Something is wrong with Harry!

Snape grabbed Harry's hand.He prevented him from doing this kind of thing for him, not because he didn't like it, but because he couldn't be in this state.

"Harry!" Snape grabbed his hand and pressed it against his side. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm...I'm fine," Harry said, blushing, trying to keep him from seeing his own mother's green eyes.

"No." Snape thought Harry was trying to put himself off. Of course, he was always right. "You're not fine." He lifted Harry's chin and forced him to face himself. It's not normal at night, Harry, don't try to trick me about this, you know." Slytherin sense was keen.

Harry kept his eyes down.He didn't want to tell him, if he did, maybe even the tenderness would be gone, he didn't want to take risks - even if he was a Gryffindor, there were things he wouldn't take risks with.So Harry, who made up his mind not to dwell on this topic any more, closed his eyes and muttered, "I'm going to sleep..."

"Wait." If he didn't get an answer, Snape thought he couldn't let him sleep - he had a premonition that if he just let him go, then they would not get along well in the future.In fact, no one in this world would want to touch a certain topic more than Snape. He didn't want to, and he didn't dare. It was his original sin, his pain, and even his nightmare... Summon it at will A bottle of energy potion, Snape tried to feed Harry a drink, but Harry was not cooperating at all, he turned his face to one side and pursed his lips tightly.

This damned little lion is more awkward and tough than a poisonous snake.

Snape squeezed Harry's cheek, poured the potion into his mouth, and pressed it to his lips... It's a good thing it's just a potion, he thought nastyly, if the little bastard won't tell him question, he wouldn't mind giving him a taste of Veritaserum at all!oh!Or...he tasted the veritaserum himself?

Harry didn't want to give in, he wanted to resist, but the feeling on his lips was too strong, and the body that had just been loved couldn't resist this kind of medicine that was no different from kissing——the body betrayed his reason, which made him feel Feeling uncomfortable, but didn't know how to vent this discomfort, tears just flowed down the corners of his eyes.

In fact, Harry didn't want to say it, nor did he want to question whether Snape loved him or not, and he even wanted to have a good fight with him, regardless of whether what Sirius said was true or not. Is there any basis for Remus's guess? He just wanted to beat up the old bastard and let him know that he is not easy to mess with. He explained? !However, he was even more afraid, and even more afraid that he would accept him because of Prince. This thought made Harry tremble with fear, so he didn't dare to ask, and he didn't dare to say it—he was afraid of breaking the peace in front of him. , he can only find reality from the bed, which is why he will reach out to help him do that kind of thing.

Harry blushed even more at the thought of reaching out to do that for him, and that just allowed Snape to step in and kiss him hard, and of course, the potion of energy was all gone too. Down his throat.

Very well, the stubborn little lion cub was confused by the kiss, Snape thought triumphantly, and then bit his lip: "Now, tell me, what's going on?" He still didn't think Harry could understand the two The meaning of stupid Gryffindor words, he insisted so – or rather he subconsciously rejected that Harry would understand that.

But actually Harry understood.

"No, I just want to try." Harry didn't look at him, which clearly indicated that he was lying, and as long as he was lying, there would always be different behaviors in one way or another.

Snape raised an eyebrow, staring at him.His gaze was calm, but it was because of his calm that he felt dangerous—at this moment, Severus Snape was like a viper waiting for an opportunity, staring closely at his prey—Harry ?Potter, a stupid and stubborn lion cub.

If Snape stared at Harry like this in the past, maybe only a few seconds, the little golden lion of Gryffindor would immediately surrender and tell him obediently no matter what, but now, Harry seemed to be in the middle A hundred "lock tongues" and nothing to say - it's just terrible!Snape wanted to yell at him angrily, but he didn't know what to yell at him.Well, Severus Snape himself is a bastard who doesn't know how to manage love, everyone knows this, but he can't always be like this!

In fact, all kinds of solutions were running through Snape's mind - forget about Harry, give him Veritaserum, feed him a love potion... etc. , these are normal means, aren't they?However, these thoughts just flashed through his mind, and then they were completely kicked out of his brain, never to be found again.

He couldn't do that to Harry.Snape knew he couldn't.Because he couldn't, he wanted to know what happened to Harry even more!If his cub keeps being awkward like this, he'll freak out, and he will!This feeling is terrible, worse than ever!

Snape was not a good lover, nor a caring one, but he was the most loyal one.Even Merlin couldn't deny this.He asked Harry what's wrong over and over again, and each sentence was the same-"What's going on", "You're so wrong", "Tell me what's wrong with you"...Harry was caught by his The words were dizzy, and he was made uncomfortable by his tight body, and his tone brought out the grievance in his heart-for more than an hour, even the most stubborn Gryffindor, but he Still an underage lion cub, and facing the person he loves the most, this sense of grievance is even stronger...

"Harry, Mylove, tell me..." Snape whispered softly in his ear, "what can I do for you? Just say, Harry, you want you to say..."

As if hypnotized by Snape's voice, Harry's tears flowed freely, he wanted to cry out loud, but for some reason he couldn't... He closed his eyes, but the points in his life kept appearing in front of him Bit by bit... From the very beginning of hostility to the current love, he doesn't know whether he is dreaming or everything is like a fairy tale in the mirror, once it is broken, there will be nothing... Sif is so gentle, The tenderness made him too greedy... All of a sudden, he opened his eyes and stared straight into Snape's eyes - the emerald color was so thick that it couldn't be melted like leaves in early autumn, with a faint smell of withering.

Snape's eyes were black, so black that one would be immersed in them by accident, as black as hell - tempting the fall of angels.

