

As soon as Hu Baiyang finished speaking, the onlookers began to discuss.

"How did Tang Yi become the Demon King Ododo?"

"He's really good at disguising."

"Then did he have some premeditated plan to eat the pears in front of my house?"


Feng Yutian, who has bad eyes and good ears, listened to these words,

"He knew from the beginning that this body belonged to Oduo? He planned to hide it from the beginning?" Feng Yutian was a little annoyed that Hu Baiyang hadn't told the truth until now.

Long Qingyi rolled her eyes at Hu Baiyang's nonsense lie, but still pretended to be embarrassed in her tone, "Eh... this doesn't match what I know."

"Then why does he say that? Both sides are not pleasing." Feng Yutian wanted to stand up and forcefully end this negotiation no matter what method he used, so as to avoid getting worse.

"I want to know too." Long Qingyi pushed Feng Yutian back into the chair, "Let's observe again, it's not appropriate to make a closing speech now."

"We have to ask him to come back and take the course again." Feng Yutian said with hatred.Hu Huangcan and his wife were away all year round, and he brought their two children to adulthood, so he cared more about Hu Baiyang and Hu Jinyi than other juniors.

Hearing this, Long Qingyi was going to go crazy, "Oh, don't tell me, he will learn it by himself one day! You can retire with peace of mind, please! I'm so tired for you."

That remark made Snark calm down a lot, because Hu Baiyang is a very bloody guy, if he knew from the beginning that Oduoduo didn't lock him up, it would be fine and get married?There must be something hidden. "Duoduo, is what he said true?" Snark stared into Odduo's eyes coldly and asked.

"This...no, no...in fact, I died..." Ododo waved his hands at Snark again and again, threw two reproachful looks at Hu Baiyang, and shouted, "Hu Baiyang, you are making up nonsense !" Hu Baiyang was quite guilty of being yelled at by him, and turned his head and said to Hu Laoqi in a low voice, "...I even said it was inappropriate to say that!" Hu Laoqi licked his front paws and washed his face like a cat.

Snark didn't believe it, "You are standing in front of me and talking to me now."

"That's because of Tang Yi." Seeing that Snark didn't believe him, Ododo explained anxiously. "Wait, I'll replace him now."

Before Snark could stop it, Ododo rolled his eyes and fell back.Hu Baiyang reacted quickly and stepped forward to catch him.When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of anger instead of Ododo's hostility.

"You change my name to Zhu Baiyang!" Tang Yi raised his hand and gave Hu Baiyang a smack on the forehead, and then gave the old fox who was still squatting on Hu Baiyang's shoulder the "Exit Order", "And you, go down, Go to your old horse." Hu Lao Qi stuck out his tongue and jumped down to run to his old horse.

Snark Zha was stunned, and he didn't know whether to digest the fact that Ododo was dead first, or the fact that there was indeed a person named Tang Yi in Ododo's body as a pillar first.

"Look, I was right to tell you to wait. Tang Yi came out and drove Hu Xiaoqi out. I have always been optimistic about Tang Yi." Long Qingyi was very proud.

"Is my way of educating you wrong?" Feng Yutian felt very frustrated.

"Ouch! Did I say you don't take everything on yourself?" Long Qingyi jumped anxiously, but when she saw Feng Yutian was really depressed, she quickly changed the subject, "That's all, I'll broadcast it live for you now The scene, now Tang Yi is standing next to Hu Baiyang, facing the crowd and preparing to speak..."

"It's only two days since I, Tang Yi, knew the origin of this body. It's been Tang Yi since I came to the Beast King's Mansion..." Tang Yi felt that he couldn't hide it, so he might as well spread it out and tell him What happened, including the matter of laying eggs in the cave, was fully confessed to the public.

"Bai Yang also lied to protect me. Everyone knows that he is very frustrated, but..." Tang Yi felt that all the nasty things in his life had been said on this occasion.

"I believe it's all because of love, please bear with me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Baiyang was still blushing and laughing, cupped his fists and spun around in circles, saying "Forgive, forgive, Haihan, Haihan", which drew a burst of relieved laughter from the onlookers.Tang Yi on the side was thinking that if there was a plastic surgery here, he would have to go through the entire face, and now this face has been lost.

