[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 15 Enough Plates

Snape had never slept so peacefully—in his dreams he was always walking in a mist, surrounded by icy winds that surrounded him, preventing him from rushing out, and also preventing others from entering, But deep down in his heart, he doesn't like this. He wants to have warm sunshine, bright vision, and more... to have a warm family, but this is harder than dreaming, and... he And he didn't allow himself to have such a soft side... No, it's a dream now, so he can get what he wants!So...he felt warm and bright, like a kitten secretly raised by him when he was a child, soft, licked lightly in his hand, like licking on the tip of his heart...Snape in his sleep He folded his arms, encircling the warmth that could be wrapped in his arms, very good, he likes this new dream.

Harry, who slept soundly, has always slept in a very, very insecure position. He could almost curl himself up into a ball—this position can save as much space as possible when he sleeps and make it easier for him to sleep. He'd be safer if... Dudley slammed the closet door open from the outside and kicked him or something, had the back to take it without having to make his stomach or his face suffer.And no matter which bed he is on, he will curl himself up and make himself a little smaller—you know, he is already small enough, if he curls up, he is like a kitten, of course, a little bigger than a kitten, but This is enough to explain his... small?Well, it's really small.Small enough that he could easily be held in the arms of a sleeping Snape.

The time at night always passes very fast, and many times it slips away without your attention. If you don’t believe it, you can close your eyes and lie down when the moon rises, and when you open your eyes again, The night is gone.

So, the family of three living at the end of Spider Lane is also like this. The moon rises and shakes its gentleness, and then before it has received many people's admiration for it, the sun runs out, so it can only disappear. —Of course, apart from the disappearance of the moon, there are even more terrifying things for the Snape family at the end of Spider Alley...



Of course, the first sound came from the scream of the savior, and the second sound came from the growl of the potions professor.

Early in the morning, Harry's biological clock opened his eyes at six o'clock on time, and then...he exclaimed—Merlin's pillow!He was actually sleeping in Snape's arms!

Snape was woken up early in the morning by a lion's roar, opened his eyes, and...he cursed - Merlin's quilt!He actually slept all night with the great savior in his arms!

"P...P...Prince?!" Harry moved his ass back, trying to make himself smaller... smaller.

"Damn it!" Snape raked back the loose hair from his cheeks, "he must be in his room." Damn he shouldn't have pampered the little bastard!ok, ok!His little prince was indeed a Slytherin!

"He...wasn't..." Harry looked down at the bed, then at Snape, then at the door, "ah...he went back to his room to change? Oh, he woke up really early. Harry twitched his lips left and right, and then climbed out of bed with hands and feet together, "Well... I'm going to use the bathroom..."

"Hmph." He snorted heavily, but Snape didn't respond to him. He planned to go to the small bedroom to ask Prince... Well, it can't be said to be a question, it should be a warning, yes, he will Go warn the little bastard!Oh well, maybe the means are very Slytherin, but... the content of what he does... is so Gryffindor!

Harry took his clothes and walked into the bathroom. He felt that he had to think about it—no, it should be a good hypnosis for himself, yes, it was hypnosis!He had to let himself forget about this very chaotic morning, what about being hugged or being hugged to sleep, there was no need to remember—yes!He don't remember this!

Brush your teeth, wash your face, change your clothes...then look in the mirror again...it's okay, it's passable, it won't be too embarrassing...yes, Prince must regard himself as an object of worship!Harry? Little Daddy? Potter clenched his fists and roared inwardly.

"Oh! Oh! What horrible glasses! My God! Your terrible hair!" Suddenly, a scream rang out, and Harry was startled.

"Hey! Boy, where are you looking!" The voice sounded again, Harry looked around, and finally, his eyes settled on the mirror on the washstand in front of him, "Yes! Boy, look at me, I am The mirror in front of you! Hey, you can call me 'Mi Nuoer', of course you can also call me 'Dear Honey'."

"Uh..." Harry swallowed, staring at the mirror—well, even though he knew the mirror could talk, this...was more... scary to him than Dobby? "Hi, Minoer."

