Professor HP is not a pedophile

Chapter 11 Flight Lessons

After grading the papers full of mistakes and omissions from the little trolls, Severus saw that it was almost curfew, so he got up to see Harry.

The little thing was still sitting on the small bench, struggling with the bucket of slugs with a single eye. It had been several hours, and there was still a small half of the bucket left.

Looking at the seriousness of the other party, he was surprised to find that he couldn't think of reprimanding him at all.

He pursed his lips and walked into the potion room.

"Potter, your labor service is over," he said. "Leave my office at once."

Harry looked at him in surprise, then at the small half-barrel of slugs, stood up and left the potion room, and said goodnight politely before opening the door and going out.

Severus was finally willing to admit that Harry Potter was really different from his previous life, and he was also different from his parents. Neither old Potter nor Lily would be so timid, nor would they be so willing to endure Fair treatment.He is more like a pure Hufflepuff, good at patience, gentle and simple, and seems to be very crying...

"Come on, Severus Snape," he said to himself, "you've lived two lives, there's no need to spend all your energy on the same person, that little Potter boy can do whatever he likes." How about it, why do you have to worry so much about him?"

After thinking this way, his mood suddenly became lighter, and it was rare for him to wash up and sleep without staying up late.

Harry, who left the Potions Master's office, ran all the way back to the dormitory.

As soon as his roommates saw him, they gathered around him and asked about his health with concern.

"Harry," Owen asked nervously, "Professor Snape didn't do anything to you, did he?"

Neville was even more exaggerated, grabbing his shoulders and looked him from head to toe, he was relieved when he didn't find any missing arms or legs, "Phew, we're all worried to death."

Card, known as "The Crucible Killer Number Two"—you know who the first one is—asked curiously: "Harry, Professor Snape's office is really as dangerous as Sister Sylvanas said. Are there werewolves? Are there vampires?"

Harry shook his head violently, "No, no, there are a lot of stuffed animals, the professor let me squeeze some slug mucus and let me go back, but," he shuddered, "Professor Snape is really fierce... "

The roommates shook with him empathetically.

After saying some more words, the four little badgers fell asleep one after another.

The next day was Saturday, and Harry, Draco, and Neville got together again.They met in the small garden in front of the third greenhouse outside the castle. There were tables and stools made of tree stumps. Although the sun was warm but not glaring, it was a good place for gathering with friends and eating snacks.

The three children were discussing homework while eating snacks sent by Draco's mother.Neville asked Draco a lot of questions for his Potions thesis. Harry, who had nothing to do, bit a small cookie, and suddenly saw Dumbledore walking with a phoenix.

The kind-hearted old headmaster also saw him, and came over to greet him with a smile, "Harry, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Headmaster." Harry beckoned to him. "Would you like some cookies? They are delicious."

Draco and Neville also looked up in greeting.

Dumbledore, having said hello to them, sat down beside Harry, and happily took a handful of Honeydukes from his pocket to share with them.

"How's it going, kids? Did you have a good time at Hogwarts?" the old man asked cheerfully, eating the cookie Harry gave.

Both Harry and Neville had a good impression of the kind headmaster, and told him a lot about blablabla, and finally Harry asked: "Mr. Headmaster, do you know my parents?"

Dumbledore stroked his beard as a memory, "Oh, of course I know, James and Lily are both excellent students..." Then blablabla said a lot, which was similar to what other professors said, nothing more than "James She loves to play tricks, and Lily is warm and cheerful," or something like that.After finishing speaking, seeing Harry's disappointed face, he asked strangely: "Harry, what's wrong with you? You don't seem very happy..."

Harry asked him sullenly: "Mr. Principal, is bullying classmates considered pranks? You said that Dad always used magic props to tease classmates. The classmates who were teased by him must be very uncomfortable... What's the difference between that and Dudley?"

Dumbledore choked and asked him who Dudley was.

"Dudley is my cousin." Harry stopped talking after saying this. He didn't think it was an honor to be bullied by his cousin, and he didn't usually tell others much, even Neville and Draco just knew that he was not doing well at his aunt's house, and they just guessed what was wrong, and didn't ask him specifically.

