A group of Duobaoge bookcases are placed directly opposite the door of the consulting room. Various psychology books are neatly stacked on the cabinets, forming a shadowy partition with the room. Going inside, there is a relaxing chair diagonally opposite the desk.The room is well lit, with bright colors and vibrant greenery everywhere.

But Zhang Zijing didn't lead Mao Xiaoluo to the desk, but led him to sit in front of the L-shaped sofa on the other side. The guests and hosts sat down separately, so that they could clearly see the expressions on each other's faces without the pressure of facing each other.

Zhang Zijing could clearly see his nervousness, so he said first, "You don't need to be nervous, we're just chatting briefly today to get to know each other."

Mao Xiaoluo hummed, and twisted his hands together, obviously not mentally prepared for medical treatment, and he didn't even feel the need to see a psychiatrist, he didn't know what was wrong with him.While Zhang Zijing was cursing in his heart that the time and textbooks were all in the dog's stomach, he said to Mao Xiaoluo with a gentle expression: "Is the road cold? It's a bit far from the city."

Speaking of irrelevant things, Mao Xiaoluo relaxed a little, nodded, and said: "It's a bit far, but the environment here is really nice, I didn't know there was such a place in this city before, and I never came here .”

"This is a sanatorium. It's a bit far away, but there are few people and it's clean."

"It's really good to go up the mountain for nothing." Mao Xiaoluo looked out the window and saw the blue-green mountains in the distance, longing for it.

"I chose to open the consultation room here because I thought that the visitors would be able to relax when they saw these green mountains and green waters."

Mao Xiaoluo's palms were sweating a little, he looked away from the window, and asked after a while, "Are you and Time an old classmate?"

"Not really, it's just college alumni. I've met a few times in school. Because something happened at the time, I had an intersection, and we got to know each other."

"What happened?" Mao Xiaoluo realized her gaffe after she finished speaking, she pursed her lips and said, "I'm sorry, I..."

"It's not a big deal." Zhang Zijing smiled at him, "At that time, he failed the exam, and I happened to help the teacher correct the paper. I happened to be there when he went to the office to ask the teacher for accommodation, so I met him. Later, he saw me walking away with the teacher. Get closer, in order to save yourself, get closer to me."

Mao Xiaoluo didn't expect that he would fail a course in college at that time. This matter is obviously much more interesting than his own.

Seeing that he was interested in time, Zhang Zijing led him to ask, "What about you? How did you meet him?"

"We were classmates in junior high school, but only for one year, and then I changed schools because of family matters..." He stopped here and glanced at Zhang Zijing.

Seeing his expression, Zhang Zijing knew that there must be a story in it, so he quietly waited for him to continue. Seeing him waiting, Mao Xiaoluo had no choice but to continue: "At that time..." He still couldn't trust Zhang Zijing, so he said it twice "" At that time," I couldn't finish my sentence.

Zhang Zijing said casually: "Then you have known each other for a long time, have you kept in touch after you transferred to another school?" He knew in his heart that there was no such thing, and he had told him about it.

"No, we reunited because of some things some time ago." Mao Xiaoluo lowered his head, a little embarrassed to say it, but finally said, "It's just... how should I put it... That's why time keeps asking me to come See a psychiatrist, that is... I somehow became another person and had a relationship with him, but I didn't remember it when I woke up."

"Someone else?"


"Has anything like this happened before you met him?"

"I don't know, I have no memory at all, maybe I don't remember it." Mao Xiaoluo said, "But later, it happened a few times, not only when I was with him, but once in school..." Mao Xiaoluo was afraid that he would not understand, so he added an explanation to him, "Sorry, I didn't tell you, my job is a chemistry teacher, teaching junior high schools."

Zhang Zijing nodded and continued to listen to him.

"I was on the podium at the time, and suddenly I didn't know what happened, so I lost consciousness. When I 'woke up', the class was over. I thought there was no lecture that day, but the next day the students said they had already done it. I also talked to the principal in the middle, but I don’t remember anything.” Only then did Mao Xiaoluo feel like asking for help.

