It was a terrible thing that the little prince was given a small punishment for failing to take into account his poor father's worries - he was not allowed to eat sweets for a day!Prince finally realized that he was just an 11-year-old kid and not a universal superman-yes, he always thought that these things he knew could easily solve many problems, so he was a universal superman, but now he discovered that, In fact...Prince is just an 11-year-old boy who makes his father worry about him!

Of course, as an ordinary 11-year-old boy, being held down and spanked by his father is not a shameful thing, but the little prince decided never to say such a shameful thing to him!

But for Prince, although he was beaten and was not late for delicious candy all day, it was a good experience to be able to play on his father who turned into a lion. He liked it.

The two-meter-long ferocious lion was still in its cub state. Snape cut some of his nails and combed his hair. Of course, he took away the combed hair.And Harry was rolling on the carpet, and of course Prince was rolling with him.

After turning into the animal state, the perspective is very strange, and even the thinking is different from before, Harry thought, he raised his front paw to lick it, and then started to rub it on his face. This action is a bit like a cat washing its face, but actually It never occurred to him at all to wash his face, it was just a reflex action that helped calm his mind.

Snape was researching the medicinal value of the dire lion in the potion making room, so only Prince was playing with Harry the lion in the room. Obviously, Harry the lion fit the standard of the little prince's game, even if he was beaten by his father. Slap, but it can't offset Prince's love for Harry's beast shape.

The furry big cats are the cutest.

Harry moved his ears—when he was transformed into a beast, he felt that his senses became very sharp, and his body became much more flexible, including his ears, which were fully capable of flexible movements. Can't compare!It was a strange feeling, he thought.

Prince reached out and scratched the father lion's neck. It didn't have a lot of meat, but the plush toy-like feel made him close his eyes comfortably. Then he moved his little hand up and rubbed on a pair of cat ears. Crap, the little prince is very satisfied—you must know that his Terraria is not so obedient, and he has to take delicious dried fish to curry favor in order to get an appreciative roll of his eyes... Sure enough, it's better to be dad !

Cat raccoon Terraria is a lady who is very knowledgeable about current affairs. Her loyalty to humans comes from magic, while her submission to animals comes from instinct—instinct makes her submit to a lion, or a brutal lion, It was inevitable, and of course she would try to curry favor with the great Lion Lord, would be better if she didn't take out all her little dried fish and put it in Harry's mouth.

Small dried fish piled up into a hill—for Terraria—Prince felt sour when he saw so many small dried fish. He actually bought her so many snacks and she unexpectedly Just contributed!It really made the prince feel sad...

"Miu!" Terraria proudly raised his head at the little dried fishes, then bowed his front half, expressing his submission to the Lion King.

It's a frightening world!

Harry covered his face with one fleshy paw, and quickly transformed back into a human form. He didn't want to eat a small dried fish from a cat!

So, a month passed between hiding the dried fish in Terraria and the little prince looking for the dried fish. Soon, the day of Diagon Alley came—the little prince was about to become Hogger at the beginning of school. Watts' freshman is here, and he's got a call!This made him so excited that he didn't sleep almost the whole night when he got the notice, just rolling around in his father's room like a baby.But he can't blame him, because he came back from the future, and no one can guarantee that he will get the notice.

Diagon Alley is bustling with activity every year before term begins, where Hogwarts students replenish their “equipment”—new books, robes, stationery, snacks, and trinkets.

As the new icon of the wizarding world, Harry was a sensation when he appeared in Diagon Alley. Even if he was accompanied by the eerie Professor Snape, it was inevitable that someone would come up to ask for his autograph, which made the savior very troubled. For this, he had to put the hood on to hide his red-looking face.

Satisfied when the hood covered Harry's face, Snape glared viciously at all the people surrounding their family of three, and then dragged the two boys toward the tailor's shop—Madam Malkin's robes This is the starting point for his change of attitude towards Harry, Snape thought, pushing open the door of the robe shop.

"Welcome!" Madam Malkin greeted him with a smile. If Snape came by himself before, she would never dare to be so enthusiastic, but now, through the media of wizards, she knows that Snape is a hero, and he also knows that he is a hero. He must have brought his apprentice, the Savior, so she took the initiative to greet him, "What do you want to buy? Here are all the popular styles, as well as the best fabrics for college robes, which can be discounted."

Discount? !Hey!Ma'am, isn't this Madam Mojin's gown shop that has been in business for hundreds of years but has never had a discount?The students in the store collectively pulled the corners of their mouths.

Snape expressionlessly expressed his dissatisfaction with Mrs. Malkin's... personality cult.But he thought the discount was a good idea, so he reached out and pushed Prince over: "Give him his school robes, all." Then pushed Harry over again, "Here, the same."

"Okay, do you want everyday robes? And...other clothes? For example, dresses, shirts, underwear, nightgowns, etc.?" Mrs. Malkin was so enthusiastic for the first time, she was almost like a Gryffindor !

"Yes, both." Snape nodded, Harry has grown a lot taller recently, and Prince has also grown very fast, so these things should be prepared for them, so as not to keep running to such places, It's like being watched by animals.

After measuring their figures, Mrs. Malkin personally prepared clothes for the two boys from inside to outside. Taking advantage of this time, Harry looked around the store and picked out a few big robes— ——It has a Muggle-style design, and if you wear it in the Muggle world, you won't be surrounded by people.

"Ma'am, these, help me change these to Professor Snape's size, will you?" Harry held the robes in front of Madam Malkin. Although they were all black, he specially chose some with borders or dark patterns. Style, it will make him look so intimidating.