"Oh, hello, boy, what's your name?" the mirror said with a chuckle, "I was under the Silencing Curse yesterday, you know it's a terrible spell, oh, when Mr. Snape was at home I Don't even dare to talk to him, you know, I will be 'torn apart' if I talk to him! Of course... I know he will restore me to the original, but it is so uncomfortable... Oh! Woooooo... Boy, come on, put your hair, yes, put a 'smoothing charm' on it, please? Please, let them behave!"

"Uh... I don't know how to use..." Harry was a little ashamed to admit that he was not a good student.

"Hey! You're a wizard, my boy!" screamed Minor the Mirror, "I've heard of that spell, yes, it was used by Mr. Prince, who said...what was it... I... I forgot! My God! I forgot... oh-no-"

Suddenly Harry felt sorry for Snape.Facing such a neurotic mirror...how on earth did he endure it?Do you want to listen to the mirror screaming every day?It's terrible!

So, Harry is really a lovely and simple good boy, isn't he?If the mirror hadn't been tortured by Snape every day and couldn't speak a word, how could it... start screaming when it met someone?

However, it seems that in the recent period of time, Harry will not see this problem clearly.

"Damn it!" Snape said coldly to Harry as the bathroom door was pulled open, "If you're going to continue a conversation with my mirror that's comparable to screaming at a mandrake, you can make yourself Become a mirror fit for screaming, and I'll hang you beside it."

"Oh! No..." If Mirror Minor had hands, it would have covered her mouth by now.

"No...Professor, I...no." Harry said immediately, he also felt that this topic...was not suitable to continue, really, he didn't like hearing a mirror screaming.

Actually... I believe no one wants to hear a mirror screaming.

Snape casually threw another Silencing Charm at the mirror. He believed that the mirror would not dare to torture his eardrums with shrill cries—even though he heard this terrible scene from across the room. The scream of the mirror can penetrate a person's brain!

Harry glanced at Snape, this was probably the first time he admired this dark man from the bottom of his heart - sure enough, the gloomy and dark personality also had certain advantages.No matter it is an object or a person, he will be afraid of him. Even people who are stronger than him, such as Dumbledore, will not conflict with him casually-but Harry knows that Snape respects Dumbledore, you know, Even though Snape would be cynical, he would agree to most of Dumbledore's proposals and carry out his orders - except for the sweets, of course.

Shrugging, Harry smoothed his hair out with water and left the bathroom, thinking he should do something - like... make breakfast?yes, why not?He should prepare breakfast for his son, savory ham and soft toast, and...a glass of delicious milk should be a good choice, maybe a fried egg!

Just do it!He ran downstairs to the kitchen - when he came yesterday, he had already seen this kitchen that didn't quite meet his needs, the kitchen utensils were too simple, and there were not so many plates, but it was no big deal - he could use magic!

The ham and bread from the crisper in the kitchen - a bit hard, but that's okay, he is perfectly capable of softening the hard bread, and a dozen eggs and a large carton of milk, it's so good!He never thought that Snape was a man who knew how to live, and obviously he was wrong-oh, Harry, he obviously forgot that there was actually a little prince in the room who really knew how to live!

A craft trained at the Dursleys, and Harry put it on full display.

"Dad!" Prince yawned and walked into the kitchen, "Are you making breakfast?"

"Yes, you can eat it in a while, go and clean yourself first." Oh, this is really handsome!Harry you are amazing!The young savior yelled at himself like this, of course he thought it was great - that's what Arthur did to Ron and the others, and Molly, they were the happiest family!

"Oh... Dad, we don't have enough plates!" Prince stretched his waist, remembering the question, "What should I do?"

"What should I do?" Harry was taken aback, yes, he didn't think of this problem—there wasn't enough kitchen utensils, and he had already secretly used a new cauldron... Could it be that Snape was eating with his arms around the cauldron?Oh no!How could he have thought of making breakfast for Snape?Alright alright!Do not think too much!Harry shook his head, this problem still needs to be solved by the owner of the house, doesn't it, "Go to your father, he will find a solution!"

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