Now Yinti's mentality is a bit like a young man who has saved money for a long time and finally bought a set of his own small house. No matter how beautiful his house is, he doesn't like to go out every day when he has nothing to do, so he just stays at home and messes around— —Of course, the standard of his house is as high as that of the real dwellings bought by modern young people. Even a mansion in the middle of the mountain is a few blocks away from his house.You know, the price of a better courtyard house in modern times is over [-] million, not to mention that this is the residence of the prince.

Yinzhen's excited state made Yinzhen sneer, but Yinti patted him on the shoulder understandingly, "When the mansion was first built, I feel the same as you, I always feel that I have a My own house, how free, I just moved in the first day, I didn't sleep well!"

As soon as Yinti heard this, he felt a sense of confidant, and pulled Yinti backhand, "I am also like this, Brother Ten!"

Yinzhen looked at the two exaggerated younger brothers who were almost crying, and rolled his eyes, "Look at how promising you are!"

With a house, joy is joy, and life still has to go on.That day Yinti had just arrived at the door of his home after finishing his errands, when he was stopped by an attendant with a low eyebrow, "My servant greets the fourteenth brother, and the fourteenth brother is auspicious."

Seeing this person, Yinti felt a little familiar, so he stopped, "Who are you?"

"The servant is Zhao Gui from Sibeile's residence." The servant replied respectfully.

"In the fourth brother's house?" Yinti was stunned for a moment, "Is it the fourth brother looking for me?"

"Responding to Elder Fourteen's words, it was Si Fujin who brought his servants to invite Elder Fourteen to visit the residence." Zhao Gui replied.

"Fourth sister-in-law?" Yinti didn't understand even more, "Do you know what fourth sister-in-law wants from me?"

"Returning to Brother Fourteen, Si Fujin didn't say anything in detail, but ordered the servant to come and invite Brother Fourteen." Zhao Gui paused as he spoke, with a polite but not obsequious smile on his face, "The master does things, and the servant also Don’t dare to speculate secretly.”

"It's done, I see, I'll go over later." Yinqi nodded after thinking about it.

Zhao Gui didn't move when he heard that, he just smiled and said, "This servant is waiting for Brother Fourteen here."

Seeing his loyal look, Yinti scolded with a smile, "You are afraid that I will fail if I run away!"

Zhao Gui hurriedly bowed his head, "I dare not."

Yinti's mansion is not too close to Yinzhen's, but it won't take long for him to ride a horse.

Entering Sibeile Mansion, Yinti saw Sifujin coming up from a distance, "Brother Fourteen is here."

"Hello, Sisao." Yinti greeted, "I just came back from an errand, didn't I keep Sisao waiting for a long time?"

"It's okay, come in and have a seat." Si Fujin welcomed Yinti into the flower hall, and was busy serving tea and snacks.

Yinti looked at Sifujin busy in and out, feeling a little puzzled in his heart, and didn't know why he was called here today. After tea and desserts, Sifujin was still hesitant to speak, Yinti After taking a sip of tea, he opened his mouth first, "I don't know if the fourth sister-in-law called Shisi here today?" Noticing the handkerchief in Si Fujin's hand, Yinti said again, "If there is anything I need Fourteen, just open your mouth, you don't have to be polite."

Si Fujin looked at Yinti with a magnanimous expression, and smiled awkwardly, "Actually, I have something to trouble you by inviting Brother Fourteen here today."

"Sister-in-law Si, tell me." When it came to the topic, Yinti sat up straight.

Si Fujin stood up, "Honghui has been thinking about his Fourteenth Uncle a few days ago, how about Elder Fourteen and I go to Honghui's courtyard and sit down, let's talk on the way."

Talking about Honghui for no reason, Yinti thought in his heart that most of the matter had something to do with Honghui, so he also stood up and nodded, "Alright, I haven't seen Honghui for quite a while."

Walking with Sifujin into Chao Honghui's yard, Yinti listened to Sifujin walking beside her softly, "It is reasonable to say that Brother Fourteen shouldn't be bothered, but I really can't help it..." After talking about it, Sifujin's voice seemed to be a little choked up.

Seeing Sifu Jin like this, Yinti's heart sank, "Sister-in-law Si, don't worry, you can talk if you have something to do, but if Fourteen can help, Fourteen will never shirk."

"Look at me!" Sifujin also knew that he had lost his composure at the moment, so he smiled apologetically at Yinti, touched the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, and then continued, "After the incident of falling into the water after the year, what happened to Honghui?" The body is not getting better, and now the past few months have been coughing and fever every now and then. I invited the imperial doctor to see it, but I can only take care of it slowly. In fact, everything about the body is fine, left and right are just careful care Well, as the saying goes, sickness comes like a mountain and goes away like a silk thread, and this is something that can't be rushed. But Hong Hui seems to be more seriously ill now..."

