[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 23 Wounded Harry

The first day of class was not that stressful, but a divination class definitely made people feel uncomfortable.Descending from the tower, Harry felt his footsteps were flimsy, he took a lesson about his "ominousness" and tangled up with his big dog - yes, Black, he almost forgot about him , that loyal and majestic big dog, a bit skinny of course, but he should be well looked after by Professor Dumbledore, and maybe in the afternoon he should ask how Black is doing - Big Black, the name That's nice to get.

"Oh, Harry, are you okay?" Hermione looked at him worriedly.

"Yes, I think so." Harry took a deep breath, it was indeed "ominous", he would marry Snape and have a child - isn't that ominous?In other words, Professor Trelawney still has some skills, yes, this is his "ominous"!Harry got himself together and followed Hermione and Ron to the Transfiguration classroom.

Professor McGonagall was talking about Animagus, how a person turns into an animal—Harry remembered Ollivander telling him that his dad's wand was the best way to transform, He doesn't know if his dad can do this kind of magic, it looks... pretty good - Professor McGonagall turned himself into a cat, and there are even traces of glasses around the eyes, which is very interesting.However, Harry found it a little uncomfortable that someone's glasses were always floating on him from time to time - they looked at him as if he was going to fall dead in a second!

"What's the matter with you falling to the ground today?" Professor McGonagall turned back, "Why are you staring at Potter? It's the first time I didn't win applause in class-based on my transformation."

"Professor, it's...a divination class." Hermione stood up, and she didn't like the way they looked at Harry, besides, Ron had already said it—although the twins often like to joke, they would never Just kidding about this!

"Oh, so, who will die this time?" Professor McGonagall twitched the corner of his mouth, "Which one of you will die in an ominous encounter this year?"

Now, the whole class laughed and applauded.

"Me." Harry raised his hand helplessly.

"Oh, yes, of course." Professor McGonagall nodded, "Divination is always the most uncertain subject in magic, don't worry, Sybil will predict a person's death every year, and she will use this method to Welcome new students, but so far, these people are still alive and well. If I didn't never speak ill of my colleagues... oh, forget it, children, you need to attend lectures now!" She didn't care about Harry himself , I also feel that I didn't get into trouble for this. As for other students, they will always figure it out.

In fact, it wasn't that Harry didn't care at all, but since he had already seen Prince, how could he believe that he would die?Therefore, he is still in a good mood, but a little helpless.

Hermione laughed when she heard what Professor McGonagall said, and pushed Ron aside, which made Ron's face flush—he had been looking at Harry with a terrified expression just now—even though the twins said But it is still a bit mysterious to him, and he is willing to believe in all mysterious things.

After Transfiguration class, Harry was already in a good mood. He told Hermione to go to the principal's office, and Hermione kindly helped him carry his schoolbag. The afternoon class was Hagrid's Protection of Magical Creatures class. None of them wanted to be late, Hagrid was their friend after all.

Grabbing two pies from the table, Harry ran away without even taking a sip of his favorite pumpkin juice, and Ron, who was sitting by the side, seemed to have something to say to him, but unfortunately, he didn't speak out.

Harry asked Dumbledore about the situation of the big dog Black, Dumbledore smiled and winked at him, but he didn't talk about the current situation of the big dog, which made Harry very anxious-he was really afraid that Dumbledore would give Black Dye it pink and it's not "black" but "pink"!

Regardless of whether Black turned into Pink or not, Harry showed up at Hagrid's cabin on time in the afternoon, and heard him say that he would "introduce a beautiful child" to them--Merlin knew what Hagrid meant. What are "beautiful children"!

"What do you think... Hagrid will show us?" Hermione looked awkward. She had just finished her arithmetic divination, and it seemed that she was much more interested in arithmetic divination—compared with the nagging divination. class.

"It won't be the eight-eyed spider." Harry was very confident. After he was almost eaten by the eight-eyed spider last year, he lived with Snape during the holidays, so he sent Hagrid a howling letter, telling him He was not allowed to send himself into the eight-eyed spider's mouth again, and it seemed that Hagrid would listen to him, because Hagrid also wrote back to him, although there were many spelling mistakes, regardless of whether the tears on it were not deceiving.

"Everyone come here, come over to the fence, and now open the books—" Hagrid shouted at the top of his voice, lest the students would not hear him.

