Under Snape's guidance, Harry began to add knowledge about puberty, and read the "Boy's Secret" in a planned way, but these only made his dreams more strange every night-he fantasized about the Nepe's hand, and his lips, and his naked body... It was terrible news, but sometimes Harry thought it was good.

However, the only thing that makes Harry a little uncomfortable with this kind of life is his Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, who likes to fight against Severus too much. Although the two of them don't quarrel, Harry can easily feel the tension The atmosphere, and...as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Moody is too neurotic. He always stays with Harry for a while after class to ask if he has been inspirited by Snape or physically abused. .

Of course, Harry will defend his lover, but he can't yell at someone who really cares about him, so his life is very tangled. During such tangled days, Hogwarts ushered in the Triwizard Tournament. Two other participating schools - Durmstrang in Germany and Beauxbatons in France.

When Victor Krum of Durmstrang appeared, the whole of Hogwarts was shocked, this is the celebrity effect-Harry watched Draco and the others leaning over to sign the photo, and felt very Interesting, but he didn't want it, because it was too naive. If possible, he would like to sign his name on Snape's body and mark his ownership.Of course, Harry didn't know that Snape had already marked him as "Snake King's Exclusive", otherwise Professor Moody wouldn't worry about asking him if he was being bullied by Snape—— Oh, Professor Moody doesn't want to go anywhere else, it's just that Harry's various weird potion smells worry him, you know Snape is a potion maniac, if he forces the savior to eat some weird potion What happened? That's really terrible!

However, Moody didn't use spells with Snape much, because Dumbledore didn't allow it, which also made him very irritable in many cases. For Moody, Snape was indeed a good opponent.

The girls of Beauxbatons walked into the hall, and one of the most beautiful ones attracted many people's attention. As a master of potions, Snape was keenly aware of the unique Veela aura on her body—one and a half Veela, what an annoying existence, she can neither contribute to the potion, but also make the little trolls get closer to the trolls, and can't even behave in a slightly normal way - look, She actually ran up to Harry to take the fish soup!

"Snape!" Moody once again wanted to find the Potions Master's bad luck, "Your eyes make people feel uncomfortable!"

"Don't worry, it won't make people feel worse than you, Professor Moody." Snape didn't even bother to look at him, "I assume you dare to eat the food in front of you now? Oh, maybe you are delicate unicorn cubs?"

This is really Chi Guoguo's contempt!Moody stared at his other good eye, wishing he could burn a hole in Snape's body by casting a spell with his magic eye, but that was impossible, so he ran his fork across his The plate made a screeching sound.

Snape sneered, of course he knew something - Moody's relatives were killed by Death Eaters, he wanted revenge, of course he did, but the hatred was so deep that he had to kill the Dark Lord, and Ha Harry as the savior is his hope, so he has a strange concern for Harry.But what does this have to do with him?Snape watched calmly as Harry tried to persuade the red-haired Weasley not to look at some half-veela.Yes, Harry had nothing to do with Moody, so Moody had nothing to do with him, did he?He rubbed his chin, pleased with how his green-eyed lion cub was doing.

At this moment, Ron's eyes fell on Beauxbaton's beauty, who was sitting on the long table in Gryffindor - her name was Fleur Delacour, she had a delicate face, bright golden Her hair was the color of moonlight, but she didn't look as annoying as the Malfoys, oh, what a beauty!

The dinner was very sumptuous, with traditional dishes from France and Germany. The elves are indeed masters of cooking. The food on the table is very delicious, allowing friends from afar to enjoy the food of their hometown - oh, this is Dumbledore Of course, the elves at Hogwarts have already made German food so well that the old headmaster’s supper is German food every night.

Mrs. Maxime of Beauxbatons was sitting next to Dumbledore, talking to him in a low voice, while Durmstrang's headmaster, Karkaroff, purposely sat next to Snape. He wanted to talk to Snape very much. Say something, but Moody sitting on the other side seemed to know what he was thinking. Whenever he wanted to speak to Snape, Moody would interrupt directly, which made Karkaroff very dissatisfied but also Nothing can be done.

In fact, Moody certainly knows who Karkaroff is, and he also knows what kind of guy this guy is. For such a fool, even Moody, who hates Death Eaters to the bone, doesn't like him very much. Pu is the savior's mentor, let alone Karkaroff and Snape - it's about the savior's growth, and Moody thinks he's done a very good job.

Of course, Snape didn't care at all about the contest between the two. His eyes were fixed on the lion cub on the Gryffindor table, and his green-eyed savior was also on him. The two raised their hands knowingly. He raised the cup in his hand as a gesture, and Dumbledore happily took a big bite of the vanilla cream chocolate cake after seeing this scene—it was so sweet!

"Oh! Snape is looking this way!" Ron wailed, covering his head. He managed to take another look at the beauty, and found that greasy Slytherin bat was looking at him, as if seeing As much as his admiration for that Beauxbaton beauty—yes, and then there would be taunting, and it would be a disaster!

