[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 88 Daily Prophet

Dumbledore called a few people - Sirius, Remus, Molly, Arthur... and Harry's friends, and finally, his Gellert and Percival.

In front of everyone, Prince took out the small crystal bottle that he had been hiding on his body. There was a small group of silver-white substance in it. Many people knew it. It was a memory.

When Dumbledore took out the memory and threw it into the Pensieve, he found that it was really not easy to put everyone into the Pensieve one by one, so he had to use the Mirror of Erised—yes, although this It's a magic mirror, but it can actually be used for something else.Grindelwald helped him connect the Pensieve with the Mirror of Erised so that everyone could see the contents of those memories clearly.

Speaking of memories, in fact, many people think that they are watching the future Harry and Snape holding Prince who just turned nine years old and talking to them. This feeling...is amazing.

"Actually, time is the most difficult magic to understand." Harry's opening remarks were very natural and straightforward, and did not pave the way for them to accept it at all. "I am the future Harry. I believe you all know it. Who's looking at this memory, but trust me, it's real.

"Regardless of the history I've lived through, this is real history, I think so," said Harry in the mirror, nestled blissfully on top of Snape, with Prince between the two of them. Standing ignorantly, "Actually, I know of two futures, and now, you have created a third, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't have a big impact on the future, and I think it's good. He patted the little prince on the shoulder, and the little prince waved cheerfully, as if to greet everyone again, "It's like this, I have experienced three wars, the first was a miserable result, and the second , is now, and then... I think the third time is the best ending, isn't it?"

Snape in the mirror put his arms around Harry's shoulders, and the two looked at each other, as if they saw something in each other's eyes.

"Well, if Prince pulls this out, I'm assuming that me and that Sev... will pass out. Actually, it's not a faint, but a sign of memory recovery—the so-called memory recovery, um... ..." Harry thought for a while, then looked at Snape beside him.

"In fact, we store our memory and put a magic seal on it. This seal is engraved on the soul. When Prince returns, it will activate the soul communication, so the seal will naturally appear on us at that time. "Snape explained in a relatively simple way, "So, when we wake up there, we will have our memories, which is not cheating at all."

As for the Soul Resurrection Stone Ring, they didn't mention it.

"This...what the hell is..." Because she had used the Time Turner, Hermione had a little understanding of this aspect, but she felt that it was incredible, cheating on the time, it was simply... so... so handsome!

After the narration of the two people, everyone was relieved and no longer worried about the two sleeping couples—yes, don’t worry about them, what they are going through for so many years, just sleep It's really... a bargain.However, everyone didn't know how dark and terrifying the memories the two of them retrieved in their dreams were. They were so terrifying that they hugged each other tightly when they fell asleep and refused to separate.

This memory dissipated into the air after telling what they meant, Dumbledore smiled, took Percival from Grindelwald's arms and kissed it-now, only the two of them have really experienced despair This is good, and only after experiencing despair can one cherish hope even more, he thinks this is very good.

Hermione stood there awkwardly, not sure if she should yell or laugh, or should she try crying?Although she is a Gryffindor, she is by no means a fool. Regarding the original direction of the future, she thinks it must not be a good thing, and the current situation...although it is wonderful, but...she couldn't help walking over and hugging Prince shoulder, without saying a word.

Sirius was still angry about his godson being abducted by a snot-nosed man, but Prince is indeed a good boy, he likes this little guy, maybe in the future he can take this little guy to play Quidditch together?Oh, sure to piss off the snot-nosed ones!Thinking of this, he was happy, and smiled and stared at the little prince, as if he were a shiny golden snitch.Remus obviously saw what he was thinking, couldn't help laughing, put his arm around him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, now that everyone knows everything, let's just pretend you don't know anything." Dumbledore smiled and took out a piece of Lemon Sherbet and took a bite. "Oh, it's so sour."

acid?Grindelwald pulled out a stick of honey from nowhere and poured it on top of Lemon Sherbet, and then the old headmaster took a bite and showed a satisfied smile.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this!

Molly had always wanted Harry to find a pretty girl to marry, but apparently Dumbledore's interaction with Grindelwald spurred her on, well, maybe her seventh son marrying Severus is no big deal, Looks pretty good, and if there's a dainty dame, poor Harry's going to be abused - that's horrible!So, in an instant, Molly Weasley became a ss/hp party.As for Arthur, hey, who cares about him!He's working on that mini game console in Draco's hand!

Draco didn't want to show Weasley the video game console he had snatched from Prince, but Arthur thought it was so amazing that he would rather give him the whole person toy made by the twins Take it out for exchange - don't think that this is a popular product made of condiments, but know that the Weasley twins' products are unique - this is the only one!

"Okay, I can lend it to you." Draco awkwardly took the prank products that Arthur had pulled out - there were many, and there were dragon models, he liked this, especially this was a pair.

Under the auspices of Dumbledore, everyone went back one by one. Only he and Grindelwald stayed at the end of Spider Alley with Percival in their arms. One was because Prince needed to be taken care of, and the other was Harry and Snape. Well, the two are still sleeping. Although Voldemort's remnants have been captured now, they are not at ease. These two people need protection.

At night, sure enough, a few more Death Eaters sneaked over, and the two old men easily caught them.

Basically, the Death Eaters were all arrested. Under the effect of Veritaserum, they confessed very clearly, but this does not prove that everything will be quiet and peaceful. You must know that there is no shortage of criminals and lunatics at any time, but Dumbledore thinks , his time has passed, and the new glory belongs to the young man, he should... take his old devil king and his young son on vacation together!

