Professor HP is not a pedophile

Chapter 36 Costumes for Halloween?

Severus, who had harvested a huge amount from Haierbo, dived into the potion room as soon as he returned to the office. In short, nothing can hinder his enthusiasm for research so far. You must know that it is the venom of the basilisk!How many potion masters in the world can get in touch with this thing!

After a while, however, his research was interrupted by Harry.

"Uh, professor..." Harry went back to the bedroom to take a shower, lay there for a while without seeing Severus, after thinking about it, he got up and ran to the door of the potion room to shout.

"What's the matter?" Severus looked towards the door with an unkind expression, he had just begun to analyze the composition of the venom.

Harry froze for a moment, his face darkened, and he said sleepily: "It's okay, I, I'm going to sleep first."

Oops!Severus realized he had done something wrong again.He quickly put down the things in his hands and walked over to appease his little thing: "Sorry, I scared you again, what's the matter?"

Harry glanced at him timidly, a little flinching, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, but it's late now, you better not stay up late..."

Feeling warm in his heart, Severus gently picked him up and walked towards the bedroom, "Okay, listen to you, let's go to rest first."

The little thing blushed with embarrassment, struggled a bit and said, "Put me down, I'm not a child anymore..."

"Heh, Mr. Potter, 12 years old, what would you be if you weren't a child?" Severus teased him with a smile.

Harry was out of breath, "I, I'm a big boy!" After he finished speaking, he felt ashamed, and burrowed into his neck and refused to show his head again.

"Hahaha..." Severus laughed happily, and put him on his little bed, "Okay, Mr. Potter, big boy, I'm going to take a shower and sleep now, are you satisfied?"

The little thing rolled into the quilt in embarrassment, and wrapped himself into a cocoon with the quilt.

Severus patted his arched butt, amused, "Don't bury your head in the blanket, be careful not to catch your breath."

The silkworm cocoon moved and silently rolled aside.

The next day, Harry received a package from Malfoy Manor, which was a Halloween costume from Narcissa, because it was not many days before Halloween.Narcissa seems to be obsessed with Harry's panda image, and this time it is still a panda costume, but...

Severus looked at the opened package, and several tic-tac-toe patterns representing anger appeared on his forehead.What the hell is this thing? !Panda-style plush crop top, Panda-style furry shorts with a small tail, Panda-style furry hat, Panda-style furry paws and boots!Is this a fun panda outfit? !

He imagined how cute his little things would look in this suit, and immediately packed them up and stuffed them into the bottom of the closet with a dark face, and then tried to maintain a gentle tone and said to Harry: "Harry, don't Wear this suit!"

Harry looked at him in embarrassment, "But Aunt Narcissa..."

"Leave her alone!" Severus said decisively, "This dress doesn't even have sleeves or trouser legs. Aren't you afraid of the cold? It's the end of October." He didn't want anyone to see his little thing, white and tender What about the waist and thighs!

"That's right..." The little thing was very easy to deceive, and obediently obeyed, "But what am I wearing?"

Severus waved his hand, "It's okay, I'll make you a transformation potion, what do you want to change?"

"Is everything okay?" The little thing looked at him excitedly.

Severus nodded without hesitation.

Harry began to mutter, wring his fingers and think hard.Finally, at the Halloween dinner, he turned himself into a big mango pudding, with his small body wrapped in an opaque creamy yellow shell, which looked good and delicious...

The one who walked the food route with him was Neville's little boy who was eaten up last year, but Neville didn't pretend to be a strawberry this year, but a carrot tree with a bunch of green carrot tassels on his head.

However, due to the limitation of appearance, the two children can’t sit down at all... But Hufflepuff is a loving school—and loves food—there are so many little badgers dressed as vegetables and fruits for Halloween this year, So basically everyone didn't sit down, and ran around eating each other throughout the dinner.

Harry was praised by many people for its deliciousness, so he was very happy to run to the professor's chair with the pudding crust that had been dug out to offer a treasure to Severus, "Professor, everyone said it was delicious, your transformation potion is really good~ "

Severus raised his eyebrows, "Really?" He dug a piece with a spoon and tasted it, then nodded, "Well, it tastes good."

Dumbledore on his right and Mrs. Lockhart on his left looked at each other, and Qi Qi gave him a contemptuous look.

