This semester went by so fast, and for Harry, he had never known that one person could get so much happiness—he had so much, so much that he couldn't believe it!Of course, he would still be very tired when studying with Snape every day, but he found that he was getting more and more used to such intense training, no matter where the attack came from, it was almost no problem for him, of course, these The intensity of the attack should not be too high, and he still has many terrible spells that he has not been able to master smoothly, such as the Unforgivable Curse.But he didn't like those three spells either.

After this semester of training, Snape actually discovered that Harry's own magic power is indeed stronger than that of ordinary little wizards, and he seems to be a natural fighter, even those noble children who have been trained since childhood will not It's better than him-but in fact, he has only been training for more than half a year.This could not but be good news for Snape.

Because of Prince, during the summer vacation, Harry only needs to go back to No. 12 Privet Drive for two days before returning to No. [-], Grimmauld Place—Prince and Harry have the closest blood relationship, even Harry would be safe without Petunia's blood protection.After Dumbledore told Harry and his family of three about this point, the old headmaster got a kiss from the little prince. Of course, because of the relationship between the little prince and Snape, Harry didn't feel that Privet Drive four No. It made him uncomfortable, and he tried his best not to have any conflicts with the Dursleys these two days. Maybe it was because the changes in the past half a year were too great, and Aunt Petunia did not do anything about Harry's arrival. He didn't make any nervous moves, but instead stared at him for a long time.

"Aunt Petunia." Harry stood at the door and looked at her. The woman had been terribly thin for as long as he could remember. "I'm back."

Petunia stepped aside to let him in, and when she saw that he didn't bring so many things, her face softened a little: "Go upstairs, don't let any weird things happen again."

"Oh, yes." Harry looked very meek, "I'm only coming back for two days, and I'll go to my godfather's house the day after tomorrow."

"No!" Petunia closed the door in a shrill voice, and she turned to stare at him with a terrifying expression on her face, "No! You must live here—even...even if you're a monster, but you must live Here... oh! God!" She covered her face and began to cry in a terrible voice-yes, crying from the heart is not good, unless it is fake.

"Aunt," Harry was terrified, but another voice inside told him that his aunt didn't really hate him that much, and it made his throat feel sore, "Aunt! Don't cry, Aunt!" He was still not tall enough, But flexible enough to be able to hold his aunt who was about to faint from crying, "Oh, Aunt Petunia, please stop crying, know what I live here for, don't you?"

"Yes! Of course I do! That old juggler took Lily away and they sent you over - my poor Lily, I never saw her the last time! I didn't even know Where is she buried!" Once the emotions erupted, it was as if the torrent was out of control, and Petunia was beating Harry while clutching her chest, as if her heart would shatter if she let go of her hand, " They're stupid monsters who just use threats to bring me into submission! Oh God! Lily wouldn't have died and neither would my parents if it wasn't for them! I hate them—I Hate Lily!"

hate it?certainly.

But if there is no love, how can there be hate?

Harry let his aunt beat him - the strength was far worse than what Snape taught him - he took out his handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of her eyes.He hadn't really noticed before why Uncle Vernon and Dudley were so fat, while Aunt Petunia ate like them but was skinny like a refugee, now... maybe he understood.

"You can't go back!" Petunia grabbed the handkerchief and wiped her face indiscriminately, "Your godfather, he is a bastard—more bastard than a bastard, he is simply a scumbag! He especially looks down on our family . . . I mean the Evans' house . . . I know his house is in Grimmauld Place, huh, I know everything!" She stood up like a warrior woman, "Lily told me everything, But I still don't like her—I'm the only one who can see her. Huh, a witch? What a joy to have a witch in the house! Huh! Witch? She put her life in it!"

oh!Does that mean Aunt Petunia hates his mother?Harry couldn't believe it!But Harry knows that feelings are not only love and hate, maybe...he shouldn't be so angry with his aunt, yes, he remembers, remembers very clearly, when he was hurt, his aunt would help him But unfortunately, it is impossible for him to go to the hospital. If he goes to the hospital... Maybe he will be sent to another place to raise him... Yes, violence against a child is not allowed, Claire told him .

Of course you can't tell Petunia about Prince, Harry can only tell her that Dumbledore has found a special way to protect him, and there is a lot of ancient magic, and it will be good for the Dursleys— —Petunia reluctantly accepted this reason.

Maybe it was Petunia's emotional outburst that made Harry realize that there is another scene in his life, and he would smile sincerely at her, and when those green eyes exactly like Lily were smiling, Petunia couldn't tell him Too harsh, of course, Uncle Vernon and Dudley still hated Harry and Dudley tried everything to find fault with him, but Harry, as an adult who already had a son, Don't bother with him at all.