"How to open it?" Draco Malfoy dragged his nobleman and said emphatically and coldly. The book in his hand was tied up with a rope, and he lifted it up like something dirty. "How to open it?" It?" After finishing speaking, he looked behind him, and many people couldn't open the book like him - the irritable book was either bound or glued, and some people clamped it .

"Hmm... No one—can you open it?" Hagrid looked at the students below in a panic. He seemed a little embarrassed, so he nervously tugged at his gray robe with his hands.

"You can use your hands to smooth the spine of the book." Harry couldn't see Hagrid being so nervous, he gave him a comforting smile, and Hagrid immediately relaxed. Of course, Malfoy stared fiercely when Harry did this. He glanced at him - but Harry didn't care, hey, who cares about a Malfoy, you know, he's his son's cousin's fiancé!Not to mention how happy Harry was, even if he had a little relationship with Malfoy, he was actually a generation older than him. What would Malfoy call himself in the future?uncle?This is so funny!

So, while Harry was still thinking it was funny, he saw a hippogriff - a huge horse-like monster with the head and wings and claws of an eagle.

It was a really thrilling lesson, after Harry dismounted from a hippogriff named Buckbeak, Draco Malfoy actually went to provoke Buckbeak!Merlin knew what Harry was thinking at the time, he rushed over and pushed Malfoy away, and was scratched on the back by Buckbeak's claws!

"Oh! Harry!" Hagrid rushed over immediately, and waved his arm at Buckbeak, "Go away!" He lifted Harry lightly and carefully not to touch his wound, "Class is over now, None of you move—now return to the castle with me!"

"Oh! How did Harry go to save Malfoy?!" Ron exclaimed, patting his stomach as if swallowing a big slug, and seemed to find it very disgusting.

"Okay, Ron!" Hermione glanced at the pale Malfoy, turned and ran towards Hagrid worriedly without saying a word, and opened the gate of the castle for him.

When they arrived at the medical wing, Madam Pomfrey scolded Hagrid in a fit of rage. Of course, he injured the student, and this injured student was Harry Potter who reported the medical wing most frequently.

"Be careful!" Madam Pomfrey instructed Hagrid to put Harry on the bed and make him lie down. "Hagrid, you actually—tell them about the Hippogriff! Do you know that thing? How dangerous?! Merlin! You are a professor!"

"Oh...I know, Poppy...you know Harry was fine...it was Malfoy...he messed with Buckbeak, Buckbeak is a good boy..." Hagrid winked at his little Eyes full of worry and guilt.

"What do you mean Harry is fine?! What do you mean Malfoy messed with your Buckbeak?!" Madam Pomfrey swung Hagrid out of the hospital wing with a wand, and by the way even Ron and Hermione didn't let go, " It can't hurt anyone! It's wrong to hurt anyone! Hagrid, you're not a child anymore, don't do childish things! Get out now!"

"Then Harry..." Hermione asked hastily.

"He won't leave until at least tomorrow morning. Now, Miss Granger, you take them away, immediately—right away!" Madam Pomfrey was still very kind to Hermione, but her kindness had already made Hagrid angry. Not much more, "Hagrid, you should be thankful that it wasn't Malfoy who was injured, otherwise you wouldn't have felt a little bit guilty with such a simple sentence of sorry!"

The three of them walked out of the hospital wing and saw Malfoy holding his schoolbag at the corner of the stairs. His face was paler than usual, his fingers were still shaking, and there was no one around him.

"What are you doing here!?" Ron rushed over, Hagrid didn't hold him back, he dodged Hagrid's big hand with a short body, and then rushed to Malfoy and grabbed him by the collar, "It's all you ! If anything happens to Harry, you can wait to be beaten!"

"Ron!" Hermione stomped her foot and walked over, "Malfoy, you'd better go back first."

"Malfoy, you, go back, didn't I say get out of class is over, go back to your place!" Hagrid was worried that he would trouble Harry, and it looked like it.

But Draco just grabbed Ron's hand, grabbed it hard, and pulled it out: "Let go, you skunk!"

"Come on, Malfoy!" Hermione screamed. "Go back to your cellar!"

"Hmph, Granger, you have to be careful!" Draco finally pulled Ron's hand off, and he pulled his school uniform to make it look smoother, as if he hadn't experienced such a big ordeal just now , "I won't write to my dad, Hagrid—professor, but you have to be careful, and next time, I will definitely write to my dad!"

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