[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 58 The Chaos of the Final

Harry took Prince to watch the games all the time, and of course his godfather and Remus escorted him. Usually, Snape just stayed in his tent reading a book or brewing potions. Follow along to watch a match or two, but that's obviously a waste of time for the Potions Master.But Harry was used to it for a long time, so he wouldn't be too upset, as for Sirius?Hey, a Snape wouldn't care what a Gryffindor thinks!

On the day of the final, Snape packed everything up and cast two ignore spells on himself before taking Harry and Prince to watch the match. He didn't want to know whether the Bulgarian team won or the Irish team won. It really has nothing to do with him.

Snape didn't pay attention to what happened in the Quidditch field, he sat quietly beside Harry, and then glanced at Black's big dog and his wolf friend with contemptuous and mocking eyes - as for the situation in the field The veela and leprechaun performances that appeared, to be honest, only fools would be confused by them, and the youngest son of the Weasley family on the other side was obviously dazzled by those fake gold Galleons , yelling all the time-this is really shameful.When Veela came on stage, he noticed that the little Gryffindor lion beside him hadn't changed much, he just blushed and lowered his head, which was fine, but his little prince... just covered his eyes and went on. No more glamourous shows - it's just... terrific.

All this made Snape feel that the guys on broomsticks flying around in front of him were not unbearable. Of course, the pair of wolfhounds on the other side of Harry still made him very unbearable.

Sirius supports the Bulgarian team, so he even changed his clothes into the three colors of the Bulgarian team, and wore a hat made of clover on his head-he looks very interesting and enjoys it He stuck some clover on Remus' head, and Remus had to keep picking it off.

How stupid, Snape snorted, and then blocked another guy who wanted to shake his hand for Harry - Merlin knew how there were so many stupid guys!

The game officially started, and the lively cheers made Snape very impatient, but Harry was very honest, holding him with one hand, and waving the flags of the two teams with the other, without those trolls at all The ugliness of the same race made him very satisfied-oh, you must know that Harry was on the field every time he played Quidditch at Hogwarts before, what kind of audience outside the field is for him? It doesn't matter at all, only the Golden Snitch is his favorite, and when watching Quidditch... or looking at the Seeker's various skills is his goal, as for cheering... if there are not so enthusiastic people around He wouldn't be so enthusiastic if it wasn't - oh, except Sirius.

Harry also felt that Sirius' enthusiasm was too much, even the twins were not as good at making trouble as he was, and Remus was really very mature by his side - of course, one should ignore the scar on Remus' head. A large handful of clover that Sirius inserted.

Flying doesn't take up much energy for ordinary wizards, but for Quidditch players, brooms are not much different from their wands.The two teams on the field flew wonderfully, maybe not beautifully, but it was exciting to watch, and from time to time someone would stand up and scream or even faint.

The overall Bulgarian team is actually not as good as the Irish team, but their Seekers are very good, and Harry has always been a Seeker, so he pays attention to the movements of the two Seekers on the field——Victor of the Bulgarian team ? Krum quickly exaggerated the climax of the audience with a fake move of Ronsky. The Seeker behind him was not fooled, but rushed over in a straight line, but Krum dodged to the side more quickly. And the Golden Snitch is over there!

What a wonderful flight!

Harry had to marvel, although he flew well, he definitely wasn't this crazy.

With a whoosh, the two Seekers shot past Harry like shooting stars.

"Flying so fast!" Harry exclaimed.

"Of course, brooms account for a lot of points." Prince's research is completely different from Harry's. "Their brooms are not available in the market, and the speed of Nimbus 2001 is not so good, but in terms of control Almost, it needs their magic power and physical coordination."

"Hey, you will definitely be the best player in the future." Harry believed in his son's judgment very much, but he was a little too confident, and it never occurred to him that these words were actually spoken to Prince by his future self , and the little prince is just repeating it.

Of course, the little prince’s report aroused the unanimous approval of several adults nearby, and the director of the sports department, Bagman, even took off his hat to pay tribute to the little guy—it’s so stupid, and Prince despised it in his heart Hit him, then snicker.

The whole World Cup was looking good, at least Harry thought it was fun, but the result was not so interesting - Ireland won on aggregate but Bulgaria caught the Snitch!It was really... a speechless game... Bagman pointed his wand at his neck and amplified his voice to announce the result of the game. The fireworks that marked the completion exploded in the air, making the whole stadium colorful.

"Now, I declare—" Bagman's voice was amplified countless times, but it seemed that this could not completely suppress the noise of the arena. There were still people cheering, screaming, and the sound of fireworks exploding, " No.—"

"Ah—" There was a scream, and then there was a violent explosion, and then there was only one scream, and then there were explosions one after another, and some flying spells!

Damn trouble!

Snape held Harry with one hand and Prince with the other—this kind of situation was really rare, at least it hadn't happened in more than ten years.Screams almost pierced his eardrums, and Harry grabbed his arm tightly at this moment, and Prince could only wrap his arms around him to protect himself.

"What's the matter?!" Sirius' vision was completely blocked by the smoke—big explosions one after another, raising countless dust and smoke, and maybe other things, but it's not important, the important thing is that you can Get out of here now! "This way—this way!" He searched for Harry among the panicked crowd, "Kreacher, find Harry—quickly find Harry!"

