[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 1 The Runaway Savior

In the evening, Harry dragged his belongings out of Number [-], Privet Drive.Behind him was his aunt's scream and his uncle's furious snarl, but it didn't matter, it had nothing to do with him.

Harry Potter, second year at Hogwarts, soon to be third, was a Gryffindor, brave and impulsive - Dumbledore told him, and he was In doing so, now, he was even more impulsive as he blew up his aunt.

Yes, he blew up his aunt—no, that wasn't his aunt!Harry thought grumpily, he didn't have an aunt himself, it was Dudley's aunt, not his!He couldn't tolerate that woman at all, and couldn't tolerate her insulting his parents. Yes, if it was really his aunt, she wouldn't insult his dead parents that much if she really had a little kindness towards him!

With so much luggage in tow, he couldn't even cast a spell on his salute to lighten the load!Harry thought sullenly, he kind of hates the rule that minors cannot use magic outside of Hogwarts - this is the rule that he hates the most in the wizarding world, of course, what he hates even more in the wizarding world is snape.

Thinking of Snape, Harry felt something churning in his stomach, and his whole body began to feel cold—yes, even though it is summer, it is still a bit cold at night... Oh, I heard that Ron went to Egypt, it must be warm—Harry felt happy again thinking of Ron, he liked this friend, and even if he gave him a little trouble now and then, it was a funny little trouble, and... he was more I like Ron's house, it has the taste of home - warm, sweet and happy.

In fact, Harry sometimes felt that he was boring, obviously Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were not obliged to adopt him, and he was indeed a poor little boy with nowhere to go to stay in a Muggle family, but... so what? !If...if they didn't have any blood relationship with him, he might not have the slightest aversion to them at all, but...they are clearly his relatives!

The pain of being insulted and beaten by relatives is worse than being forgotten in an orphanage!

Every step Harry took was extremely heavy, and he wished to let all his anger go out with heavy steps.

Damn Aunt Marge!

Damn Dursley!

Damn Ministry of Magic regulations!

Damn Snape!

right!Whenever he was angry, he would think of Snape and curse him - obviously... obviously he was like this... never had the "bad heart" or "want to be noticed" in his mouth Thoughts or actions, but this eccentric gloomy greasy old bat can't see them at all!The entire wizarding world, and maybe this old bastard had treated him the worst!Even - he saved him!

Harry enjoys slandering the person he hates with peace of mind, and it's really hard for him to have any good mood in such a cold situation now!You know... he blows up Aunt Marge, and what awaits him... may be to leave Hogwarts completely!

But he doesn't want to!

Harry thought gloomily, then pulled up the collar of his T-shirt, the wind in the middle of the night was really cold!

The luggage was heavy, and the clothes on his body were very thin, and he couldn't even take out the magic wand in his hand to cast a warming spell on himself!It's rare for a wizard to be as miserable as he is!

The more he walked, the more sad he felt. Harry felt that he was so stupid. If he inflated Aunt Marge, why didn't he just scare his cousin?In this way, he and his group of "friends" will not appear in front of him again!

With his head down, Harry always felt that he was the most unreasonable boy to be a "savior". He was not smart enough, not strong enough, and he didn't even have parents—even though he knew his parents loved him and lost their lives to save him. Yes, but that doesn't stop him from feeling inferior—so, how on earth did he become the savior?This is ridiculous!

If he could, he wished he could have a family like Ron's, a bunch of siblings, and then he could trade anything - especially this ridiculous title of savior!

Harry kicked the fire hydrant on the side of the road angrily, and the rusty iron chain was rattled by him - just like him, this is an abandoned fire hydrant, and someone will take it away soon .Poor Harry Potter, it's the same with you, and soon someone will take you away - from your world, because you blew up your aunt!

No!That's not his aunt!

Fortunately, he spent his birthday safe and sound, at the Dursleys'.Harry thought, and touched the looking glass in his arms that Ron had given him - it's such a useless thing, but sometimes it's funny, like Aunt Marge's dog, which he bet never meant anything kindly .

Harry, who was 13, still looked small, with his black hair thrown up in a mess, but he had grown his bangs long enough to cover the "abnormal" lightning-shaped scar on his forehead—yes. Yes, abnormal, a Harry Potter is abnormal enough for the Dursleys!

right!He's abnormal enough!

Harry walked hard, head down, nothing to get his attention.

