[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 90 Give birth to a child

Time passed quickly, Harry was about to graduate in a blink of an eye, he had already applied to stay in school, and Snape also took the position of headmaster, but the two of them made up their minds, and they would resign together in two years— ——Snape can concentrate on researching his potions while Harry can recuperate and get ready to have a little prince——Prince is now in the third grade, and his grades have always been the first in the school, which makes many people I am very pleased.Sirius even brags to everyone—"My Prince is very good, you will never imagine what a good boy he is, oh, don't talk about his father, it depends on who his father is—my godson , Harry Potter, hey, he's such a good boy, isn't he, haha, my little prince is just too good, hey, if only I had this one in my stomach as good as him - although he's a Slater Lin, but he's by no means an evil Slytherin!"

Yes, that's right, Sirius Black was pregnant, and he ran around with a big belly, scaring Remus to follow his ass all day long!

"Siris, you have to be honest, don't scare Remus." Harry said that he came to help take care of Sirius, but in fact he came to learn how... a big belly, but he felt that if he really learned from Sirius, That must have been a terrible outcome... Sirius was the opposite.

"Oh! You rebellious son! What are you going to do to my grandson!" Mrs. Black in the portrait resumed her roaring state, she could not wait to rush out of the portrait to catch Sirius who was running around and give him a binding spell He stayed obediently, "Kreacher—Kreacher! Hold him down!"

"Mistress!" Old Kreacher appeared wearing a brand new tea towel, "Old Kreacher will do it... Old Kreacher is not doing bad things to Master Sirius, but old Kreacher is trying to do something to the little master in Master Sirius' belly." Do something nice... oh, if Master Sirius is willing to sit on the sofa obediently, Kreacher will give him a big piece of blueberry pie..."

Blueberry Cobbler? !Sirius was obviously moved by this temptation, he sat down obediently, and never played with the flying skateboard that was said to be able to replace the broomstick.

This is really... so effective!The corners of Harry's mouth twitched, and he decided to go back to Hogwarts to find his partner and son for comfort.

The comfort from his son was very considerate. Prince gave Harry a big pack of potion, which is said to be very good for the body, although Harry doubted it—last time he gave him a big pack of potion and said It can soften the hair, but after Harry used it, his hair grew to his knees, and finally he went to the barber shop to re-do his hair, otherwise he would become "Rapunzel".

As for Severus' consolation, it was very straightforward, he was dragged to bed as soon as it got dark, so that Prince rolled his eyes in boredom—fortunately, Dumbledore came back, and he brought Percival with him, he You can go to play with Percival, and they will go to Claire's house together.

Claire is the only Muggle in this family, but that doesn't mean that she won't be respected, on the contrary, she is an elder respected and loved by everyone, and Percival also seems to have a good impression of her, every time she asks Hugging the old lady and kissing it made Dumbledore, who was often bitten on the cheek by his son, very jealous.

However, just when everyone thought everything was going well, one of the scariest things happened... at Harry's graduation ceremony.

On this day, almost all the parents came to Hogwarts. As the honorary headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore also brought his "relatives" to the scene. Of course, as a Muggle, Claire also participated in the graduation ceremony .

"Congratulations!" Hermione hugged Harry, then turned around to hug Ron, but Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff grabbed him and hugged him the next moment.

Harry was wearing a beautiful robe. He had been preparing for this day for a long time. Graduation meant he could teach with Severus. Oh, he really wanted to get into the main cellar—well, not the main cellar , It should be to quickly occupy the cellar in an aboveboard manner.You must know that he just "borrowed" the cellar before.

The graduation ceremony did not have any special steps such as speeches, but there were special fireworks provided by the Weasley twins. Under the influence of magic, you can enjoy the beauty and splendor of the fireworks during the day.

"Alice isn't here?" Snape handed a glass of gin to Claire. She liked it, especially the gin mixed with a special potion. Not only did it taste good, but it also had obvious health-preserving effects.

"She'll be here in a while, you know, she just gave birth to a daughter, and that child is really dishonest." Claire said helplessly, "Fortunately, her father often takes her with her, otherwise Alice would be exhausted."

"What are you talking about?" Dumbledore pulled Percival over, "Oh, in the blink of an eye, they all graduated...It's...so touching!"

