Rita Skeeter indeed has the best pen in the wizarding world. She wonderfully described the battle scene, and with the dynamic photos, she almost completely restored the scene at that time - the savior held up his wand against the mysterious man, avoiding and fighting The counterattack made the people who read the newspaper excited; the Order of the Phoenix fought against the Death Eaters, and the big smiling faces of the twins were especially abrupt on the battlefield. In that suffocating environment, their smiles were like little suns, illuminating The whole sky; the Death Eaters may not have been overwhelmingly defeated, they also counterattacked, so Molly's spells were thrown out one by one. She is just a housewife, but she has the courage to stand opposite the Death Eaters... Among them, People actually discovered Snape and Malfoy. Aren't these two guys Death Eaters? !

Oh no!They're fighting Death Eaters!Narcissa Malfoy followed her husband, and beside her was her underage son. The family of three were on the battlefield. When her son was hit in the chest by a knife-cutting curse, the distressed look on her face And worries make all mothers so moved.Not only the Malfoy family, but also many former Death Eaters, who have also become the main force in the battle against Death Eaters. The light from the wand has a gloomy sense of terror, but they are aimed at the Death Eaters !How lucky!

After this battle, the Malfoy family was successfully cleaned up and became the new darling of the media, as well as the upstart in the political arena.Lucius was very satisfied with this, and rubbed his fingers against his snake-headed staff. In fact, he was very satisfied with this battle, and the benefits he got in the end made him secure his position in the Ministry of Magic—— Yes, he doesn't plan to be the Minister of Magic. This position is not good, because of his special status, so this position is the best now. He replaced old Barty Crouch and became the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department. , which makes it easier for him to develop the family business.

A large number of Death Eaters were arrested, including the Lestrange couple. Of course, there were also many fanatical followers of Voldemort. They insisted that Malfoy and Snape were Death Eaters, but unfortunately, when Regulus When Sis's deeds were exposed again, all the bad rumors about Malfoy were suppressed—at least, Narcissa was once a Black, and Regulus was the closest to her.As for Snape?Back then, he was proven to be an undercover agent, but now, he is not only an undercover agent but also a hero who can completely wipe out Voldemort's potion.

Fudge was forced to step down for fooling the public, and a string of his helpers had to leave the Ministry, but that didn't stop them from doing other jobs if they wanted to.

Everything seemed to calm down.It's just that it would be more peaceful if there were no various utensils flying around in the principal's office.

"Percival!" Harry yelled, just as he had charmed a Chinese china mug when a large silver watering can flew up from the other side.

Dumbledore reacted immediately and put the watering can in place, but Percival floated himself in the next second!The little guy flitted through the air like a little Snitch—yes, his blond hair!

In fact, it can’t be blamed on Percival for not giving face to his old father. You must know that he has just merged with the main soul, and he can’t accept so much information at all—well, is he Voldemort or Tom now, is it Percival? Sival or the Dark Lord?It was a problem, a big problem—but the biggest problem with it was that he was a baby!

But even babies have dignity!Percival couldn't grasp anything with his little hands, so he knew to tightly cover his pants, saying that he wouldn't let the savior change his diaper—although... wearing a wet diaper was uncomfortable, but he Can't accept this!

"Perhaps, diapers full of excrement...is the new fashion? In line with...the aesthetics of a descendant of Slytherin?" Harry said hesitantly, he learned it from Severus, maybe it works?

Yes, this works.Percival immediately fell heavily into his arms, and then loosened his two fleshy little paws, and the trousers that had been untied from the waistband just fell down, and then... the savior was stained with front black Devil's...

"Oh!" Harry screamed and put Percival on the table to change his diaper-this job is really not a good job, he will not listen to Dumbledore's unreasonable demands anymore, and let his two Old dad do this!

Back in the cellar, Harry washed his whole body carefully, wishing to rub off a layer of skin.

"Dad!" The little prince who just came back from Claire's house rushed into the living room with a big bag of presents, "Look at this!"

"Wait, Prince, I'm in the shower!" Maybe it's the magic, even in the bathroom, Harry knows what's going on in the living room, because Snape cast him a detection spell on the newly installed on the small mirror.

"Okay, Dad!" With Voldemort gone and Prince's crisis over, he yelled into the master bedroom, and began looking through his presents - Claire's celebration The newly knitted sweater for school is very beautiful, it is dark green with silver edges, which is in line with Slytherin's aesthetics.

Claire's grandson, Chris, is about to go to school. Like Prince, the two made an appointment to go to Diagon Alley together, so Prince was very excited when he came back.

There are many presents. In addition to a new sweater, there is also a set of Chinese wizard chess from Lucy's husband Zhan Bai. Round cakes, and don't talk to disturb the player's thinking, but these chess pieces will play against you when you play chess alone, which is very interesting.

Of course, there is something for his father inside, which is a woolen coat, the same green as his father's eyes, with goose yellow piping, and beautiful big twisted flowers, twisted into a twisted braid .As for his father's woolen vest, it was much plainer, with black and silver borders, and only an "S" embroidered on the chest.

Unpacking presents one by one, Prince has what all kids do - likes to unpack, he wants to know what's in there, which is normal, because Harry was like that when he was a kid - well, he does now not big.

