"Your... father?" Sirius was no fool, he immediately excluded Dumbledore, Flitwick, Hagrid and Filch from his mind... Then, he raised his trembling fingers and almost Ask with [-]% certainty, "Is it...S...Snape...Nose...Severus? Snape?"

"Yes." Prince nodded. He knew that Sirius didn't like his father, because they would quarrel when they met, and the quarrel was very substandard. For example, Sirius would think that his father treated Dad badly because Dad was in the kitchen He was making coffee while his father was reading the newspaper, but Sirius didn't notice that his father would wash the coffee pot with his hands—could this be the result of the dog's overly sensitive sense of smell?After washing it, the coffee pot has no smell, but it has a fragrance when brewing coffee!Nine-year-old Prince expressed admiration for this.

"No—it won't be!" Looking at Prince, who looked like six or seven points to his godson, Sirius suddenly felt a sense of depression that he couldn't spit out from a mouthful of old blood—the child in front of him was fine, Very well-behaved, very polite, very much like teaching his own son... no problem, but why is he the son of a snot-nosed man? !

His mind turned more than a dozen times—all crooked, Sirius stared at the boy named Prince without moving, and Prince also stared at Sirius, the two looked like they were playing a game of wooden figures .

Sirius, who was familiar with the events back then, had a rapid decline in Prince's favor - he certainly wouldn't have any prejudice against Prince just because he was a child, you know, the fact that he is Snape's son alone is enough Being labeled as a "sinister viper", not to mention... he still looks like Harry, which proves that his mother must look like Lily - and Lily belongs to James!

Faced with Sirius whose attitude suddenly changed, Prince's complexion was not very good. His emerald green eyes were full of grievances. He didn't know about the "little hatred" between Sirius and his father, and it was true that no one told him. Those things he knows are only about how to eliminate that black Voldemort and nothing else, so Prince is very wronged now, he feels that the big black dog who has been calling him "Sweetheart Little Prince" has disappeared Already—almost devastating for a nine-year-old.

Blinking his big green eyes, Prince began to sob with aggrievedness. When he really cried, he didn't cry out loud like other children, but sobbed softly, and his tears were like broken beads Drop by drop, the big and big tears slid down the cheeks and were wiped off by the white and tender hands, and then another drop fell, and then wiped off...

"Hey, you...why are you crying!?" Sirius was dumbfounded. No matter how much he didn't like this child, he couldn't make him cry. You must know that he is an adult, and an adult of this age bullying a child... this is really It's so embarrassing!

"Prince!" Harry's heart began to tighten following the sobbing of the little prince, and he couldn't help but rushed over to hold his son in his arms, "Don't cry...Little Prince, don't cry...You cry so hard that my heart is shaking." Broken..." Kissing his son's forehead, Harry gave Sirius a hard look, "Don't cry, good boy, good baby, good boy... May I help you hit Sirius... don't cry It's..."

This is such a warm picture!

Looking at such a scene in Sirius' eyes, he automatically imagined mother and child... ahem... father and son, yes, it would be great if this boy named Prince... was Harry's child!Of course, the 13-year-old Harry will not have such a big son so early... But what if in the future... there is such a beautiful son in the future... Sirius instantly became bloody, he was so cute, and was loved by his own The godson and the son of the man who was his enemy since childhood in the arms of the godson are adorable!

However, what Snape saw when he returned to the cellar with his chest tight and uncomfortable - the stupid dog standing aside in embarrassment and the savior hugging the crying little prince...

"Fuchsia!" Without anyone warning, a curse was cast on Sirius, and then the godfather of the big dog was hung up, and all the prank products in his pockets fell out in a hurry.

"Look... what the stupid Gryffindor dog brought his godson..." Snape strode over the prank products to Harry's side, and took Prince from his arms, at this moment The little prince was already tired from crying, lying on Snape's shoulder and twitching, his nose and saliva rubbed against Snape's robe, looking extremely embarrassed, but Snape didn't get angry, and Harry even took out his hand. Use your own handkerchief to wipe the little guy's face!

What a damn picture this is!

The godfather of the big dog roared angrily: "Snot! You dirty dirty dirty snot, sinister Slytherin - where did this kid, this kid, come from? Who is his mother?! How dare you ——How dare you treat Lily like this! You don't deserve to be Lily's best friend! You..."

When he heard the name "Lily", Snape visibly stiffened, and then he immediately gave the stupid dog a "lock tongue" to shut him up-for some reason, Snape didn't want Ha Leigh knew about Lily, whether it was friends or... anything else, and Prince didn't need to know, it was enough for him to know that Lily Potter was his grandma, didn't he?