Draco looked at his depressed look, and quickly changed the subject, "Harry, didn't you say you wanted to visit your parents' graveyard? Why don't you ask Mr. Principal if there is any way."

Harry's face lit up again, and he grabbed Dumbledore's sleeve subconsciously, "Mr. Principal, do you know how to get to my parents' grave?"

Dumbledore smiled slightly, "I know, how about I take you there during the Christmas holiday?"

"Great! Thank you!" Harry cheered.Draco and Neville were also happy for him and both smiled.

Dumbledore patted his head, "Harry, you have two good friends, I'm so happy for you." He was worried that Draco had ulterior motives in dating Harry, but now seeing Draco He realized that he was thinking too much, Harry had a Slytherin as a friend, as long as it was sincere, a Slytherin could always give a lot to a friend.

After saying goodbye to the three little animals, he took Phoenix away slowly.He wanted to go back and find someone to investigate what kind of life Harry was living at his aunt's house. He didn't forget the depressed mood when Harry mentioned Dudley just now, and Mrs. Figg's usual report was too simple. He began to doubt his past Whether the reports received are true.

Since he put Harry in confinement that day, Severus finally had some improvement towards him, and he no longer deliberately found faults in class, and only treated him as an ordinary student.But ordinary students would also be reprimanded by him, so Harry didn't notice that the terrible potions professor had changed his attitude towards him. He was still trembling like that every time he went to potions class, and he still ran away when he saw the potions professor.

Then one day, a notice was posted in the Hufflepuff common room: Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff's flying lessons will be held on the lawn in front of the castle this Wednesday morning.

The little badgers in the first grade were all nervous, and for a while the seniors began to be pestered by the little badgers to ask about flying skills.Senior Sister Sylvanas, who was keen to scare children, began to instill all kinds of horror stories about flying lessons to the little badgers again, and she was beaten up several times by her friend who laughed very holy.

On Tuesday night, the four badger cubs in Harry's bedroom were more tense than ever.Not to mention that Harry and Owen came from the Muggle world, even Neville and Card, the natives of the wizarding world, were very panicked.

"Is what Sister Sylvanas said true?" Harry looked at Neville in fear, "Is it true that the broom will fly out of control and fly to a very high place and then throw us down and turn us into a cake?" ?”

Neville shuddered, "I don't know, I never even rode a kid's broomstick when I was a kid, grandma said broomsticks are dangerous..."

Little Kade reassured them: "Don't worry, other seniors say that Sister Cirvanas likes to lie to children the most. What she said must not be true!"

"But..." Owen said, "She said it in such detail, it seems very real..."

"Oh..." The four little badgers sighed in unison, and they all started to read the books about flying that they had borrowed from the library in the past two days, and they didn't fall asleep until midnight.

The next day was a clear, breezy day, and the grass swelled slightly under their feet as they walked briskly down the sloping lawn to a flat lawn on the opposite side of the field.On the other side of the lawn is the forest, and the dark trees of the Forbidden Forest in the distance are swaying in the wind.

The Ravenclaw students arrived a little earlier than Hufflepuff, and Harry's two Ravenclaw friends - the childhood sweethearts Tina and Darth Vader - greeted him cheerfully when they saw him, Darth Vader Seeing him nervous, Vader comforted him: "Don't worry, Harry, flying is actually very easy. I could fly when I was six years old!"

Tina exposed his shortcoming: "Shut up, Darth Vader, a person who can only ride a child's broom less than two meters off the ground is not qualified to say that he can fly."

The little badgers became even more nervous.

Their teacher Mrs. Hooch came.She had short gray hair, and her eyes were yellow like a hawk's.

After teaching the critters their first tricks, Mrs. Hooch got them all off the ground on their brooms, rising a few feet.

When Harry, who had successfully ascended into the air, was about to cheer up Neville who was still on the ground, his broom suddenly shook violently, and then "swished" into the sky at high speed, and then began to tumbling.

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