There is an established rule among monks, that is, they cannot kill mortals at will.

The reason why this rule is said to be customary, rather than public, is that it is not applicable during wars.As for how those schemes of fighting for power and profit were carried out, to be honest, Li Er didn't have any particular preferences.Although his character could not be called indifferent, but under the training of endless years, it is not too bad.

Therefore, after guessing the one or two traces of the post-Conferred God, Li Er, who had no more doubts, didn't want to keep staring at it.And what he guessed was that there were exaggerations in the rumors of later generations. Whether it came from rumors or the hands of the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty, it made no difference to the outcome of the battle.

So, Li Er, who happened to mention Chaos, suddenly had the idea to go outside Honghuang for a stroll.So, he did just that.It's just that Li Er didn't expect that when he returned from the chaos, what he would face would be the Zhuxian Sword Formation that could not be broken by the Four Saints.

Since it was said that he was going to Chaos, Li Er naturally had to arrange things first.He once again packed some unnecessary magical treasures around him, plus his own cultivation experience and so on, to Xuandu, and then he didn't look at the corner of Tongtian's clothes that was being held by Xuandu, and said goodbye to Yuanyuan with a smile. People come 33 days away.

Here is the chaos that is very close to the prehistoric, the air of chaos is thin and unstable, and there are many strong winds.But this is nothing to Li Er, who has a rare defensive magic weapon in the world, such as the Xuanhuang Gongde Pagoda.That is - Li Er raised his head halfway, no matter how he looked at it, how he felt, standing on a golden pagoda, walking in the chaos with golden light all over his body, even if no one was watching, he was very stupid.

What's more, there is no one in Chaos.Look at the one in the purple dress in front, isn't it?

"Teacher." Li Er stepped forward and saluted.

"You're here too." Hongjun's expression was very calm, he didn't even look at Li Er, but focused on the transforming earth, wind, water and fire in front of him.The four elements are gathering, colliding, and merging, tearing apart space cracks one after another, producing miniatures of the world one after another, and then disintegrating into elements at the next moment.

Li Er looked at Hong Jun, and couldn't help but have a guess in his heart: "Teacher, you want to open the sky?"

"Kaitian?" Hongjun's expression seemed to be that he had heard some joke, he smiled slightly, his eyes were bright, "Taoist, I can't become Pangu, nor do I have the idea of ​​becoming Pangu!"

Li Er understood the meaning of Hongjun's words, and his face turned red involuntarily.He moved his eyes awkwardly, and looked into the depths of the endless chaos: "Teacher, is there anything to gain? At this moment, the battle of the Conferred Gods has already begun."

"How can it be so easy?" Hong Jun smiled, ignored Li Er's irritating words, took Li Er's hand, and led him into the chaos.Hongjun's ability is much higher than Li Erzi's. Even if any defensive magic weapon is useless, he still walks smoothly, as if the surroundings are not the energy of chaos, but the most common aura.

This was Li Er's mistake. Hongjun's cultivation in the Chaos Clock was not dependent on his cultivation, although his cultivation was indeed very high.That's just because of a very simple reason, that is, Hongjun was born as a Chaos God and Demon.Since he was born in chaos, the air of chaos is like air to him, so why would he be afraid?

teacher?Li Er's gaze shifted to the hand he was holding with him, but visually speaking, it didn't look much different from his own.Also, as long as they become immortals, if there are no racial restrictions or special preferences, which one is not ice-muscled?In this case, most of them are handsome, their fingers are long and their skin is fair.Look, there is really nothing particularly good-looking.

Except, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

"Lao Tzu, we always say that things in the world have their own definite rules, do you know why?" Hong Jun asked.

Li Er thought for a while, and replied: "It's because everything in the world has its own rules and limitations, but due to various reasons, everything is differentiated, forming a general trend, which is difficult to change."

Hongjun nodded: "Indeed, the general trend cannot be changed, the key is that it is the general trend. If it is necessary to change, it is naturally against the rules, and it is the way of heaven and the way. However, under the trend of the general trend, the details can be changed, and the same is true. .”

Li Er nodded, feeling a little puzzled in his heart, not knowing why Hongjun said this to him.What's the use of telling him that the general trend can be changed or it can't be changed?He never thought about changing it, did he?Li Er also did not believe that Hongjun would not know this.

The next moment, Hongjun stopped and turned his head: "In this case, then I will accompany the Taoist to walk here for a while!"

"Yes." Li Er nodded, his thoughts wandered about the sentence "that's the case", but he didn't pay much attention to it.Just following Hongjun's footsteps, walking in the chaos.