Before leaving, Harry left some presents for Aunt Petunia—jewel brooches, potions suitable for the Dursleys and his sons, for weight loss, and of course things like gold watch chains. Not very expensive, at least not considered valuables in the wizarding world, but in the eyes of the Dursleys, it is not the case at all. Dali liked the pair of sapphire cuffs very much, and finally held the cuffs solemnly. The troublemaker said to Harry: "I will never bully you again, I promise!"

ha!Who needs such a guarantee!Harry felt like he'd have to beat up Darley if he had the chance—without magic, and then let him know who the real boss was, that would be a guarantee, wouldn't it?But not from Aunt Petunia.

The two days at the Dursleys' house passed quickly, but Harry still missed his little prince uncontrollably. By the early morning of the third day, he packed up everything and rushed to Grimmauld Place, and his The little prince was already there.

"Hey! Harry!" Godfather Big Dog opened the door for the first chance to hug his godson, then was shunned aside - Harry ran into the living room and grabbed Prince and gave him a loud kiss Of course, the little prince returned one not to be outdone.

"Oh! They have such a good relationship!" Sirius closed the door and said to Remus with a smile.

"Yeah, that's great." Sirius smiled and went to pour tea - he thought that Snape adopted Prince because Prince looked like Harry, and then he was the kind that came up in his mind The tragic plot moved me, but... After such a long time, Remus felt that this kind of thinking was really ridiculous, yes, absolutely ridiculous, if it was to make up for it, Snape could definitely adopt a man who looked just like him. A girl like Lily!The more he thought about it, the more strange the werewolf didn't raise this question. He was not his big dog friend, so he properly hid the question in his heart.

"Harry dear, your good friend is just another prong—oh, I mean both of you, haha, this is so funny!" Sirius had a lot of fun with Prince these two days Happy, they played pranks together and Remus was behind to clean up the mess, of course, the target of the prank was completely changed - Sirius was ashamed to fight with Snape again, even though Snape would be very vicious to spray him with venom , but when Sirius thought that his godson was someone else's apprentice, his freedom was earned by others, and his enemy was captured by others... He no longer had the intention of playing pranks on him. Let alone those topics such as "for justice", "Would you like to see the latest prank product?"

"What's this?" Harry took a small beetle from him.

"Splitting beetles!" Sirius said mysteriously, and Prince echoed, "Did you hear that? Although Professor Dumbledore likes cockroach piles, he is afraid of beetles. This thing can split dozens of beetles, completely Make him tremble with fear!"

"Gellert will be very happy!" Prince raised his eyebrows, "We can sell it to Gellert!"

"Good idea!" Harry agreed.

As for Gellert, Harry has met him several times, and he even gave Harry some books about dueling. He is a good old guy. Of course, the rare potion he gave Prince made Harry feel more He is likable, so the original resistance to the word "Dark Lord" completely disappeared.Yes, although Gellert Grindelwald was the Dark Lord, that was once, and now Gellert is not the Dark Lord but an amiable and handsome old man!

Gellert liked Albus, so much, that he would give up everything for Albus!

Harry's face was definitely brilliant when he knocked out the information from the side, but he didn't worry about it anymore, and he didn't think Professor Dumbledore was okay with an old man - hey, still What can I do?The sky will not fall down!

"Oh, maybe we can get in touch with the twins again and exchange ideas!" Sirius plans to invest in a joke shop recently, but he doesn't want to run it himself, and the Weasley twins are good at it, "Harry, Do you want to eat this? If you eat it, you will become an Animagus!"

"What's this? Canary biscuits?"

"No." Sirius shook his head, "I didn't expect that Prince's Animagus would be a snow leopard, hey, it's so beautiful, it's amazing, but it's just too young, hehe," he said. Show Harry the cake in his hand like a treasure, "This thing can force people to become Animagus, but there is a time limit-not everyone can learn Animagus, but everyone will have Animagus Nimagus form, there is a potion that can forcibly turn people into Animagus, and after I had this idea, Prince helped me make the potion—hey, better than Snape, I want to say—then I will mix the potion with the proper transforming grass and the sound potion, and then make a cake..." The more he said, the happier he was, "If it was me, it would be the Animagus of the big dog, right? After eating this, not only will it become a big dog, but it can also speak human language, which is very interesting!"

The cake is very small, not much bigger than a biscuit, but...the temptation is really great...Harry is hesitant to eat one, and he also wants to know what his Animagus is—practiced For such a long time, the Patronus Charm couldn't be formed for some reason, even though he was able to drive away the dementors that Boggarts turned into.

Hula!As soon as the fireplace glowed green, a dark figure stepped out, and then the man saw a lovely green-eyed savior eating a small piece of something... Immediately afterwards, the savior began to shrink—shrinking smaller and smaller !

"What did you feed him?!"

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