[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 44 The Interpretation of Happiness

Arriving at Grimmauld Place, Harry stayed for three full days before Sirius was willing to let him leave, but when he left, he did not leave alone, but let a house-elf named Kreacher hold a delicate Carved box to send him back to Hogwarts - the house-elf's apparition was far too gentle compared to Snape's.

But once back at Hogwarts, Harry was thrown into the hospital wing and told to drink a very, very nasty potion every day for seven days!In fact, he almost threw up when he took the first sip, but facing Snape's gloomy face... he still held back... Then Snape arrogantly took the bottle from Kreacher's hand The box...Harry didn't even know what was inside!

In fact, a lot will happen and a lot will change in three days, at least, for Dumbledore.

He smiled and watched Snape put the potion he had boiled for two days and two nights into the cabinet, and then put various protective spells on it—actually, it was not necessary at all, not everyone would There's a piece of soul in the head, isn't it?The old headmaster's mood is getting better and better.

Dumbledore, who had taken the initiative, would not sit still, he would arrange everything, and then be quiet—enjoying the beauty of life!In his beautiful life, there will be all the people he loves and those who love him, as well as all the things he values... even those sins that can wash away from him... Yes, compared to Snape, Dumbledore You know, he's the one who's full of sin, Snape... just a kid who's gone the wrong way, and he's an old guy who's gone the wrong way and kept going... So, he'll fix this, fix this mistake.

"Harry is almost ready to drink the potion, hehe... Chinese wizards are really advanced in the study of souls..." Dumbledore was at a loss for words, "Ah, my son Severus, you Do you like the Black Forest in Germany?"

"I'm not your kid, and I don't like your dessert sales."

"Oh, I'm just an old man who wants to share something delicious...a lonely, poor, lonely, empty old man..." Dumbledore gave Snape a sad look, "I think we really Need to talk, Severus, not just me..."

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Snape, who didn't want to talk to Dumbledore at all, couldn't just throw the old bee aside as he wanted - although Dumbledore was an annoying old man, he also Still a respectable old guy.

"Talk about... happiness..."

Here we are discussing the true meaning of happiness in life, and Harry, who fell asleep after drinking the medicine, has no idea about his future, and was sold by an old guy named Albus... No, no, it should be It's called delivery, it's called unraveling, it's called guidance, isn't it?

The nine-year-old Prince brought back a lot of news from the future, but it was not coherent. Thanks to Dumbledore's brains, he spent two full months sorting out the information and connecting it all. , and then started to move—for example, there was a piece of Voldemort’s soul on Harry’s forehead, but he could eat it well after taking medicine; Voldemort threw slices of himself in several places, each place was very specific, and was eventually wiped out ;Dad was very brave when he eliminated Voldemort, and he also eliminated many villains with his father...The information is not coherent, but it is very important to Dumbledore. What he is best at is the subtlety of information. Find the truth everywhere, don't you?

So the old principal began to sift through a lot of information, useful, useless, credible, and unreliable... What pleased him most was that in the future, he had a very good relationship with Prince, and the little prince would also Said that he has a lot in the future... Aberforth will bicker with him every day, and Gellert will shake hands with Aberforth... This is something that Dumbledore never dared to think of before, and because of this, He longs for the future and looks forward to it.

Of course, for Dumbledore, apart from what he owed to Aberforth in his life, it was Harry and Snape who made him feel the most guilty—because of his negligence, Harry bore the fate of the savior, and then Lost his parents, and had to be sent to a Muggle family who didn't like wizards... He couldn't even visit him in person, because he wanted Harry to be really safe and not let anyone with malicious intentions find out He... This is very difficult for Dumbledore. As long as he makes any moves, the Ministry of Magic and the nobles will definitely notice, so he can only let an unnoticed squib bring him news about Harry , As for the authenticity of the news...he can only grasp part of it; not to mention Snape, he despicably used his feelings, took advantage of threats and Snape's own kindness and loyalty... Yes, loyalty, because this Slytherin named Severus is loyal only to his own heart, whether it is the hatred of the enemy, the pursuit of power or even the persistence of love, this is his loyalty, but this Loyalty is maintained by a kind of balance.

Dumbledore was very thankful that he was actually able to maintain Snape's loyalty thanks to Lily, but now...he felt that this kind of loyalty should be maintained by another person—Harry, how about it?

Snape talked with Dumbledore about the so-called "happiness", but obviously, his attention was completely attracted by the old man beside Dumbledore - the old man was not talking about happiness, but Completely "unfortunate", the unfortunate protagonist is still Dumbledore, which is really tragic!But... from the tragic content, he saw and understood a little bit—a very important point.But enough, enough for him to know what he should do in the future...

"He's a smart man." Looking at the billowing robe and the neat back, the old man beside Dumbledore sighed.

"Yes, he's always been very smart...I didn't treat them fairly." Dumbledore looked at the old man with a bitter face, "Gail, tell me, it's too late for me to start making amends now." ?”

"If...we're not too late, I guess nothing will be too late."

"Ha, makes sense!"

There's nothing like a relationship that's over 100 years late!

