Professor HP is not a pedophile

Chapter 21 "Small" Stuff

After Severus and Lucius Dumbledore went to Lucius's study to discuss the details of retrieving Regulus Black's body, they went downstairs and saw a certain stupid dog in front of Harry in the red panda costume The scene of rolling and acting like a baby, needless to say, the red panda costume must have been written by Narcissa.

He suddenly thought of the drunken little panda on Halloween, and the kiss on the cheek that was soft and tender, and his face turned black.

"Hmph, it seems that Mr. Black would rather be a dog than a man," he sneered coldly, "maybe I should suggest that the elves of the Malfoy family replace your three meals with dog food?"

The big black dog growled at him a few times, and was hugged by the little furry paw of the little panda.

"Sirius, don't yell at the professor, he is a good man." The little panda said anxiously, looking at Severus nervously, "I'm sorry, Professor Snape, Sirius didn't mean it, I'll tell you for him Apologize!"

Severus looked at the big eyes that were not covered by glasses, saw the guilt, awe, and anxiety in them, and became inexplicably irritable, "Mr. Potter, I didn't plan to do anything to your dog, you You don’t have to worry about the gloomy and terrifying Potions Master boiling your dog into potion, in fact, this stupid dog has no medicinal value.”

"I, I didn't mean that..." Harry's eyes quickly filled with mist, "I know you won't, I'm sorry..." He bit his lower lip and looked at Narcissa helplessly.

Mrs. Malfoy quickly took a picture of him with a magic camera - obviously she had taken a lot of pictures before this - before standing up to smooth things over, "Severus, don't be so cruel to my red panda , he will be afraid!"

Severus snorted, glanced at Harry and said nothing.

The little panda flinched and hid behind Narcissa.The big black dog lay sleepily at his feet, glanced at Severus and Narcissa from time to time, finally whimpered, and buried its head under its paws.

After dinner at Malfoy Manor, Dumbledore took Severus and Harry to say goodbye.

Narcissa reluctantly kissed Harry several times before letting him take off the little panda costume and let him go back to Hogwarts.As for Sirius, who was not willing to let his godson leave, he had already been immobilized by her petrification spell.

Thanks to Dumbledore's approval, Lucius connected the fireplace in Malfoy Manor with the fireplace in Severus's office so that they could contact each other later, so the three of them came to Severus after walking through the fireplace office.

It was the first time for Harry to use the fireplace, and he was still not used to it. After being choked by the ashes, he accidentally staggered and bumped into Severus.

Severus slipped the back of his neck to keep him from falling to the ground, but the way the little thing flailed his tiny paws for balance almost made him laugh.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Professor!" Harry blushed with embarrassment, trying to find a crack in the ground in panic.

Severus let go of his collar and sneered, "Mr. Potter, where's your cerebellum? You can't even stand upright? How did you grow to such a size safely?"

"I, I didn't do it on purpose..." The little thing muttered softly.

Dumbledore stroked his beard and watched the interaction between the two with a smile. He found it very interesting, "Oh, you two have such a good relationship."

Severus glared at him and started spraying the venom: "Has your brain been completely corroded by sweets? Who would have a good relationship with this brainless little troll?!"

Dumbledore, completely immune to his venom attack, cheerfully led Harry away.

For a long time to come, life was still going on in a normal way.The only thing worth mentioning is that Dumbledore and Severus went to the cave by the sea with Lucius one weekend, retrieved Regulus' body and the fake locket, and Led by Sirius, he went back to Black's old house, exchanged a fake locket from Black's house elf Kreacher for the real one, and burned it with Fiendfire in front of it.Sirius, who was stimulated by his brother's deeds, repented and made up his mind to revive the Black family, so he rejected Dumbledore's invitation to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, so Severus still had to continue working overtime, which made him think often Sirius gritted his teeth with hatred, and because of this, he turned his anger on Harry, and the time for the little thing to be in confinement to process the potion ingredients for him was extended again.

One day, when Severus was grading a paper in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he suddenly heard a clear sound of glass shattering in the potion room, and Harry's soft cry of pain.

He rushed in to take a look, but he didn't see the little thing.

"Potter! Where are you?" he cried out in horror, drawing his wand.

"Professor, I'm here." A small voice sounded, and Severus followed the sound, and finally found the little thing in the shadow of the operating table-this time it was really a small thing, Harry He turned into a little man as tall as a palm, his naked body buried in the pile of clothes, only one small shoulder was exposed.

Severus had a terrible headache.He strode over, knelt down and asked with a serious face, "Mr. Potter, can you tell me, the humble Potions professor, how you made yourself look so ridiculous?"