They didn't go very far, and they could still see the brilliance from Zixiao Palace when they turned their heads, so they stopped.

What appeared in front of him was a lotus seed, the color was the same as Chaos, and it didn't have any special aura. If you were not paying attention, you would ignore it.The surface of the lotus seeds is not brilliant, it feels like a part is missing.Li Er looked at the lotus seeds and thought to himself, it wouldn't be possible for the primordial energy to conceive the lotus seeds from the bottom to the top, right?

"This is a lotus seed." Hongjun said while standing with his hands behind his back.

Li Er nodded: "However, it may take a long time until the pregnancy is completed."

Hongjun glanced at Li Er: "Then do you know what kind of lotus seed it is?"

Li Er was stumped.In fact, this question is really difficult to answer.Because there are so many types of lotus in this world, even the same type of lotus may produce different types of lotus seeds.Not to mention that this one is not fully formed yet.The only thing Li Er is sure about is: "Since this lotus seed was born in chaos, it must be extraordinary."

Hongjun nodded, this answer satisfied him: "This is the lotus seed of Chaos Qinglian, how extraordinary do you think it is?"

"Chaotic Qinglian?" Li Er suddenly raised the volume, almost screaming, "This is impossible!" Of course this is impossible, isn't the Chaos Qinglian the one that gave birth to Pangu?Didn't it mean that four lotus seeds grew out of the chaotic green lotus?From the chaotic green lotus of the 36th rank to the four lotus seeds of the [-]th rank, this change is more normal.

And it is impossible for the Chaos Qinglian itself to give birth to lotus seeds of the same level, unless it integrates all of its own mana, spirit, etc., there may be some hope.However, since the chaotic green lotus gave birth to Pangu, the cause and effect of Pangu will naturally be spread on it. It is said that when Pangu was born, it was split into two and turned into a good luck jade plate and a god-opening axe.

So, where did the lotus seeds of this chaotic green lotus come from?

"It's true." Hongjun laughed, very proud, "The chaotic green lotus can be transformed into a jade plate of fortune, so the reverse is also possible, right?"

Li Er's hair was blackened immediately. He really wanted to say that not every chemical reaction equation can be reversed.What's more, what about yours, which is basically one kind of object turned into another kind of object?The lotus becomes jade, you can also say that it is directly solidified, and the jade becomes a lotus... Please, the lotus is alive, okay?

However, no matter how hard Li Er wanted to flip the table, he had to admit the fact that Hongjun seemed to have really succeeded.But why would he do this?It can't be fun, can it?

"Teacher, do you want Chaos Qinglian? But this time is too long. And it may not be repaired well." Li Er said tentatively.

Hongjun shook his head: "Of course not. What the Taoist wants to see is Pangu."

"...Pangu?" Li Er was taken aback.This idea is too crazy.And this is not the focus of Li Er's attention, the focus is - "Teacher, you told me this, what do you want me to do?"

Hongjun stared at him deeply: "The Taoist is putting his wealth and life in your hands! I have always been very curious about the creation of Pangu, and I also want to know what it would be like to create a Pangu with my own hands. Could it be that I am the Dao of Heaven and Earth created by the newborn Pangu, or... the Dao?"

It's just... crazy.Li Er felt that his forehead must be covered with cold sweat.Although it is estimated that it will be almost immeasurable eons before Hongjun's idea is realized.But with this kind of thought, Li Er almost had the illusion that he must not be the one who traveled through time, right?That person who traveled from the future must be Hongjun, right? !See how he looks like a leading actor? !

Before Li Er could say anything, he saw the corner of Hongjun's mouth curled up: "How about it, doesn't it feel very Luohu?"

Alas?Li Er was dumbfounded, what is going on?Did he hallucinate?

Hongjun pursed his lips, looked at Li Er seriously, and asked with some difficulty: "You like demons, don't you?"

"...No." Li Er replied hesitantly.In fact, what I want to ask more is, what happened to Hongjun, why does it feel like something is wrong? ...Maybe he is insane!

"You like Luo Hu, don't you?" Hong Jun asked again.

"...No." Li Er replied even more hesitantly.He really has the urge to cry, this is the fourth, really the fourth, he is a man, a man, he doesn't feel like a mother at all, so all the men attracted by Mao are men , not a single woman?Even if Nuwa, the only woman among the saints, has a master.But among the lich and demon clans, isn't there a woman who doesn't have long eyes and can't recognize her own strength and status to fall in love with him?

I said, Li Er, your requirements for women are too low, right?

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