Snape returned to the cellar, and found that Harry, who was already sound asleep in the bedroom, almost occupied the entire big bed. He walked over gently and hugged the little savior who couldn't sleep well because of drinking the soul fusion potion—— The boy was probably suffering from the pain. Not only could he not sleep well, but he couldn't wake up, so he could only roll over on the bed. As for the quilt and pillow, he had already tossed it to the ground—the warm embrace became a dream all of a sudden. Harry's safe haven, maybe the magic power exudes attraction, Harry tried his best to stuff himself into this embrace, hoping to relieve the pain in his soul.

The boy in his arms was very uncomfortable, but he had complete trust in himself - this kind of recognition brightened the potion master's mood all of a sudden.

bright? !How long has this word not appeared in your life?Snape didn't know.But he knew that the boy in his arms was his light, even though...he also knew that what he did was not in line with moral standards, and even...was worthy of contempt, but so what?Could it be... Shouldn't he be happy?Could it be... Prince shouldn't have been born?Could it be...Harry, shouldn't he have the home he's longed for?

Anyway, Snape was still a Slytherin, a Slytherin, always grabbing what he wanted, otherwise how could he be called "sly and cunning"?

He lowered his head and lightly placed a kiss on Harry's forehead - right on that scar, that was Lily's imprint on Harry, it was also the soul left by the Dark Lord on Harry, and it was even more painful for Harry source.Severus Snape, it wasn't just a kiss that landed on this lightning scar.

"Father..." At the door, Prince was wearing pajamas, holding the dragon puppet that Draco gave him in his arms, his eyes were red, and there were signs of crying on his face.

"Prince, what's the matter?" Snape didn't put Harry down.

"I'm having a nightmare..." The little prince pouted, "Can I sleep with you?"

"Of course, come here, little prince." He stretched out his arms and hugged his son who was rushing forward. What Snape held in his arms was a world.

The coldness of the cellar faded at night, and only the warmth in the heart slowly rose, becoming the air surrounding the three of them, revealing a touch of warmth and softness, as if it was the happiest magic, bringing a The sweetness of entering the most beautiful dreamland.

[Maybe, I really own the whole world. 】In the dream, Harry heard a hissing voice saying so, he turned back to find the speaker, but only saw a black figure gradually blurred, and finally turned into a cloud of mist, scattered in the air .When he reached out to grab the cloud of mist that was almost gone, the hiss sounded again, [Boy, what you have is the whole world. 】Then, the fog cleared completely, and Harry could see clearly——a dark man stood in front of him, with a gloomy face, but the stiff facial lines were indescribably soft. Beside him was a little boy with green eyes, smiling very sweetly at him... For some reason, Harry stared at the two people in front of him, for fear that they would disappear... Slowly, he felt that the two were getting closer and closer to him Getting closer, and finally, hugging each other... Hugging, conveying the most considerate warmth, Harry's big green eyes filled with tears, but he was very happy, not at all uncomfortable.

When Harry looked up at the dark man, he realized that it was Snape, and the green-eyed boy next to him was Prince!

What a wonderful combination!

What a right combination!

Harry felt his heart swell, and for some reason, his throat was sour, and his eyes were uncontrollably wet... Then, he was pulled by a heavy force, and his nose seemed to be loaded with something... er ...so sore...

"Hmm..." Harry covered his nose with his hand, the pain on his forehead had disappeared long ago... But... why is his vision so dark?

"what happened?"

"I hit my nose..." Before realizing who was speaking, the green-eyed savior naturally reached out and pushed his guy—no...no, this feeling...not Ron!He looked up suddenly, only to realize that he was not in the Burrow but in the cellar, and that the one lying on the same bed with him was not his brother Ron but... Snape!

"Oh!" the poor blue-eyed boy wailed, clutching his nose, for he was afraid that Snape would laugh at him for not being able to sleep!

"Don't cover it with your hands." Obviously, Snape said, but it wasn't sarcasm or sarcasm, "Bleeding?"

"No...probably not." Before Harry finished speaking, the magic lamp in the bedroom was lit, and Snape's magnified face was right in front of him—the sallow complexion now looked much better, greasy. The greasy hair is also much refreshed...and those eyes that were always black and hollow...Harry saw himself in it...not the hole but himself...Snape is checking his nose now, he Seeing his own expression in his eyes, it was really not very pretty.

But in Snape's eyes, Harry at this moment is extremely beautiful - the boy raised his face aggrievedly to let him check his nose, it's a nice nose, small and cute, and the research on the nose is shiny green Liang, looked at himself wetly... and then looked down at the red nose, it was fine, there was no blood, but... the lips pursed into a line are very reassuring, at least this kid will not say anything to himself Facing the dry words—the defenseless boy... He stretched out his hand and carefully touched Harry's cheek. The boy's soft and delicate skin made him instantly satisfied.


"No bleeding." He lightly touched the tip of Harry's nose, which was still red, "Does it still hurt?"

"No...it doesn't hurt..." Harry had never seen such a warm and tender Snape, and Harry felt a little creepy, but the scene in his dream made him want to hug this too hard man in front of him, "I ...I mean, Professor, is there something you're keeping from me ... you - and Professor Dumbledore?"

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