Snark Za had already looked at the harmony around him and completely calmed down.But seeing Hu Baiyang and Tang Yi's sweet couple singing together from a close distance made him feel uncomfortable. He walked back to his seat and quietly waited for the couple's performance to end.

Amidst everyone's booing, Tang Yi sat on the chair next to Long Zixuan with a tiger carved on the handle, Hu Baiyang stood aside cheerfully, Ma Chichi sighed and lent him a mazza.

After the environment became quieter, Snark said slowly, "I think our king still has hope of survival. Besides, this is our king's body. I think it is illegal for you to form a partnership without his consent. Yes. According to our law, your marriage is an invalid marriage. But considering the customs of various ethnic groups, we will give you some compensation. You still have children and must go back with us."

"What? Are you kidding me? Why? I won't leave! Now this body belongs to me, and I am in charge of my body!!" Tang Yi stroked the egg with his hand and said angrily, "If you have the ability, you can drive me out of this body Come out! Come on!"

"Don't regret it!" Snark was irritated by Tang Yi's expression of "you can't help me". It was obviously the same face, so why did Tang Yi look so owed.

"Tsk, Tang Yi is still astonishing." Long Zixuan praised.

"Tang Yi is the most charming." Hu Baiyang's face was bubbling with happiness.

"My lord, shake your M!" Hu Laoqi and Ma Chichi exchanged glances.

Just when Tang Yi and Snark were about to pinch each other, a long knife fell from the sky and stabbed straight into the center of the circular venue, and the noisy council hall was suddenly silent.The long knife was thrown by Long Qingyi, and he smiled and clapped his hands for everyone to see, "Enough~" This negotiation farce should be over.

"Prime Minister Snark, what are you trying to do?" Feng Yutian asked a little bit, this is the Beast King's Palace after all, and Snark was too rude to Tang Yi.

Knowing that he was at a disadvantage, Snark immediately softened his tone, "I just think our king can save us a little more."

"Three souls and seven souls are incomplete, how can we rescue them?" Long Zixuan smoked leisurely. In his cognition, Leo Duoduo is absolutely impossible, unless he can get a chance to be rebuilt, but that possibility negligibly low.

"We demons naturally have a solution, so you don't need to worry about it." Snark was full of confidence on the surface, but in fact he was very uncertain.

Hu Baiyang had great opinions, "What about Tang Yi? Tang Yi is my partner. Do you want him to wander in this world without a body?"

"Of course I have a way to return you a complete Tang Yi." Snark wrote a bad check.

"Oh? There are such powerful spells in this world? Can you reveal one or two things?" Feng Yutian expressed his disbelief.

"It's not convenient to disclose." Snark said calmly, "It's just that if you don't even give the opportunity, I think the peace agreement back then should be changed."

"Snark, are you threatening us?!" Hu Baiyang jumped up, using peace as a bargaining chip was too low.

"No, just talking about the various possibilities." Snark went all out

"Then how much time do you need to operate this matter, we can't let you torment Tang Yi indefinitely." Feng Yutian asked, of course peace cannot be lost, but it is not worthwhile to involve Tang Yi.

Tang Yi touched the egg and whispered, "My son, it seems we are going to travel far away."

Snark really wanted to answer 1 years, but that was impossible, so he compromised and raised three fingers, "Three years."

Three years... and the children are able to go to kindergarten... Tang Yi subconsciously grabbed Hu Baiyang's hand.Hu Baiyang held his hand tightly with his backhand.

"Three years is too long. Three months is enough." Hu Baiyang wants to shorten the time.

"It takes at least half a year to verify whether the healing spell can take effect, plus the observation time, it should not be less than one and a half years."

"It's enough to see if it works. Why do you still observe? Half a year at most." Hu Baiyang bargained.

"It's according to Baiyang's order, half a year. Prime Minister Snark, I will accept it when I see a deal." Feng Yutian made a final decision.

"Son, no one asks for our opinions." Tang Yi was very emotional, usually he could make a sound when he spoke, but he was so serious that he didn't even ask him.

Long Qingyi reminded with a sneer,

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