[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 65 The Missing Book

Ever since Harry received Snape's "special care", he is no longer the former Harry? Goofy? Potter. He pays a lot of attention to anyone who is close to him. Of course, for Snape Pu's mastery is also tighter - except when he is in class, he is almost watching his lover 24 hours a day, oh yes, and Prince, the father and son guard their Potions Master together , for fear that someone would abduct him—in fact, Dumbledore, who saw it, wanted to tell Harry very much that he, not Snape, would be easily abducted, but he didn't say it.Because the situation looks interesting right now.

In fact, when Harry's possessiveness towards Snape has always been high, Snape's attitude towards Harry is also the same, but as a Slytherin—a Slytherin who has experienced so much, Snape Severus Snape doesn't show his feelings, so it looks like Harry is holding on to Snape, but I have to say, Severus Snape is very possessive of the savior. asshole.

Harry still went to class, wrote papers, played normally... and then learned how to deal with the enemy with Snape - he experienced a fight at the Quidditch World Cup, well, it wasn't really a fight, but That incident touched him a lot, and he wanted to protect his partner and son!But to be able to go to class and practice Defense Against the Dark Arts in good spirits every day, Harry has to thank his lover for his potion. Those soups are so magical that he will forget about his body immediately after drinking it. uncomfortable.

However, things never went so smoothly. When Harry came to the auditorium the next day, he still found that someone was paying too much attention to him. Older lovers do some good physical and mental exercise, but just cuddling and sleeping can also make Harry sleep soundly - he has given up the habit of sleeping curled up in a ball.

Snape was sleeping on the left side of the bed, and Harry was lying on the right side. The two slept opposite each other, embracing each other, forming the most perfect circle in the world.

In the past two days, Ron kept trying to get close to Beauxbaton's beauty, but Hermione became interested in potions. As for Harry?Whenever he was free, he would go to two Horcruxes to discuss about the Triwizard Tournament—although this competition had been discontinued for hundreds of years, Horcrux was indeed a very knowledgeable guy, he knew a lot of secrets about this kind of competition, And Harry is the one who must participate in the competition, so they had a very heated discussion-of course, the two Horcruxes discussed while Harry took notes, and the little prince sat on the side playing video games.

It wasn't that Harry wanted to discuss it, but his name was thrown into the Goblet of Fire!That's why those people were staring at him - and beforehand, Harry didn't even know it!No, actually he knew he would be in, but he didn't put in a name!On this point, Dumbledore insisted on the principle that one must be 17 years old to put in a name, and told Harry that he had signed up for him, but there were two "Harry Potter" notes last night. good thing!

After Snape finished class, he went to the principal's office to snatch away the two green-eyed boys, and then it got dark, and Dumbledore happily started a cake fight with Grindelwald with his dessert.

Back in the cellar, Snape also discussed with Harry about the Triwizard Tournament - he didn't intend to let Harry participate, but Prince said that Harry participated in this competition, which made Snape I feel very uncomfortable.Of course he knew how dangerous the game was, and what Harry was about to face was the danger...

"Listen, Severus, I know you're worried about me," Harry looked at him seriously, still holding the little prince's hand in his hand - now Harry has grown a lot taller than last year, although not The red-haired Weasley was so tall and strong but not much smaller than a normal fourth grade boy - he raised his arm to show off his less obvious muscles, "Look I'm a lot stronger, look, I'm really much stronger ! And... I also learned a lot of magic, don't deny it, you said that I can graduate in Defense Against the Dark Arts! Hey, dear, you have to learn to trust me!"

"I trust you." Snape pulled his hand away, "but this kind of competition is dangerous."

"Of course I know the danger, and you... have no confidence in me, oh, you trust me only in one way!" Harry stood up, allowing himself to look condescendingly at the potions master sitting on the sofa, "but I'm a Talented wizard, you can't deny that I'm talented in Defense Against the Dark Arts!" He stared straight at him, "Sev, I have to enter this competition - not just for the honor , I can’t wait for that thing - and the future, our little prince said that I participated, didn’t he? No... not only the future, but also you!" He looked at his son who was still playing video games, Turning his head and smiling at Snape again, "I want to dedicate the gold cup of victory to you, my dear."

"Hmph, do you think I'll accompany you to play the favorite game of guys who only have the urge to show off without even a splendens in their head?" Pink, what he said was really infuriating.

But after getting along with Snape for a long time, Harry had long since lost any interest in rebutting his duplicity of venom——taunting him?Oh, don't be silly!Even Dumbledore is unwilling to confront him in the art of language, let alone a Harry?Now that the old lion has given up, the little lion must of course follow the advice of the elders.

Seeing that Harry didn't rob him, and Snape didn't speak, the two just stared at each other for a long time.

"Oh, dads, you can go back to the bedroom and discuss it!" Tired of playing, Prince looked up and saw his two dads staring at each other, so he said cheerfully, "Father , Dad participating in the competition is actually not dangerous at all, you can help - and Albus and Gellert, of course, and Prince, your little prince is also willing to help!"


Yep, that's a good proposition.

"Oh, yes, the ring said today..." Harry retracted his eyes in embarrassment, "He said that there were cheats in all previous Triwizard Tournaments, and it was recognized. It's not a secret."

