"Okay, let's start now!" Lockhart said enthusiastically, "First of all, we have to bow to our opponents, this is the most important dueling etiquette!"

He and Severus turned to face each other, bowing.At least Lockhart bowed, flailing his hands a lot, and Severus just shook his head impatiently.

Mrs. Lockhart in the audience laughed very strangely for some reason.

The two men on stage held their wands like arrows to their chests.

"As you can see, we hold our wands in the normal dueling position," Lockhart said to the silent crowd. "On the count of three, we cast the first spell. Of course, none of us would take The other's life. Boys, your Professor Snape will be very, very safe."

Harry wrinkled his nose unhappily: "Hmph."

"One! Two! Three!" They both jerked their wands over their shoulders at the same time.Severus yelled, "Disarm you!" Suddenly a blinding red light flashed, and Lockhart quickly looked aside - mind you, his movements were still very flamboyant - and then turned to Severus. Les fired a red light, but he blocked it with his "armor protection".

The two people came and went and fired spells at each other, using only these two spells throughout the whole process, but the scene was very exciting.The fighting styles of these two people are completely different. Lockhart's dodging movements are always big and very flamboyant, but Severus is very easy to do. Usually he can dodge Lockhart's spells by just moving a step or two, but It doesn't look as eye-catching as Lockhart.

Lockhart, who deliberately pursued gorgeous visual effects, quickly showed his flaws and was hit by Severus' "Expelling You". He flew backwards out of the stage, hit the wall, and then slid down, and then So flirtatiously took the opportunity to bend over, and bowed to people in a very gentlemanly manner, "Thank you, thank you, give me some applause!"

The little animals clapped their hands "snacks", obviously thinking that their Professor Lockhart had lost with style.

Lockhart re-entered the stage with a bright smile, and nodded to the applauding people, "Everyone can see, this is the effect of 'Ammunition', in order to let everyone feel the effect intuitively, I didn't stop Snape The professor showed this hand, of course, if I want to stop it, it will be effortless..."

Severus looked at him murderously.

"Okay, let me see how much you have learned." Lockhart wisely changed the subject and greeted the students, "Oh, children, this is the end of the demonstration, and then you can divide into two Group, the spells used to attack each other, remember to click until the end."

He and Severus made their way through the crowd, matching the students into pairs.

When Severus walked up to Harry, the little thing had already formed a group with Neville. When he saw him coming, he grabbed his sleeve excitedly and looked up at him, "Professor is amazing~ Go back and teach Me this?"

Severus put on a serious face, "Practice well!" It's really not good to be too gentle with him in front of so many people...

"Oh..." The little thing let go of his sleeves in frustration, and went to find Neville who was sneaking aside.

Severus couldn't hold back, and went over to point him a few times, and he was relieved when he saw the little thing again.

After the dueling club ended, many students were still talking about Severus' handsome blow, but some people thought that Lockhart's movements were more interesting...

During this period of time, there is still no news from Dobby. Why do you say it is Dobby?Because Lucius sent it to the small manor where the Death Eaters lived temporarily to serve them.For the Death Eaters, Lucius' reason for going abroad was very legitimate: he had to solve a big problem in their family's property in Romania.Believe it or not, he just left anyway.As for whether he really went to Romania... who knows?

After all, the Gold Cup is a Horcrux and cannot completely control the Dark Mark. In the past, Voldemort could teleport to them through the Dark Mark of the Death Eaters, and he could also use the Dark Mark to punish them. It’s just wishful thinking if there is no entity to do this now. If Lucius was in the UK, he could barely do it, but everyone has gone to Romania. The magic power of the Jinbei is really not enough.Unless Jinbei can summon a large number of Death Eaters now, there is really nothing to do with him.But how is it possible?Jin Bei currently has only three people under his command. As a horcrux, he probably doesn't dare to blatantly recruit people for the time being, so he can only develop slowly.You must know that Voldemort in Severus' previous life didn't dare to summon Death Eaters until he had an entity at the time of the Triwizard Tournament.

All in all, this time Lucius had already broken his face with the Death Eaters, and he almost didn't say it clearly.There are only three people in their family, and Draco is relatively safe at school. If the couple hide abroad, there is no danger. Just be careful and you will be fine.

The term was finally over, and many of the students had gone home for Christmas, and the castle was so quiet that one could hear snowflakes falling from the spiers of the towers to the ground.

