Professor HP is not a pedophile

Chapter 63 Little Mr. Snape

In the end, Harry was dragged back to the Christmas dinner by Sirius, but before he left, Severus found that there was something wrong with the little lover's expression, and he seemed hesitant to speak.

He couldn't help sighing. It seems that Sirius' words about "Lily's substitute" just now had an effect. Although Harry said he believed him, he also knew that the little thing still trusted him, but... Harry must still feel a little uncomfortable...

Sure enough, Harry didn't come to see him again for the next two days. Although it said in the letter that Sirius refused to let him come, in fact, Severus knew that it was just an excuse without thinking about it.

On the third night, Severus finally couldn't take it anymore, and went directly to Black's old house through the fireplace to arrest people.When he arrived, Lupine was the only one in the living room reading a newspaper.

"Severus? Came to find Harry?" The gentle werewolf put down the newspaper and smiled at him. "He's playing with Sirius and Draco in the game room upstairs, should I call him down?" Sirius will argue with you again if he sees you now."

"Hmph, that stupid dog!" Severus snorted coldly with disdain, sure enough, Sirius had already told about his and Harry's affairs.Although he wasn't afraid that Sirius would quarrel with him, he didn't want to cause trouble, so he asked directly, "Where is Harry's room? I'll wait for him."

Lupine nodded, stood up and led him upstairs, opening a bedroom door.

Severus stepped in first, and then raised his chin unceremoniously at Lupine, "Okay, I'll wait here for him to come back." The implication was "It's none of your business, hurry up"...

"Well... excuse me, but I have to ask you a question," Lupine said solemnly, closing the door. "Are you serious? You know, as a friend of James and Lily, I am very I hope Harry can live happily, if it's because of Lily..."

Severus' eyes froze, and he said coldly: "You don't need to worry about it, I'm sure of what I think, Harry..." He paused, his eyes softened unconsciously, "He and Lily It’s different, and I know that better than anyone else.”

"Then I'm relieved!" Lupine breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at him, "Actually, you and Harry are very suitable, Sirius will not be a problem, I can guarantee that."

Then he left the room before Severus got impatient.

It was only then that Severus thought about looking at Harry's room.

This room was obviously designed by Sirius, with gold and red decorations everywhere, the only soft tones were the beige wallpaper and the log-colored furniture, but even the wallpaper was covered with golden snitches.

"Gryffindor!" Severus scoffed.He sat down on the bed covered with red sheets, and his eyes fell on the framed photo on the bedside table. It was a family portrait of the Potter family. Lily was holding Harry in the swaddle, and the stupid deer was standing beside her. Smiling like an idiot.

There was a piece of letter paper next to the photo frame, on which there was only one of his names as the beginning, and nothing was written on the rest.

He sat on the bed and waited silently, thinking about how to explain to Harry when he came back, and a long time passed before he knew it.

The door was suddenly opened.

As soon as Harry came in, he saw his older lover sitting on the bed staring at the picture frame in a daze.He felt sour for no reason, and suddenly felt a little wronged.

"Are you back?" Severus was awakened by the sound of the door opening, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw his little lover standing at the door and watching him silently, with a bit of grievance on his face, he opened his arms to him with a smile, "come over."

Harry moved over slowly, sat beside him and asked sullenly, "Why are you here?"

Alas, this little thing is really awkward.Severus sighed to himself, stretched out his arms to hug him on his lap, kissed his forehead, and said naturally, "Because you're angry."

"I didn't!" Harry awkwardly turned his head away from him.

"You still said no, you ignored me for three days, what is it if you are not angry?" Severus could only coax him in a good voice, "Didn't you say you believed me? Why are you still angry, huh? What do you think?" Still don't understand?"

Harry blushed a bit, as if a little ashamed, "No, no...I believe you, your Patronus has become like that..."

"Then why are you so awkward?" Severus was a little helpless.

The little thing's eyes were red, and tears suddenly fell, "I'm just sad, Sirius told me a lot about you back then, you were so good to mom... When you started taking care of me, you said it was because of mom... ...I know it's wrong, but I'm just sad..." He buried his head in Severus' neck and cried, "I'm actually jealous of my mother, I've become a bad kid... You, you were so engrossed in looking at her picture just now..." The child's thinking was confused, he was jealous at one moment and felt guilty at the other, and he spoke incoherently.