He must have been tempted, Harry thought—something he was determined never to say, and under such temptation, came out of his lips: "Professor, don't hate me...please...don't Hate me! Even if, even if you don’t love me... hug me, just hug me... please..." His voice was sore, his heart hurt, and he couldn't even think clearly, "don't want me . . . I love you . . . really."

"Damn bastard Potter!" Snape was annoyed by his words, and he wanted to pry open his skull to see if there wasn't even a splendens in it for him to say such infuriating words.

"Yeah... sorry..." Harry said startled, terrified—if the professor didn't want him, would he have to go back to his old life?No hugs, no kisses, no love, nothing, just like the most pitiful worm that can't climb to the top of the tree after climbing for a long time, and can't see the beautiful sun.Even if, even if he is not loved, at least let him qualify for love... The cranky savior is completely in a panic.If Gryffindor's bravery is innate, then his current timidity can only be cultivated in so many years of being dependent on others. He cherishes the beauty and is afraid of losing it, which makes him cowardly and restless.

"Okay...okay! You win, you win!" Snape viciously pulled Harry out of bed—the poor little lion had no strength at all, and his two legs couldn't move at all. Force——Snape stared at Harry's unclosed legs for five seconds, then reached out to pick up the Savior who was kneeling on the bed, and held him in his arms.This position seemed more convincing, Snape thought, or he could hang Harry upside down so that he'd get the blood concentrated in his brain so he could grow some brains—thoughts of course, Snape. Nep didn't want his lion cub to think he was eccentric.

Dressing the two men, Snape served his savior as best he could, then activated a portkey with him in his arms.

The portkey didn't feel comfortable. Harry, who had just gone through intense exercise, felt his whole body hurt, and his bones seemed to be reorganized, but he didn't dare to complain to Snape, so he could only look at him aggrievedly, and then Pushed down his Potions professor countless times in his mind-yes, he is not a fool, after being pushed down for so long, he certainly knows the difference between being pushed down and being pushed down, and now he just thinks that one day he will do the same Nepe had a taste of this, but only if he had this chance... If he really didn't want him... In an instant, the little golden lion that had just swelled shrank again.

Because of Harry's wild thinking, he missed an opportunity, that is, he didn't observe where he was, so the initiative was completely in Snape's hands-this is very good, Snape sullenly, Holding Harry in his arms, he started to walk in a corridor, which was a very long corridor, with various portraits of characters hanging on both sides, all of which were moving magic portraits—the characters in the portraits seemed to be very interested in the sudden appearance of Stanley. Nepe and Harry in his arms were so interested that they craned their necks to look at the two, and some even broke into other portraits and followed them all the way!

"Oh! Put me down!" Although no one moved, Harry felt that even in a portrait, it was very wrong to see him in this state-Snape held him horizontally, which made him look like A little baby!

"Shut up." Snape really wanted him to be honest. This is the Prince Manor. This corridor is a historical memorial hall with portraits and tapestries of the Prince family. He brought him here entirely out of Selfishness, of course, also meant to reassure him - don't expect a Snape to say anything sweet, that's too unrealistic.For example, the white peacock in Lucius likes to tell his lover nonsense such as I love you like crazy, but in fact, he only loves the two people in his family-one Narcissa and Draco , other people, to him, are acquaintances.

Satisfied that the lion cub didn't make trouble anymore, Snape held him and stood in front of the two portraits hanging together - one of them was a black-haired woman with a pretty face but a gloomy face, a bit like Snape's. The other has a similar temperament, and the other one is an old man with gray hair. He looks very energetic, but his face is also very gloomy.

"That's him?" The old man looked at Harry in Snape's arms, "Oh, a Potter."

"Potter?" The woman also craned her neck to look over, "Yes, very distinctive hair, and looks—a bit like Chalus, and a bit like Doria."

"Charlus Potter and Doria Potter, your grandparents, you've seen those two names on the Black tapestry." Snape set Harry down carefully, keeping his hand still in his Supporting him on his waist, "This is my mother, Irene Prince," he pointed to the woman, and then to the old man, "My grandfather, Alden Prince." The corridor of family portraits proves that Irene gave up on Snape after she died, which means that she returned to her family again, so the corridor of family portraits will accept her, so Snape's introduction to her is " Prince" instead of "Snape".In fact, this is also a problem that Snape has never understood. He is well aware of Irene's love for Tobias, but he doesn't understand why Irene would give up this feeling after her death.

"Hello." Harry said with difficulty, he didn't know why Snape brought him here, but his mood improved a lot.

"Oh, hello, boy, your name is Harry, isn't it?" Alden's gloomy face softened a little, "Severus told us about you, yes, he said he would marry you , but, you see, I can't prepare an engagement gift for you, he has to do it himself."

"Oh, get married?!" Harry blushed like a sunset, he didn't expect Snape to think of getting married, but in fact they were just dating now!

"Yes, get married." Irene rolled her eyes, which made her gloomy face look more vivid, "I didn't expect him to bring you here before you were an adult, you know, you are underage now, Even if you come over, you won't be able to put your name on the family tree."

"Family... Genealogy?!"

"Of course." Snape sullenly pinched Harry's waist a little harder, "You don't think I'll just marry a guy with green eyes, do you?"

Marry any guy with green eyes? !oh!Why didn't he think of it!Harry felt as if he was in the little mine cart at Gringotts - up and down, fast and slow, without giving him any time to react!

"Uh... you mean, marry me...? And... and the genealogy thing... oh, I mean... you don't... um... don't just like... like my green eyes... …Is it right?"

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