"I'm going to give Draco a taste!" The little thing happily ran to the Slytherin table.

Mrs. Lockhart watched him run away, winked at Severus, and whispered, "How is it? Much cuter than the one in your last life, isn't it?"

Severus squinted his eyes and asked her in a low voice: "I've wanted to ask you for a long time, how did you know?" He was sure that Dumbledore would not talk about his rebirth.

Mrs. Lockhart squinted at him--a gesture which suited her to-night attire--which she said was the only female emperor in ancient China--and said in a very proud tone: "Look at you You can tell by your attitude towards little Harry, hehe, is there anything unexpected about my IQ?"

Severus turned away, he didn't want to talk to this woman now!As the saying goes, a broken pot deserves a bad lid. No wonder she married Lockhart. Sure enough, the couple are both narcissists!

Gilderoy Lockhart, sitting on the other side of Mrs. Lockhart, praised his wife loudly: "Oh, my dear Majesty Matilda, you are so beautiful, I can't imagine that there is no other world like me Who else is worthy of you among the outstanding men!"

"You're right Kidrow, in fact, I also feel that there is no other woman who is qualified to have you except me~" Mrs. Lockhart's voice is always sweet when she speaks to her husband. Come.

Enough is enough!Severus got goosebumps from the disgust of this disgusting couple.Annoyed, he moved his chair a little towards Dumbledore.

After the dinner, Severus and Harry returned to the cellar to meet an unexpected guest.

[Oh, it’s so hard to find this place for you guys~ I found it after asking a lot of snakes, it’s hard work~ Give me something to eat~] A little snake with green feathers on its head mournfully walked out Swimmed through the crack of the door into Severus' office.

"Helbo?! How did you get so small?! How did you get in?" Harry asked in surprise.

Haierbo swam to his side, climbed onto the coffee table in front of the sofa, and slumped on the coffee table in the shape of a dead snake, [Can I become as small as I want, I asked all the way just now , I just found out that you live here, and then I asked the charming Miss Medusa on the door to open the door.Huh?What is this on you?Mango pudding?Let me have a bite? 】Harry looked at the few mango pudding shells he had left, and broke off the largest piece with his hand and put it in front of it.

Severus looked at Hai Erbo, who was eating pudding happily, and the desire to study appeared in his eyes again. He asked Harry enthusiastically, "Harry, this is Hai Erbo? How did he become so small?" What did you just say?"

Harry repeated what Herbert had said to him.

Severus snapped his fingers to call a house-elf, and began to lure a basilisk, "Helbo, if you're willing to live here and provide me with a little venom once in a while, I'll ask Harry to help you feed the house-elf every day." How about elves ordering food? You see, house elves can't understand Parseltongue, even if Dumbledore allows you to go to the kitchen, you can't help but change the menu occasionally, right?"

【good idea!You are a good person~] Hai Erbo looked at him gratefully, 【Then what, can you let little Harry play with me? 】"Of course!" Harry said happily, "I can also make you a very comfortable nest, and put it on the head of my bed, it's definitely much more comfortable than the place you live in, what do you think? "

Hai Erbo nodded vigorously.

So it has been reduced to Severus' living potion material library ever since, but Hai Erbo is so deceitful, even though it feels very annoying every time Severus takes the venom, but as long as Severus takes it afterwards It will immediately forget about something delicious, and will continue to contribute its venom obediently next time.

Time entered November, and the Quidditch season began.

This year Draco was selected for the Slytherin Quidditch team. Harry often watched his training with Neville in the cold wind. Severus always wrapped him in a lot of clothes every day, plus hats, scarves and gloves. Only let him go out.

Recently, the relationship between the two of them has become better and better. On the one hand, Severus has become more and more natural in caring for him, and on the other hand, the little thing is also very willing to repay his kindness, so Severus has been more than once by Lohar Mrs. Te laughed, "You two are more and more like father and son"...

Severus was also anxious, he always felt that Harry was really gradually seeing him as an elder, but he didn't want to be the elder of the little thing at all!

One day when he came back to the office after class and was grading papers, he suddenly saw his little thing rushing into the door and closing the door forcefully with a "bang", the two blushes from running on his fair little face were particularly conspicuous , but the little thing's expression seemed to be frightened, a look of shock.

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