"Percival, this is for you." Prince offered Percival a large dollop of creamy ice cream, "Don't let Albus see."

"He can't take it away, father won't let him do it." Percival acted like an orthodox little British gentleman, but unfortunately, it would be more effective if he didn't have the ice cream in his hand.

Harry smiled at this side, turned around and took a group photo with everyone - this is a graduation photo, everyone should have a separate photo with the group photo, of course, you can also take a photo with your better classmates or professors, Harry decided to take a picture with Draco and write "Uncle and Nephew".

Sirius sat on the side with his big belly, waiting for a photo with his godson.

Everyone was noisy, some people hugged and cried together, and some couples hugged and kissed each other directly... Percival, who was with Prince, was going to take a photo with Harry—couldn’t it be said that he liked Harry very much? Potter, but actually he likes him quite a lot, because this savior has everything he desires... Just as he walked to Harry's side, Percival stopped suddenly, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Percival?" Prince was taken aback, and turned to look at him.

The four-year-old Percival didn't respond, but just looked at a woman who just got off the flying carpet with a baby in her arms.

"It's Alice and her daughter Qin Bai." Prince pointed to the woman kindly, "She is Claire's granddaughter, Qin is..."

"Nagini..." Percival murmured, his eyes fixed on the little baby - the baby seemed to sense something, looking around with wide eyes, but she couldn't seem to find what she was looking for , it made her very scared and anxious - a baby who was only two years old, anxiety would make her cry, so she started crying loudly.

Little Qin? As a cub with great magical potential, and her father is a magical creature, the magic riot caused by this crying can almost be described as scary!

"Merlin!" Adult wizards are aware of how dangerous the magic riot is, but they also know what to do to protect the little wizard from the magic riot, but it is clear that the little Qin Bai girl is not going to lose her crying so easily. Right, and in addition, Percival, who has never had a magic riot, also started a magic riot!

The two little wizards started a magic riot at the same time, and their magic power seemed to be mixed together because of some magical connection. Even the well-informed Dumbledore and Grindelwald didn't know whether this was good or bad, and even more so. I don't know what's going on - Percival is Tom's reincarnation, or it can't be said to be reincarnation, but resurrection and rebirth. His magic power is undoubtedly powerful, but... what about Qin Bai?

"Wah-wah--" Qin Bai cried loudly, and then floated in front of Percival, Percival also shouted loudly and made a magic connection with Qin Bai--the magic power connected together condensed into a vortex, and the vortex was in Spinning, spinning faster and faster, seems to suck everything in - oh no, not that powerful, maybe not that powerful?

"What's going on?!" Alice screamed and wanted to rush over, but the magic barrier condensed by the two children seemed to completely ignore the fact that she was Qin's mother, "Qin! Qin! Don't! Stop quickly !"

"Go to St. Mungo's doctor!" Dumbledore immediately ordered Remus to move, "There are also recovery potions!"

It's a magical riot like no other - and it hasn't happened in 100 years!

"Ah!" Prince was standing next to Percival, so he was also included by the barrier. Harry tried many times but failed to hold him back. Snape even started to hit the barrier with his shoulder — No, still no!

"Soup...Tom..." Qin Bai cried loudly, as if she would die in the next moment, but in fact she didn't, she just wanted to cry, and only the word "Tom" was in her mind all the time. For the rest, she doesn't know anything.

"Ah... ah—" Percival wanted to say "I am", but he couldn't say it, so he could only scream, but this kind of scream made Qin Bai even more anxious, she closed her eyes, The magic power began to skyrocket.

"Merlin!" Prince's body began to glow, and an hourglass flew out from his neckline, and then...a blinding white light enveloped him-this feeling...Oh no! "Dad—Father—the little drawer at the head of my bed, go back and open the little drawer!" he cried, wrapping his arms around his terraria, "little drawer—remember, little— -drawer--"


When everything calmed down and Prince disappeared, there was only one explanation, he went back to 2012... went back...

Sitting on the couch in the cellar, Harry felt as if all his strength had been sucked out of him. He hated himself, hated himself for letting Prince go to graduation with him... hated himself for not holding him... more Hate myself... why do I usually ignore him...