When Harry came out of the bedroom after taking a shower, he saw Prince unpacking, and he went over to help him—the tape was so strong that it took the two of them a long time to pull it off.

It was a big box, and it contained a lot of things that belonged to Severus Snape.

When Harry saw the box, he was stunned. At the same time, the little prince also looked at the contents of the box in a daze, not knowing how to react.

A big box with a lot of stuff in it.

Two broken pens, which are Muggle things; a worn-out maternity dress with the hem cut in a mess, probably only suitable for a child as old as Prince, but Very fat indeed; a pair of shoes, the soles of which seemed to be so thin that people could see through them; a broken cauldron; an old wand; a picture of a family of three...Harry didn't know he was doing this Right or wrong, his hands trembled a little.These were clearly Severus's because he had seen the card in the box - "The Treasure Belongs to Severus", however, were these really Treasures?

Maybe they are.

Harry recognized the woman in the photo. It was Irene Prince, Severus' mother, a sullen but soft-spoken woman.

"This is grandma!" Prince also recognized Irene, pointing to the woman in the photo and said cautiously.

"Yes, little prince, she is your grandma." Harry nodded, ready to put the things back, he didn't want to make himself look like a voyeur, "Let's put the things back, hurry up."

Just as the father and son were packing their things, Snape walked in...he saw what they were doing...those things were treasures, but also hurt.

"Sy... Sev..." Harry looked at him in a panic, he couldn't find a trace of anger but also couldn't find the slightest bit of happiness on his expressionless face, which made him feel at a loss.

Without answering him, Snape just used a Packing Charm to put the items back in place, and stuffed the box into a corner.

Maybe he was angry, Harry wondered, and Prince stared at his father dumbfounded - as far as he knew, he wouldn't be so angry if his father broke his potion?

"Oh, Father!" The little prince hurried over to grab Snape's hand, "You're back? Dad just took a shower! These I brought back from Claire's..."

"Hmm." Snape didn't say anything, he glanced at Harry, then patted Prince on the head, let him sit there and play Chinese wizard chess, and turned around to enter the small study.

This situation worried Harry very much - he knew that he had peeked at Severus's things, which was wrong and not good, but he also felt that since Severus was his partner, he had the right to know these things The existence of such two different thoughts fighting in his mind, but in fact what he was most worried about was that Severus was angry with him.

What a bad day!

Harry looked at Prince, and the little prince looked at him, and the two of them sat down together, resting their chin on one hand, and sighed.

"Dad, is father angry?"

"I think so..."

"Shall we apologize?"

"Should go..."

"But I'm afraid..."

He is also afraid!Harry's heart twitched, and he had to stand up.

"Dad, I will pray for you."

Well, pray for Papa, little prince!Harry, too, was praying to Merlin, and then summoning up his courage, knocked on the door of the den.

"Come in." Snape's low, silky voice came, not seeming angry, which made Harry feel a little relieved.He pushed open the door and walked in, trying to look calm and quiet.

"Sev...I..." Harry closed the door and walked slowly towards Snape, "Are you... all right?"

"No, I think." Snape stared at him like a beast staring at its prey, but his eyes were very calm, and nothing seemed to move him.Harry didn't like the look on his face, it made him feel like he didn't constitute anything important to him.So the Savior stepped up to him - Harry was now on Snape's shoulder after these two years of care, so he wouldn't have much trouble looking up at him.

"Sev, I want to say... I didn't mean to... Oh, don't be angry, okay?" The green-eyed Gryffindor finally said what was in his heart, which is also his cuteness.

Snape listened to Harry's words, a crack appeared on his expressionless face - the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and the calmness in his eyes instantly became as bright as stars, maybe it was a real smile, maybe it was a genuine smile Inner happiness, maybe this is full of tender feedback, but in fact, it is a promise.

Reaching out to grab the Savior, Snape kissed his little lover.His kiss is gentle and hot, almost burning the little guy who knows how to taste.

Harry put his arms around his neck immediately, and he didn't care about apologizing at this moment, he wanted to kiss his partner, and his partner kissed him, and that was enough!

In fact, Snape was not angry, he was just afraid, afraid that Harry would see his ugliest and dirtiest side, so he used Occlumency to hide himself, but this little golden lion completely bumped into it by himself. Into the snake king's mouth!

Maybe his little lion needs a little encouragement?Snape let go of Harry, and the two of them drew ambiguous silver threads on their tongues.

"Oh, that's great." Harry smiled. "You've got to say you're not angry." He pressed the Potions Master's hand, which was clearly unbuttoning him.

"I'm not angry, Harry." Snape kissed the tip of his nose, and the lion cub bit him on the chin.

"Are you sure?" Harry reconfirmed.

"I'm sure." Picking up the cub and putting it on the table, Snape leaned down and covered his mouth again. He hadn't made out with his boy for a long time, which was not a good sign.

Harry, who was dazed by Snape's kiss, had no idea how his trousers were dragged down - he just held down his hand to unbutton his shirt, but didn't pay attention to his trousers!

"Hey!" Harry moved his waist, and his legs naturally crossed Snape's waist, "Is this a little...exciting?"

"Shh..." Snape grabbed little Harry, "Don't move around."

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