[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 47 The Inevitable Quarrel

A lion will always be a lion, even if a lot of times it makes people feel a bit Slytherin-style but still a lion, so never think that the golden boy of Gryffindor can read the deep... high expectations of the Slytherin king, let alone expect He could see the germ of the "love" called "love" hidden under the black wizard robes of Severus Snape.

Looking at Harry's angry eyes, Snape also felt that he should punish the golden lion cub, but... what reason should he use to punish him?The dark eyes began to look up and down the boy in front of him—that he didn't respect the teacher?Or why not?

After turning around in his mind for a few times, Snape's expression didn't change at all, but Harry's courage was shrinking a little bit—it can't be said that his courage was shrinking, but after all, he and Snape were so peaceful. We've gotten along well, and now it's a little strange to let him suddenly become irritable.

"You..." Taking a deep breath, Harry finally filled up his Gryffindor courage again, "Actually, I just want to know, what happened to you this week?" Yi's hospital bed is not soft, but it is very suitable for venting anger, "I thought we were friends already!"

"Friend?" Snape repeated the word softly, pronouncing the f syllable so softly that it was like a feather gliding across the water and the ripple was just a tiny circle, "I thought, you know We can't be friends."

"Why?!" Harry couldn't accept what he said, and he stood up with a huff, his face flushed with anger.

"It seems that I still overestimated your IQ, Harry," Snape pushed him back, "maybe... you know, I think you should know, Prince... is our child."

"So what?" The little lion glared at him angrily.

"So, do you think friends...have children?" Snape rolled his lips, "I think Albus and McGonagall are very good friends, they have always had a good relationship, haven't they?" Maybe Forecasting how pitiful an old bee would be, he was suddenly in a good mood.

"Oh, Merlin! You're joking!" Harry lowered his head angrily, "Professor Dumbledore...what kind of relationship is it with Professor McGonagall?"

"That kind?"

"Uh... lover?" Harry said those two words in a very small voice, the red on his face began to heat up.

"Unfortunately, they're not." That word...seemed right.

"In other words... we are not friends... but... lovers?!" The last word was shouted out so loudly that Harry felt his cheeks swell, "Oh, Merlin! I get it... I mean... uh... it's kind of weird, don't you think?"

"It's really...strange."

"Hey!" Harry was obviously dissatisfied with Snape's affirmation, "I just said... I mean..."

"If you find it strange, you should refuse at first, and then let Prince disappear completely."

"Impossible!" Snape's words were like a knife that could split Harry in two, he jumped up angrily and grabbed Snape's shoulders—although it was a bit difficult for him, but He grabbed it anyway, almost as if half-hanging on his Potions Master, "Severus Snape, don't provoke me with Princes - never! He's my child , he is mine! I will not let him have any accidents!"

"Very good, as I said, we have reached a consensus on this point..." He easily hugged the green-eyed boy who took the initiative to "throw himself into a hug". Snape's strength allowed him to easily maintain the hanging The movement on his body, "Since you know this, you should know...the existence of Prince is also normal, isn't it?"

"Uh... so that's it..." Harry looked him straight in the eyes, "it's not surprising at all, is it?"

"That's right, it's not surprising at all." Snape, who had successfully misled the green-eyed savior, was very satisfied with his success. It's okay to use a bit of tact—it would be nice if the savior could honestly go back and tell the stupid dog, "So, your worries don't exist at all."

"Okay then!" Harry moved his waist uncomfortably, "Even if it's not strange, then, I thought we could get along peacefully?"

"Oh? Wasn't it peaceful before?" Harry patted Harry's waist to signal him not to move, "I thought...you know what 'peace' is?"

"Of course I know! But...but this week...you are completely wrong!" Harry grabbed the hand on his waist in frustration, "Hey, it's itchy!"

"Okay, then... the great savior, please tell his humble Potions Professor, what...is wrong?" Didn't he hint clearly enough?Snape felt that he had already made it clear - after Harry had also read the book, he was simply sending him an invitation, such as... further contact and so on, why didn't he respond at all?Especially after he had told him that it was normal for two men to marry and have children... Is the brain of Gryffindor's golden lion cub in his skull?

In fact, Professor, your thinking is completely different from that of your Gryffindor golden lion!What Harry said was strange was not the question of whether you two were lovers, but the matter of men having children, but Snape thought that Harry, who had always lived in the Muggle world, just thought that men and men could not be lovers This matter... So, misunderstanding is always beautiful.

But the beautiful misunderstanding made Harry completely unaware of Snape's "hint", in fact he wouldn't have understood it even if he hadn't misunderstood it, hadn't he?He looked at Snape wetly with wide open eyes, and from his black eyes he could only see his expression no longer angry, and even a little... soft?

