Smoke bombs and tear gas bombs were very useful. At the beginning, when people rushed into the manor, they encountered no resistance at all, and caught a few unlucky ones who were too late to escape.

The wizards caught those unlucky ones and acted in a hurry. They didn't have much time to ask questions. As a master of Occlumency, Severus went straight up to Legilimency.

"Very well, the hobbies of the nobles finally have some merit," he sneered, and said to the others, "Everyone is in the hall, and our arrival has ruined a banquet."

So they used tear gas to clear the way, and they came to the entrance of the hall of the main building of the manor.

He didn't know if he was overconfident in his own strength or something else, but the Golden Cup Demon King didn't send anyone at the door, and he even left the door of the big banquet hall open.Looking in from a distance of seven or eight meters from the gate, the Death Eaters were standing together, pointing at the gate with their wands, as if they were waiting for the Order of the Phoenix to have a face-to-face duel with them.

"Oh, I have to say, the fighting habits of wizards are really stupid!" Mrs. Lockhart complained, took out a flash bomb, pulled the ring, and threw it into it with a round arm.

In her excited eyes, a burst of strong light erupted in the big banquet hall—of course, this light is not particularly strong in the infrared night vision goggles. In fact, no matter what the object is, as long as it can emit infrared rays, it will The screen of this thing will only display green, the difference is only in the size of the green range - and then there are panic screams, shouts and reprimands in the hall.

Everyone seized the opportunity and rushed in. With the help of night vision goggles, they successfully captured most of them, but there was no Golden Cup Demon King among them.

Suddenly a green light shot down from upstairs, Dumbledore dodged to dodge, and everyone immediately noticed a piece of clothes disappearing upstairs.

"They're upstairs!" cried Mrs Lockhart.

"Look at me!" Her husband snatched the grenade launcher of a mercenary next to him, and smashed the staircase with a shell.

Mrs. Lockhart hopped her feet resentfully, "You idiot! Then we won't be able to get up?! What if they take the opportunity to escape?"

"Don't be afraid!" Lockhart smugly said, "We are a surprise attack. Have you ever seen anyone at a banquet with a portkey? There is an anti-apparition spell outside, and they can't escape!" He shot another shot .

"Wow, cool!" Sirius mobilized other mercenaries to bomb together, and after a while, the periphery of the second floor was blasted to pieces.

After the flashbangs faded, everyone removed their night-vision goggles.Severus spotted a small staircase in the corner of the banquet hall with sharp eyes, greeted him, and rushed up with a group of people.

Others followed closely behind.

After they rushed to the second floor, the terrain became complicated.The main building of this manor has a large area, many rooms, and many corridors.

After searching for nothing, suddenly the light of the spell flashed, and the remaining Death Eaters hid in nowhere and started to fight back. A mercenary had his arm cut off, and the wizards immediately pulled him aside. Potion.

Mrs Lockhart picked up his dropped gun.She vaguely heard footsteps ahead.After making a tactical gesture of "silence", everyone cast feather foot spells and approached there.

Just when they were about to reach a corner, they suddenly heard the sound of glass shattering, and they rushed over to see that a window at the end of the corridor that turned the corner had been broken.

"They ran from the window!" Severus spun down the stairs, leading the men to chase down the stairs.

Mrs. Lockhart went to the window and looked down. She saw seven or eight people fleeing through the gate.

She raised her gun and yelled, "Tom Riddle!"

The guy at the front of the group turned and raised his wand.

She unconsciously aimed at his head and pulled the trigger.

"Aww!" The man let out a strange scream, covered his lower body and arched his body like a shrimp.

At this time, Dumbledore had already chased people out of the banquet hall, and Severus and the others rushed out after a while.

Then everyone heard a shrill female voice screaming excitedly: "Oh! Merlin! I shot Voldemort's little dick!"


Everyone's expressions were distorted.

Voldemort was still screaming, and all the men present subconsciously clamped their legs.

"Avada Kedavra!" Severus reacted very quickly and shot a green light at the Golden Cup Demon King who fell on the ground and bowed like a shrimp.

It was too late for the remaining Death Eaters to react, and the twitching Lord just stopped twitching and remained motionless.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix took out their guns and swept around, and the mercenaries reacted very quickly and shot the heads of those seven or eight people.

Mrs. Lockhart ran downstairs with a gun and cheered all the way, "I shot Voldemort's little dick!"