"Then... what happened before you lost consciousness? Did anything happen?" Zhang Zijing looked at him and asked.

"It seems..." Mao Xiaoluo recalled, his face turned red with embarrassment, and he confessed, "At that time, one of my students... confessed to me, the scene was very embarrassing, I failed as a teacher... nothing Prestige, the students don't listen to me."

Zhang Zijing ignored his self-denial, thought for a while, and asked, "Did she confess her confession at that time, was she serious?"

Mao Xiaoluo blushed even more: "No, it's mostly a joke, it's just a child's prank."

"How did she confess at that time?"

Compared with the incident of his mother's imprisonment, Mao Xiaoluo obviously didn't reach the bottom line. Although he felt embarrassed, he still confessed: "When I entered the classroom, I saw the blackboard written with colored chalk. With the words 'Mr. Mao, I like you', the children all had excited expressions on their faces, so I wiped the blackboard, and another male student stood up in the middle and said that I... didn't respect girls' hearts and ..." He paused before continuing, "I also threw a ballpoint pen at my face... and then... I seemed to lose consciousness."

Zhang Zijing observed his expression, nodded, and asked, "What were you doing when you regained consciousness?"

"I was talking to the principal, but I don't know what I said before, so I saw the principal leaving a little unhappy." He looked down at the entangled hands with his thumbs, looking down at the entangled hands with some regret. little finger. "I greeted him later, but he ignored me."

Sensitive, caring about what other people think.Zhang Zijing thought in his heart, and then asked: "Is it true that you can't feel anything when you lose consciousness? Or, before you lose consciousness? Are there any signs? Or symptoms?"

Mao Xiaoluo frowned and thought for a while, then said for a while: "...that time on the podium, I was a little scared and sweated all over, and then... I seemed to hear someone else talking, it was very noisy, maybe it was the students Sound, I can't remember clearly..."

When they came out of the consultation room, Time was holding a cup of coffee in his hand and was chatting happily with Chang Minghai. Seeing them coming out, his eyes immediately focused on Mao Xiaoluo, and looked at him inquiringly, as if asking him, why? Sample?

Mao Xiaoluo took two steps closer to him, with a light smile on the corner of his mouth, which meant nothing happened.

Chang Minghai said carelessly: "Are you finished talking? Let's have lunch together later? I haven't seen you for so long."

Zhang Zijing glared at him lightly, and he immediately changed his words: "That's what I said."

Shi Shi watched the interaction between the two and laughed, and said, "I don't want to eat anymore. Xiao Luo is now in a consulting relationship with the senior, so it's not good to be too familiar." After speaking, he turned to Zhang Zijing, "When is the next consultation scheduled?" ?”

Zhang Zijing said, "Next Sunday?"

Mao Xiaoluo nodded. He wanted to ask about the consultation fee, but because of the relationship between time and them, he was too embarrassed to ask in person. After hesitating for a while, he still didn't ask.

They fixed the time for the next consultation, and only then did they put on their equipment again, and led Mao Xiaoluo out of the villa. Mao Xiaoluo got on the motorcycle and immediately asked him, "How can I pay Dr. Zhang for the money for seeing a doctor?"

Time to find out what he called Zhang Zijing, I thought that this Xueba really has two brushes, just over an hour, let Mao Xiaoluo realize that he is really sick, originally wanted to say that the money for the consultation would not be paid by Mao Xiaoluo Luo Guan was afraid of making him worry, so he said, "I'll ask him later, I'm afraid he won't want it."

"I still have to give it." The motorcycle started, and Mao Xiaoluo hugged Shi Shi's waist, hugged him on his back, and said, "Others spared their weekend rest time because of your face, why? Can I give you money?"

Shi Shi felt the warmth of his embrace, and heard that he clearly classified the relationship between the two of them as an intimate one. An indescribable warmth surged up in his heart, but he didn't dare to really let himself feel it, and said in his mouth: " I'll go back and ask him."

Mao Xiaoluo leaned her head on his back, hugged him and closed her eyes.

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