"Alas..." Severus was even more helpless, reaching out to wipe away his tears, and gently coaxing him, "I was just thinking about how to make you not angry, how could I have the energy to pay attention to her picture? And Ah, if you are not jealous, I still feel strange, how can anyone not be jealous in this situation? I see that you are so close to Draco, sometimes I will be jealous." He felt that it was too difficult for him Oh, I haven't said such nasty things in two lifetimes!

"Huh? Really?" The little thing's eyes widened suddenly, "But Draco and I are just friends!"

Severus kissed him and said with a smile, "Then Lily and I are friends too."

"Nonsense! Sirius said that you liked your mother very much back then!" The little thing said "Don't lie to me".

"You also said that it was back then," Severus sighed, and looked into his eyes seriously, "Actually, to be honest, I don't know if I like Lily or not, but there is one thing I like It's clear that I never thought of marrying her, nor did I ever think of treating her like I treated you."

He lowered his head and touched his little lover's lips, asked for a deep kiss and said: "Anyway, I never thought about her like that."

The little thing blushed, and then showed a happy smirk, "Then don't think about it in the future!"

"Of course," Severus patted him on the head amusedly, "What the hell is your little head thinking all day? I've got you, who else can be better than you?"

"Also," he said seriously, "don't listen to your stupid dog talking nonsense from now on, he's trying to destroy our relationship!"

"Oh, why don't you say that," Harry felt better as soon as he let go of the big stone in his heart, and shook his hand with a smile, "Siris is also worried about me, at worst, if he talks bad about you in the future, I'll tell Rhyme S, let Remus deal with him!"

Severus smiled and pinched his nose, "Little villain!"

"Hehehe..." The little villain smirked badly.

Having solved a big problem, the two became even more bored, and Severus simply stayed, planning to use Harry's portkey to go back to the cellar tomorrow morning, and Sirius wouldn't find out anyway.

"By the way, Sev, tell me how you met your mother back then?" Harry lay on his big bed, surrounded by his lover's warm embrace, and asked curiously.

Severus raised his eyebrows, "What is there to say? You really want to hear it? You won't be jealous after hearing it?"

"I won't!" said the child very unconvinced, "Even if you still have a little liking for your mother, I will try my best to turn that little liking into liking me! Don't underestimate me, I have grown up !"

"No need," Severus was in a good mood to hear him say this, "where's the 'little liking'? I'm yours now, little Mr. Snape."

"What, what little Mr. Snape..." Harry's face flushed, "It's Mr. Potter!"

"Sooner or later," Severus said.

Harry punched his chest awkwardly, "Don't change the subject!"

"Okay," Severus compromised, "It's actually very simple. When I was young, I lived near Lily's house, because there were only us two little wizards in that area, so we knew each other that way, and later became good friends, so we went to Hokkaido together. Gewartz went to school, that's all."

"Hmph, you're perfunctory again..." The little thing snorted, seeing what he said was boring, he stopped asking, and started a new topic, "Will you accompany me to see my parents in two days? I used to do it every Christmas holiday. go."

"Well, I can also tell Lily that her son's surname will be changed to Snape in the future." Severus nodded seriously.

"Ah! Don't say it!" Harry felt his whole body burning, and turned his back on him angrily, "I, I'm going to sleep!"

Severus smiled and pulled him into his arms, tucked the corner of the quilt, and dropped a kiss on the top of his hair, "Good night, my little Mr. Snape."

The little thing hummed for a while, vaguely hearing the meaning of "good night", and then fell silent.

The next day, Severus used the Portkey to go back after Harry woke up. Before leaving, he hugged and kissed his little lover, and ate a lot of soft tofu, so that when Harry went downstairs for breakfast, his face was still pale. Red.

"Harry, why are you so red? Did you put the quilt over your head again?" Sirius nagged, "Don't do this next time, you'll be out of breath."

"Huh? Hmm..." Harry nodded in a panic.

Lupine, who sat across from him, smiled meaningfully.

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