The little thing shrank back into the pile of clothes, his two little paws grasped the tie of the school uniform lying in front of him helplessly, and said timidly: "I'm sorry, professor, I don't know what's going on, I just want to put it on the table. I took down the evening primrose to deal with, and then I accidentally knocked over a bottle, the bottle fell and smashed, I wanted to clean up the pieces, but my hand was cut, and it became like this..."

It was only then that Severus noticed that there were fragments of crystal bottles and some evening primroses scattered beside the pile of clothes.When he took a closer look, his face became even darker.

What was in the bottle was the shrinking potion he improved at the request of the International Potions Association—and it was a by-product of the failure of the improvement, the effect of which he hadn't figured out yet!

"Damn it! Mr. Potter, don't you have to be watched to be safe?!" Severus was so angry that he grabbed the little thing and put it on the palm of his hand, yelling, "Has your brain been eaten by slugs?" ?how dare you!"

The little thing shyly covered the key parts with his hands, and his small body was flushed red. When he heard him scolding, he was so wronged that he shed tears, sobbing softly: "I, I didn't mean it... I really accidentally touched it. I'm here, I'm sorry, Professor, I'm sorry... woo woo woo... What should I do now..."

It was only then that Severus noticed that the little thing was not wearing anything, and his naked body was trembling in his hands, looking extremely pitiful.

With a dry cough, he shrunk the clothes on the floor to a suitable size, put Harry back on the floor, and said in a nasty voice, "Put your clothes on, Potter!"

Harry wiped away his tears, turned around and put on his clothes and shoes.

Severus noticed with sharp eyes that the little thing had many old scars on his body.

"What's that?" He stretched out a finger and pointed to a scar under the little thing's rib that almost reached the navel, "How did you do it?"

Harry had already put on his trousers and was trying to put on his shirt. Hearing this, he subconsciously replied, "Uncle Vernon pushed me when I was nine years old, and I hit the iron fence on the lawn and scratched myself... "

"Why did he push you?" Severus asked through gritted teeth, his face as black as the bottom of a pan.

"Because I cut the lawn badly, and I didn't know how to use a lawn mower at that time." Harry said lightly while buttoning his shirt, focusing on the buttons without realizing it. What did he say, until he raised his head and saw Severus' black face, he took a few steps back in fright and asked timidly, "Professor, what's wrong with you?"

Severus gritted his teeth, "Shut up, get your clothes on, we're going to the Headmaster!"

Harry finished putting on his clothes obediently, and Severus lifted them up and stuffed them into the pocket of his robes.

Severus strode over to the fireplace, sprinkled a handful of Floo powder, and barged into the Headmaster's office.

Sitting behind the desk staring at the blank photo frame on the table in a daze, Dumbledore raised his head in surprise when he heard the voice, put the photo frame upside down on the table, and asked in surprise, "Severus, what's the matter?"

Severus grabbed the little thing from his pocket and showed it to him on the table.

"Oh, oh, little Harry, are you okay? Would you like a piece of cheesecake?" Dumbledore blinked, stretched out his index finger to stroke the little thing's messy hair, and asked calmly.

Severus sat down across from him, and fired the Snake King death ray at him.

"Okay, okay, Severus, tell me why Harry became like this?" Dumbledore sighed helplessly.

Severus said things succinctly.

"Hmm... is there a way to solve it?"

When Harry heard Dumbledore's question, he turned around and looked at Severus expectantly.

"It's a potion for improvement failure. I'll have to study it before I know." Severus turned his eyes away uncomfortably, because he found that he was stared at by that little thing like that, and he felt a sudden sense of guilt in his heart.

The little thing's face as big as a thumb was wrinkled, and tears were about to come out.

Dumbledore nodded, "Okay, then until the antidote is developed, little Harry can stay in the cellar, and you have to take good care of him."

"What?!" Severus and Harry yelled at the same time.

"Children, don't get excited," Dumbledore said with a smile. "This is the best way, isn't it? Severus, when you develop an antidote, there must be a case for you to observe, right? Harry has become like this , you have to take responsibility!"

Harry said in a low voice: "Mr. Headmaster, can't I go back to the dormitory?"

Dumbledore said seriously: "Of course not! If you become like this now, if you are seen by your classmates, they will laugh at you, and what if the children accidentally hurt you?"

"Can't Draco and Neville know too?" Harry was a little sad.

Dumbledore thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, I will notify them for you, don't worry, go back with Severus obediently!"

The little thing was downcast.

Severus picked him up by the scruff of the neck, put him in his pocket, and hurried back to work on the antidote.

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