In order to talk to Zhang Shu, the leading man deliberately opened a bottle of mineral water, and carefully asked Zhang Shu with his neck dumb: " you drink?"

Zhang Shu shook his head: "Thank you, I'm not thirsty."

The man swallowed two sips of water in small sips. In the sound of swallowing water, many people around showed longing expressions.

Zhang Shu remembered the row of plastic barrels he saw outside the door, filled with snow, they used snow water to quench their thirst?

The man asked cautiously: "You..."

Maybe the other party can see it, maybe it can't, Zhang Shu smiled: "I am a human, a living person."

"But you..."

"Does anyone remember the cultivator in the previous novels? I am that kind of person."

Several people started talking in low voices.

The man then asked, "You said...cough said H town is safe and there is food?"

Zhang Shu said without any exaggeration: "Yes, the epidemic broke out twice, and the containment area in Town H was established after the second epidemic. , Today the whole district moved to Town H, and the zombies in the town are almost hard to see. After cleaning up, there will be no more zombies in Town H after today. Fortifications are also being built at the exit of the road, and the pier is the same, Town H In the past, there were three arsenals, each with a cave, which was very large and could accommodate tens of thousands of people. They are currently preparing to move in, but the facilities in the cave are not perfect, and it will take a few days, but they can live in the cave in a few days— —If you want to know anything else, just ask!"

The man exchanged opinions with several people next to him, and then asked Zhang Shu solemnly: "We... the people here, cough... can all go?"

Zhang Shu nodded, and then he was afraid that the other party would not see him, so he added: "Everyone can go, where there are medicines and doctors, and those who are sick can also be taken there."

Someone asked in surprise, "Not one?"

After suppressing it for too long, the tone of this voice changed as soon as it came out.

Someone scolded in a low voice, and more people pricked up their ears, waiting for Zhang Shu's answer.

Zhang Shu laughed again: "Not one will stay, as long as you are willing to go."

The man asked: "How to get there?"

Zhang Shu said: "The zombies can be handled by me, but how to get to Town H? I have looked around, and the pier is covered with thin ice, but the boat may not be usable. There are helicopters on the school playground, and the gasoline may be frozen. There is a driver..."

"There is a pilot!" The man's voice suddenly gained strength: "I am the helicopter! Cough! I am the pilot. Those two helicopters were equipped for patrolling fires in the forest area before, and they were imported and put into use less than a year ago! Gasoline is in the school gym!"

Zhang Shu heard: "Only you?"

A helicopter does not know how many people it can carry, no matter how many times it takes to fly, but it is better than letting these nutritionally deficient people walk to H Town in the snow.

The man discussed with the others, and then told Zhang Shu what he knew about ZY Village.

ZY Village accommodated nearly 40 people. Before the outbreak of the second epidemic, the army divided the whole area into four areas for the convenience of management. Here is the dock area, and the helicopter is parked in the phosphate rock area, and then go west. , is the Shanyang area, and to the north is the central area of ​​ZY Village.

There are about four kilometers from here to the school. Maybe there are still survivors in ZY Village where Zhang Shu can't see, but within a range of about five kilometers, there are only more than 100 living people, and this area is ZY Village Two districts, 20 people.

100 people to 20 people, the ratio of survivors is [-]%...

There were more than 1000 uninfected people in the dock area at the beginning, but there were mutated zombies at the dock. In the conflicts that broke out at the dock again and again, the mutated zombies became less and less, and the living people also dropped from [-] to only [-].

About a month ago, these 300 people were trapped on the street where the factory is located, no longer trying to break out, but even if they stick to it, their lives cannot be guaranteed.

A few mutated zombies killed nearly half of the people overnight. They had no choice but to retreat again and again. They retreated to the current place. They did not dare to turn on the lights, and there was no electricity to supply them. Speak with a low voice.

There was also a mutant who somehow jumped in, but it was just a coincidence, and dozens of lives were lost.

They have a lot of guns in their hands, dozens of them, but only seventeen rounds of bullets.

If Zhang Shu doesn't come, the next time mutant zombies come in, or when the food runs out, these people will all die.

The school is a school for the children of the phosphate mine, and it is the storage point for materials in the phosphate mine area. Before the audio was cut off, when the leader left there for the last time, the school's walls and barbed wire fences were much more reliable than those of this small factory. A large amount of supplies.

What will become now no one knows.

Soon, the plan came out - first transfer all of them to the school, there are both pilots and mechanics, as long as the helicopter can be used, the seriously ill people can be sent to H town as soon as possible.

If the ammunition that was previously placed in the school is still there, those who remain are safer in the school than here.

It's a pity that there is another pilot who has long since disappeared, otherwise it might be possible to use both helicopters.