"Well...well, I hope you remember this." Snape pulled him closer to him, "I assume, you won't make rash decisions for yourself?"

"Of course, I'll let you know if I have any ideas. This is common sense." Harry raised his chin, imitating Draco's slender appearance.

That night, Snape made some specific matters about the Triwizard Tournament with Harry, and Prince was thrown into his little bed early and put to sleep—you know, it is a good habit to go to bed early and get up early.

At noon the next day, Harry encountered a lot of trouble in the auditorium for lunch——Ravenclaw's Qiu Zhang lost the new book in the library, and this book was very dangerous. When Lido announced the news, everyone started to discuss loudly.

"Quiet—" Dumbledore used a "loud voice", "This is a book about black magic. I hope that anyone who finds it must return the book—you know this book is very, very Dangerous, please let me know if you find any trace of it."

"What kind of book is it?" Ron was obviously the kind of person who couldn't understand the meaning of a book without its name. "Dangerous?"

"Oh, Ron, I really don't expect you to know!" Hermione sighed, and looked sympathetically at the beautiful Chinese girl, the flower of Ravenclaw, "This kind of book, if it doesn't have a name, it means The name can't be spoken or it's just a manuscript and never published—if Dumbledore takes it so seriously, then...it's terrible!" She hurriedly took a sip of pumpkin juice, trying to swallow her fear, "Harry , what do you think... this thing could be?"

"Since it's a dangerous book, I think...the one who took it must be someone who knew its danger, or didn't know what it was at all." Harry shrugged, no matter what it was, it was not a good thing.

"That's right, if you know how dangerous this book is... maybe that person will use it to harm people, if you don't know... Hey, it's a disaster!" Hermione rubbed her forehead.

Her last words reminded Ron of what happened to his sister Ginny in the second grade, when Harry saved her... Thinking of the situation at that time-although he fainted later, he Seeing the extent of the damage of the entire secret room - Ron felt chills in his heart, he covered his eyes with his hands and wailed: "Oh - Merlin's fire stick! Don't be such a terrible thing... Oh, maybe it is Did she misplace it?"

"Don't take chances." Harry gave him a look full of sympathy.

"Hey, buddy, you can't scare me!" Ron patted him on the shoulder, then turned to attack the big pot of chicken legs in front of him-he decided to eat enough to have the strength to follow the book book fight.

But... Student Ron, don't you think you think too much?Neville on the side looked at Ron with weird eyes, then at Harry who was concentrating on drinking milk, and decided to ignore their conversation - the content of the conversation did not match their behavior at all!Neville twitched the corner of his mouth, but chose the vegetable salad.

The lunch episode was over, and the people in Hogwarts were still studying and living as usual, and they had nothing to do with falling in love, and they didn't regard a book as the focus of life at all.The same was true for Harry, although he also felt that this matter was very strange, after all, it had little to do with him, and he had never seen the book.

Potions class in the afternoon, because without Draco's provocation and pranks, and Snape's favoritism, Harry's potions can be completed quite well, and Ron has also benefited from Harry's credit. An A, this is the first time ever!Of course, Neville still deducted five points for Gryffindor.But compared to the previous Harry, it was a trivial matter!

After Snape finished assigning his homework, Harry stayed to help him tidy up the classroom logically. The two of them got along like they were on a date, and they were a bit of an "old couple". It would be great to share your thoughts on other courses!

In fact, the two people can date so blatantly now, thanks to the old headmaster who threw the name for Harry—now, the entire Hogwarts students don’t want to disturb Harry, and they can’t circle around him—because Harry Li's status is special, he wasn't even present when the Triwizard Tournament was selected, so he was excluded from the possibility of cheating, and naturally no one would suspect that he was a liar or something, on the contrary, He had no idea about it - even called in sick!Hey, this boy is really unlucky!

Coupled with Draco's embellishment, an oolong incident immediately turned into a vicious prank!Harry was the victim, how pathetic!At this time, he can't accept any sympathy, because he has to learn more magic with his mentor, so as not to lose his life in the game!Oh Merlin!How cruel!

Well, young kids just love stories like this, especially when the main character is a pretty boy and a legendary hero!

Glad that no one was chasing him, Harry hurried to the cellar every day - he wanted to spend more time with Snape, oh God knows how charming he was!

Holding his schoolbag in his arms, Harry passed a small corridor. Why is there no one in today's portrait?He sensitively noticed the difference, and vigilantly grabbed the wand with his right hand—as long as something happened, he would attack immediately!

The corridor was empty, not even a vixen who usually hid in dark corners...Harry walked forward slowly, he had to pretend nothing happened to win by surprise!With his wand in his right hand, he tried to look like he was walking, but in fact he walked very lightly - if anyone else was moving, he would have noticed right away.

"The soul comes out—"

"Except your weapons!"

Harry's reaction was quick, he immediately jumped out of his original position, and then fired a disarming spell in the direction of the speaking - no, there was no sound of the weapon falling to the ground!He swung his wand again and fired a series of offensive spells - nothing? !

How can this be? !

Harry cast several Iron Armor Curses on himself, and then walked over cautiously...

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