"I think..." Harry pursed his lips, "I think we can't be so alienated from each other, Severus, it's not right, Molly has never been alienated from Arthur, and even Aunt Petunia has a very good relationship with Uncle Vernon ...they were never estranged from each other..." Only he was the one who was estranged.

"Stay away?" Snape smiled, not a dark smile, but a genuine smile from the heart. Of course, this was just what he thought, because he hadn't smiled from the heart for a long time, so his expression was still... ...a bit distorted, "I thought... you know what alienation is?"

"Of course I understand!" Harry raised his voice again, "It's just... I don't know why, you seem to be a different person since Christmas!" He began to count Snape's number on his fingers Guilty, "You'll be back late at night, I can't see your people at all - you're completely ignoring me in class, and... I said we should talk about Prince's education!"

oh!This is a very serious accusation!

Snape narrowed his eyes as he continued.

"And your hair, it's getting greasy again—I don't know what you're up to! It all scares me!" Harry became more and more excited as he spoke, tears began to well up in his eyes, "I thought ...I thought you were planning to leave this family...We are family...Aren't we?"

Yes, family, of course family.But if it's just family members, how can they make up their minds to guide him how to fight?Snape put his hand on Harry's cheek so that he couldn't lower his head to maintain the depressed mood just now, and then said in his silky voice that could almost make people lose normal thinking ability, "I thought, The Savior is no longer a three-year-old."

"Of course I'm not a three-year-old doll!" Harry bit his lip, "I'm 13 years old... Don't forget, I already have a Prince, I'm an adult now!"

"Yes, then let's talk about your lord's affairs." Snapela moved a chair and sat across from him. "First of all, I think you should know one thing. That man——he didn't die."

"Yes, I know, I've been fighting him since the first grade!" Harry sneered, thinking that the mysterious man was really interesting——Voldemort, even the name is so interesting, now it's a garlic head , and then a handsome ghost guy, then what?How he wanted to know what was next!

"So, you think you can completely defeat him with... some luck and... courage?" Snape started the taunt mode again, "Maybe you don't know how many crazy followers he has, and you don't even know that he How crazy—but it doesn't matter, I'll let you know... how much you should be capable of."

"I said, I can learn Defense Against the Dark Arts from Professor Lupine!" He just didn't like the way he looked and spoke, as if there was a huge gap between the two of them. They were obviously family members and equals. isn't it?

"No! That stupid wolf will definitely soften his heart! Harry Potter, your life is the most important thing, and the rest has nothing to do with me!" He leaned forward, almost pressing Harry on the bed——now , the green-eyed savior could only support his upper body with his elbows to force himself not to lie down, "Harry Potter, you must survive—only if you survive, Prince will have a chance to be born...you can The so-called 'family', understand?"

Snape's soft hair brushed Harry's face. Although it was a little greasy, it didn't feel dirty. It made Harry's cheeks itch, and... He looked down at him, this situation was really It was so embarrassing, Harry blushed uncontrollably, he wanted to sit up straight, but Snape kept half pressed on top of him, which made his wanting to sit up special The difficulties... He could almost hear his own heartbeat!God!He must be sick—heart beating faster than a pocket watch!

"I said... did you understand?" Snape's silky voice rang in his ears, which made him even more at a loss. Should he nod and say "Understood", or should he shake his head to refute him?Harry had no idea what to do!He thought he must be sick...maybe just a cold and fever...because his cheeks were too hot...this temperature reminded him of a book he read in a daze...there seemed to be some... Uh... Strange picture?

However, Snape didn't intend to just let Harry go, he supported himself with one hand, and the other hand was free to caress the boy's cheek - the scorching heat almost burned his palm - the boy's skin Very good, smooth and tender like fresh cream.

"I'll...well, alienate—you like that word—I'll alienate you because I need a training program for you, and in the same way, I need you to think of yourself as my enemy so that you can truly Hit me with your wand, understand?"

Hit him with a wand? !Harry shook off the hand that was playing tricks on his face and attracting his full attention in an instant: "No! I can't!"

"You have to! Otherwise... I'll just let our relationship—" Snape picked up the Savior, their noses almost touching, "Back to before Prince came?"

Of course, it was impossible for Harry to choose the option that irritated him the most!He felt... It was so strange that he was so close to Snape, and he himself became even more strange, and even said that he didn't know whether this strangeness was good or bad... But, he couldn't accept anything worse Relationship!He will never accept it!

"No! I don't want it!" Harry snarled and grabbed Snape's shoulders—this movement was a bit difficult, and he was about to fall backwards, so... Snape could only hug him to the In arms——


Two people hit their noses at the same time!

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