[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 83 Story Phobia

Harry in love? !Hermione stared at Draco with wide eyes, she always thought that Harry would not be enlightened!But...she didn't know, how did Draco know? !

"Don't look at me, I'm just guessing like this." Draco raised the corner of his mouth, he just curled up one corner of his mouth, looking evil, but his eyes were shining brightly with a sense of cleverness, which made people There is always a sense of contrast.

Hermione pushed him: "Tell me, who do you think?"

"It should be a Slytherin," Draco raised his eyebrows, "You can see that his dressing taste has skyrocketed."

"That's true..." Among the four houses, Slytherin is the only one who pays attention to appearance, "Then you still plan that plan?" In fact, Hermione didn't think Draco's plan was feasible at all, she thought it was a bit like Children play house, but Draco's serious look makes people have to have an incredible confidence in it.

"Harry didn't agree?" The platinum blonde hair was shining in the sun, which was too dazzling for many people.

"No, he didn't say anything, but I don't think he intends to carry out the plan..." Hermione bit her lower lip, "You say, if..."


"I mean if—you, would you be engaged to someone else?" Hermione stared at him.

"Hey! I thought you liked me!" Draco started to stare, eyes as if they could breathe fire.

"Fake engagement!" Hermione immediately grabbed his hand, tightly, "If you don't care about being annulled! Fake engagement, drag on for a few years, and then be annulled, your father will have to consider other candidates—pure blood Nobles don't like boys who have been divorced, do they?"

Yes!That's right!

Draco immediately changed his expression, calculations flashed in his gray-blue eyes: "Yes, that's right... As long as I get annulled, I think Pansy and the others will definitely look down on me... But maybe this It's a bit difficult, you know that the benefits of marrying Malfoy's family are too great..." He also bit his lip, "Maybe you are willing to wait another two years? I guess Daphne and the others definitely don't want to wait until they are 30 years old to get married I heard it’s normal for Muggles to get married at the age of 30...Maybe we can procrastinate a little longer..." Thinking of this, Xiaolong grinned. Of course, in order to maintain his proper demeanor, he didn’t laugh out loud, but This should ignore the eight teeth he leaked, "This can go hand in hand with my plan!"

Well, you still haven't forgotten your plan - Hermione rolled her eyes and asked, "So how are you going to carry out your plan? Harry doesn't seem to agree at all."

"This... I'll figure out a way." Draco was in a much better mood. He thought that his first love was going to be strangled in the cradle, but he didn't expect...his dear Min actually thought of a good way , good - look for Harry to look away now.

In fact, Draco didn’t find out about Harry’s falling in love. He already felt that there was something wrong with this Gryffindor. Logically speaking, this lion’s favorite thing is Quidditch, right? He would also fly when he was free, but Draco thought for a long time before he realized that he hadn't seen Harry fly around except for practice!This is very abnormal!It was because he was abnormal that he noticed what Harry was wearing, and then realized that this guy had a ruddy complexion, and he was not at all the malnourished look he used to be!This is so unusual!

If Hermione didn't notice the change in Harry, it can only be said that Draco occupied most of her attention, and since Harry went to the cellar, he often talked to her about the benefits of Snape, so she would naturally He thought that Professor Snape took good care of Harry and accepted his changes.But this kind of attention is different among boys. The first thing Draco noticed was the height problem - Scarhead's height has obviously started to swell!This made him feel a sense of crisis, after all his girlfriend is Scarhead's best friend!For this reason, the Platinum Noble found someone to stare at Harry every day, trying to find out the secret.

So, he found it.

But Draco would rather not have found it!

Slowly moving towards the cellar, Mr. Malfoy began to think about the problem, how should he tell Scarhead?Oh, what should he call Scarhead?You must know that when he first saw Harry's change, he thought he just fell in love with a Slytherin, but he didn't expect the truth to be so shattering!

"Hey, godmother, hello!"—would such an opening line be Avada?Draco went around in a big circle, and finally returned to the gate of the Slytherin lounge. He should go in instead of turning a corner to find his godfather who made him feel ashamed now and the one who made him feel hopeless in life. "Godmother"—oh, if Godmother would be a little more helpful, maybe he'd just pack and send the Godfather over there?

Xiaolong, who started to go offline, finally turned a corner, walked to the door of the dean's dormitory and knocked on the door.

It was Prince who opened the door. He and Draco had been acquainted for a long time, and he successfully dealt with Draco's temptations several times - questions like "who is the mother" have long been out of fashion!

"Hey, you look awful." Prince called Draco in and poured him a glass of milk.

"I think it's you who is worse." Little Platinum didn't hold back at all, "I said, you are really stupid."

"Oh, do you want to play a game?" The little prince didn't take his words to heart at all, "Chris taught me a way to adjust thirty lives, try it?"

"Hey! I don't need so many lives to play a game! Malfoy has always been good at everything, including this kind of thing!" Draco shouted angrily and took the game controller Prince handed him— So, he was abducted again.

The two boys began to focus on the game, and the little people on the small TV jumped up and down, and they jumped up and down nervously, which was very funny.

By the time Snape took Harry back to the cellar, it was already 11:30, and Draco was still playing games with Prince - the curfew time had passed long ago!

When Snape stepped out of the fireplace with Harry half in his arms, Draco felt a little depressed. He turned his head and saw his gloomy godfather, and then he froze.Yes, it is stagnation, an even more indescribable state than freezing.