All the way through, Yinti also understood the matter thoroughly. At the beginning, Honghui fell into the water and got cold and was shocked. When Honghui was born, his body was not too strong, and this time he was indeed injured. vitality.But physical diseases are easy to cure, but mental diseases are difficult to cure. Children born in the royal family are more thoughtful than ordinary children.The fourteenth brother of the gun version who became a monk halfway, so his thoughts are pure and nervous is an exception, and Honghui just has the same delicate thoughts as other royal children.It's just that sometimes it's a good thing to be careful, and sometimes it's not.Born in the royal family and raised in the royal family, he must be polite and cautious in every step of the way. There are so many brothers in the family, so he must pay attention to his image in front of Ama.Maybe sometimes the children don't even notice it, but the concept of trying to make a good impression in front of Ama so that Ama won't be impatient or even disgusted with him has been ingrained in his bones.

This is where Hong Hui happened.At the beginning when Honghui fell into the frozen lake, he set up a Yinti, but Yinti was unconscious during that time, which made Honghui almost terrified. When I saw the cold eyes of my Amana, my face turned pale, and after a few days, the psychological string was broken, and I also fell ill.

Later Yinti woke up, and everything seemed to be over, but children's minds are always more sensitive than adults, and every time they see their stern-faced Ama, the burden in their hearts is heavier, and all they think about are because of themselves. His behavior has dragged Uncle Fourteen down, so Ama must have hated himself too.Moreover, Yinzhen was not the kind of person who took the kind and amiable route. Although Honghui had caused such a disaster, although he didn't reprimand Honghui under everyone's persuasion, his expression when he saw the child was not so gentle.Here, Ama's expression is serious, and the son's heart is naturally depressed.As soon as he was suppressed, Honghui's face inevitably showed a timid look, which made Yinzhen even more dissatisfied.So the vicious cycle, the situation is getting worse and worse.

Now Sifujin really has no other choice. Originally, she wanted to find Shisan to take a look, but unfortunately Shisan was sent out by Kangxi on business. Since she married Yinzhen, she has never objected to Yinzhen once, and she has never been against her husband. She was obedient, but she couldn't just watch her only son weaken like this. After much deliberation, she came to invite Shishi.

After hearing Si Fujin finish speaking, Yinti frowned a little, and felt helpless and worried.Should he say that the gene of a tiger father without a dog is really powerful?Qianlong scolded several of his sons to death. At first, Yinti thought it was just Qianlong's personal special skill, but who knew it really had its roots.Speaking of it, in fact, Master Kong is also quite venomous, but you brothers have strong nerves and strong minds, so there has not been a tragedy, so this gene is passed on from father to son to grandson, and the younger generation suffers.What worries Yinti even more is that, if he remembers correctly, it is recorded in the history books that Yongzheng's eldest son, Honghui, died on the sixth day of June in the 43rd year of Kangxi, which is the beginning of next month!If Yinti was still Sheng Mingzhen, perhaps the passing of such a child who only occupied a few lines in the history books and no more records was just a matter of a few seconds for him, and there would not even be any further events. Many emotions come.But, now that he is Yinti, he has really seen Honghui, the child who practiced writing and talking with him, saved him, hugged him and made him cry in his arms, like this How can Existence Yinti sit back and watch things happen?Maybe he doesn't know what step he can do, but Yinti still wants to make an extra effort.

Thinking of this, Yinti turned his head to look at Sifujin, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, this child Honghui has a heavy heart, if I say it, if his heart disease goes away, then he will be cured by most of it." .”

"What Brother Fourteen said is true." Sifujin naturally knows this truth, but sometimes, you know the root cause of the disease but can't do anything about it, "I persuaded and persuaded, but Honghui is still so sleepy and lack of energy Son."

Facing Si Fujin who was full of worry, Yinti smiled as relaxedly as possible, "Children, sometimes you can't turn the corner, let's guide you slowly. The weather is good now , It’s not too hot, and it’s not a problem to be bored in the house every day. Why don’t I take Honghui out to relax. Only when the vision is broadened can the mind be broadened, and then it won’t be stuck in one place and refuse to come out. "

"Let's relax?" Sifujin was stunned for a moment, a little confused, "But now that Honghui is still weak, can this work?"

Yinti seemed quite confident, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I am not taking Honghui to practice Kubu with archery..."

After saying this, the group of people had already reached Honghui's courtyard, and the maids and servants guarding the courtyard all saluted when they saw the master.

Yinti raised his hand to signal to get up, and then walked into the room with Sifujin. When Yinti saw Honghui who was lying sleepily on the bed, his heart ached. The child was thinner than last time, and his eyes were full of tears Without the former look, if it continues like this, June [-]th will come true.

As soon as he entered the room, Sifujin put away the worried look on his face just now, and a loving smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Honghui, let's see who is here to see you."

Hong Hui who was lying on the bed heard the movement and turned his head to look this way, his eyes lit up when he saw Yinti, and then he pressed down again, and said softly, "Uncle Fourteen."

