No matter how Harry protested, got angry, or refused, the boy named Prince pushed him into Snape's bedroom, then took Snape's wand and began to direct his luggage to open honestly , the things inside danced fiery rumbas one by one to their proper positions.

"This..." The anger and disgust that had been put into Snape's bedroom turned into envy and surprise when he saw these miraculous little magic tricks, "It's great!"

"You taught me that!" When Prince changed the wand to Snape, he grabbed Snape's chest and twisted them into creases. "Father, you didn't tell Dad anything. Right? How disgusting!" After speaking, he loosened Snape's clothes, and patted the wrinkled front with good intentions, and then he walked over to Harry with an embarrassed face and said, "Dad, Hello, my name is Prince Albus Potter Prince, from 2012, you and him—” he pointed to Snape, “the child born in 2003, I am nine years old this year Oh!"

Nine-year-old Prince is nothing like nine.

Not only is he tall, but he doesn't completely give up thinking like a child when he talks and does things. Of course, he doesn't count on purpose.So, he pulled Harry to sit on the big black bed, patted Harry on the shoulder very thoughtfully, and let him digest the shocking news.

"You are son?! Or with...uh...with, I mean Professor Snape's child?" Harry said with difficulty, "But that's impossible! And your last name isn't Snape! And... and there's... I'm... no! I'm a boy!"

"Oh! Dad! Calm down first, calm down, okay?" Prince grabbed Harry's hand and put it on his face, "You can touch it, I'm really your son, it's you and Sif Lucy's child, really... you can do a blood test..." With a look of grievance again, Prince looked at Harry with wet green eyes that he inherited from Harry like an abandoned puppy , "I am really your son!"

"But..." Harry glanced at Snape cautiously, and then his eyes drifted uncontrollably to his belly—in Harry's mind, he would definitely not be able to have children if he was a boy...but if this If Prince was really his child...then Snape's?Or... Snape was actually... a woman? !Thundered by his own illusion, Harry immediately averted his eyes when he heard Snape's heavy snorting. With a...uh...kid, then he must be a masochist!

"Okay, Prince, you go and sit down." Snape waved his wand, lifted one and sat down himself, and Prince sat down beside Harry obediently after listening to the order. Like the most obedient boy in the kindergarten, "Listen, Harry Potter."

"Yes, Professor Snape, I'm listening." Harry forced himself to look up at him - he could see nothing in those empty black eyes except his own shadow.

"I assume, you know that you are a wizard and not a Muggle." Snape waved his wand and summoned a book and put it in front of Harry, "I could tell you, but I hope you... after I tell you , read this book again." Snape thought for a while, he rarely spoke like this, he was calm and... still friendly, "First of all, wizards use potions to have children of the same sex, even two Women, it's okay too," he choked, and seemed to be made very uncomfortable by the news, "Also, I don't think... the humble me can have any... intersection with the great saint and savior? So, you live While here, I want you to know one thing - don't mess with anything that doesn't belong to you!"

"Okay! I mean...yes, Professor," Harry said immediately, and he didn't think he'd have any weird relationship with...Snape, "Now, pack your things—yours The room is next door, with Prince." Snape was about to pack Harry's luggage which had just been packed.

"No!" Prince yelled, "I don't want to sleep with Daddy! I'm nine years old! Not nine months!" Suddenly, he stopped shouting, looked at Snape, then looked at Ha Li, burst into tears, "Wow——you two—are you getting a divorce? Do you want me...Wow—father doesn't like dad anymore, and Prince is going to sleep with dad on the street... ... woo woo woo... Dad, kiss father quickly, woo..." A nine-year-old child still has the right to cry, especially when the child is still a cub of his own family.

Snape froze.

Harry froze all over.

Prince is still playing tricks.

"Don't cry." Snape reacted first, knelt down and picked up the little boy who was rolling on the ground, but Prince didn't listen to him at all, and was still crying. He had no choice but to stuff the boy Into Harry's arms - Merlin knew that Harry was smaller than this child!

But anyway, as soon as he was hugged by Harry, Prince did cry a lot less, but he looked very pitiful sobbing.

"That...don't cry," Harry wiped his tears clumsily, " know this years ago, it wasn't the era you were in, I am now with your father, that is, Professor Snape, uh... not married, and nothing... um... It is a teacher-student relationship, yes, it is a teacher-student relationship."