"Welcome back!" Prince greeted his fathers with a smile, "I played a copy today! Draco's level is really not that good!"

"Yes, that's good, but it's too late, you should go to bed, little prince." Harry walked over to collect the game console, at this time Draco was still frozen, so he had to pull it out of his hands Gamepad, "It's already curfew, do you want to go back to the dorm, Draco?"

"Oh, yes, excuse me, godmother."

"..." This is Harry, he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything, because he was also frozen—of course, ignoring that he seemed to be stepped on ten thousand by Aragog, the eight-eyed spider in the Forbidden Forest. Words with expressions all over the place.

"I'm his godfather." Snape walked over and explained to Harry.

"Ah! Oh, yes, that..." Harry looked around at the fireplace and at the sofa, "I'll go and see the little prince, he might not be able to button his pajamas well... yes, I'll go and see him... ..."

Seeing Harry almost drifting into the small bedroom, Snape turned his face to stare at Draco.

Is it a confession?Perfunctory?Think of a way to escape?

Draco looked down, not daring to look his godfather in the eye - of course he knew that Snape could do "Insanity", and he knew he was an Occlumency master, which wasn't a good thing, at least for him to say.

"So, how are you going to make up for your mistakes?" Snape sat down, and he felt that his words were very kind.However, in the face of this kindness, Draco felt that it would be better to face his cynicism!Make up, yes, make up!Even though Draco had the illusion that he was robbed, he really needed to make it up... Prince was the godfather's son with an unknown mother, and Harry... was the godfather's lover, and he called him "godmother" like that... How much has this hit Prince?And Harry wouldn't be very comfortable knowing that his relationship with the godfather had been found out... oh, how horrible!How could he have lost his mind? !

"Maybe I can ask Lucius?" said the Potions Master slyly.

"Oh no! Godfather!" Draco wailed, he didn't want his dad to know about it!

"So, what do you think... what to do?" Snape raised his eyebrows, and threw the question back to Draco.

Many times, things are well planned, but when they are actually implemented, it is simply a symphony of pots and pans-the combination of cups, tableware and washing utensils.

Draco was tricked by Snape, and he started to talk about himself like a bamboo tube. Of course, he also had some reservations, but he still said most of it. As for the reserved content, it was Hermione. Beg Harry to go after a Slytherin, if it comes out, they will both be locked up until graduation!

Snape was very satisfied with Draco's frank attitude, and he didn't think that this little Malfoy would tell him everything, but it didn't matter, he could get the specific content through other channels, and he wanted to make a routine... These little monsters are definitely good at leaking secrets.

So, when it came to twelve o'clock, Snape finally let Draco stay in the cellar, but he didn't give him any special treatment, just let him stay temporarily in Prince's room.

Excuse me, this is actually the beginning of Draco's tragedy, but now the poor little dragon didn't realize it at all, he took a bath cheerfully, and then got into bed, ready to enjoy the fun of chatting with his brother, which is in his heart Definitely a novel experience in life!

"Want to hear a bedtime story, Prince?" Draco asked happily, he had never had the experience of telling stories to others, maybe he could write a memoir about himself when he grew up.

"Yes, maybe I can tell you." Prince thought he must know more stories than he did, "You know, in the future you will often be scared by my stories."

"What?" Future? !

"Uh... That's the thing, anyway, you can't tell a story at all!" Prince explained dryly.

"How do you know?" Xiaolong absolutely could not accept this kind of slander, "I can tell stories! I can tell "The Tales of Beedle the Poet"!"

Well, there are a few short stories in total, and they are still old stories that have been passed down for thousands of years, so it's hard for Draco to shout them out in such a serious manner.

"Hey, I said Draco," Prince looked at him seriously, "I really feel sorry for Scopes who was not born yet, his dad would tell him "The Tales of Beedle the Bard"-you know My dad would tell me Grimm's Fairy Tales!"

"What... what?" Grimm's Fairy Tales?what is that?

"I knew you hadn't heard of it," the little prince ran out of bed, took a book with an emerald green cover from his little table and ran back, "Look, my father got it for me!"

There are four large characters written on the cover—"Grimm's Fairy Tales—Adapted by Potter". Ke opened the book cover, and Scarhead's name was written on it...

"My dad wrote me a Muggle fairy tale, but it's adapted from a wizard's perspective!" Prince said very proudly.

Hmmm...Muggle fairy tales...a wizard's perspective...Prince's dad...yes, looks good...wait!Prince's dad? !Porter? !scar head? !

Draco dropped the book on the bed all of a sudden, retreated a long way, and then pointed at the little prince with trembling fingers... for a long time, he couldn't say a word.

"Why?" The little prince was obviously dissatisfied with Draco's behavior, "I'm going to curse you!"

"You...you...your...father...your father is..." Although Draco's voice seemed to be singing "Uneasy", he was really not afraid of Prince's curse.

"My dad? I have two dads." Prince opened his book of fairy tales, and the first fairy tale was "Little Red Riding Hood". Harry changed it into a werewolf story, which he found very interesting, "This story really It’s so beautiful! Don’t you really want to see it?”

"No... no need." Draco felt that his brain was not enough, maybe he should drink a bottle of intelligence potion tomorrow, maybe two bottles... oh, he doesn't want to read any stories anymore, Not even going to tell a story! "The Tales of Beedle the Poet" would suffice, this one is good... what Grimm's Fairy Tales or DeVoe's Night Talk... It's all floating clouds, he doesn't want to know--not at all!

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