"..." Snape walked into the cellar, seeing Harry, who was usually full of energy, suffering so much, he felt uncomfortable—the little prince was the treasure of the two of them, and he felt very sad about losing him, but he couldn't This way... he couldn't make Harry turn his head to comfort himself... thinking so, he walked over and hugged Harry.

"Oh, don't touch me!" Harry stood up, he didn't know what he wanted, and he didn't know what he was doing, "Leave me alone... alone!" Go into Prince's cubicle and slam the door shut.

Facing Harry's rage, Snape sat down in frustration, but he couldn't just rush over and spray Harry with the venom—Prince left them, which was unacceptable to him, and to Harry. To say... is an unacceptable fact, he must know this, he must know it, and he must keep it firmly in mind... Snape persuaded himself this way.Then he stood up, ready to brew a potion to relieve Harry's pain - at this time, Harry needed a dreamless potion, which would allow him to fall asleep peacefully and not wake up crying in the middle of the night...

He walked into the potion making room with heavy steps.For some reason, Snape always felt that his hands were a little out of control today. His fingers, which could have precisely prepared potions, trembled slightly. Even the potion ingredients that were usually fragrant to him made his nose sore and his throat a little sour. Get tight.

Maybe it was the smoke that got into his eyes, Snape straightened up and rubbed the corners of his eyes, he seemed to see Harry holding Prince and standing opposite him smiling... 13-year-old Harry and nine-year-old The little prince... and the... dark-faced himself...


The door to the potions workshop was knocked open - only one person would have done that.Snape turned his head, Harry was holding a notebook in his hand, tears were still on his face, but the corners of his mouth were curled up.

"Sev! Look--quick!" Harry stumbled in and slapped the notebook in front of Snape. "It's Prince...it's him...it's him!"

It's him?

Snape wanted to pick up the notebook, but Harry pressed it firmly, and finally the two of them could only get together to look at the notebook—it was an ordinary-looking notebook, but it had very complicated patterns drawn on it , if you look carefully, you will find that it is a rune - this is an alchemy notebook.

Open the notebook, and there is a sentence written on the inside cover - "Where your heart is, there is treasure".Snape knew where this sentence came from, but... what does it have to do with the notebook?

Harry touched this sentence with his finger, and then the notebook opened a page by itself, and there was a line of immature and clear characters on it - "Dear dads, it's me, I'm back in 2012!" The writing is still there Continuing, "You can't imagine what I saw when I went back to 2012-haha, a little sister, yes, Dad, my dear Harry Dad, you gave me a sister! She is so beautiful! But very It's a pity I missed her birth..."

"This is..." Snape pressed Harry's hand.

"Yes... yes!" Harry leaned against him, and the two of them began to read letter by letter in the book.

"Actually, this book... is said to be made with some secret hidden in Ravenclaw's crown. It can only take five years. You can study it carefully and make it. Oh, you can also write on it with me. Dialogue." The handwriting paused, "Hey, actually a lot of things are planned by you in the future—that is, in 2012, you guys talked to me and Albus through the notebook and then made plans, hey, I'm a little bit on this I haven’t revealed it before, but I’m going to give you a surprise at this time—how, is it a surprise? Is Gao happy? Well, you guys work hard, and work hard to give birth to me in the future!”

"Oh, you bastard!" Harry blushed.

"Don't speak ill of me behind my back, you know! Write what you want to tell me, I won't laugh at you..." Then there was a series of doodles.

"Hey, back then, I'm sorry, this kid was such a nuisance—well, not a nuisance, but an annoyance, right? I think you've been through it, okay okay , I'll take him to take a bath, you guys should wash up and go to bed earlier!" There was an extra line of words in the notebook.

"Okay, let's go to bed." Harry watched Snape take out a pen and write in the notebook, and then he hugged him.

Well, have a baby - Harry thought, and smiled happily.

"I said, you have to take care of your health before you can have Prince..." Snape didn't say this, but he really didn't mean to let Harry have a child as soon as he became an adult—not to mention Prince Si is not born until two years later!So, eat meat for two years before talking!

"I want a dozen kids!" Harry was still dreaming, "and a Quidditch team!"

【Text · End】

The author has something to say:

Once again, I was moved by my noble deeds... Woo... You must be happy and happy, little prince of the cute god... Cheer up!

This article is really finished

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