Oh, vacation!

What a great vocabulary!

"Where do you want to go?" Grindelwald held a globe and began to search for a vacation place, "Sunny beach?" He pointed to Hawaii, and then a three-dimensional image of a Hawaiian beach appeared in the air, with beautiful girls Smiling like a flower, there is also a handsome man with a sunny face, "Oh no, no, let's try other places..."

"We can choose some more interesting places, Gail, not the United States, that's too exciting and not suitable for old bones like us, I think," the old headmaster said very seriously, "we can choose more interesting countries, you What do you think of the Middle East?"

"That's a good idea, we can bring back some flying carpets!"

That's right, flying carpets are better for babies than brooms, Dumbledore thought while holding Percival, and then put his son next to Prince who was dozing off from exhaustion.

After sleeping for three days, Harry and Snape woke up, and the wizarding world has changed drastically in these three days!

Gellert Grindelwald, the former Dark Lord of Germany, was exonerated and successfully married the great white wizard Albus Dumbledore. They also registered a son - Percival Grindelwald ? Dumbledore!Then at the Ministry of Magic Registry of Marriages, there was another scene where Aberforth fisted his brother and his "brother-in-law," and later, according to the men's old neighbors, it was by no means the first time this had happened drama!To that end, Dumbledore resigned as headmaster, saying he was going to travel and write a book... oh well, write a book - write his memoirs!

Savior Harry Potter's teacher-student relationship with former Death Eater and war hero's most valiant and loyal spy Severus Snape was exposed and publicized, as well as their very big child, also in " The Daily Prophet described him as a brave boy who returned from the future with a mysterious mission.However, the news about this family is not as eye-catching as Dumbledore's story, so the people easily let them go, only occasionally there are a few letters asking if they get along well.

The head of the Black family got married to his friend and classmate——Remus Lupine, but this news is more low-key, no one will think it is too hot, at most it is lamenting that the Black family is going to be extinct, Yes, they are both men!You must know that men and men have to use fertility potions if they want to leave offspring, but since the last Prince disappeared, no one can brew the fertility potion anymore.

It's a pity that no one found such a news in the report of the savior's love affair-Prince's family returned to the wizarding world.

In fact, some people have noticed—how could they not have noticed, the Savior and the Potions Professor are a couple, and they have a son, what does this mean?This means that they have the Fertility Potion!Fertility potion, what a wonderful existence it is—wizards can't just rely on their stomachs and beds to have children.The arrival of a little wizard is a manifestation of the condensation of magic power, and it is also a badge of voluntary contribution, so it is very difficult for wizards to have children, but once there is a childbirth potion, it will be different. This thing is simply a universal cheat for childbirth!

So Lucius Malfoy started to think, he wants to get the right to sell the Fertility Potion, oh, as long as he gets a tenth of it, within two years, he will make Gringotts of the Platinum family There should be at least two more!Therefore, he is now standing at the end of Spider Alley, although... it seems that he came at a bit of an inopportune time.

"Ahem..." Lucius turned his head away in embarrassment. He just rushed into the bedroom of the two in a moment of anxiety, but he didn't expect...well, this is really...not gorgeous!

"Damn it!" Although Snape immediately picked up the quilt to cover his boy when there was movement at the door, it didn't mean he wasn't angry—of course he was going to be angry, "Who gave you the confusion?" Curse, Lucius? Mister Malfoy? Does your impulsive and reckless behavior at the moment prove that you are completely out of the Malfoy family? Maybe you intend to become a Gryffindor? But I think even a Gryffindor would not bother Be what you are now—isn't there enough galleons to fill your head?"

Oh, shining Galleons!

Still trying to maintain his grace, Lucius politely exited the door, then closed the door without saying a word.In fact, he can't be blamed for being so anxious. You must know that he is indeed a person who wants to fill his brain with Galleons, and for this purpose...he thinks that his brain can cast countless space folding spells.But what he didn't expect was that his old school friend who was...stubborn and...ascetic, Severus Snape, would actually be with a...a Potter before dark. Some... er... exercise in bed, yes, something he hadn't thought of.So it wasn't his fault at all, although he did break into... someone else's bedroom without knocking - Lucius excused himself.

In fact, this can't say how hungry Harry and Snape are, you have to know what they experienced in their sleep—terrible, miserable, full of sadness and despair, that feeling tightly gripped their hearts , but they know that they will not experience that kind of thing a second time, never again, never again!

In addition to bringing a feeling of pain, the chaotic memory also brought stronger emotions, so when the two people opened their eyes, they just wanted to melt each other into their own flesh and blood. Only a tight hug can prove the beauty and happiness now - no death, no killing, no pain, nothing but happiness.

So, Harry, who has a strong battle memory and magic feedback, naturally summoned food and potions—well, since His Majesty the Savior has offered such a sincere invitation, don’t expect anyone to refuse this, it’s simply masochistic !So... the great and poor Potions Professor who was still a little entangled in Harry's identity and his own humbleness completely agreed with this idea. The two of them were having a good time kissing, and their clothes were almost taken off... The door was knocked open - what a crime!

Chasing Lucius away, Snape cast a dozen protective spells on the door.

"Oh, don't worry about it!" Harry lifted the quilt from his body, "Sev, don't worry about anything, come here, I need you!"

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