"Matilda! (Mrs. Lockhart!)" the men present roared in unison.

"What are you doing? Do you want to have a shot?" She raised her gun majestically and raised her chin.

The men turned in silence to clean up the field.

After being identified by the captured Death Eaters and confirmed by Dumbledore, the person who shot Little JJ was indeed the Dark Lord...

Everyone cheered, some even wept.Looking at the Dark Lord's corpse, people were excited, but also a little embarrassed. This kind of death... how should I put it, that person who can't even mention his name, who has been shadowed by the wizarding world for decades, died as a child. In this way, it is really mixed...

Mrs. Lockhart was stroking the gun that had made great achievements, and muttering to herself in a sleepy tone: "What a trough... My mother has done such a great thing... It's worth traveling through a journey. Yes! From ancient times to the present, has any time traveler abolished the little dick of the Dark Lord?! My mother is No.1, is there anyone!"

Although everyone didn't understand what she said...yes, she speaks Chinese again...

Severus was not completely relieved, the Gold Cup Demon King was dead, but there was still the last Horcrux left!Nagini is still missing!

He searched the whole manor, but he never saw the big snake.

In the end everyone returned to Lockhart Manor.

The next day, everyone in the Order of the Phoenix stunned the mercenaries with Severus' potion, lifted their Imperius Curse, and after forgetting all about it, they instilled in them the story of "being killed by a wealthy American businessman couple." Hired to explore the Albanian woods" false memory sent them all back to the Muggle world.

Dumbledore immediately contacted Fudge, and at the same time Rita Skeeter was reminded by Mrs. Lockhart, and showed them the bodies of the captured Death Eater and the Gold Cup Demon King.Since the Golden Cup Demon King is not as noseless as the resurrection of the main soul, Fudge, who was about the same age as him, recognized him immediately.A few days later, the headline on the front page of the "Daily Prophet" read: "The Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix join forces, You-Know-Who is killed!" ", with photos attached.

The wizarding world is seething.

But this has nothing to do with Severus, he went straight back to the cellar that night after the battle, because he knew his little lover must have been waiting there.

Sure enough, as soon as he landed with the Portkey back, a small body rushed over, and the impact made him take two steps backwards with such great force.

"Sev! Are you okay?!" The little thing asked him anxiously with red eyes.

"Your Sever is intact, young Mr. Snape." Severus replied with a smile.

Harry let out a long breath, his legs went limp, and he slid down immediately.

Severus quickly picked him up and walked to the sofa to sit down.

The little boy took out his wand and threw the detection spell at him before he could sit still. After a burst of colorful light flashed, he was finally relieved, but cried out with a "wow".

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Severus was shocked.

"I, you're so worried about me!" Harry sobbed, wiping his tears on his shoulders, "I ran over to wait when I saw Sirius go out today, but after waiting for a long time, you didn't If you don’t come back, Draco waited with me until he fell asleep. I waited alone, and I didn’t know how scared I was... What if something happened to you? I told myself not to think about it, but this Thoughts kept popping up..."

Severus wiped his tears with his hand, and was about to say something when he heard his stomach growl.

"You didn't eat?" Severus blamed slightly, "You always know how to control my food, why don't you pay attention?"

Harry blushed and argued: "I was only worried about you, how could I remember? It's all your fault! I don't usually do this!"

"Okay, okay," Severus said helplessly, "do I have the honor to have dinner with Mr. Snape?"

The little thing raised his chin, "Barely do it!"

Severus pinched his fine little nose and called for dinner from the house-elf.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you," Severus suddenly looked up while eating, "Voldemort is dead."

"Really?!" Harry's eyes widened, "Really?!"

"Really, Mrs. Lockhart shot him, and then I added a spell, and he died," Severus said, tilting his head to lick the sauce from the corner of the little lover's mouth, "It's sweet. "

Usually, if he was like this, the little thing would have blushed a long time ago, but now he was so shocked that he forgot to be shy, "Is he really dead? Then why don't you look excited at all?"

"Because I was excited at the time." Severus said lightly, he didn't want to mention how excited he was at that time - that stupid dog was happy to be hugged by everyone at that time, and he was still there when he was hugged Excited, he actually hugged back and patted the stupid dog on the back several times!That is simply a stain on life!

Thinking of Dumbledore's narrow eyes at that time, Severus' face darkened.

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