"What's going on?!" Of course Harry wouldn't run around in such a chaotic situation, or he couldn't run around—Prince was next to him, Severus was holding him tightly, he His friends were completely invisible, and the smoke blocked his vision, which made him very worried, but he was also very excited, "What is it?!" He had already tightly held his wand in his hand, and he was ready to give unknown dangers a shot at any time." disarm you" or "fall apart".

Snape has already added "armor protection" to all three of them, and even cast a rebound spell--yes, as long as it is not a death curse, the general rebound of the curse will not have the original effect. How much does he matter?All he wants to protect is his home.

Harry didn't know what Snape had done, his mind was absorbed by the chaos - no, it couldn't be said to be attracted, it should be said to be disturbed.This is the first time he has seen what real chaos is.

"Bone reappears!"

"Damn it!" Of course Snape knew the spell, "Stunned! Imprisoned quickly! Flocks of birds! Disarm you! Your legs will freeze to death!" A few spells in succession, as if magic power cost nothing, until Shoot towards the place where the Dark Mark incantation was uttered just now.

Harry, who had been studying with Snape for a year, also immediately realized that, he also began to continuously cast imprisonment spells around the place just now, and at the same time let some small jinxes shoot out, so that once this person escaped There will also be imprints.

Harry didn't pay attention to what was on top of his head - it was something that had terrified British wizards for a long time, a huge skeleton with a snake in its mouth!

The chaos came and went quickly, obviously there were not many people on the other side, and the black terror mark only frightened people for a while, and then a large number of Aurors appeared to control the situation.

"It was here just now!" A serious and cold voice said, followed by a series of "fainting", and then a wizard around 50 years old walked over with a tense body.

"It's Crouch!" Prince whispered, almost getting hit by a sleeping spell, but his father protected him with two pieces of armor. "A nasty old fellow!"

"Who were you just now?" Crouch walked over stiffly, then stared at Snape coldly, smiled, the kind of smile that didn't make sense, "Oh, yes, yes, who did I see?" ? Snape—Death Eater, yes, it's you! You must have conjured the Dark Mark!" He pointed at Snape with his wand, "Come on! Arrest this Death Eater!"

"Idiot." Snape obviously wasn't worried about Crouch's accusation at all, he held Prince in his arms while shielding Harry with his hands.

"Mr. Crouch, none of us have conjured the Dark Mark!" Harry pulled Snape's hand away and stood up, "Someone said a strange spell over there just now, I think you should go over there and have a look! He pointed to the place on the other side that was still full of dust and smoke.

"Don't try to quibble, sir." Crouch's eyes widened and looked menacing, "I'm going to take you all together - locked up, huh... huh, good!"

"No! Barty, you can't!" A woman ran up, "Two kids and a professor—you're crazy!"

"They're Death Eaters!" Crouch yelled.

"Mr. Crouch, this is a very serious accusation - you don't have any evidence!" The little prince got angry, he was not yet 11 years old, what Death Eaters, he was wiped out when he was born!It has nothing to do with him! "I'm going to sue you for slander!"

"Look, this is the little Death Eater!" Crouch excitedly screamed, pointing his wand at Prince.

"Disarm!" Harry snapped his wand flying. "I won't let you do that! He's just a kid - just turned ten! Point your wand at a kid and you'd be..."

"Crime." Snape continued immediately, "Little wizards who have not yet reached school age are threatened by adult wizards. What adult wizards do is obviously a criminal act." He said coldly, and then waved his wand to wipe away the Obstacles - well, someone is looking for the guy who fired the Dark Mark, Crouch is crazy, he's obviously gone crazy, "I will testify with my memory, Barty? Crouch, I reserve allegations."

The situation in front of him was not good for Crouch, of course he knew it, so he just retrieved his wand, but he was still very vigilant about the three people in front of him—as long as Snape made a move, he would come up to arrest them he. "Ha, I see! That kid—you cast a spell on me outside! You're underage!" He suddenly cheered up and screamed, "Come on—get that kid! he!"

Just when he was happy, he suddenly saw someone running over dragging a fainted man and a fainted house elf—the man and the elf seemed very strange, and the elf was holding a black one in his hand. What a wand!

"Merlin!" The lady who stopped Crouch just now screamed, "It's Barty Crouch Jr." She looked at old Barty Crouch in horror, "Merlin...what the hell is going on? ?!"

"It's Winky!" Prince shouted, pointing to the elf's tea towel. "Barty Crouch Jr. is a Death Eater! Winky is the Crouch's elf!" Rauch's words!

What a thief shouting "Stop a thief!"

The Aurors who just wanted to attack Harry immediately controlled Old Crouch, and of course, woke up Little Crouch and Winky.

"Oh...Master...Master! Winky didn't keep an eye on little master..." Big drops of tears fell from Winky's tennis ball-sized eyes, she was extremely sad, "Winky is not a good elf!"

"This has nothing to do with Winky!" The little prince seemed to know this elf—in the future, he broke free from Snape's hand and ran to hug Winky. Although the female elf was not very good-looking, she was very gentle and She likes children very much, so she enjoys the comfort of the little prince, but she has to punish herself, so the tears fall more fiercely, and she keeps poking her forehead with the magic wand in her hand.

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