The big box was heavy, and he was panting from exhaustion, but it didn't allow him to completely release the bad breath accumulated in his chest. He really needed a cup of pumpkin juice, he thought, and then slumped on the ground—Wood said It wasn't a good idea to sit down straight after exercising, but it didn't matter much, he was really exhausted now, and his heart was still beating like a drum.

Magnolia Crescent.

A big sign stands next to Harry, and he can just lean on it to rest for a while.

After panting for a while, Harry didn't know how long it took, anyway, his breathing became more and more rapid, and his heartbeat was even stronger than before!It shouldn't be!

He clutched his chest, panic and fear gradually surrounded him.

Lonely, helpless, cold... what else is there to be alive, it makes him feel like he is at the end of the road - no, not just these, his heart seems to be pinched and squeezed by someone's hands, and then... what I don't know anymore.

When Harry opened his eyes again, he was lying on a soft bed in a warm house with a blanket covering his body. A kind old lady smiled at him and brought him a glass of milk oatmeal.

"Oh, child, it's not a good idea for you to come out alone at this late hour." The old lady patted his hand and pulled the blanket towards him, "If it weren't for your good dog to guard you, My dear child, I didn't even know how dangerous you would be!"

"Dog? When will I have a dog?" Harry didn't understand, "Ma'am, ah, oh, I don't have...a good dog?!" Before he could finish speaking, a big black dog jumped on him, Then let it wash its face with saliva once.

"Oh, my God, my child, look at how lively it is!" The old lady said with a smile, "I bathed it and fed it some food, I think this is the condition for it to stay alive." She patted the big dog's head, "You know, even though it wasn't raised by you, it really saved you."

"Yes, ma'am, I think so." He would have been startled by the presence of a mighty, thin dog, but this... oh, it's not scary at all—look at it Enthusiasm, must be a Gryffindor!Thinking about it, Harry stretched out his arms to hug the big black dog, "Ma'am, you said...it was the one who protected me?"

"Yes, when I found you, it was by your side all the time. Boy, you must know that although it is summer, the night wind is still very cold. It has been guarding you for a long time, it seems." The old lady stood up and tidied up the boy. Take off the clothes, "What's your name? It's so late, maybe I can call your family... Oh, I'm so lonely, I haven't had a child in my family for a long time, it seems that I have forgotten such an important thing!"

"Madam... no, I mean... my name is Harry, Harry Potter," he hugged the big dog, it was really warm...but he really couldn't tell the old lady his home number—isn't it His home, "I... I actually... yes, ma'am, I actually have nowhere to go..."

"Boy, you shouldn't say that when you are angry with your parents!" The old lady was very angry.

"Oh, no, ma'am!" Harry explained hastily, but he's not good at making excuses about people with the greatest kindness to him, so he just said, "I, I mean my parents...they're both dead , when I was very young...uh...I lived at my aunt's and tonight...they insulted my parents at the dinner table...they, they were there to save me, to protect me from a Terrible... a criminal kills, they sacrifice their lives... so I can't live with people who insult them... Oh, ma'am, at least let me calm down..."

When he said these words, the big dog was very excited, and the old lady hugged him in her arms to comfort him softly.

"Son, ok ok, Harry, poor boy, I'm sure you're not a wayward kid... yes, oh yes, you can call me Claire - yes, my name, Claire Lil Luce. Well, you stay with me for one night, tomorrow... Yes, you are a minor, I can't take you in against the law, or you can try to communicate with your aunt and uncle, okay Come on, give me the phone number, and I'll call them to make sure they're all right?" She comforted him, then took the Dursleys' phone number to call, and Harry took this opportunity to call I took a good look at this room - this is a very warm room, full of the warm feeling of an old lady, with orange curtains, snow-white sheets, a big desk and a chair wrapped in brown leather, All of them exuded a warm atmosphere, and even the big black dog beside him was dyed with Gryffindor colors by the warm colors in the room.

He likes it here, he thought.

The big black dog looks very fierce, but it is very gentle towards Harry. It lies on the side beside him, and from time to time, it pushes its head against him, and then gets his petting. This may bring joy and comfort to a stray dog— —Harry thought, he felt like he was no different from him, no one would love him, just like him, no one liked him, so he became a stray dog.

"Hey, I really don't know if I can support you... You know... I'm afraid I won't be able to support myself..." He lowered his eyes, hoping to hide the disappointment in his eyes, "If they kick me out of school ...I can't even support myself...I don't know where else I can go...Oh, come on, stop, don't do this!" He just said "school" when the big dog jumped on him Come on - it's almost as big as his whole body!

What a ferocious dog!

Harry pushed it away: "Okay well, it seems you like school?"

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