"Professor, you are my mother's friend?!" Harry was surprised when he heard Sirius' words, "Ah, you should have gone to Hogwarts together—even Sirius, yes Right? Just like my relationship with Draco before." Gryffindor is still Gryffindor after all, without that special sensitive nerve.And... This is also true, if Snape was a good friend with his mother before, then Prince must be a bit like his mother Lily, and a classmate's son looks like his female classmate, Of course he would be suspected, Harry said that there was no pressure, and Sirius really made a fuss.

Facing Harry's self-talk, Snape just glanced at him like a charity and didn't respond. He patted Prince's back with one hand while the other hand was on Harry's. On the shoulders - it's really a perfect portrait called family, even Sirius who hangs on the side thinks that the Slytherin viper he has always hated is a bit too unbelievable - tender and gentle, Not at all like the mean and poor guy I remembered.

It took 10 minutes for Prince to stop crying, and fell asleep in Snape's arms in a daze. It seemed that he was tired from crying, and he didn't sleep well. He would occasionally yell out A word or two in sleep—maybe before he just wanted to witness the relationship between his fathers with his own eyes, so he only paid attention to his fathers and Albus who was helping him with advice, but now, he realized that he actually cared about a lot A lot...he cares about everyone who will love him in the future, and if they reject him and don't like him, he really can't accept it.So he's talking scary things in his dreams, like - "I'm going to eat 'clean' lemon cake" or "I'm going to ride the big dog in the sky" and obviously Snape can understand him , "clean cake" is the cake made by Claire and "the big dog in the sky" is of course Sirius Black, the stupid Gryffindor!

It should have taken half an hour to hang Sirius up before Snape put him down under Harry's pleading eyes, and then took away his wand, not to mention allowing him to speak loudly, but Sirius completely Couldn't bear to bow his head before his childhood enemy, so he started yelling at the top of his lungs - and as soon as he opened his mouth, Harry showed him that it was wrong to speak loudly when others were sleeping ——The savior boy glared at his godfather and expressed his dissatisfaction with a puffy bun face, and then Sirius gave in and bowed his head limply.

"Sirius, how could you do this!" Harry's eyes were filled with tears, "He's just a child, you can't treat him badly!"

"Oh, Harry, you didn't know - that snot..."

"He's Professor Snape!" Harry looked at Sirius with wide eyes, "I thought you weren't a naive first year, Sirius, don't call me Professor Snape - it's so disrespectful .”

"Respect?!" Sirius screamed like a house-elf.

"Sirius, your voice is too loud and you will disturb the little prince!" Harry glared at him again, "You know it's been a long time since Professor Snape brewed potions for you and Remus. After rest, I can only sleep less than six hours a day - even if you two had a bad relationship at school, but you shouldn't treat him like this, well, Sirius, please, make peace with Professor Snape! "

"I...he..." Seeing the pleading eyes of his godson, Sirius was completely unable to refute the feeling of guilt towards Harry, but Prince's life experience also made him entangled, which caused Sirius' whole Everyone was paralyzed to the side, and almost all the resentment on their bodies could be materialized.

"Actually, Sirius is not a bad person." Harry walked over to hug his godfather, "I know that Sirius is a good godfather full of justice..."

"Harry..." The big dog who was healed in an instant was happy again, and the resentment dissipated into the air, "Harry, I won't talk to you anymore...Snape, I won't quarrel with him again, dear Be happy boy, I promise I won't fight with him! I promise!"

"Hmph." Snape, who had been silent all this time, snorted coldly, and carried him into the small bedroom.

It wasn't that Snape didn't want to scold Sirius Black for that stupid dog, but he wanted to take it easy -- or rather, give Harry the chance to scold the stupid dog.The current Snape is no longer the Severus Snape he was when he was a child. He will not talk about the things he hates, nor will he ignore them when he hears someone insulting Slytherin Crying and sarcastic—isn’t that scumbag James Potter? When he heard him say that Gryffindor had no brains, he flew into a rage and asked for trouble, but in fact, this just proved his words——no brains.

And Snape felt that what he did was really right. By doing this, he saw the most important point—Harry Potter, even if he was a Potter, he was still a normal Potter, completely different from the old Potter. no the same.He is calm and gentle. If it is his "one of his own", even if he gets angry with this person, he will appease him appropriately. The most important thing is...he loves Prince, very much, even...more than love His big dog godfather who just appeared out of nowhere.

That's right, who loves a big stupid dog?Snape thought badly, then changed Prince's clothes, and covered him with a pink and green quilt.

Enduring such a Potter...doesn't seem so...difficult, let alone...Prince...

Snape's hand touched Prince's face, and the child's pink and tender touch made him feel soft in his heart—although he once accepted his fate to tolerate Harry Potter, but now, he doesn't think that Tolerated, because...they had one thing in common - Love Prince, loved family, and... this trial had also shown him what a crafty boy Harry was.

"Father...Father...home...I want to go home..." The little prince rubbed his father's palm, maybe feeling his father's warmth, he put his hand around Snape's arm.

"None of us will leave you...my little prince..."

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