Although the temperature is low in the early morning, it is the time of the day when the wind is the least.

God knows when it will start snowing again, so I don’t wait until dawn. The leader is He Han, a very decisive person, and immediately asks people to prepare steel bars, plastic ropes and other things. The stretcher was made.

Those who could not walk were put on a stretcher, carried in groups of four in turn, and the children were assigned a man to carry or hold them. Each person only brought half a bottle of water and a bag of biscuits.

Very simple, very decisive, just opened the iron door——

Zhang Shu changed his mind at the beginning, unceremoniously released sixteen sword lights to open the way.

The blue light flew up and down, protecting this group of very rare survivors and leaving the small factory.

It seemed that something was forgotten, Zhang Shu looked eastward, but he didn't know what Yunjiu was doing in seclusion, if he went back, he wouldn't be able to get angry, wait for him to come out and have a good talk with him.

In a flash, someone screamed in the crowd below, and a zombie was only a few meters away from the crowd.

Zhang Shu was so busy focusing on driving Feijian that he didn't think about what he had forgotten.

Even if you ignore the zombies, you still walk very slowly.

The snow was half a meter deep, and the team was almost wriggling forward. Not to mention the lack of physical strength, some people soon couldn't hold on, and began to crawl on the ground with hands and feet.

The distance of more than four kilometers does not sound far, but in ZY Village, the four kilometers are all uphill. The phosphate mine is in the mountain, and the school is halfway up the mountain. There are villages, factories, and many schools of all kinds along the road.

H town prospered on the back of three arsenals, while ZY village was due to phosphate mines. Except for one state-run mine, the rest were all small private mines. Indiscriminate mining accidents frequently occurred. Compared with the coal mining area to the east of H town , which is more confusing here.

Coal-mining countries have tightened their grip in recent years, and the situation is relatively better.

As he walked slowly into the mountains, Zhang Shu could see hundreds of private mines, and the underground was covered with mines like dense cobwebs.

No matter how chaotic the mines are, it's none of his business, but in some mines, there are small groups of survivors!

That's pretty overwhelming.

After getting this group of people to the school, go back to Town H with the helicopter, and ask Zeng Mao to send a convoy over to search and rescue in a large area, and see how many can be rescued.

The road of more than four kilometers took more than two hours.

In the past two hours, I only encountered three mutated zombies, so it went well.

The gate of the school was still intact, and most of the supplies were there. The zombies inside were cleared out by Zhang Shu within a few minutes, but a part of the wall collapsed, and there was a gap more than five meters wide.

It took the exhausted people more than half an hour to get two trucks, broken bricks and other sundries to block the gap.

The helicopter needs to be repaired, and even if it has gasoline, it will not be able to fly for a while. Fortunately, the required parts are available in the school.

The women cleaned up the cafeteria and started a fire to cook. This was the first time for this group of people to eat hot food. Even if there was only rice in a can, it was much better than Tiantian biscuits.

He Han warmly invited Zhang Shu to have dinner with them, but Zhang Shu refused.

He only needs a bottle of expired mineral water. He has not eaten for many days, but he has no sense of hunger.

Yunjiu should know what's going on, but she hasn't discussed it with him yet, so everything goes with the flow.

Even Zhang Juan didn't want to eat the food cooked by Zhang Juan, let alone sitting among a large group of hungry people and sharing their food.

At seven o'clock, a faint morning glow rarely appeared in the sky, and it seemed that winter would end.

Zhang Shu went up to the roof of the tallest building in the school, turned over a piece of scrap iron, sat down like this, and while looking at the gradually changing sky in the east, unscrewed the bottle of mineral water.

I just took a mouthful and wanted to swallow it, but I spit it out because of a strange smell in the water.

Pick it up and take a closer look. There is a lot of sediment in the water. God knows what it is. Now I don't even have to drink the water.

Zhang Shu reluctantly threw the bottle away, feeling thirsty, but looking at the snow piled up next to him, he didn't have the courage to stuff it into his mouth, so he had to forget it.

Yunjiu said that when the sun comes out is the best time to meditate, He Han and the others will call him when the helicopter is repaired, so let's practice Qi while waiting!

From the morning of the previous day to now, Zhang Shu hadn't slept for more than thirty hours. Supporting his sleepy body, Zhang Shu began to meditate and practice Qi. After only ten minutes, he opened his eyes.


Only a few kilometers away!A large group of monsters! ! !

It was only at this time that Zhang Shu remembered what he had always thought he had missed—Fapan!

There is no cloud dove beside him to warn in advance, no stone egg to cover the aura, he completely forgot that the devil king is looking for him!How could it be possible not to attract demons if you just ostentatiously used your spiritual power to kill zombies and save people?

Now how to do?

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