Hogwarts' Christmas vacation starts on December [-] and lasts for two weeks.

Harry was very happy on the first day of the holiday, because his teacher dog - so Severus said - was coming to school to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with him tomorrow.The kid and Draco ran out to play in the snow for a few hours, and when they returned to the cellar, they rolled happily on the large sofa in front of the fireplace, and dragged Draco to chat about waiting for Sirius to come. Where to take him to play.

Draco suddenly felt an inexplicable chill behind him, and when he looked back, he saw that Severus, who was sitting at the desk reading a book, was squinting at Harry who was still chattering.

He shuddered, tugged at Harry, and asked him in a low voice, "Harry, what did you get my godfather for Christmas?"

Harry chuckled, "Want to know?"

Draco nodded.

"Hey~ I won't tell you~" The little thing shook his head frantically.

Draco's face darkened.

"Oh, don't talk about presents," Harry said with a smile, "Sirius wrote to me last time and told me about the many secret passages in Hogwarts. When he comes, let's explore together~"

Draco looked back at his godfather, whose face was getting darker and darker, and couldn't help feeling sorry for a big black dog that was coming.Alas, his godfather is so vengeful, plus Harry has been talking about Sirius all day today...

etc!Draco suddenly had a flash of inspiration and found something unusual.Why was his godfather upset when Harry said Sirius?

Could it be that...his godfather raised Harry during this time, and he has developed a habit of treating him as his own child?That's why he was so upset when he heard his "adopted son" miss his godfather?

The more I think about it, the more it looks like... Draco touched his chin and nodded.

In this case, as an excellent godson, of course he has to help his godfather grab Harry's attention!

So he interrupted Harry, who was talking nonstop, "Harry, you see the godfather must be very tired after sitting for so long, why don't you go and beat him on the shoulders, the godfather treats you so well..."

"Okay!" The child agreed straightforwardly, and ran up behind Severus, "Professor, let me pat your shoulders! Don't sit still, when will you go outside with me?" Go for a walk and exercise your body..."

Severus was punched on the shoulder with two small fists, and he felt superior - that stupid dog must not have enjoyed this treatment!

Hearing what the little thing said, he said slowly, "What? Mr. Potter still remember me? I thought you can't think of anything but your dog now."

"No way!" Harry retorted confidently, "You are also my important person! It's just that Sirius can't see each other every day! And Sirius is not a teaching dog!"

"Hmph," Severus sneered, "the difference between a dogfather and a godfather is just the order of the letters."

Harry rolled his eyes, and his tone was slightly cunning, "If the professor says that again, I won't give you a Christmas present!"

Severus frowned, and pulled him to his side, "Little thing! How can you be like this? Am I not good enough for you?"

The little thing made a face at him.

Severus pulled him down on his lap, threatening him with a smile, "Really not?"

"Huh!" The little thing has a lot of backbone.

"Crack!" The big palm landed on Yuanyuan's little butt.

"Ah!" Harry screamed and jumped up, quickly backed away a few steps, and begged for mercy with a sad face, "Am I joking...why did you hit me...it's not true that you won't send me away..."

Severus smiled with satisfaction, "Come here, keep pounding."

Harry then moved slowly over to give him a thump on the shoulder.

Draco, who had been keeping an eye on their side, almost dropped his jaw.this person!Is this man really his godfather? !What a joke!His godfather wouldn't be so tender and tender!

Could it be that the godfather was inspired by fatherly love because he was single for too long and finally raised a child... Then why didn't he show fatherly love to me!

Master Malfoy was deeply depressed... Wouldn't Harry change his surname to Snape in the not-too-distant future?

He was tangled up here, and Severus was also tangled up, since the last time he tried to move out, his little thing seemed not to be shy when facing him again!

What's happening here?Did the little thing forget about that kiss?It can't go on like this, we have to continue to deepen the ambiguity!

So that night's goodnight kiss, Severus "accidentally" kissed the little thing's tender lips.

"Professor!" Harry was shocked, his green eyes widening.

Severus didn't change his expression, "What's wrong?"

"That... that... good night kiss... lips..." The little thing was incoherent.

"Huh?" Severus said lightly, "I ran into it by accident."

"Oh, so..." The little thing blushed and pulled the quilt over his head, "That, that, good night, professor!"

Severus curled his lips and went back to his bed.

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