"It's Professor Snape!" Hermione glared at him, then turned to look at the Slytherin table—very well, she found that the boys in Slytherin didn't have the same admiration as Ron, which made her Feeling a little relieved, look at the Ravenclaw long table, oh, they are almost all taking notes? !The Hufflepuffs are even less hands-free, and they're talking about whether the beauty is more attractive or the Seeker is more likable!Seeing this, Hermione really felt ashamed—she leaned closer to Harry, trying to stay away from Ron whose eyes were blurred: "Oh, Ronald, be normal!"

"Hey! She's beautiful..." Ron said, resting his chin on one hand, in a tone similar to the Slytherin aria.

"She must have Veela blood." Neville passed a handkerchief from the side, "My grandma said, Veela is like that."

"Even if it's a Veela, she's the most beautiful Veela!" Simo said slowly, resting his chin on one hand.

"Oh! You really..." As the most mature person, Harry felt that the former roommates next to him had become completely childish and strange, "Don't do this, you guys," he said, knocking on each of them one by one. The gill guy, "Love doesn't feel like this. If you're looking at beauty, it's better to look at a portrait!"

"Truth!" Hermione agreed with Harry's remarks 12 points. She didn't expect her good friend to have such a precise judgment, just like a love expert, "Oh, compared with Harry, you two Not mature at all!" She sighed regretfully, "Beauties like mature men—charismatic and charming, with a mysterious atmosphere, oh, this is the model of the dream lover!"

Bang!Harry felt mentally falling off his chair - charismatic and charming, with an air of mystery, wasn't that his Severus? !Merlin!Are all beautiful women his rivals in love?Oh, maybe more - yes, look at that Headmaster of Durmstrang, ugly as a shrunken rag, but always trying to get up to Severus... he really wanted to talk to Severus Say something in a whisper or something, right? For sure? !Oh well done Professor Moody!right!Just keep him out of the way!In his heart, Harry applauded Moody's behavior of interrupting Karkaroff's repeated conversations with Snape, which made him decide to send the professor a lot of candy at Christmas to express his gratitude.

In fact, it’s not to blame Harry for being so careful, after all, Snape looks much better than before recently—his hair is no longer greasy, and although he still has a gloomy expression, he is obviously in a much better mood than before, so There was even a blush on his face, no longer a sallow complexion, and in order to be able to satisfy the savior's demands for kisses at any time, he even had to configure himself with a mouthwash potion to make the Gryffindor cub love kisses more and more. Sweet... Well, the scariest, most hated, most vicious, most gloomy, and most annoying professor at Hogwarts is getting better and better, and this change directly leads to an increase in his popularity index, and even haha Leigh had seen girls in seventh grade ask him questions a few times or something - it was all excuses!Harry would feel very angry every time he saw it, he knew those girls must be pursuing his lover!

"But he's mine," Harry murmured, and then, resting his chin on one hand, he blinked at Snape, as if teasing him - although this seemed to Ron to be provocative.

"What?" Hermione didn't catch it.

"It's nothing, I mean this steak is mine." Harry forked away the steak Ron was looking for.

What is our prince doing at this time?Let's follow Winky to find her little master—in the principal's office, Prince is having fun with Grindelwald on a small TV connected to two game controllers!Yes, they are playing a game called "Contra". Two people form a team. On the screen, two game figures jump up and down there, shooting guns and firing. Beep" sound, this is called a loud!Even Fox couldn't take it anymore and covered his face with his wings, he couldn't stand this situation anymore.

"It's not fun!" A faint voice sounded.

"You don't have to play!" Prince gritted his teeth at the ring placed in front of the TV, "Where's the cup?"

"Hey, we're one!" Another eerie voice said.

"Let's wait until you can fuse!" The little prince pressed the jump button on the gamepad hard, dodging a row of bullets, "You will get along well, won't you?"

"We are alone!" said two miserable voices together.

"It's good." Grindelwald jumped up with the characters in his game, "I mean, you are good, yes, you are good."

"Thank you, I feel good too." The two voices were in tune again.

In fact, after Narcissa got the gold cup at the beginning, Grindelwald planned to destroy it, but he didn't expect that the gold cup was placed on the table, which aroused the resonance of the ring on Dumbledore's finger, so the two Horcruxes began to communicate. ——After their communication, everyone came to a conclusion, that is, the gold cup and the ring should be fused together!

After learning about the future from the mouth of the little prince, Dumbledore had been looking for a "Percival," and now, he thought he had found it—Percival? Grindelwald? Dumbledore.

A handsome boy with "O"s in all his grades, he can even write the entire History of Magic from memory!Of course, he is different from others, because he hardly has too many negative emotions. Even if someone treats him badly, he will be very gentle to that person. A typical good person, the best thing about him is He will answer carefully to all those who ask him questions, but such a good person will reject people he does not like-of course, politely.

Such an almost perfect person, Dumbledore didn't think he was worthy of having such a child, let alone old Gale was also qualified to have such a child, but they did have it - then, he felt, now he had found it.For this reason, the two put the two Horcruxes together to allow them to communicate more and prepare for the upcoming fusion.

After playing until the TV ran out of potions, Prince regretfully packed up the game console and prepared to go back to sleep.

"Hey, otherwise don't go back tonight!" Jin Bei proposed.

"Yeah, we can chat!" Ring reconsidered.

"Maybe..." Grindelwald looked at the time, "You can sit on the plush in Terraria and listen to the little prince tell you the story of the little prince?"

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