After finishing these, their next stop is Ollivander's wand shop - books and other things have already been mailed home through owls, thanks to Snape's identity, originally there are new potion books every year Both the Lihen Bookstore and the black magic books will be mailed to Head Slytherin of Hogwarts. This year, a project called "All the textbooks of the first grade" has been added.

Walking into Ollivander, Prince twitched the corners of his mouth naturally, and seemed frightened by the...untidyness here.

"Best wand shop," Harry shrugged. "Come on, little prince, every place with a bit of history is like that." Maybe, Harry added in his mind.

Ollivander was obviously happy when he heard Harry's words. He just saw someone push the door, so he swayed out from behind a long row of shelves—it turned out to be the savior, oh, and Snape... Ah, and they brought a... child, yes, a child!Old Ollivander was more interested in the boy than in the Saviour.

"Oh, yes, yes, that's right, Mr. Potter, Harry Potter, you are right... A long history must have a long effect..." Ollivander stretched out his hand and touched his body Next to the wand holder, "This is...a newborn, a...amazing boy, oh, amazing..." Yes, amazing!He walked over to Prince and stretched out his hand, carefully trying to touch the little boy, although... the boy took a step back, but he still persistently touched the boy's cheek, and then stroked his hair— —Black, yes, black hair, soft and smooth, although there are a few stray strands that are always unruly, but not messy enough to have the exclusive logo of "Potter".

"Oh, it's really... so rare, it's really... I didn't expect to see another prince in my lifetime... a real prince... Oh, I'm sorry, Professor Snape, I didn't mean that you are not a prince, But... In a sense, the existence of 'Prince' is a necessary guarantee for the improvement of a certain skill in the wizarding world... You can understand an old man's... excitement, yes, excitement, when I saw you back then I I am also very excited, oh, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye..." He turned and walked towards the wand rack, "Yes, the prince's magic wand has the power to heal... It is huge, full of love and loneliness, it is inevitable of……"

As Ollivander said, he found a lot of wands and turned them over to Prince: "Try it, Your Highness, these are all made for Prince..." He seemed to remember something, took Take out one of them, "This one, I thought it would be suitable for your grandmother, try it... a wonderful combination, oak tree and unicorn tail hair, healing and purity, here, take it."

Taking the wand, Prince flicked it, and Ollivander's head burst out with a purple forget-me-not—well, a limonium.

"No, that's obviously not right..." Ollivander didn't bother with his head, which was the slightest change in all kinds of disasters, "try this again..."

More than an hour passed, and finally, Prince got a wand of holly wood. The inner core was the same as his father's wand, and it had the power of the sea. The sea is the origin of life. This is a typical Prince Gabbot combination.

After getting his own wand, Prince immediately held his wand in his hand and used a shrinking spell to shrink his little gadgets into his pocket, and then bought him a wand for his father The holster made it easier for him to hide his wand on his arm.

After buying the wand, today's trip is basically over, but Prince doesn't intend to give up his shopping spree so easily - you must know that he can't just come out to buy candy in school!Apparently Harry thought so too.The bright green eyes of the two boys saw that Snape had to compromise, so the next stop was, of course, the prank shop and candy store.

Diagon Alley was bustling with people, and many freshmen were picking items that suit them. There were also some children who had not yet reached the school age gathered to chase and play, just like what Harry saw when he came here for the first time scene.

The Honeydukes confectionary shop was a bit far from Ollivander's wand shop, and Snape was holding a boy by the hand to make sure they wouldn't be scattered by the running kids.

"Look, it's the Firebolt!"

"It's so cool!"


A few boys shouted dreamily around the window of the broomstick shop... It was like a signal, suddenly a scream shattered the peaceful Diagon Alley, and then the street was filled with spells of various colors—it was Chong With Snape and Harry!

"Armor protection!" Snape's first reaction was Prince, and then he added the Iron Armor Curse to Harry, and finally he was himself, but fortunately he dodged in time and was not hurt by the flying spell.

People on the street started screaming and crying, and many children didn't know what to do, they just sat there and waited for the adults to help them, but it wasn't easy to wait, especially when their parents were Muggles. became scary.

"Damn it!" Doing it in a place with so many people, and they are all students——Snape couldn't tolerate the counterattacking Death Eaters doing this kind of thing, yes, not only Snape, but almost wizards This cannot be tolerated.

Although wizards each have their own strengths, they are indeed soldiers of the whole people. This must be admitted!What's more, when Harry lifted his hood, it really inspired many people, and Death Eaters, after all, were still a minority, even though they were all outlaws.

In fact, the chaos ended very quickly. When there was a commotion, the Ministry of Magic immediately sent Aurors. Even if the adult wizards on the street did not have enough courage to participate in the battle, they used a few "armor protection" to protect those who panicked. It's easy for kids.

"It's really lingering." Kingsley directed the people to clean up the battlefield, "Hey, Snape, you did a good job this time!" He turned his head to look for his acquaintance... However, he let out a scream the next second called, "Snape! Harry!"

"Stop barking, they're just asleep." A boy with green eyes sat between the two of them.

"Sleeping?!" Kingsley didn't believe the child at all, "Come and help me send them to St. Mungo's!"

"No, they're going back to Spider Lane!" The boy refused to let them touch the two of them.

"Son, you must ask us to send them away!" Even though it was found that they were asleep, such a strange sleep cannot be ignored, "Also notify Dumbledore, yes, and Sirius and Remus!"

"No need! Send them back to the end of Spider Alley!"

"Boy, you don't have that right!"

"I have! I am their son!"

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