"Woo...I know..." Prince grabbed Harry's sleeve and began to wipe his nose, "You told me, I mean...the you who grew up, told me that you are a father student of...uh...uh! father...father said it too...but you two...uh...tell me you was love at first soon as you graduate , um... just got married... woo...but now... wow—all those who lie to children are bad people!"

"I...I didn't lie..." Harry didn't know what to do, he had never raised a child, but this... this Prince was definitely his son, he could feel it!Yes, the warmth of him in his arms, and the pain in his heart when he cried, no matter what, he couldn't deny that this child...indeed, it was his, and Harry Potter Longing for a real family -- how longing?Much!Even... He felt that as long as there was a real family member connected with him by blood, he could even betray the whole world for it!

"Daddy..." Prince's soft voice made Harry feel drunk, he needed to quiet the child—it's not a good thing for a child to cry all the time, he knew, when Dudley beat him when he was a child He didn't cry, because he had heard from Mrs. Johnson next door that a crying child would become stupid—no, he couldn't make his son stupid!

"Listen, Prince, I'm just... ah, I mean, look, I was just talking to Snape—I mean, Severus, we're having a tantrum, it's not a big deal, Yes, you don't want to cry, okay?" Harry glanced up at Snape and found that his face had darkened even more. "He won't want you - I mean, he won't want you." Ours, trust me."

"Really?" Prince blinked, turned his head to look at Snape, and when Harry followed his gaze to look at Snape again, he found that the gloomy man had already changed his expression, It looks sincere and gentle - Merlin's miniskirt!Will Snape be sincere or gentle? !

"Okay, I just brought your dad over here, I want you two to get acquainted." Snape took Prince from Harry's arms, "Go and wash your face, then change clothes, and wait for us downstairs, Go out for dinner."

"Okay!" Looking up and giving the fathers a big smile, Prince ran out quickly.

Now it was just Harry and Snape in the bedroom.

This is really embarrassing.

"Potter," Snape said, still standing where he was, without any movement, but his voice sounded very scary, more creepy than the usual taunts and reprimands, "I thought a lion was a lion, pretending to be a poisonous snake It will make you look nondescript."

"Professor!?" Harry suddenly raised his head, saw the corner of Snape's mocking mouth clearly, and subconsciously retorted, "No! I didn't! I didn't..."

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing, Potter!" Snape sneered, "I don't know why you're lying, Potter, but remember, Prince is Prince, the real—Prince Lin Si, I don't want you to spoil him."

"But he's my boy too!" Harry jumped up.

"Oh?" Snape really smiled this time, "Your Excellency the great savior," his eyes swept across Harry's whole body, and finally stopped on his stomach for two seconds, then fixed his eyes firmly again, "Based on you - this small body?"

"That's from the future—my child!" Harry grabbed Snape's chest angrily. Makes it look like he's being forced by Snape... er..., but from Harry's point of view, maybe he's being aggressive, "I don't know how I'm going to talk to—you—uh, Anyway, I don't like you, Professor—I don't know how I got him between you, but I'm sure I love him! He's my family! My kin! Blood!"

Yes, wizards are like this. What is born in the bones of wizards is the imprint connected by blood, which cannot be erased or given up.Harry, on the other hand, was undoubtedly a wizard and heir to a pure-blood noble family - even though his mother was a Muggle witch.

"And then?" Snape grabbed his hands and pulled them away. "I assume you haven't forgotten, that kid is a Prince—and I, the last of the Princes."

"No! Your last name is Snape!"

"Stupid!" Snape finally knew how stupid a stupid lion can be. "And this book, please read it carefully and memorize it!" He summoned him again without even using his wand a book.

"Born Noble?"

"Here are the records of all pure-blood wizards and nobles." Snape said coldly, "Also, if you want to pretend...that you have a good relationship with me, remember, don't pretend to be someone else."

"W-what?" Harry was taken aback.

"Since you have been so obvious in front of Prince just now," Snape took a deep breath and said dryly, "Are you going to let him know, in fact, the relationship between you and me?"

"No!" He didn't want his baby to cry anymore, "well, I get it, Professor." He took a couple of deep breaths, thinking he must be crazy to be friendly with Snape, but... It is indeed a bit strange, "By the way, professor, I want to know, why...Prince cries, I feel distressed, and everything is wrong? And..."

"Because he is a little wizard who has not yet turned 11," Snape said flatly, "When the little wizard is under 11, his parents can sense anything that happens to him, and...even if he disappears Now, his blood relatives can also find him through blood ties - the premise is that when he was just born, his parents branded him with the blood of the family."

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