Yinti felt uncomfortable seeing Honghui like this, but he also forced a smile on his face like Sifujin, strode up to Honghui and sat down, "Yesterday our little Honghui was going to be a night owl? Why is it so late?" Can't get up yet?"

At this time, Honghui no longer rushed forward with a smile as soon as he saw Yinti as in the past, but stretched out his small hand to grab one of Yinti's fingers, "Honghui is sick, so he has to lie on the bed."

Yinti looked down at Honghui's little hand, the four dimples on the back of the hand were gone, but the thin green blood vessels were clearly visible, which made Yinti's eyes feel hot, and he almost shed tears.Taking a deep breath, Yinti forced a smile on his face, and reached out to touch Honghui's little face, "Why are you so sick?"

Honghui's eyes were still pure, but there was a bit of disappointment in those pure eyes, and his voice was still so soft, "Honghui doesn't know, it's not good at all."

Yinti turned his head to the side and didn't want Honghui to see the expression on his face. After a while, he turned around again, reached out to pick up Honghui and hugged him in his arms, "It's like this when spring and summer alternate. I'm sick. But Honghui don't worry, he will be fine after a while. A few days ago, Uncle Fourteen was also sick. The white-bearded doctor in the Imperial Hospital told Uncle Fourteen not to stay bored in the room all the time, but to get up and take a walk. The sickness healed quickly, and Uncle Fourteen listened to his words, and then he really recovered. So, it happens that Uncle Fourteen is fine for a while, so I will take Honghui to my house to play for a few days, okay? Hong Hui hasn't been to Fourteenth Uncle's house yet, has he?"

"Go to play at Fourteenth Uncle's Mansion?" Hearing Yinti's deliberately energetic words, Honghui's eyes brightened.

Si Fujin on the side looked more and more sad, but he had to force a smile to help, "Yes, didn't Hui'er tell Er Niang before that she didn't know what Uncle Fourteen's house was like? Why don't you take this opportunity to go Take a look, I just heard from your fourteenth uncle that there are many interesting gadgets in his house!"

What Si Fujin said made Honghui quite moved, his lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what he thought of, his face darkened again, and he shook his head in Yinti's arms, "Honghui If Hui doesn't go, Ama will be upset."

"How do you know that your Ama will be unhappy?" Yinti made up his mind today to try his best not to let Honghui leave so early.

Hong Hui lowered his head and said nothing, but his lips were tightly pursed.

Yinti then said, "Actually, it's your Ama's intention to let you stay at Fourteenth Uncle's house for a few days this time!"

"Really?" This short sentence made Hong Hui's eyes light up.

"Of course, when did Fourteenth Uncle lie to Honghui? Otherwise, he would have a long nose!" Yinti said confidently, as if there was such a thing, "Your Ma is also worried about your body rising and falling. It’s not going to get better, so I thought that instead of making you bored in the room every day looking at this unchanging decoration, it’s better to change your mind to relax in a different place, so that your body might get better. You know, your Ama is also good to your body I'm very worried. How about going to live with Uncle Fourteen for a while?"

It was only at this time that Yinzhen understood exactly how important Yinzhen was to Honghui, and how much influence it had on him. Just such a few nonsense words made Honghui's face brighten up a lot. Almost nodding when Yinti asked him at the end, but he still couldn't believe it and asked Si Fujin, "Emiang, did Ama say that?"

Si Fujin had already been persuaded by Yinti outside, and now he also helped Yinti persuade Honghui, "Yes, that's what you mean, Ama."

My mother-in-law had already spoken, Hong Hui no longer had any doubts, and raised his head to look at Yinti, "Uncle Fourteen, when will you come to pick me up?"

Yinti felt very distressed for the little child, and touched his small forehead, "Uncle Fourteenth will go back to get ready today, and come pick up Honghui tomorrow, okay?"

Hong Hui nodded, "Well, good."

The corner of Yinti's mouth curled up, and he stretched out his little finger, "Come on, pull the hook."

Hong Hui laughed heartily, and stretched out his little finger and said in a milky voice, "Pull the hook."

After coaxing Honghui, after leaving the yard, he stopped Sifujin who was about to send him to the gate. Yinti waved to Zhao Gui, "Go and send a message to you Lord Baylor, saying that the fourteenth elder brother's mansion is here." He is a cook who is very good at making vegetarian dishes, so I invite fourth brother to dinner tonight, and I ask him to come."

"Hey." Zhao Gui gave a slap and left.

Yinti walked out of the Sibeile Mansion, got on his horse, "Let's go."

Sun Dongxi ran for two steps and felt that something was wrong, so he stopped, "Master, this is the way to go in our house."

Yinzhen rolled his eyes at him, "Stupid, since when did you see a cook in our house who is good at making vegetarian dishes? Of course I'm going to borrow one from Brother Jiu right now!"

"Oh." Sun Dongxi, who was despised by Yinti, stopped talking, and began to follow Yinti towards Ruyiju, which had recently hired a cook specializing in vegetarian dishes, with his head sullen.

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